From Bump To Baby And Beyond | Product/service
From Bump To Baby And Beyond
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25.01.2022 This weeks Q&A coming to you tomorrow morning instead of today, apologies for the delay! That does mean that you have one more day to get a question in for this week, we have a couple of fun ones lined up but there’s space to choose one more Comment below, DM us your questions, or head to our Instagram stories and answer the question box! Xx
25.01.2022 Only 4 more sleeps til the intro offer ends! No matter where you are in your journey I can guarantee you will learn so much from our program. You havent seen anything like it! Remove the fear, doubt, and any worry you have about pregnancy, birth and the 4th trimester with education, tips, mindset prep, support, nuggets of wisdom and learnings from these passionate and knowledgeable people. They help women every single day and they can help you to!... You might only be having one baby or maybe your going for number 4! Have the experience you want and look back knowing you did everything in your power to have the best experience possible! With love x
24.01.2022 "Babies smile in their sleep because they’re listening to the whispering of angels" ~ author unknown
23.01.2022 1000 We hit 1000! A big thank you to all our wonderful followers - we have loved connecting with you all, talking to you about your experiences, answering questions, connecting with other birth professionals! It truly takes a community and we are very happy to be a part of this one As a big thank you, we’re offering 70% off ALL of our ever-expanding list of programs! Access our full workshop series, the stand alone workshops, or the pregnancy or postnatal fit course. W...e’ve got you covered Head to the link in our bio for your access code! And as always, share the love! Tag your beautiful pregnant family or friends below, or send this to a deserving Mum or mum-to-be Want to purchase a program for someone else? Send us a DM and we will make this happen #pregnancy #postnatal #pregnancyfitness #fourthtrimester #birthcourse #birthexperts #birth #birtheducarion #hypnobirthing #pregnancyacupuncture #postnatalfitness #postnatalrecovery #newbaby #perthmumsandbubs #giveaway #thankyou
22.01.2022 Remember your body is the only place you have to live in forever. Our bodies tell stories about our lives. The scars, the freckles, the lines, the stretch marks after giving birth to our amazing children. They respond when something isnt right, when we are excited, happy, anxious or scared. The feeling of butterflys in our tummy when we feel love. Take a step back and reflect. Applaud yourself for what you have accomplished. Instead of picking at the small things and beatin...g yourself up, or hating on your body because of a few stretch marks or deep lines on your face, or all that negative talk towards your body whatever that may be. Appreciate what your body can do and what it has done for you! Embrace it #selflove #mama #mummy #postpartumbody #postpartum #postnatal #stretchmarks #bodyimage #embraceyourself #embraceyourbody #embraceyourself #selfcare #motherhood #postbirth #loveyourself #recognition
20.01.2022 Pregnancy is a long journey and will be different for everybody. There are so many changes happening in your body and understanding those changes will help you accept and embrace what your incredible body is doing. You are AMAZING! I mean you are growing a human being! Our Calm and Healthy Pregnancy Workshop has a group of speakers sharing their wisdom and experiences with you. We look forward to seeing you in there! Tag the amazing pregnant women in your life . . .... . . . . . #pregnancy #pregnancyeducation #pregnant #pregnantmum #perthmums #perthmumsandbubs #pregnanteducation #childbirtheducation #birtheducation #womenshealth #empowerment #womensempowerment #pregnancycourse See more
20.01.2022 Ever been curious as to the actual ingredients of breastmilk? - 87% water - 7% carbohydrates - 4% fats - 1% vitamins, minerals and nutrients... - 1% proteins - 100% perfectly made for your baby Source: @nurturingmotheraus #baby #babyinfo #pregnancyinfo #pregnancyjourney #perthmums #perthmumsandbubs #pregnancyannoucement #empoweringmothers #pregnancyeducation #birtheducation #birthcourse #newbaby #birth #fourthtimester #breastmilk #breastisbest #breastfed #breastmilkcomponents See more
20.01.2022 When we picture birth we commonly picture a woman on her back, pushing lying down. However, this is one of the worst positions in which to give birth! For baby to exit, they need space, and lying on your back compresses your sacrum, stopping it from it’s natural tilt, reducing it’s ability to open up.... Further, other positions allow gravity to help you, instead of your muscles doing 100% of the work. Of course, there are situations which mean you have no option but to labour on your back, and that is ok too! Other positions: In a birthing bath, kneeling, floating or supported Standing Leaning forwards on the bed Squatting down Head to our program link in bio to find our more about our birth section. Our incredible team go into incredible depth on birth positioning and so much more If you have a pregnant friend who needs access to information online please tag them in or send them to our page We are here to help. X
19.01.2022 Seems like this photo was taken forever ago, when we were still in content creation phase for the program! Wed just been filming with our wonderful acupuncturist Ian from East Meets West Chinese Medicine, learning all about acupressure points for pain relief in labour Ians dry Scottish sense of humour kept us laughing all afternoon!
