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25.01.2022 The birth of Otto Rex Savage I knew from the moment I was pregnant that I wanted a home birth. Initially Steven was hesitant; worried about all the things that could go wrong. (Like what if the birth pool pops and 600L of water ruin our floorboards ). However, given the COVID-19 restrictions shifting the amount of time birth partners could spend in hospital, and the fact that women have been birthing naturally for millennia, a home birth was absolutely my first preference.... So I decided to enrol in hypnobirthing classeswhere Lauren from @inbirthandbeyond educated Steven and I on how to have a strong, empowered & enjoyable birth. And oh my did it pay off... Labour began on Sunday the 9th of August. Though, it wasn’t until Tuesday the 11th at 4.30am that my surges intensified. I whipped the TENS machine out and drifted in and out of sleep for a couple of hours. By 9am things had shifted. I had vomited three times, couldn’t keep any food down, and was feeling the surges exclusively in my lower back. My energy was so low that I could barely open my eyesside lying on the lounge under covers. At 9.40am Janene arrived with a Maxalon injection which relieved the nausea and vomiting. Even though my surges were 6 minutes apart, I called our midwife, Hollie, at 1pm as I was still feeling depleted. I remember telling her that I couldn’t do it anymore, particularly if I wasn’t even in active labour yet. Hollie arrive an hour later to tell me I was already 5cm dilated. Steven and Hollie insisted that we try more movement, acupressure and water immersion to help move things along. It was as if a switch had flicked and all of a sudden I had the energy and endurance to keep going. I continued the above techniques alongside the TENS machine and hypnobirthing relaxation. And at 5pm, just as the setting sun illuminated our home through the stain-glassed windows, I got into the birth pool. My surges continued to be 6 minutes apart. And with each surge, acupressure on my lower back was incredibly powerful. After 17 hours of active labour, our son, Otto Rex Savage, was born at 9.05pm weighing 3.41kg. As Steven placed Otto on my chest I remember saying I could do that 10 more times. Don’t you just love the oxytocin hit! We are incredibly grateful for Hollie & Janenewe certainly could not have done it without you both. Thank you @bmgp a million times over for having us More birth stories:
23.01.2022 The birth of Arielle Just over 4 weeks ago our beautiful Arielle came into the world at 40+5 right at home. It still feels so surreal but here is the story of how it all happened. On the 13th August, my parents took our son Suli for a sleepover. Being 4 days overdue, my son coming on his due date - I had a feeling it might be our last night alone for a little bit, so that made it really special. We went out to a beaufiful restaurant, ate soooo much and just had a really gr...Continue reading
23.01.2022 The birth of Delilah I had a beautiful natural birth in my bath at home with my son Harrison so as soon as I found out I was pregnant again I was itching to get in touch with Annette, my midwife from BMGP. I was so excited to be going through it all again. At about 36 weeks pregnant, Annette discovered that baby was in a Frank Breech position. We tried everything to encourage bub to turn Spinning babies exercises, Chiropractor, Moxibustion, Acupuncture, we even tried an E...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Birth pool for sale! SOLD.
21.01.2022 Birth pool for sale!
20.01.2022 Jasper Dan 11th June | 3720g | 52cm This wise soul is truly beautiful, so grateful that he chose us to be his family! Just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all! Especially to Elise, my AMAZING midwife!! As well as Liz, Asha and Hollie. Was so blessed to have your support and guidance through my pregnancy and postpartum. Maybe next time I can do birth with you guys too and not in the back of an ambulance ... Luke, Eli and I are loving our newest addition. My amazing photographer is Julia - Sticks and Stones Photography. She does birth photography too! Congratulations Emma, Luke and big brother Eli!
20.01.2022 The birth of Florence Ada Hogan I woke at 2:30am on Monday 13th July with my first contractions, I went to the toilet and lost my mucus plug which I was so excited about as I felt it was the first sign that this could be the real thing! I had felt truly ready to birth baby from 36 weeks so had waited so long for a sign of labour beginning! I was 41 weeks to the day and was booked in at 9am that day for an ultrasound at the JHH to check the amniotic fluid around baby and h...Continue reading
19.01.2022 In this weeks episode of Australian Birth Stories, the wonderful Oceane talks about the births of her 3 children. All born at home under the care of BMGP. Take a listen to hear 3 very different stories of birth Attached is the video of the birth of Emmeline, now 4 weeks old, taken by Kate Kennedy Birth Photography. Congratulations Oceane and Sarah on the birth of your beautiful daughter!
18.01.2022 October stats Our quietest month this year
18.01.2022 This story is long but so worth the read! A few giggles and a very captivating, honest and beautiful birth story. We hope you read to the end as it is wonderful! Confident, calm, courageous: My home birth story Jennifer Cartwright...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Posted @withregram @ourbirthstories.bykristal *** FREE Home Birthing Photography Session still up for grabs!!! *** I’m still in need for a ‘home birthing’ mum due in October within the Newcastle & surrounding areas NSW! Due to covid hospital restrictions quite a few of my birthing mums due in Aug/Sept have sadly missed out on having their births photographed. ... Free of charge (valued at $1700!) for the use of some of the images for my new website & social media marketing. If this is you or someone you know please tag & or share with them. Spread the word, share the love!
