Friends of the Prom in Wilsons Promontory | Environmental conservation organisation
Friends of the Prom
Locality: Wilsons Promontory
Phone: +61 417 341 504
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25.01.2022 Thanks Melissa, youre absolutely right. Parks Victoria have to deal with everything from dead nappies to cheap camping gear people just walk away from...
24.01.2022 Thanks all for coming last weekend despite the poor weather. With 32 volunteers, six worked on Overlook track maintenance, while the rest got to work on Squeaky Beach Sea Spurge combing most of the dunes for remaining plants. The dunes look quite different to how it was two years ago, where Spurge dominated the dunes. Took a walk down to Picnic Bay and Squeaky would have looked just like Picnic before we started.
24.01.2022 From three weeks to today Squeaky beach is clear of Sea Spurge from the most northern point to almost the Southern end of the dunes. Great effort to all that put time into this effort. At present Squeaky is the most clear of Sea Spurge it has been in 10 years. We hope to hit it again late March and extend our reach to Picnic Bay.
23.01.2022 Parks Vic are reviewing Park closures since the 14th Sep announcements covering regional Vic. If Parks open up the Prom soon, we may still have a chance at planting out our Swap Gums on Sep 26th. As before, the limit would be ten that live in the Gilsland area and not living in Melbourne which is still in stage 4 shutdown. We cant promise anything at this stage as we need Parks Vic and our Prom rangers to have time to organise equipment and other issues. Our AGM is this Tuesday. Email invites have been sent to all financial members. If you did not receive the email, and are a financial member, then email me on [email protected] Peter, FOTP
23.01.2022 Spurge Purge is coming up! Meet at 8:30am Saturday morning at Stockyard campground (near the Park entrance at Yanakie) for registration and briefing.
22.01.2022 Parks Vic have cancelled all Friends group activties due to COVID-19. We will advise if this theres any change, but for now all our activties cannot go ahead.
22.01.2022 Woohoo!! First volunteer weekend for 2020 at the Prom! See our Events section for our 2020 volunteering calendar and see you at the Prom :-)
21.01.2022 Picnic Bay on a winters day. Natural, unedited
20.01.2022 Its Poo, its Science, its the Final Herbivore Pellet Count of the Year!!! Register with Bill 0417 341 054
20.01.2022 The Prom is open for camping once more with limits as expected. Trial River, Stockyard, Southern hike walks, open. Light station remains closed. The limits are toilets open but shared facilities such as showers, BBQ, Tidal River shop and caf remain closed. We have ask Prom rangers for direction on how FOTP activities can re-start and what additional requirements we will need to follow. No reply as yet. We hope to run activities as soon as we are allowed to make the most of the current tree planting season, so keep watch. Numbers will be limited, and it is highly likely we will use ParkConnect as a means of controlling numbers. Quit a few have registered and joined our group in ParkConnect already which is very much appreciated. Once again, still waiting
19.01.2022 Were excited!!! Millie Ross and the crew from Gardening Australia have just filmed our Nurserys input into Parks Victorias Restoration of Coastal Grassy Woodland project on the Yanakie Isthmus here at the Prom. Going to air in about 10 weeks time. Here is FOTPs legend Mary Walker chatting to Millie Ross with Max Parnell, Millie Howell, Olga Wilkonson and Linda Hansen
19.01.2022 Yet more COVID restrictions for both Melb and country. A big thanks to our Gippsland members that planted out 425 seedlings around 34th avenue this last weekend. Unguarded, but of the spiky kind we hope the native and non-natives will ignore. We will be sending out a newsletter soon but cant do much with ongoing COVID issues. We need to run an AGM as part of requirements for an incorporated organisation which will most likely be an online Zoom session. Will post a date and connection link ASAP. If you wish to play a more important role then think about joining the committee. Under more normal conditions committee members are allowed to attend the activities they help organise! Stay safe, on it goes, the Prom is not going anywhere even if humans are not. Peter
19.01.2022 Massive thank you to our latest surveyors: Helen, Dinah, Richard, Fiona, Hans, Heather and Tracey Tuesday is Poo Day: Tuesday 27 August that is! RSVP to Bill by Sunday 25 August 0417 341504. Details below.