19.01.2022 It is possible to be both completely overwhelmed by a season of motherhood, and completely grateful - @thewildwest3
18.01.2022 Dads - are ordinary men, turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story tellers, and singers of song Happy Fathers Day to all of the wonderful dads and dads to be #fathersday #dads #newdad
18.01.2022 Your body is unique and an incredible creation Our bodies have adapted with everything we have done in our lives. One of the biggest of all, pregnancy and all the stages throughout it. Then everything we go through postnatally - breastfeeding, hormonal changes, emotional and physical changes. It may not feel like it at the time but your body is doing everything it needs to to carry and nurture your precious little bundle, but also take care of you! Motherhood is challenging and rewarding all at the same time. Remember to thank your body and appreciate what it can do and the good things it has done for you. Embrace it
18.01.2022 Were so stoked to already have a few of you in the program having a look around, watching and learning from our amazing health professionals, who have provided hours of educational video content covering all things pregnancy, birth and the fourth trimester! We cant wait to share this far and wide with expectant mums and their partners Our whole aim is to empower women through education, and its surreal to be finally live Another big thanks to our speakers, our f...amily and friends, and of course you - without you we wouldnt have had the drive to get this finished From tomorrow, were back to our informational posts, tips and tricks on here! Stay tuned for more good things to come, theres more plans in the pipeline
17.01.2022 Start each day with a positive affirmation. Say it out loud in front of the mirror in the morning and at night. Your body is strong, it is beautiful, it is capable. You and your body are an amazing machine that should be valued deeply just like anything else in your life. Treat it with love and the respect it deserves.
17.01.2022 We are so excited, are you? . One more sleep and we are live! We cant express how excited we are to share this with the world. Just one more sleep and our workshop series will be live and ready for all you amazing mums and mums to be along with their partners! I bet you have so many questions. Just one more sleep! .... . . . . . . #pregnancy #birth #fourthtrimester #pregnancycourse #pregnancyeducation #childbirtheducation #perthmums #perthmumsandbubs #childbirth #fear #courage #support #womensupportingwomen #newbaby #pregnancyannouncement #pregnant #newborn See more
17.01.2022 You now have two options in which to purchase our program 1 off or 3 part payment making it accessible and affordable for all Join our program today and be empowered ... #pregnancy #birth #beyond #postpartum #pregnant #postpartumbody #postnatalrecovery
15.01.2022 How much do you know about your obstetricians role in birth? Ever wished you could ask them unlimited questions? Look no further We are incredibly privileged to have Associate Professor Kenneth Nathan on board. A/Prof Nathan is incredibly passionate about helping mums and has a ton of info to share - we ended up filming him non stop for an hour and a half! What he shared is certainly worth its weight in gold. A/Prof Nathan has a well deserved reputation for coaching mums th...rough successful VBACs (vaginal birth after Caesarian). In his videos, find about an obstetricians role during birth, whys its important to get to know them, interventions, risks, birth plans, preparing for c-sections, vaginal delivery, advice and more! Heres some of A/Prof Nathans very impressive experience: A/Prof Nathan has been practicing Obstetrics and Gynaecology for over two decades, since graduating from Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK) in 1993. He practiced initially in the UK (where he completed his specialist training in 2001) and has been practicing in Australia since 2009. He has spent 15 of those years working in full-time public tertiary referral centres with more than 2000 deliveries per year. He is a Fellow of both the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK) and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Aus), and is a registered specialist in both the UK and Australia. Prior to moving to Perth in 2012, he was the Lead Obstetrician at the Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, Tasmania. Full-time public practice in tertiary-level regional and district general hospitals over the last 20 years has provided him with a deep and comprehensive understanding of the entire spectrum of general Obstetrics and Gynaecology, as well as developing sub-specialist skills in Labour Ward Management and Minimally Invasive Surgery. He is an instructor for Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) and Anatomy of Complications course in Perth, and a Senior Clinical Lecturer for the University of Notre Dame in Perth, and was a Clinical Tutor for the University of Tasmania and his alma mater, Queens University of Belfast.
