Friends Of The Village in Raleigh, New South Wales, Australia | Charitable organisation
Friends Of The Village
Locality: Raleigh, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6692 4400
Address: 191 Old Pacific Hwy 2454 Raleigh, NSW, Australia
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22.01.2022 Around the Village. The past few days have been very busy with lots happening at RUMV. The Annual visit from The Vintage Car Club was again very popular. Residents and visitors appreciate and enjoy this day and we were lucky the weather was fine. A visit from the Marion Grove Ukulele group added a nice touch to the outdoor event. Of course the sausage sizzle is always a hit, thanks to chefs Ted and Ernie. We had visit from Russ Phemister who played the piano in the main lo...unge for over 2 hrs much to the delight of staff and residents. He has offered to return and we thank Wendy for 'negotiating' this. Mothers Day lunch was held Thursday 10th and this was on the newly re-opened veranda. It has been quite a while since we have been able to use this area but all repairs have now been completed. Friends of the Village meeting was held last week and we were happy to welcome back Jim B who had been travelling again. He is ready to resume 'Jims Tunes' and Kristie will find a spot for him very soon. The Biggest Morning Tea will be held (as an Afternoon Tea) on Wednesday 30th May at 1.30pm in the Bellingen Lounge Room to support the Cancer Council of Australia. Family, friends and supporters are invitied to join in. Please ph Kristie on 66923418 re numbers attending. The FOV fundraiser Mothers Day Raffle was drawn on Sat 12th lucky winners were 1st: Peter Inskip 2nd: Noela Mc Cabe 3rd: Irene Alder. Thankyou to all of our supporters. See more
20.01.2022 FOV news. Last weeks meeting highlighted our serious need for more volunteers with quite a few members absent. Please, is you have some time to spare and are looking for another interest could you give us a try.... No experience needed at all and you wont be asked to do or participate in any activity etc that does not suit or appeal.... We have been fundraising for some time and at our meeting decided that our next project is to erect more sails (after seeking approval) over a couple of areas that are utilized by residents and family members. The large sails which were funded by FOV outside the Cafe are a wonderful addition to that area. We will also be installing some more suitable outdoor bench seating. Plans are underway to put some greenery out on the back verandah and also on the walls, again this will be done after Safety checks etc. The verandah is for everyones use as is the gas BBQ. Family members are welcome to arrange get-togethers with residents and utilize the BBQ. Residents visited the Secret Garden Cafe last week for a lovely Devonshire Tea. A great cafe with warm scones served at the table with tablecloths, beautiful table doiley decorations, fresh flowers and crockery etc. A little bit of nostalgia. After a look through the gift shop it was back on the bus. Another successful choice of venue by the Leisure and Lifestyle ladies. The Village has a new VIP resident who arrived with no baggage, no medicare card, no relatives and no name. A naming competion is currently being held and upon checking today no decision has yet been made. So the beautiful RABBIT continues to answer to anything. One very spoilt and gentle Rabbit who is very happy to just get cuddles. Plans for Easter Raffle are underway and FOV members will be selling tickets individually as it is now becoming difficult to get enough members to man the street stall. It was with much regret that our Secretary Barbara tendered her resignation at the meeting however she has given us advance notice for which we thank her. Barb has done a wonderful and thorough job, always with great dignity and compassion. Thanks Barb. Attached are some photos and the people in them have given consent to having them published.
