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25.01.2022 Disappearing Graves. did a Radio interview recently in which the question of William Stevens Grave being washed away in a flood came up. He had been buried above ground by throwing dirt over his body. Caused me to remember an occasion years ago, i will not give names or location, in which I was trying to find a small forgotten cemetery of pioneer families. It led to a strange conversation where the people occupying the land admitted that yes there was one there. They had... removed the tomb stones for safe keeping and had lost them. further conversation revealed they had been upset at finding that the Graves were smack where they wanted to build a new building. They pointed at a pile of rocks and assured me that was the site of the graveyard and they had been forced to move the new building to a different location that happened to be flatter and better suited for a building in an attempt to preserve the Graveyard. ?Now if they had only left those tombstones there perhaps we could have found the names of the long lost people buried in a small unofficial cemetery in the greater Brisbane Region. Make of it what ill we can only tell what we find out.
24.01.2022 Found the origin of the 2 minute silence. 1906 the Pan Anglican Conference London was first to use a 2 minute silence based on a book by Dr Percy Dearmer at the time well known anglican leader in london. this he based on the Quaker silence at their meetings. Dam I needed this when i was doing the Anzac Day stuff. .
23.01.2022 Boggo Road Gaol Update. The Gaol is currently in the process of being renovated back to a pristine state, at the cost of millions of dollars. It will be finished in December, and we encourage all to visit it and see the work in progress, as well as when it is finished.
22.01.2022 A beautiful picture of the very early days of settlement! South Brisbane from the North Shore, Moreton Bay, Australia. nd. (NLA 134311822)
22.01.2022 If you can support this. We need to appeal to a younger audience
21.01.2022 Some interesting info here about the Kangaroo Point cliffs and a familiar photo.
20.01.2022 * 205 Main St. Beenleigh. Q. 4027 * Opposite Medical Centre / Mitre 10. (Open Daily 9-3 ) COVID - 19 REGULATIONS APPLY ...
19.01.2022 Incredible footage from around Brisbane in this (silent) film from 1929. ITM: 2907841
18.01.2022 An interesting read.
17.01.2022 Not anything to do with heritage but as a help
16.01.2022 HMQS Gayundah wreck at wood Point from a drone with permission from Lloyd Sampson of Mavic Mini ( Drone operators site) HMQS Gayundah was a flat-iron gunboat operated by the Queensland Maritime Defence Force and later the Royal Australian Navy (as HMAS Gayundah). She entered service in 1884 and was decommissioned and sold to a civilian company in 1921. She then served as sand and gravel barge in Brisbane until the 1950s, when she was scrapped. In 1958, Gayundah was run aground at Woody Point near Redcliffe, to serve as a breakwater structure. ( click on link to see video)
16.01.2022 Remember this correspondence, next time you or your local historical society is struggling to obtain funds for producing quality history.
15.01.2022 Queensland Scouting magazine (1937 onwards) now available online via State Library of Queensland.
15.01.2022 If you have any problems with Aircraft noise since the new runway has opened please sign the petition.
13.01.2022 Has some good history items¬if_id=1597760020009905¬if_t=group_highlights&ref=notif
12.01.2022 If you wish to check a particular historical site for the Historic Brisbane by Drone Project as well as to familialise yourself with the requirements you can contact CASA directly 131757 and ask them about what would be required to fly a drone around that site. They are more than willing to discuss it with you. While we work out the details you can create a target list to get a head start. We are close to having a format just need to work through issues such as legal access to Sites and Film, need for insurance and how that would work and if needed creating a liaison system with both State and Council for Community Groups to access.
12.01.2022 Some time ago I undertook a journey to retrace the Old Logan Road from South Brisbane down to the Logan River. This track predates the current Logan Road that runs through Mt. Gravatt.
11.01.2022 Does anyone know a Solicitor who can draw up a release allowing the filming and use of such film of an Historical Site or Building? Also if they could draw up a permission allowing the use of such footage by the Heritage or Historical Society involved for promotional and Heritage purposes by the Drone operator? Slowly sorting out Historical Brisbane by Drone requirements. The format can than be adopted by other areas of Qld for a comprehensive coverage of our Historical sites and Buildings.
10.01.2022 Waterworks Road, Ashgrove West. (Taken: 1969/2018) (Source: BCC/John Prpic)
10.01.2022 BRISSIE 1964. Check out this archival footage of Brisbane in 1964. For you Carl De Rome - glad you still call Australia your 2nd home!
09.01.2022 What the pretty. popular girl who worked for the government and died in the Ferry Pearl disaster teaches us about the 19th Century. Why did no one know who her family was? She was a popular, pretty immigrant and had worked for a few months in a government department. She ended up being buried in Toowong Cemetery at the expense of the Government as no one knew who her family was and at the time of her burial no one had stepped forward to claim her. There were no phones no in...ternet and the only communication was by mail which was slow and uncertain as the ship may sink. So it was common for people to ask others visiting Britain to visit their family and tell them they were well. The family being visited would ask the traveler to stay and inform them of all they knew of their loved ones. This led to a series of robberies and murders as that friendly traveler could be a psychotic killer or a thief who had listened to the new chum and using that knowledge in Britain would present them selfs as a friend of the person in the colony. So it became part and parcel of the advice not to tell people your family history etc, unless you knew them very well. Or there was some disgrace or event that had led to the person leaving Britain that they did not want anyone finding out about. So this pretty, popular Girl died and never told anyone about her family and as far as we know they never found out what had become of her. This was not that unusual in those times. ( Mind you as long as you were female and breathing you would have been popular in 19th century Qld, let alone pretty and young. The concern about the gender imbalance led to the importation and argument over who got the female orphans from Britain and Ireland. It was not only for the future generations the concern was expressed but the fear that the lack of women would turn the male population queer ( which we now know was nonsense ) and the last thing you wanted was the all conquering White Race mincing their way across the frontier).