15.01.2022 Babies and screens In the age of smart devices, we need to be aware of our babies exposure to screens as early as possible As screens are so insidious (albeit useful!) in our lives its great to have this conversation with your partner before baby is born! Why is this important? Research shows exposure to screens under 18months old reduces a babies ability to read human emotion, control their frustration, and delays language development. In fact, the World Health Org...anisation recommends no sedentary screen time for babies Screens and the blue light they emit can wire up a newborns neurology, activating their sympathetic nervous system and making them irritable, poorer at sleeping and poorer at attention. Ideally, keep babies away from screens, especially at night. Night feeds? Resist the temptation to look at your phone. Scrolling or watching TV during the day? Limit it, and make sure bubs eyes are shielded from the flickering images and bright light. Both our chiro Dr. Steph and our lactation consultant @beststartlc_evecoote talk a bit about screens in relations to babies neurology and breastfeeding - more inside the program
15.01.2022 Braxton Hicks contractions, or false labour, can be felt during the second or third trimester. They are usually not painful but may feel strange or uncomfortable! Here’s some signs that may help you know that it’s Braxton Hicks and not the real thing: - they do not have a regular pattern - They may stop when you change positions - They don’t get stronger over time - They don’t last longer over time ... - They don’t get closer together - They don’t cause dilation of the cervix If you aren’t sure if it’s false or real labour, contact your health care provider #braxtonhicks #falselabour #labour #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #baby #babyinfo #pregnancyinfo #pregnancyjourney #perthmums #perthmumsandbubs #pregnancyannoucement #empoweringmothers #pregnancyeducation #birtheducation #birthcourse #newbaby #birth #fourthtimester #pregnancy See more
14.01.2022 A woman in birth is at once her most powerful and most vulnerable. But any woman who has birthed unhindered understands that we are stronger than we know. . Marcie Macari . Childbirth is the most momentous and phenomenal experience for any woman. Our amazing team is here to help you lose the fear, trust in your bodys abilities, and know your body was made to do this. Be empowered, tune into your body, and have the positive and fulfilling experience you want to have. Do...nt leave it up to someone else. Be proactive rather than reactive and give it your all. If you only plan to do this once go in knowing you gave it everything. . Fear of the unknown (or known) might feel overpowering at times. But this fear does not own you, it is a part of you and your courage will bring you through. Your courage is stronger than your fear. . Knowledge and education empowers you to make choices - we cant wait to give you access to this incredible group of professionals sharing the information youre looking for in just 3 days!! . The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed. Trust in yourself. You got this! . . . . . . . #pregnancy #birth #fourthtrimester #pregnancycourse #pregnancyeducation #childbirtheducation #perthmums #perthmumsandbubs #childbirth #fear #courage #support #womensupportingwomen #newbaby #pregnancyannouncement #pregnant #newborn See more
13.01.2022 This is a presentation not to be missed once youre inside the program Ian is our resident Registered Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner, and in our Birth section he shares with you some super useful acupressure points to use for both calming the body and reducing pain during labour. Did we say not to be missed?? Youll certainly want your birth partner to be taking notes during this one! A bit about Ian: Ian originates from the West Coast of Scotland, moving t...o London in 1991 to train as a Registered Nurse. Ian lived and worked in London for 6 years before embarking on a year long trip to Australia. Ian travelled around Australia working as a nurse in remote areas as well as the cities until deciding to settle in Perth. Shortly after arriving in Perth, Ian became ill with Chronic Fatigue due to a viral throat infection. Ian sought out Chinese Medicine after many ineffectual attempts by Western Medicine to improve his health. During his recovery, Ian came to understand the effectiveness of the Chinese system of health care. Feeling frustrated by Ian's perceived limitations of Western Medicine to truly help the patients he looked after in hospital, he decided to train in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ian trained for three years