Friends of Claude Ho in Thyolo Association | Non-profit organisation
Friends of Claude Ho in Thyolo Association
Phone: +61 402 757 346
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24.01.2022 A Workshop on Health Issues for Girl Students On January 16, a workshop was held attended by 16 girl students. This was conducted by Funani Malata. Funani was one of our student beneficiaries who after finishing his secondary schooling went on to do a course, obtaining a Diploma in Clinical Medicine. Since then, he has been working as a clinical officer in the maternity department of the Machinga District Hospital (from there, it took Funani over five hours to travel by bus f...rom Machinga to our Fochta office for this workshop) Funani assists mostly with Caesarean surgeries and postnatal treatment. Currently he is studying B Sc (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) in the College of Medicine where he will start his fourth year in February 2021. In this workshop, his aim was to impress upon girls the importance of safe sex, and the importance of preventing pregnancy, with all the adverse repercussions that may arise from it. This is a very timely topic due to the increasing number of girls dropping out of school due to pregnancy, especially during the recent lockdown period. Funani discussed topics such as sexually transmitted diseases; effects of having early sex; consequences of unplanned pregnancy both biologically and its effect on the child-mother’s life thereafter, impacting a girl’s education and livelihood prospects; overview of internal female organs; outlining the pros and cons of different methods in family planning ; abortion & the law. Funani emphasized to those present the importance of making right choices and decisions. He also told them not to forget that too often in rural Malawi, a man would entice them for sexual gratification and then simply run away leaving a girl with a baby on her own, and her education and future livelihood in tatters. Funani was very impressed by how attentive the students were, engaging in questions and answers. They were especially interested in matters like complications from abortion, and various types of sexually transmitted diseases. The workshop was also attended by Mrs. Mtiya, Chairperson of the Fochta Grassroots Committee who gave encouragement and advice to students. In attendance was also our programme officer Kondwani Bitton. See more
23.01.2022 Funani seen working at Machinga District Hospital in Malawi
23.01.2022 FOCHTA staff with Executive Director Lucius Mathiya on right all wearing mask to work.
22.01.2022 Siyani Grant George Siyani was our beneficiary first for his secondary education and then when studying at Banda College to obtain a degree in B Sc (Agriculture-Family Science), graduating in 2016. The agriculture faculty at Banda College offers three specialised streams, namely, general agriculture; agriculture extension and family science. The latter is focused on nutrition, food security and human development. And that was what Siyani has majored in. After his graduation,... Siyani worked in several short-term contracts. These included a time with PLAN International, an international, independent development & humanitarian organisation which works in 71 countries. This was followed with work in the Malawian Government’s National Statistics Office. His third contract was with the Ministry of Agriculture as a food and nutrition officer. Then in 2019, he worked as a household lister for ICAP, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Currently, Siyani is working as a nutrition consultant with the Ministry of Gender that is funded by the World Bank on a project called Investing in Early Years. Siyani provides technical expertise in the area of nutrition and early childhood development. The project targets pregnant & lactating women, children under five and adolescent girls who are aged from 10 to 19. Siyani says that its a fact of life that in Malawi it is hard to obtain a permanent position. But he said I have been fortunate to obtain one contract after another that were all connected to my educational training. And because I am gathering more and more experience in various aspects of nutritional consultancy, I can say I am comfortable for my future prospects. Siyani is married with a child. His wife is a primary school teacher. In his spare time, he likes to read, cook (a rarity for a Malawian male), and play sports. He also likes to mentor local young people. He regrets that he lives and works so far away from the FOCHTA office, 500 km away. Otherwise, he would have liked to help with volunteering and mentoring for FOCHTA beneficiaries, those following in his footsteps. However he keeps in constant touch with some FOCHTA alumni. See more
22.01.2022 What I Regard as a Happy Gathering By Brenda Jerimah In December, I was asked by FOCHTA as its former student beneficiary to hold a workshop for thirty Form One boy and girl students students, those who have followed my footsteps. I didn’t know what I would expect, so was surprised that it turned out to be a very enjoyable session for them all and myself.... I first introduced myself to the students telling them that I too had come from a very poor background, without a father. I had not a single kwacha or cent, wore only the cheapest clothes and torn plastic shoes. I was often trying to be lured by male teachers who promised good exam marks if I complied. Anyway, I persevered, worked hard regardless, focusing only on my studies as my ambition was to be a nurse. This goal was achieved finally with me obtaining a bachelor of science degree in nursing and midwife. Since then, I have been working as a midwife in charge of a maternity ward in the largest hospital in Blantyre. And I am happily married with two children. I then spoke to them of adolescent health, that during transition through growing up, they should expect changes in biological, intellectual and social developments. And that such changes will give rise to challenges. I explained to them in details the importance of preventing teenage pregnancies, sexual transmitted infections, HIV/Aids, alcohol and substance abuse. I also spoke of career opportunities asking each one of them what they wish to aspire to become. That concentration in their studies and mindful of good behavior are so very important. We shared experiences and they were really motivated. Students asked lots of questions on adolescence, behavioral change and how to overcome challenges and they were answered accordingly. I was excited to see many of them pledging to work hard and not to do risky behavior. I promised that I will be following them up starting in February. All together, we laughed, ate, sang songs and we brain teased each other. So I am looking forward to more of these moments which I have enjoyed so much with them.
