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Friends Of The Bellarine Rail Trail in Ocean Grove, Victoria | Community organisation

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Friends Of The Bellarine Rail Trail

Locality: Ocean Grove, Victoria

Address: P.O. Box 569 3226 Ocean Grove, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Wednesday started a bit chilly but tuned into another great day for working at Coppards Road in Newcomb. Mostly weeding and clean up, This is one area that seems to always contain a lot of litter. Still very dry but fingers crossed that we might soon get good soaking rain as we can start planting. Again we had a great turn up. Next Wednesday we will be working at Whitehorse Road in Moolap where we hope that we have another big pile of mulch will be awaiting us ready for barrowing and spreading. We now have some big areas awaiting planting as soon as we get rain. Whitehorse Road enter trail towards Leopold. Usual start time 9am. Hoping for another good turn up.

24.01.2022 On Wednesday we were mostly weeding at Coppards Road in Newcomb. We had a lot of intermittent rain that dampened things down a little, but we battled through,. By the time it was ready for our BBQ it had increased to a steady downpour. So we had to move undercover. It was a pleasant way to finish the day. Thank you to all who organised and participated. Next Wednesday we will be working in the RSL area. Enter from Curlewis Road, Curlewis. Usual start time 9am. A reminder that this year the RSL will not be holding Remembrance Day Services due to Virus restrictions.

23.01.2022 On Wednesday we worked in the Jetty Road area in Drysdale. What a great morning to go to work. Sun shining a beautiful day. We were mainly mulching which is har...d work at the best of time but the mulch being dropped in a very awkward place made it so much harder. Some removed plant coverings and a few picking up rubbish that had blown over from the new estate that is still under construction. Our next working bee will be next Wednesday behind the Curlewis Golf Club in the area of what's now known as the old Scarborough Station area. Usual start time 9am Enter via Hermsley Road. We will be planting and thickening up a few areas. Again thank you to all the wonderful people we encounter travelling up and down the Trail See more

23.01.2022 On Wednesday we worked behind the Curlewis Golf Club. A bit of planting, weeding and removing coverings, A beautiful morning and the sun was pretty warm. It was a bit of a flop in regards to planting. Some places were nice an well watered while others parts were vey dry. A lot of plantings in this area were struggling so we gave them all a good dowsing in water. We still need a lot more rain. Another great turnup of the members all well into the Old Age Pensioner Category. Ne...xt Wednesday we will be behind Eddies Fruit Shop on the Bellarine Highway in Moolap. Enter via Grinter Street. We usually start at 9am but just about all lately are ready to go at 8.30am champing at the bit to get started. Again thank you to all who use the trail now for your encouragement when passing. Quite a few of us are now completing 18 years on the job, and most of all loving what we do. See more

23.01.2022 Yesterday we worked in Kensington Road in Leopold. We managed to put in a good shift by spreading a load of mulch and a bit of planting. It was pretty muddy, but I think all of us was shocked by the the fantastic way that everything has grown in the area. We had a excellent turn up of fifteen of us, and to comply with the social distancing rules we split up into two groups. Next Wednesday we will be back again at this area and hope to put in quite a few plantings. It was again wonderful to see the amount of people using the Rail Trail. They seem to get more every week.

22.01.2022 On Wednesday we worked at Whitehorse Road in Moolap. We managed to put in about 100 plantings, thickening up some of the bare areas. Our main job was removing the plastic coverings from around recent planting. Again it was a delight to us all to see how all that was planted in this area had taken off. . It was a very cold start. Most of us having to scrape ice of our windscreens before we could take of. But the sun soon came out and it progressed into a nice sunny day. Next W...ednesday we will be back to Jetty Road in Drysdale. I suspect we will be mulching, as last time we were down there I noticed a load of mulch had been delivered. Usual start time 9am although most are there at 8.3am. As all of us volunteers are aged pensioners and well into what now known as the venerable age in this virus epidemic its hope that the lockdown that Melbourne is now suffering is not extended to the Geelong area as we would once again all be stood down. Again thank you to all the pedestrians, cyclists etc. who give us a encouraging wave when using the trail. I think it the thing that keeps us going. See more