at the Perth Academy of Natural Therapies, graduating with an Advanced Diploma of Traditional Chinese Medicine. On conclusion of the course, Ian was offered the opportunity to work with and learn from a well respected, experienced practitioner of Chinese Medicine. Ian worked with his mentor for 3 years before making the decision to start his own business with his wife Michelle, East Meets West Chinese Medicine. Ian has completed the necessary exams to register with AACMA, the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association. Ian is a skilled practitioner in treating a variety of men and women's health problems. He has a special interest in men's health and is committed to helping men address their health problems, using his unique combination of Western and Chinese Medicine knowledge. Learn about the pressure points that can help to reduce any discomfort you may experience during labour and birth plus so much more! #acupressure
13.01.2022 4 weeks to go! We cant wait to introduce more about our speakers, but for now here they are! They are super knowledgeable and share lots of great information on their own pages, give them a follow or a google if you want to know more . Co-founders: Bec from Mother Fitter Aus and Steph from Marslen Chiropractic Centre and @theholisticreset . Speakers:... - Jo Atkinson, nutritionist - Pip Wynn Owen, child birth educator and midwife from Birth Savvy - A/Prof Ken Nathan, obstetrician from @sjogmtlawley - Nicole Cassey, parenting expert from Bubbaroo - Eve Coote, lactation consultant - Sharon Gleeson, health coach - Ian Russel, acupuncturist from East Meets West Chinese Medicine - Alison Wroth, womens health physio from Hillview Physiotherapy - Elyse Frankel, clinical psychologist, Mount Lawley Perth WA. . Be the first to hear when we launch, plus access our extra special launch discount by joining our waitlist - click the Sign Up button See more
13.01.2022 The lovely Dr Stephanie Marslen looking after me and my little Morgan Incredible care throughout my pregnancy and my postnatal journey #chiropracticadjustment #chiropractor #chiropractic @marslenchiro #pregnancy #postpartumbody #postnatal #postpartum #postnatalrecovery
12.01.2022 Hi everyone! First a big thank you for your support the last 12 months, we appreciate you all! We have been busy catching up on things the last few months so we haven’t been as active on here as we’d like. We have also been working out ways to best serve you and provide you with the information you want, along with our programs. ... Helping educate mums and mums to be is a huge passion of ours and we have decided to contact a handful of health professionals to dive deep into specific topics that will help you on your journey. Topics such as; Identity Postnatal depletion Postnatal depression Spinal care in pregnancy Movement pre & postnatal Nutrition for breastfeeding mums Baby’s sleep tips Preparing for labour & birth Public vs private care in pregnancy Coping strategies as a new mum And so much more! The amazing thing is you can also suggest a health professional that has helped you, or just send us questions you want answered. Please drop us a DM if there is something you wish to know more about! We are here for you. . . . . . #pregnancy #birth #4thtrimester #postnatal #pregnancy #interviews #newmum #sleep #nutrition #breastfeeding #health #workshops #physio #pelvicpain #pelvicfloorexercises #workout #exercise #fitness #spinalhealth
11.01.2022 Alison is our incredible women's health physiotherapist, but dont take our word for it - wait until you see how passionate she is about pelvic health in her videos! Alison has had an interest in womens health physiotherapy from very early in her career, which has now spanned 20 years. She has worked in various study fields, including working in one of WAs large private maternity hospitals Alison is the founder of Hillview Womens and Mens Health Physiotherapy in Midlan...d, Hillview Physiotherapy. She is passionate about her continued education and professional development, and loves her work providing a unique service for the local community. Alisons knowledge of the pelvis, pelvic floor and pelvic function is extensive. She works with women at all stages, and has a wealth of information to share on the pelvic floor during pregnancy, birth and postnatal periods. Learning about your pelvis and pelvic floor is something we know so many of us are interested in and this interest only heightens in pregnancy! We cant wait for you to get access to Alisons knowledge - her two videos are definitely ones that youll be watching over and over! In the birth workshop she talks about the Bs for birth, and in the 4th trimester workshop she helps you with restoring your postpartum body and gives recommendations on where to start Cant wait?? Join the waitlist for extra special launch promos - click the Sign Up button . . . #womensphysio #womenshealth #physio #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorandpregnancy #womenshealthphysio #pelvicfloorexercises #pelvicfloordysfunction #pelvicfloorhealth #pregnancy