09.01.2022 Andrew Thynne...... Thynne Road.
08.01.2022 Jennifer Harrison is always a great speaker...
07.01.2022 Not sure this works is final version of Evolution of Anzac Day. Includes history of the Two Minute Silence missing from earlier version. I really should not try and do these whizz bang things with out talking to the secretary. Sorry had to remove the link as could not turn off edit. Not a good idea on the net. so we had to go back to the old copy and paste. The Evolution of Anzac Day THE EVOLUTION OF ANZAC DAY ...Continue reading
05.01.2022 If your Historical or Heritage Organisation wished to participate in Historic Brisbane by Drone, we will be building a how to guide for you. An example covering only part of the process is this "The Historical or Heritage Group need to apply for a ARN and the operator of the drone than uses that ARN number to apply for permission from CASA, The ARN is free to obtain . Also below 2 kgs unless in a no fly area permission for the operator is free." There are a few more steps to work out but we are getting there.
04.01.2022 'Nyrambla' - Henry Street Ascot. Update: November 12th 2020. This significant property has been offered for sale further to the death of its amazing owner Dore. 'Expressions of Interest' have been advertised.... Once Headquarters to the top secret Central Bureau and home to the World War II Code Breakers whose efforts significantly contributed to Victory in the Pacific. Nyrambla was Brisbanes very own Bletchley Park! ('historic homes have many lives pass through them, and Nyrambla is no exception - it has witnessed death, divorce, fire, joy, tragedy and War' Matthew Condon Courier Mail.) The home was built for Henry Abbott a Brisbane Bank Manager in 1885. When the Abbott family left Nyrambla the property was leased to a number of wealthy tennants including Mr Patrick Perkins...The original Mr XXXX. Other well known Brisbaneites who have resided at Nyrambla include Queensland actor, director and writer Bille Brown, ABC presenter Blair Edmonds and the wonderful Jan Power of Farmers Markets fame. I understand the present occupants are Andree Whatmore, the grand-daughter of a previous owner George W Whatmore, and her husband artist Lawrence Daws but happy to stand corrected. It was during World War II that Nyrambla was requestioned by the Allies and became one of the most secret operational bases of the War in the Pacific. It was known, to very few, as Central Bureau and it was the job of those based there to decode Japanese radio transmissions. The garage at Nyrambla housed banks of 'IBM Tabulators', the forerunner to today's computers, and these were used by the cryptanalysts, often referred to as the 'garage ladies', to strip away the ciphers which concealed the original message. Some reports refer to the machines as Typex Machines adapted from the German Enigma. There are reports that Central Bureau, in leafy Ascot, intercepted and decoded a Japanese signal that led to the ambush and death of Admiral Yamamoto the officer in charge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour! Nyrambla was visited by both General Thomas Blamey and General Douglas MacArthur. Referring to Central Bureau Steve Meekin, Deputy Secretary of Intelligence and Security stated ' This was a weapon that Central Bureau put in the hands of General Douglas MacArthur, and with it, the intelligence advantage that contributed significantly to Victory in the Pacific' Nyrambla is listed on the Heritage Register and once again is a private residence. (pic credit Kristen Henry) (Ref: Oz@War) (Ref: Your Bris P&P) (Ref: ABC Radio RN Breakfast - Cathy Van Extel)
04.01.2022 The "Ute" is actually as Aussie invention..... Back in the 1930s a Queensland farmer wrote to Henry Ford in the US, explaining that he couldnt afford to buy a car and a truck. He explained to Henry that he thought the ideal vehicle would be one in which he could take his pigs to market and at the same time, take his wife to town. Henry Ford reportedly wasnt warm to the idea at first, but put his design team on the job and they came up with a vehicle that was neither a car nor a truck but a sort of hybrid. Production started of the first Ford utes in 1934 and it took the country by storm. Henry later wrote to the farmer thanking him for the idea which revolutionised motor transport around the world. Photo from, shows a Holden FX Ute from 1950. See more
04.01.2022 After watching a show on the ABC last week, where they looked at the ongoing problems, I can understand what the Queensland CEO is talking about.
03.01.2022 My latest blog post looks at the early days of Vulture Street. I hope its of interest to some.
03.01.2022 Frog Hollow (Albert Street) was mentioned recently in a post. The Museum of Brisbane Storytellers Exhibition has a short film on the area.
02.01.2022 The First Aborigines Protectors and the Reform Movement in New South Wales: 1830s to 1850. It was in the heady mix of the Great Reform Movement of the 19th Century that the First Aborigine Protectors in NSW ( Australia) was to be born. Not only was it to give birth to the Aborigine Protectors but the turbulent Society in the midst of great Economic and Social change, was to also give birth to the contradictions that destroyed the Aborigine Protectors that did little or accord...Continue reading
01.01.2022 History has some weird turns in it. turns out that when the hornet bank massacre happened, the younger brother who survived went to Ipswich as fast as he could. Had no idea why till looking at my family history turned out the older brother was camped near Ipswich with the Great Grand Father.
01.01.2022 Recent Allen & Unwin book release about Gordon Goodwin (born 1917), son of Montville orchardists Ralph Goodwin and his wife, Beatrice (nee North):