18.01.2022 Beautiful young Wilsons Prom Wombat in tip top condition, munching grass, as she should
17.01.2022 Are you into indigenous plants? Our Nursery Groups 2020 dates are here. Contact Mary 0408 530638
17.01.2022 Springtime is Poo Time!! Massive "Thank You " to our last poo counters: Fiona, Olga, Will, Stan, Karin, Bill - helping Rangers Megan & Jim. Next herbivore count: 08 October. RSVP to Bill 0417 341504.
16.01.2022 Yahoo!! This includes us! THANK YOU to all our hard working and beautiful volunteers!! Couldnt do it without you xx
15.01.2022 Humbled and greatful, for what we have in this beautiful Park
14.01.2022 Wow!! Massive "THANK YOU!!" to the 41 volunteers who picked up, transported & sorted 161.45kg of rubbish from Squeaky, Norman, Picnic, Whiskey, Darby, Cotters & Hourigans beaches last Sat 29 Feb. Champions Thank you Rangers Chloe & Lauren Tangaroa Blue Parks Victoria
13.01.2022 The extended weekend Sea Spurge weeding hit is going well. With 4 yesterday and 7 today we have made good progress and weeded from the track south just passed the second blowout. With a team of 10 tomorrow most of Squeaky will be free of Spurge. We still only have 3 for Sunday, with 10 all of Squeaky could be free of Spurge for the first time in 10 years. Peter.
13.01.2022 A few weeks ago while checking in on the Koala habitat Swamp Gums, Harry spotted this guy and took his/her (didnt ask) photo. No exchange of words, all seemed OK, just wanted to maintain social distancing. And so we left.
13.01.2022 We are heartbroken at the loss of Parks Victorias Bill Slade and extend our deepest sympathy to Bills family, friends and colleagues.
12.01.2022 ** Reminder ** 1st 2020 FOTP Working Bee coming up! Work on Saturday doing a beach clean and help Tangaroa Blue record items for their Australian Marine Debris project. MEET: 8:30am sharp, Stockyard Campground, Yanakie Entrance, Wilsons Prom NP
12.01.2022 Parks Vic has been working hard to meet the Governments requirements to allow FOTP to re-start its volunteer activities. We met with rangers last week to work out what we need to do to make this possible. We have included all details in our June newsletter, which was emailed today. The main changes are, complying with limits on numbers (currently 20), pre-registering for activities in ParkConnect, following distancing rules and hand hygiene practices. For now, we will not be posting events on fb as we need to track who and how many attend our activties. This will be managed on ParkConnect. Please read through the June newsletter carefully.
12.01.2022 Wilsons Prom was re-opened Wednesday morning, but restrictions still apply. See the Parks web site for details . We ran our online AGM last Tuesday and thank all members for logging in (about 25 attended). Also thank Bethany and Tracy from CoastCare for moderating and ran the MSTeams online software. The committee has two new members Karin who is taking up the secretary role and James as an ordinary member. We thank Mark for his time over the past few years who filled the president role for three and now vacating the committee. Bill remains president. Hopefully, we will be able to re-start limited activities soon. Will post an update when we do.
12.01.2022 Saturdays weeding effect. Got within 30 metres of the end of the beach. Thanks Val for the photos.
11.01.2022 Still waiting on Parks. Were hoping to plant out our Swap gums that are over growing their pots sometime this season. Will need a few small groups of less than five to build the guards before hand. No idea whats happening to the Sea Spurge at Squeaky. Suspect all good for Sea Spurge and nothing else. PV did say they they had a go at it but it realy needs a team of 20 or more to cover the dunes. Gov seems to indicate a possible maybe access to Parks soon but its Parks Vic that need to make the call. Still waiting... We may need to inforce registration in ParkConnect for our activties given curent health reasons. Id ask all members to think about registering in ParkConnect and joining our group"Friends of the prom" Its not all that dificuft and could do away with lengthy sign in times each activity.