10.01.2022 3 Tips For Exercise In Pregnancy
10.01.2022 Hello! Bec here, Im a mum of two girls and one of the Bump to Baby and Beyond co-founders. Im also a pre and postnatal fitness coach and Master Functional Trainer. I have worked with some amazing mamas in my time as a coach but it wasnt until I had my own children that I realised just how challenging motherhood could be! Exercise is so important to keep up during your journey of motherhood, but something that may need to be modified depending on what you are doing, the intensity of your training depending on where you are at! I love a good workout and that post endorphin hit it worth it every time, plus exercise isnt just for great physical health but for our mental health too. In the upcoming workshop series Ill be talking about the importance of movement during pregnancy and when to return to exercise in the fourth trimester. In the calm and healthy pregnancy workshop, Ill be talking about how to have an active and safe pregnancy, the benefits, guidelines, modifications, signs to look out for, what to avoid, how to modify specific exercises, some of my favourite exercises and more. In the 4th trimester workshop Ill be covering the guidelines, initial tests to do, training the pelvic floor, Diastasis Recti, where to start, and my TOP 6 Exercises to do in those early weeks postpartum. Gaining this knowledge will help you understand why you need to modify your training regime and how it will help you have a quicker recovery post-birth. The main thing is to follow a few specific guidelines Ill be giving you which will help you make confident decisions when it comes to choosing exercises during your journey of pregnancy and as a new mum. Plus Ill be inviting a few of you into my Postnatal Fit Course! Stay tuned! I cant wait to see you inside the platform! Steph and I are so excited and we know you will be too!
10.01.2022 Stretching gives us many benefits, but is an area that is often not given enough focus! Especially during pregnancy, as your body is going through the incredible changes needed to allow for growing bub, stretching can help bring more ease and balance. Benefits of stretching include: Injury prevention Improved posture... Improved range of motion Healthy blood flow Mind-body connection Rolling out the mat, popping on some relaxing music, and moving through some stretches to support yourself and baby, is a beautiful way to bring self-love into your day
09.01.2022 INTRODUCING: From Bump to Baby and Beyond - Empowering Women Our workshop series is here! Woohoo!!!! Our passion for helping women and their families helped us build this amazing platform. We know as mothers we need a support crew. One that provides answers and real results. Based on real people and real experiences. We knew this was something that women needed, and you deserve the best! You deserve the knowledge and guidance that will help you do what your bodies are m...ade to do naturally. So much has changed and we understand how confusing this journey can be when you dont have every piece of the puzzle and are being told a variety of different things. This series brings together those pieces, collecting the experts you need in one easy-to-access, affordable place. It is JAM PACKED with incredible information! Weve had so much fun and learnt so much ourselves creating it - now its your turn Join our community inside and you will never look back. We look forward to seeing you in there! Learn more here: Or head to the link in our bio Lastly, a big thank you to everyone who has supported us in getting this created, it means the world to us! And to our wonderful speakers, we love you Hillview Physiotherapy Sharon Gleeson Bubbaroo Best Start Lactation Consultancy East Meets West Chinese Medicine Jo Atkinson Elyse Frankel Clinical Psychologist St John of God Mt Lawley Hospital Birth Savvy Marslen Chiropractic Centre The Holistic Reset