20.01.2022 Wednesday we put in a good morning behind the Curlewis Golf Club. It was hard to believe that with all the rain we have had recently we had part of the area still pretty dry. We did a little planting but our main problem is weeding. Our short forced detention as allowed the weeds to run wild all along the rail trail. Its hard to spray as with so much rain about it would be a waste of time. Its going to take us a long time to get cached up. Again we had a good turn up and split into two groups, one planting and one weeding. Next Wednesday we will be at Jetty Road in Drysdale. We hope to be planting but I suppose that will depend on the amount of weeds we encounter

20.01.2022 Another great shift on Wednesday. Another huge pile of mulch, barrowed and spread at Kensington Road in Leopold. as long as we should get plenty of planting this year. Next Wednesday we will be working at the Ocean Grove/ Barwon Heads RSL Avenue of Honour at Curlewis. We always try to do a bit of tidying at this area prior to ANZAC Day. Hoping for another good turn up. Usual start time 9am.

19.01.2022 We put in a good shift on Wednesday at Coppards Road in Moolap. We were mostly weeding, which is needed since our stand down, but quite a bit of our time in this area is cleaning up as its a very bad area for fly tipping as the photo shows. We are putting out new working signs asking the cyclists that they slow down a bit and ring their bells whilst passing through our working area. It is very hard whilst working to hear approaching cyclists. We have come very close in the past to an accident that could cause injury not only to our members but also to the cyclist. Our working area is only about 50 metres or so its not a big area. next week we will be at White Horse Road in Moolap. Usual start time 9am although most are on the go at 8.30. We will again be weeding a general maintenance.

19.01.2022 Well it looks as though our year is well and truly over. But to be expected I suppose with still people who refuse to except we have an epidemic. But intend to keep our Facebook page open with photos from our past and some of those great companies who have supported us in the past. One name was very prominent in their assistance not only in equipment but also volunteers from their own workforce. That company was Alcoa right here in Geelong. I know they are no longer here but their assistance to us can only be measured in our success over the last nearly 20 years. Treasured are the many photos of the Alcoa workforce helping in us in the planting of many trees along the trail. Thank you Alcoa.

18.01.2022 Although it looked overcast when we started our shift at the RSL area of the Ocean Grove Barwon Heads RSL Avenue of Honour in Curlewis, it held of for the morning. We were mostly weeding but as we also had a full tank of water aboard one of the trailers we watered some of those plantings that needed a bit of water. As this was also Remembrance Day at 11am we all formed up for a short informal Service in Remembrance to the Fallen. It was held at the Gallipoli Pine Tree That was planted about 9 years ago. Next week we will be at Christies Road in Leopold. Start time 9am. Its very encouraging that from our beginning's about 18 years ago to see the amount of people now using the trail. It really makes our effort so worth while

17.01.2022 Not a good day for working the Rail Trail in the Coppards Road area. When we started the rain was pretty light , but as the morning wore on the rain became more of a problem and at about 10am we had to call it a day. The main object was to be spraying and general weeding, but it was far to wet for spraying so we were reduced to pulling weeds by hand. Next Wednesday we will be working in Boundary Road, Geelong. It is advised that we park our cars in Carr Street. We are hoping for a load of mulch to be there waiting for us. So it looks like another barrow and shovel job. Usual start time 9am, but most seem to be on the job and working at 8.30am. We might all be getting old in years but still keen to be working. No matter the weather its very encouraging to see the amount of people no matter the weather still enjoying the trail.

17.01.2022 Put in a very good day yesterday. (Wednesday) moved two big loads of much and spread it. A few of us turned up real early to make sure we had a good start. It was nice to welcome a new young lady to our ranks Simone. That's two in about a the last three months. And to be honest they are putting a few of us to shame with their input. The weather seems to be warming up and we will soon be watering every week getting what we planted this year through the summer heat. Next Wednesday we will be back at Coppards Road in Newcomb. Andy one of our members who lives just over the back will be putting on a BBQ after work. Thanks mate. Start at the usual 9am. General tidying and weeding. Thanks to all those cyclists who are now assisting us whilst passing through our work area.