15.01.2022 Not long now until the Annual Open Day / Spring Fair. Wednesday 10th Oct from 10am. Friends of Village members have been and will be busy providing lots of homemade goodies and beautiful crafts for sale. Recently some residents from Kalang thoroughly enjoyed morning tea at Anchors Wharf. A few volunteers were on hand to assist staff thereby making this outing a huge success. The clean plates were testament to the delicous coffee and cake served. Thankyou to Steve and staff.... Yesterday some residents paid a visit to Chill Out Cafe in Coffs, for lunch. A first for some and the venue was recommended by Marcia. Lovely lunch, great service and reasonably priced. A return visit has already been requested as they have lovely outdoors eating area. Attached are few photos from outings. See more
15.01.2022 Fun and Games at our Christmas Party 2018. A great day all round for Residents, Relatives and Friends of the Village Volunteers at our Christmas Party. This was the best party to date and huge thanks to ALL the staff who helped in any way, too many to name individually but you know who you are..... The party food and drinks menu was delicous and the fresh prawns were a lovely surprise.Everybody had plenty to eat and drink. Entertainment this year was by Mark and Dave who kept toes tapping, these men visit the Village monthly and are very popular with residents. Of course the old Man with the big belly and long white beard visited to spread some cheer and hand out gifts to FOV Volunteers. Thanks Santa !! The Village is beautifully decorated in the common rooms and hallways, the doors of residents room have decorations on them as well. The Nativity Scene at the entrance to Village is beautiful, stop and have a good look at the detail next time you visit. The Friends held their last meeting for 2018 after the party where President Wendy thanked all for their hard work both with volunteering directly for Residents and also keeping the Craft Trolley well stocked. The next meeting will be 13 Feb 2019 @ 1.30pm. New members most welcome, if you can spare a few hours a week, fortnight or even a month we ( and Residents) would certainly appreciate your time. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. See more
15.01.2022 Village Open Day Thursday 3rd Oct 10am - 2pm Plans are well underway for our annual Open Day and Spring Fair.... This event is our major fundraiser and FOV members have been very busy preparing for it. We will have our usual stalls with handmade crafts of all descriptions plus delicious home-made cake and biscuit cooking and preserves. Baby animals will visit again, they are always a hit with young and old plus we have a Jumping Castle for the young visitors. The BBQ will be going all day and we will be entertained by dancers and musicians. Several competitions will be held with some very nice prizes, many of which were donated. The gardening table is always popular and our RUMV gardener (who mans the table) has been extremely busy keeping the Village gardens looking as beautiful as possible during trying times. Dont forget to stroll around all the gardens when you take a tour of the facilities. If anyone has any spare fresh produce, citrus or vegetables, they would like to donate we would gladly accept as it is always popular. This could be left at the Village on Wed thanks. Hope to see you there.
14.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE --WED 10th October Spring is nearly here as is evident by the pretty display of colour and texture in the gardens surrounding our village. So is our Annual Open Day Spring Festival.... Lots of new attractions this year plus our Guided Village tour. Friends of the Village will be having their usual cooking, preserves and craft stalls. These are always popular for early Xmas shopping. The ever popular garden stall is planned and the Urunga Mens Shed will have a display and trading table. We also have a new pop-up market (clothing). Our favourite childrens Petting Zoo and Jumping Castle are booked and a display from the Urunga Rural Fire Brigade should be interesting. Lots of music planned for your entertainment and our delicious sausages will be sizzling during the day. The usual 'competitions' will be available with some lovely prizes to be won. The RUMV Lido Cafe will be open for delicious coffee and snacks. More about this event closer to the day....... ***** Village residents have been out and about lately and the latest trip was to Coffs Musuem where the volunteers from there provided a delightful afternoon tea in the courtyard before taking residents on a tour of the musuem pointing out some very interesting facts of Coffs Hbr and surrounds. The bus trips which are organised by the Activity Staff are always interesting and are a weekly highlight for all.
10.01.2022 Open Day/Spring Fair over for another year and the weather gods smiled upon us. Attendance was good although a little fewer than last year. However the standard of our donations was excellent as usual.... Lots of cakes, jams etc and beautiful craft. The plant stall was well stocked. The Mens Shed had lovely stall and the pop-up shops were busy. Craft items that were left over have been placed on the FOV craft trolley and can be purchased at anytime. Good selection still available. Resident Arthur raised over $100 by walking round and round the carpark in a One Man Wheelie Walkathon. Fantastic effort Arthur. Thankyou. The Spanish Dancing ladies were so energetic and great to watch and one wee girl enjoyed it so much she joined the ladies on the dancefloor. Have attached a few photos of a great morning. Sincere thanks to RUMV staff for all the effort they put in and also to the Friends of Village Volunteers for their hard work over last few months. We are blessed to have such a cohesive group of people all working towards enriching the lives of our residents. PS. Let it rain now.