09.01.2022 BIG NEWS We are moving the From Bump to Baby and Beyond program to a new platform! Kixxfit is a health and wellbeing website and app, meaning you can now access the program from either an online website or a dedicated app on your phone, for even more accessibility and ease! Due to the move we are passing on savings making the full program now $249 ... What’s more, the individual workshops are now available to be purchased as separate sections. So, if you are already in the fourth trimester, you can pick up the Positive and Practical Fourth Trimester Workshop without needing to get the whole program! Our whole ethos is making pregnancy, birth and beyond knowledge accessible and affordable for everyone, and moving the programs to Kixxfit helps us make this happen. Head to the Learn More button to check it out straight away! Questions? Shoot us a message or comment below! Hope everyone is staying safe and calm in this crazy week - we’re here for you #pregnancy #birth #fourthtrimester @ Perth, Western Australia
09.01.2022 The countdown is on!! . In 5 days From Bump to Baby and Beyond workshop series will be ready for you! To the newly pregnant Mama or Mommy to be, we are certainly stronger than we know. Our health is vital as we navigate parenthood, so dont allow your wellbeing to be a secondary priority. This workshop series will empower you, it will educate you and it will give you the guidance and support you are looking for to have an amazing experience of pregnancy, birth and beyond. We have brought together the professionals and experts into one place, so you dont have to search! Whether this is your first or subsequent pregnancy this is for you. Get ready because you havent seen anything like it! Want in? Click the link in bio to join our waitlist!
08.01.2022 Introducing Sharon Gleeson! Sharon is a health coach with a wealth of knowledge and an incredible passion for helping people live healthier lives. She says it best: I am a health and wellness coach who helps busy people learn how to live healthier lives. How? By helping them to understand more about what theyre putting on, and in, their bodies so they can live a sustainable, healthy lifestyle What were putting onto and into our bodies is important at the best of times -... but when were growing a little human it becomes even more so. Have you ever thought about how many products you use in your day to day life? The potential for these products to transverse the skin barrier? What is in these products, and what the ingredients might do once in our bodies? Sharon is here to share with us some of the dos and donts when it comes to living a low-tox life. Even further, she is solution-oriented, helping you not only understand the why but also what to do next #lowtox #livinglowtox #lowtoxpregnancy
08.01.2022 Not sure what to expect in the fourth trimester? Neither did I! This is where the fourth-trimester workshop comes in! . Have questions about sleep? Breastfeeding? How much water and nutrition you need? Postnatal Depletion? When will I sleep? Everyone told me babies dont sleep! Common issues and concerns postpartum like postnatal depression? There is so much change ahead (In a good way) and its extremely important for you and your body to recover post-birth. Its also import...ant to be confident in saying no to people if you dont feel like having visitors. Being in the newborn bubble is such a special time for you and bub to bond, but also bond as an entire family. . The fourth trimester workshop is here to help with your recovery and help you on your journey as a new family. Our experts include our clinical psychologist, nutritionist, chiro, womens health phsyio and more, answering all your questions around breastfeeding, sleep, recovery, movement, and more! . 2 days to go! Last chance to get on the waitlist and save an extra 10%! Link in bio . . . . . . . #pregnancy #birth #fourthtrimester #pregnancycourse #pregnancyeducation #childbirtheducation #perthmums #perthmumsandbubs #childbirth #fear #courage #support #womensupportingwomen #newbaby #pregnancyannouncement #pregnant #newborn
08.01.2022 Its #worldbreastfeedingweek, and what better speaker to introduce than our wonderful lactation consultant Eve Coote from @beststartlc_evecoote . Theres something so incredible about nourishing baby from milk tailor made, produced especially for them. Although breastfeeding is natural, it is not necessarily easy! There are so many questions. Am I doing it right? Is baby getting enough milk? How do I prevent mastitis, or treat it? What if I have inverted nipples? Does breast ...size matter? How do I increase supply? What about formula, or both?? Mums need support both at the start of their breastfeeding journey, and ongoing. . Dont worry, weve got you covered with an incredible array of important information to empower you into the Fourth Trimester (the period just after birth) - and Eve, our registered Lactation Consultant, is here to help you learn all about breastfeeding. . As Eve says, Mothers are born too - and making the transition can be challenging. Eve is a mother herself to two