15.01.2022 We are all still at home twiddling our thumbs still hoping we can get back to work soon. As promised I will continue to keep all informed on some of the past projects and general work we have achieved over nearly the last twenty years. Hidden away in a corner of the trail is a project that we undertook for the annual Mountain to Mouth project that is now part of the annual projects that takes place every year. So at Christies Road in Leopold we undertook to create a kind of small garden to celebrate the event that passes through the area. All kinds of weird ideas came into play, but the final effect was and still is quite stunning. Thanks to all that still supports our endeavors, we hope to see you all again soon.

14.01.2022 A good day for working on Wednesday but a bit windy. Weeding and removing bags at the Ocean Grove/Barwon Heads RSL Avenue of Honour at Curlewis. Its still pretty dry even though we have had quite a bit of rain. It a very nice area of the trail with a nice picnic area and a nice place for our morning cuppa. Nearly twenty years since we planted out this area. Next Wednesday we will be working at Newcomb. Enter Coppards Road. Start time 9am Again a general tidying of the area, weeding etc. Hoping for more rain as we can start planting again. Hoping for another good turn up.

14.01.2022 It was a cold but sunny day on Wednesday, We worked in the Jetty Road area in Drysdale mostly removing bags, a bit of planting , but mostly cleaning up rubbish that had blown from the site and erection of the Curlewis Estate that now runs parallel to the Rail Trail. It seems as this might continue until the estate is competed. It was again surprising how well our plantings in the area are going. Next Wednesday we will be working in Whitehorse Road in Moolap. A bit more of the same removing bags and a bit of planting. If you are passing please give us a wave.

09.01.2022 Still in lock down watching all this lovely rain going to waste. I intend to keep all out there what we are about even though we are not working. In 2002 the th...en Ocean Grove RSL made application to the City of Greater Geelong for an area on the rail trail for an Avenue of Honour, to Honour the memory of its past deceased veterans. This was granted. Of course this was another challenge for the Friends of the Bellarine Rail Trail who set about the challenge with the vigor that has been the hallmark of everything they have done on the rail trail. The result can now be viewed at the Curlewis area of the Trail. Signs were erected. Trees went in and is now something that the RSL looks on with pride. About 10 years ago Legacy placed a Gallipoli Pine from the original that was bought back in 1918. The RSL helps with the cost of maintaining this area. It is now nice to be able to report it seems that we have more volunteers stepping forward to assist our group in the planting and maintenance of this Bellarine Treasure See more

09.01.2022 Had a good day on Wednesday doing general maintenance both sides of Whitehorse Road in Moolap. This consists mainly of weeding, removing bags etc. Its not the most popular days work as I think we all like a bit more action, but along with watering this will be our schedule till late autumn. Our new working signs are out in the hope of slowing down the cyclists through our working area. Next Wednesday we will be at Jetty Road in Drysdale moving and spreading the last of the mulch that's still there. Usual start time 9am. Just hoping the rain holds of long enough to complete it.

07.01.2022 Wednesday we attempted a working bee at the Ocean Grove/ Barwon Heads RSL Avenue of Honour. It was to be a bit of planting, weeding, at general tidying up of the area. We found that planting was out as most of the area was still very dry. Spraying was out mostly due to imminent rain. So it was a just a general tidying of the area. Dont know how many are aware but just behind the Station Shed is a Gallipoli Pine tree that was planted in 2011 as a small sapling. Grown from the ...seed from the original tree that was grown from seed bought back from Gallipoli by ANZAC Forces. It was donated to the RSL by Legacy. The rock was placed into position and two plaques attached. It has now grown to about fifteen feet and still growing. Next Wednesday we will be working behind the Caravan Sales Yard on the Bellarine Highway, Newcomb. Enter from Coppards Road. Start time 9am See more

06.01.2022 On Wednesday we worked between the Bellarine Highway and Moolap Station Road in Moolap. We managed to plant a few trees and grasses. Our main problem is again the amount of very dry areas where would like to plant but we are still waiting for rain that seems to be in very short supply at the moment. We had the Honour of welcoming a new member to our ranks a charming young lady who is at present attending University. Its nice to see younger people interested in bringing back the Rail Trail to life. Next week we will be working between Coppards Road and Wilsons Road in Newcombe. Usual start time 9am. Think it will be a general tidying of the area. Hoping that we can keep the virus out if the Geelong area. We have wasted enough planting time.