21.01.2022 Cecilia, a newly appointed board member of Fochta Board of Trustees, seen at work in the Malawian Railway Dept.
20.01.2022 FOCHTA During the Pandemic in Malawi The pandemic in Malawi has so far not been severe. There are now 455 reported cases with 4 deaths and in the past twenty four hours, there are 29 more new cases. But the fact that out of a population of 19 million, only 6,423 people have been tested is worrying. On top of that, the government has not closed its borders. So with many Malawians who have lost their jobs in South Africa then returning, this would no doubt continue to add many ...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Cecilia, 7th from left, conducted the recent Girls Empowerment Workshop
19.01.2022 FOCHTA Board of Trustees Appointments FOCHTA is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Victoria Wane as an Honorary Board Member. Ms Wane had served on our board as a very loyal member for several years before being transferred to another district. She is now the Chief Administrative officer of the Chikwawa District Assembly. Her appointment means we have now two honorary board members. The other one is Dr. Emmanuel Kanjanjunjun who is the Director of Health & Social Se...rvices for the City of Blantyre. Meanwhile, Austin Kabalame has been appointed to be the new Chairman of the FOCHTA Board of Trustees taking over from Charles Sokoso, with the latter continuing to serve on the board. Austin is an irrigation engineer working for the Mulanje District Council’s Irrigation Dept. Like Charles, he was a former beneficiary of FOCHTA and had previously worked as the principal of our VTC. The other current board members who were our beneficiaries include Brenda Jeremiah, a midwife in the leading hospital at Blantyre, Cecelia Minjera who works at the railway department and Nenani James, a community development officer. Also on our board is Ms. Hilda Mtiya who is the chairperson of our grassroots committee. See more
17.01.2022 Siyani Grant George Siyani was our beneficiary first for his secondary education and then when studying at Banda College to obtain a degree in B Sc (Agriculture-Family Science), graduating in 2016. The agriculture faculty at Banda College offers three specialised streams, namely, general agriculture; agriculture extension and family science. The latter is focused on nutrition, food security and human development. And that was what Siyani has majored in. After his graduation..., Siyani worked in several short-term contracts. These included a time with PLAN International, an international, independent development & humanitarian organisation which works in 71 countries. This was followed with work in the Malawian Government’s National Statistics Office. His third contract was with the Ministry of Agriculture as a food and nutrition officer. Then in 2019, he worked as a household lister for ICAP, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Currently, Siyani is working as a nutrition consultant with the Ministry of Gender that is funded by the World Bank on a project called Investing in Early Years. Siyani provides technical expertise in the area of nutrition and early childhood development. The project targets pregnant & lactating women, children under five and adolescent girls who are aged from 10 to 19. Siyani says that its a fact of life that in Malawi it is hard to obtain a permanent position. But he said I have been fortunate to obtain one contract after another that were all connected to my educational training. And because I am gathering more and more experience in various aspects of nutritional consultancy, I can say I am comfortable for my future prospects. Siyani is married with a child. His wife is a primary school teacher. In his spare time, he likes to read, cook (a rarity for a Malawian male), and play sports. He also likes to mentor local young people. He regrets that he lives and works so far away from the FOCHTA office, 500 km away. Otherwise, he would have liked to help with volunteering and mentoring for FOCHTA beneficiaries, those following in his footsteps. However he keeps in constant touch with some FOCHTA alumni. See more
17.01.2022 girl students doing farming as part of obligatory community work in return to our support to their education.