boys. She not only understands what youre going through, but she has the answers to all of your questions. . Were only a couple of weeks out from launch now () for an extra 10% off our special launch price, be sure to join our waitlist!! Link in bio . . . . . . . #breastfeeding #newborn #lactation #lactationconsultant #worldbreastfeedingweek2020 #breastfeedingmom #breastfeed #breastfeedingtips #breastfeedingeducation #breastfeedingjourney #breastfedbaby #fedisbest #baby #childbirtheducation #pregnancyeducation #pregnancytips #lactationsupport #lactationhelp #breastfeedingquestions #worldbreastfeedingmonth #breastfedbabies #breastfeedingsupport #breastfeedingawareness #breastfeedingisbeautiful See more
07.01.2022 Hi, Steph here! Im a Perth chiropractor and one of the B2B co-founders. I have always had an interest in working with mums and bubs since early in my studies, leading me to complete my Diplomate in Chiropractic Paediatrics straight out of uni - a challenging 2 year post-graduate. On the way Ive loved attending pregnancy seminars and various other formal education opportunities - but my greatest learnings and joy comes from working one on one with expectant mummas through th...eir pregnancy and beyond. I love taking care of all sorts of people, but I think it is the single most special thing in my practice getting to meet a new baby after watching them grow. Im honoured to not only help bring this amazing program to you, but also to be one of the speakers sharing some helpful information with you. In our Pregnancy section I talk about pregnancy and the pelvis, common pregnancy symptoms, and how your body and spine changes to accommodate your growing bump. Perhaps most importantly, youll learn some easy and effective exercises to help keep that pelvis mobile and your body moving well. In the fourth trimester section Im going to share some information on babies that I think youll find helpful. It will be fairly general, as Im a firm believer in individual assessments and advice, but my video is packed with information, tips and tricks to help make your transition home with a new bub smoother. As youll hear many of our speakers say, the fourth trimester is not given enough emphasis throughout the pregnancy journey - we aim to help empower you with knowledge so that you enter your journey of motherhood, whether for the first time or fifth, with confidence. Im so excited to share the Bump to Baby and Beyond program with you! Bec and I have been working hard (and fast!) to bring this program and all the amazing knowledge it contains to you. Nowhere else will you find all your pregnancy, birth and beyond experts in one easy to access place, which you can keep coming back to over and over again to revisit over a whole 12 months. I cant wait for you to dive into the hours of videos we have on offer! Not long to go!
06.01.2022 When exercising during pregnancy, it can be helpful to think about why youre doing it and the types of exercises your doing, especially if you are someone who is used to going hard! As Bec says, think about your goals - you arent training to lift heavy weights or run a marathon, you are training to be healthy and strong for labour, birth and beyond. Following specific guidelines will also aid in a better recovery post birth. .... . . . . . . . #postnatalfitness #pregnancyfitness #pregnancy #mumsandbubs #motherhood #pregnancyjourney #preganncyexercise #pregnancyworkouts #pregnant #postnatalbody #postpartumbody #postpartumjourney #newborn #newmum #postpartum #postpartumupdate #diastasisrecti #diastasisrectiexercises #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorexercises #postbirthrecovery #returntoexercise @motherfitteraus See more
05.01.2022 Did you know the peak incidence of depression post birth happens 4 years later, not in the first year?? Becoming a mum is a huge transition in a womens life and our mind and body takes time to adjust to motherhood. If you notice anything different about how you feel please dont ignore it. Things such as anxiety, lack of enjoyment, extreme fatigue, lacking confidence, sadness, fear, panic attacks, not wanting to leave home or socialise. Please seek help and chat about it. Y...our health is important just as much as you babys. Our clinical psychologist Elyse shares so many pearls of wisdom in her video inside the program. The 4 topics she covers are; 1. Identity 2. Expectations 3. Challenging Emotions 4. Self Compassion and Self-Care