10.01.2022 Our 2019 Spring Fair held yesterday was another great day with the weather being kind and the visitors being very generous. We sincerely appreciate all the hard work involved with holding these days by both RUMV Management and Staff and our own FOV members. We also thank family and friends of our residents who contributed yesterday.... All the money raised is used to benefit all residents. Thankyou to everyone for your hard work and continued support. A reminder about our next FOV meeting Wed 9th Oct 1.30pm at the Village. We really need to boost our membership and would love to see you there. No obligations or rosters ( unless you wish) involved just ideas and support needed and friendship given.
05.01.2022 Friends of the Village 1st meeting for 2019 tomorrow Wednesday 13th Feb commencing 1.30pm at Raleigh Urunga Masonic Village. New members will be made most welcome, come along and meet new friends whilst participating in a group whose main purpose is to enrich the lives of the residents. Hope to see you there.
04.01.2022 Spring Fair-Open Day TOMORROW Wed 10th -- 10am Fingers crossed for fine weather tomorrow . Lots of preparation by RUMV staff and Friends of the Village Volunteers go into hosting these open days. Even our garden guru has been working hard keeping the gardens interesting and manicured.... Information about the village is available and a guided tour will take place. Come along and purchase some of the many varied handmade craft items. Plus our usual cake and produce stalls. Jams and pickles are available and the sausages will be sizzling. There will be entertainment for children and guest musical artist for your enjoyment. See more
03.01.2022 ** Annual General Meeting RFBI FOV ** Our AGM was held 9th Oct with a small attendance and the following commitee was elected. President Wendy Hodges, Vice President Joan Hicks, Secretary Barbara Moret, Vice Secretary. Noeleen Parsons, Treasurer Norma Daley.... Presidents report outlined and thanked the continuing dedication of the volunteers both with residents activities and fundraising. Another successful and rewarding year. The Treasurers report showed a healthy balance proving that we have a wonderful volunteer group and a supportive clientle of customers. We have been spending funds on various things from extra garden beautifications to residents outings, gazebos to home theatre. We try to bridge the gap the Organisation does not include. Like any business the budget only stretches so far.... General Manager Marie Newcombe had been asked to bring a 'wish list 'to the meeting to assist us with ideas to use our funds on. She asked that if possible could we consider purchasing another Bath Trolley ( we had previously purchased 1) , knowing that it was an expensive item she was prepared to wait. What else we asked? She then spoke about a standing shower chair, again a expensive item, cheaper than the bath but also one which would be very useful. What else we asked? Her third choice, the least expensive was a new type of lifter. After outlining reasons for her choices and providing approximate costs she was flabbergasted when we unanimously agreed to purchase ALL of her list. She left the meeting one very happy and extremely grateful lady. It was a great way to finish off the year of major fundraising knowing that these items will be appreciated by the residents and also the staff. We will continue with our trolley at the Village and our Christmas Raffle will start next month.
02.01.2022 Xmas Party Great day today for our annual Residents and Volunteers party where we all shared a delicious lunch spread and yummy desserts. Bob came back to provide some entertainment and encouragement with singing the Xmas songs . ... Santa called in also much to everyone's delight he even had gifts for volunteers. Thanks Santa. The Village has been beautifully decorated for Christmas again. Thankyou to staff for that. Very Christmasy. The grounds are doing so well in these extreme conditions under Carlas expertise. It is a wonder she has kept anything alive lately. FOV boost Carlas budget with extra funds. The gardens give residents much pleasure and we feel it is money 'well spent'. Our last FOV meeting for 2019 was held after lunch and Manager Marie Newcombe showed us the latest equipment purchases funded by FOV. This being a portable trolley bath, shower chair and lifter. All are well utilised. Our fundraising has been very successful this year, we are blessed with having a wonderful supportive community. The Xmas Raffle winners were. 1.Colleen McKenzie 2. Mike Sayer 3. Margo Brown. All winners notified. The first meeting for 2020 will be Feb 12th. Wishing everybody a Merry and safe Christmas.
01.01.2022 FOV Meeting Wednesday 12th Feb 1.30pm. This is our 1st meeting for 2020 and we are hoping for new members and /or volunteers to join our group. We are always researching and implenting new ideas to enhance the lives our the residents.... Last year we purchased some much needed equipment which has been appreciated by residents and staff who use it. Ideas are needed for this year's goals apart from our contribution to the Village garden upkeep and our residents special outings. If you have family or know residents in the Village joining our friendly group can keep you up to date with fundraising, social activities etc. Hope to see you there.
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