08.01.2022 Are you a social media possum? Were looking for a new person to take over looking after our Facebook & Insta @friendsoftheprom Message us here
07.01.2022 Would like to thank all the attended the Koala tree planting weekend. Despite COVID, ten volunteers attended and planted and guarded 149 trees. A great effort! Our next Squeaky Sea Spurge weekend sadly falls short of the Nov 8th Melb restriction, so can only be attended by out much appreciated Gippsland members. Would like to thank all that attended the Koala tree planting weekend. We hope to run a Squeaky Sea Spurge weekend between now and Peak season. Will post an update w...hen we have conformation and dates. As always, limited numbers and registering in ParkConnect essential. Peter See more
07.01.2022 Squeaky Beach Sea Spurge This Saturday Nov 9th were hoping for good turn out to finish off the last of the Sea Spurge from Squeaky. After two years with many weeding sessions and some spraying were almost there. The dunes only have scatted plants and a few dense clumps left and a team of 40 volunteers should finish it off. The local Hooded Plover pair are back, so well need give them space wherever they decide to nest. Hopefully the Hoodies have a successful year and raise a chick. Come and join us Sat 9am at Squeaky Beach car park. Peter, Friends of the Prom
05.01.2022 FOTP had hoped to run a weekend activity this weekend July 4th planting out much needed seedings around Tidal River. Deteriorating conditions in Melb have forced Park rangers to cancel this weekend activity. We will continue and try for future events but have to operate within Parks Vic guidelines. Prom Park rangers did all they could to make this happen and only recent conditions in Melb have forced this cancellation. Please note you need to register in ParkConnect for all future activities as we will need restrict numbers for the foreseeable future. We will give preference to financial members. Updates and newsletters are on our web site
04.01.2022 Amazing News!! Because of all the work from our volunteers and professional weed suppression by Envirogain Hooded Plovers are back attempting to nest on the flat at Squeaky Beach!! Thank you everyone xx Coastcare Victoria Parks Victoria BirdLife Australia
04.01.2022 Mixed Working Weekend coming up! We could be: tidying up tree guards at Tidal River, or working in the koala habitat reveg. MEET: Stockyard Campsite 8:30am Saturday for sign on and directions.
04.01.2022 Last Saturday our Gippsland team got back to Squeaky Beach weeding Sea Spurge, which has been regaining a foot hold in the dunes during the long COVID restrictions. Efforts were put into Marys patch and above the rocks at the North end of the beach. With Melbourne residence finally allowed to travel, we are working with Parks for a solid weekend of weeding and a team of 20 in the next few weeks.
04.01.2022 ** Sat 9 Nov Working Bee Update ** Are you good on the tools? Join our Tidal River Overlook Track Clearing Crew ! Sign up details below: 8.30am at Yanakie Stockyards for all work crews this weekend.
04.01.2022 Next weekend fotp will be running a four day activity weeding Sea Spurge at Squeaky beach from Thursday to Sunday. We are limited to 10 per day but there are still places. Thursday 6, Friday 4, Saturday 2, Sunday 8. Booking via parkconnect essential.
03.01.2022 Sadly, the Prom is once again closed as of tonight. This also prevents FOTP activities. We have just sent out a newsletter which doesnt include the closure. We did get in a few limited activities and thank those living nearby for attending. Take time to read and also note the new working with children check WWCC requirements that will come into force start of next year.
02.01.2022 Next Volunteering Day at the Prom: Sat 28th March! Pull Sea Spurge or Build Tree Guards. Or, if youre fit, strong and competent user of tools: go track clearing with Charlie (call him on 0400 967 054). Meet: Stockyard Campground 8:30am Sat 28 March. PLEASE REGISTER: In our Events section here or by calling Bill 0417 341 504. CANCELLED due to COVID-19
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