03.01.2022 Introducing Nicole Cassey, mum, parenting expert, and founder and owner of Bubbaroo. Nicole says as with every parent, my life changed forever after the birth of my first child, Jacob. Nicoles personal experience with sleep issues led her to create the first Bubbaroo swaddle, the Joey pouch. Since then, Nicole has gone on to expand Bubbaroo. She has gathered a wealth of knowledge around sleep and parenting, and brings her incredible information to the program!... Nicoles videos are the perfect blend of practical info and helpful tips that you need on your pregnancy and parenting journey. Learn all about safe nursery set up, the importance of swaddling, sleep tips for baby, and lots more! 2 weeks left to join our waitlist for an extra 10% off the launch price click the sign up button #sleep #babysleep #infantsleep #swaddling #newborn
02.01.2022 ~ GIVEAWAY TIME ~ We just turned 1 month old! To celebrate the From Bump to Baby series we want to spread the good vibes to more deserving Mamas! This isnt a normal competition. We dont want you to share with 5 random people. We want you to think of yourself or a good friend you care a lot for. A friend who might be struggling with pregnancy, a friend who talks about birth like she is scared or fearful, a friend who says omg I am so unorganised for when bub comes and I hav...e no idea what I need to do?! Do you see where we are going with this? Think of a friend who you know will benefit from this series. Lets help them have a better experience of pregnancy, a confident and empowered birth and help prepare them for bubs arrival How to enter: 1. Like this post. 2. Follow our Page 3. Comment below and tag your soon to be pregnant or pregnant friend -> more tags = more entries! The winner will be drawn in one weeks time in our Live Draw! Make sure youre following along to hear if youve won! Start tagging Want in right now? For more info about the program head to the link in bio *this contest is in no way endorsed by Facebook
02.01.2022 Meet the incredible Pip Wynn Owen, Owner of Birth Savvy. Pip is a Registered Midwife and Advanced Childbirth Educator, Winner of the Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner of Excellence Award 2014/2015, 2016, 2017 & 2019 Outstanding Performance~Course Delivery 2018, and a Mother of 4. Pip offers childbirth education classes, Better Birth and Beyond helping women to prepare for labour and birth. Pip also runs Bub Savvy workshops - Life with a newborn. Pip will be sharing her knowledge and wisdom in our Birth and 4th Trimester workshops. . In our birth workshop, Pip talks about the 3 Ps - Preparation, Positive Mindset and Practise. . As Pip always says - Birth and early parenting are meant to be a wonderful, positive experience. Help prepare yourself with Pip and be empowered for birth and motherhood
02.01.2022 Hello! For all our lovely new followers, this is us, Bec and Steph, founders of @frombumptobabyandbeyond the course is now LIVE but we still meet every Wednesday morning, hanging out and brainstorming ways we can continue to support and empower women throughout their pregnancy journey #pregnancy #birth #fourthtrimester #motherhood
02.01.2022 The transition to motherhood Being a mother can be the most rewarding role, but also one of the most challenging we will face. It’s an unpredictable journey and it never ends. Im not sure about you but I’ve asked myself many questions on this journey - who am I now?, how do I find balance?, how can I find better structure to my day?, am I feeling a loss of identity?, the list goes on. ... Elyse Frankel a clinical psychologist here in Perth goes through some helpful tips and resources for the transition to motherhood in our 4th trimester workshop. She covers the following topics: Identity Expectations Challenging emotions Self-compassion and self-care Please ask yourself often, how am I feeling? If you're redefining your identity, talk to someone about what you're thinking and feeling, no two experiences will be the same. Head to our workshop in bio to read more . . . . . . #motherhood #identity #selfcare #onlineworkshops #4thtrimester #newmom #newmum #selfcompassion #mumlife #parenting #selflove #selfdiscovery #pregnancy #birth
02.01.2022 1 WEEK TO GO - 10% OFF LAUNCH PRICE TO CELEBRATE Were SO EXCITED to share our new and incredible educational program launching soon - From Bump to Baby and Beyond is a revolutionary online education program bringing your pregnancy and childbirth health professionals (and all their knowledge!) together in one easy, accessible and affordable place. There are 3 workshops:... - Calm and Healthy Pregnancy - Your Empowered Birth - Positive and Practical Fourth Trimester To find out more about our speakers, click this link: For an EXTRA 10% OFF the special launch price of $247, join the waitlist at this link and keep an eye out for your access code when we launch:
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