15.01.2022 The birth of Davey Adam Wood, born at home on his due date 4.7.20, 4.3kg, 9.7lb. When I first got pregnant I automatically assumed I would birth at our main local hospital, The John Hunter. I knew I wanted a drug free vaginal birth, I did have hesitations about hospital interventions and it wasn’t until I started looking at my options that I realised Belmont Hospital and team was so much more in line with my ideas & values. After some research I had hoped for a home birth, ho...Continue reading
13.01.2022 If you have 15 minutes please participate in this survey! It is for a research study to investigate women’s perceptions of access to publicly-funded homebirth programs in Australia. The specific focus of the study is on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of publicly-funded homebirth programs.
12.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day!!
12.01.2022 Baby Antione, born at home on 20/10/20 Congratulations Camila and family on your newest arrival! Emma Dyce Photography
09.01.2022 Birth pool for sale
08.01.2022 The birth story of Yumi Olive McMahon On the 28th July, I went to a post dates visit at 41+3 weeks with Kelly. Everything was perfect. The appointment went until about 3pm then Kelly told me about a stretch and sweep that could either 'get things moving or give me annoying period pain for a few days'. I opted for one because I figured I had nothing to lose and was already having cramps here and there. I was out of the appointment by 3:30pm. ...Continue reading
05.01.2022 2 out of 3 of Kellee’s birth were supported by BMGP, have a listen to the Australian Birth story podcast to hear her stories Posted @withregram @australianbirthstories In this week’s bonus episode I chat to Kellee from @littlehumanlinens about her three births. As an emergency nurse, she had to consciously let go of the need to manage her own pregnancy and birth and instead place her trust in her midwife. She speaks candidly about her emotional response to becoming a mo...ther and the identity crisis that followed; the inevitable ups and downs of postpartum that all mums experience to some extent. She also navigated the tricky reality of a baby with hip dysplasia and severe tongue tie. She decided to birth at home with her third after experiencing a very speedy second birth. Homebirth felt like the safest option for me because as soon as labour began a midwife would come to my house to look after me. It just felt right. Good, solid, safe home birth is a really amazing option and for us it was just perfect. It took away a lot of anxiety for me.
05.01.2022 Back to two birth partners at JHH and Belmont
04.01.2022 In February we shared the birth story of Henry, baby number one, and now we get the pleasure of sharing the birth of baby number 3! You would think by the third time around, I’d be a little more prepared for childbirth. I mean, I looked prepared; I had the birth pool, laminated plans and fairy lights strung up for a blissful homebirth. I had re-read my hypnobirthing book, briefed my support crew on their roles, and had my third packet of biscuits ready for the midwives (don’...Continue reading
03.01.2022 Hudson James Bull, born in water on 2nd August, 3.53kg. When my husband, Dave, and I found out we were pregnant we were so delighted. I started off believing I would have bubba at JHH but after a relative recommended Belmont and we saw the amazing facilities I was completely convinced this was where I wanted to give birth. The beautiful bath tub and the calm, relaxed nature and feeling at Belmont was just what I wanted. I had a smooth pregnancy, little to no issues and baby... grew to a perfect size. My labour began in the early morning on Saturday 1st August. It started off as mild cramping in my lower abdomen. I knew I should try to rest but I was so excited that he was finally on his way! I put my favourite TV show, FRIENDS, on and tried to chill out on the lounge. Saturday morning about 7.30am I woke Dave and said I think we are on! As the day progressed, so did the cramping. It started to become stronger and now the pain was also in my lower back. I could breathe through the surges at first, but by midnight Saturday I needed to make loud noises as each contraction passed. Around 4am Sunday we called Jenni who came around to check on me. At this point my contractions were around 3-4 minutes apart. When Jenni arrived she asked if I wanted to be checked, I did. My waters broke straight away and we were told to prepare for a home birth!! Bubba was nearly here! Dave started gathering towels but Jenni could see all I wanted was to go to Belmont, so we jumped in the car and raced there. We arrived around 6.15am and Kelly had the bath all ready. As soon as I got in the warm water I could relax in between contractions. I began pushing around 7:30am and Jenni, Kelly and a beautiful student midwife coached me through each contraction. All I remember is their encouraging words and support. Hudson made his entrance into the world at 9.43am. He was perfect. All the team at Belmont made me feel calm and encouraged. They believed I could do this and so therefore did I. I am extremely grateful for their support. Midwives are angels on earth. Congratulations Kylie and Dave on the safe arrival of your beautiful baby boy!
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