05.01.2022 What a great day on Wednesday. Sun shining. No flies or mozzies. A large pile of mulch greeted us at Carr Street in Geelong. But once again dropped perfectly in position to be able to load and barrow into position. Pushing the barrows was so easy as we were able to use the hard shoulder of the rail trail. We had it all moved in just about three hours. Next Wednesday we will be working at Kensington Road in Leopold. Enter via Kensington Road or Melisa Court where we will have another big pile of mulch we hope will be awaiting us. As soon as the rain arrives it looks as though we will have plenty of planting to look forward to. So it looks as though we will have plenty of work this winter.

05.01.2022 Wednesday started of a very cold morning but turned into a nice sunny day. We was working at Coppards Road in Moolap. Mostly doing a bit of planting. W were shocked how well everything had grown during our enforced absence. But still finding places that were very wet but a few feet away very dry. But as we are just entering the winter period could produce a little more rain.

05.01.2022 Just had the good news, we are back at work next Wednesday. Cant wait. We will be at Jetty Road in Drysdale. We are going to be broke back nice and easy just general maintenance. Followed up the following week into the real graft of mulching. I hope the weather forecast is wrong as its showing rain. In regards to the assistance we have had over the last few years we have had many schools that have assisted us in planting. A couple of photos below. So next Wednesday usual start time 9am Turn left into the rail trail with sleeves rolled up ready for the GO.

05.01.2022 With a little luck we might be back at work next Wednesday. Just waiting for the Premiers announcement on Sunday. Keeping everything crossed including fingers and toes. I think I can say from all of us it we are all looking forward getting back. Although its unlikely we will be able to get much planting in as we usually finish this task by about the end of September. One of our tasks in about 2011 was to put a Rock Garden between Christies Road and Kensington Road in Leopold. Photos show the beginning and its how it looks at present. Hope to see some of the users of the Rail Trail next Wednesday.

03.01.2022 Tree planting near Melissa Court in Leopold along the bank's of the Bellarine Rail Trail. About 150 plants. Next week we will be at Jetty Road in Drysdale.

02.01.2022 Well here we go again. All stood down again for at least a month. It can not come at a worse time for us again. Our need to get plants into the ground before summer is our busy time. In the summer our work usually consists of general maintenance. The most important is keeping water up to all we have planted during the winter until we have them established. Of course rabbits are another curse that we have as we need to put plastic guards around all plants to stop then eating them down to the ground. Over the last few weeks we have found that we need rain pretty bad as quite a few areas are still bone dry and to plant in these areas would be a waste of time. I know that most of our volunteers will be champing at the bit to get back planting. But fingers crossed we might be able to get back soon with no interruptions.

01.01.2022 Well we are all still on lock down but keeping our fingers crossed that we could be back at work at the beginning of next month. As we will have no latest news I will try to keep up the post by letting all those out there what we are about and a few of our achievements over the last eighteen years. All along the rail trail you might have noticed benches, picnic tables placed at pretty regular intervals along the Rail Trail. These were all made and installed by the Friends of ...the Rail Trail. They were made and assembled at the various abodes of our members. Moved to the selected sites and concreted into position. They are painted at regular intervals to help protect them from the weather. Of course we do have the regular louts who seem to enjoy with their spray cans stuffing up the hard work of our members. But I suppose its now a part of life. We are always on the lookout for volunteers to join our happy band. We are mostly Pensioners but seem to be getting a few of the much younger ones which is very heartening . See more

01.01.2022 Still in lockdown at present and just hoping that we do not go down to 4 as this would be a disaster. Watching all this lovely rain with a lot more to come, soaking some of those dry areas along the Rail Trail that we have been unable to plant , just waiting for this kind of rain. Its very frustrating not being able to get out there taking advantage of what we have been waiting for. So please give us the opportunity at the end of the month to get back doing what we love. Attached are a couple of photos that usually takes place at about 10am every Wednesday when we have our tea break. Usually plenty of cakes going around that the members wifes have baked. Plenty of banter and where to next. Just cant wait to get back.

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