14.01.2022 Fochta students being tested temperature before entering our college
13.01.2022 A typical primary school in the Thyolo District
11.01.2022 fochta students making use of our library
10.01.2022 Malawi is one of very few countries in Africa that Covid19 has not reached. Nevertheless, the Malawian Government has closed all schools and educational institutions. Our FOCHTA Vocational Training College is no exception, although staff members remain working. Below was an event held two weeks ago. Workshop Held for Boy and Girl Students. 14 girl students from 4 schools attended a Workshop on Girls Empowerment held on March 15 led by alumnus Cecilia Minjera. Cecilia start...ed the session by breaking the ice and joking to allow them to relax and open their hearts to her. She then asked each to write down on a piece of paper without adding their names, listing the problems and challenges faced at school and in their daily lives. Answers included being bullied by boys and men, peers forcing them into relationships, needing to walk long distances to schools, the threat of forced marriages, lack of some basic things such as a raincoat, etc. All those and other points raised were answered by Cecilia, elaborating on how best to solve obstacles in life, that they must, as she said Not look down on themselves. At the same time, Konwani Biton, the Programme Officer, took notes of what the office needs to follow up and help these students. Note: Cecilia has recently been appointed a member of the Board of Trustees. This follows another woman board member Brenda Jeremiah, a midwife, who has been a board member since a year ago, now on maternity leave. Cecilia also gave them encouragement to be focused in their studies, as she herself had been. She had come from a very poor family, and later studied a Mechanical Fitter Course and has since been working in the Railways Department, holding a very important position there. Cecilia inspired the girls with her story. On that same day, Austin Kambalame, a B Sc (Irrigation Engineering) graduate and Vice-Chair of FOCHTA’s Board of Trustees gave a Workshop on Study Skills to the same 14 attending girls and 13 boys from 5 schools. Some of the topics covered were: Goal setting, Time planning, Methods of learning, How to deal with failures and Turning challenges into opportunities. Ample time was given for students to ask questions. They were also asked to cite an example of something they had learnt. In April, Grace Kwanjana, a secondary school teacher will conduct a workshop at the FOCHTA VTC. This will become a monthly feature
07.01.2022 Fochta's new assistant accountant Mervis Masamba
07.01.2022 Student News: Alembeje Daniel, who has physical disability, is in her final year doing IT in a college in the capital. But due to the pandemic, she is now waiting for the college to notify her as to when she could return to sit for her final examinations. Meantime, she has been teaching computer skills to students in her village. Chifundo Duncan, who is about to finish Form 2, has been busy farming in his family plot that is on a hill. This resourceful young man has managed t...o build a dyke, diverting water from a stream to irrigate his family’s plot. Chifundo has three siblings, so the produce from vegetables, fruits and maize go a long way to support them and his mother. He even has donated some to some old people in the village. Ganizani Mingo is in his 4th year studying Biomedical Engineering. Like every other student, he is staying at home. But he said he is not wasting time, instead continue to study at home. Chifundo Makwinja is doing B Sc - Nutrition & Food Science. Since the lockdown, he has completed and handed in his thesis. If all goes well, he will graduate in December. Funani Malata is in 3rd year doing B Sc (Obstetrics and Gynaecology). During lockdown, he works in the obstetrics department of a district hospital. Keith Mwithiwa, after graduated in B Sc (Nursing & Midwifery) and been working in a hospital, has recently enrolled to study a master degree in Management studies. The course will start when lockdown is lifted. Aaron Mwafulirwa, an assistant lecturer at the College of Medicine, has started doing a M Sc (Physiotherapy) in a university in South Africa. He said he is doing well with his university continuing to teach online. Keith is one of two of our students who had studied a master degree outside of Malawi. The other one is Clara Lemani who did M Sc (Statistical Science). Innocent Banda is in his second year doing a degree in theology. During the lockdown, he is at home repairing his home as well as teaching people the Word of God. He said that since my childhood, I found my calling in the Lord hence I devote my life to that. Innocent is passionate about writing and his hope is he will someday become a writer. See more
07.01.2022 Fochta students having a break during community work by helping to do household chores for an elderly grandma. She is the one in a red dress.
06.01.2022 Irene was supported by FOCHTA in her seondary and tertiary education. She had graduated in BA (Education-Language) and is now a teacher.
01.01.2022 Fochta staff Caroline Malindima giving tuition in basic computer skills to students.
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