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Fuel Your Own Life

Phone: +61 455 855 593


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25.01.2022 YOU HAVE THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY For things to change, YOU have to change! For things to improve, YOU have to improve. When YOU grow, everything in life grows with you! ... I’m sure you’ve experienced people telling you you’ve changed. There’s so much stigma around changing from who you once were, but that’s literally what we are designed to do! We are an organic, energetic entity that is constantly transforming - stop resisting that and start embracing that It’s your god given right to fucking grow & glow

24.01.2022 Is there something currently holding you back in your life? Self-sabotage, Lack of commitment to yourself Self-doubt Old patterns of behaviour... I am looking for 5 women who want to level up and shed their old layer - stepping into a space of growth, love and empowerment! What is Life Coaching? Coaching is a technique of questioning that explores where the individual is currently in their lives, where they want to be, what choices they have for closing the gap and what they will commit to. I am currently studying part time at The Coaching Institute, including a Certificate IV in Business and Life Coaching. I love it so much and I am in the process of operating my own successful life coaching business. As part of my skill development, business plan and assessment requirements I would love to provide 5 clients with 3 FREE coaching sessions each in return for a written testimonial. The women who have just finished this offer with me have seen incredible results Coaching is for anyone - from those who do not even know what they want in life, to those who feel they are successful but want to take it to the next level. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please message me your name, email address and preferred contact number I look forward to hearing from you x See more

23.01.2022 MINDSET MONDAY There is no good or bad emotions. Do you have shame around experiencing certain emotions? ... Are you attaching a negative meaning to specific feelings? We suppress certain emotions within ourselves because through our childhood, we were conditioned that if we display particular feelings (sadness, hurt, fear, sometimes kindness) that we are weak. THIS COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! Every feeling is there for a reason. We are human and emotions are an important aspect of who we are. A lot of the time these vulnerable emotions make us feel uncomfortable, so we push them away thinking that this is how we deal with them - when all we are really doing is denying emotional intimacy within ourselves and creating stress within our bodies in other ways. Next time one of these negative feelings arises, don’t question it. Just allow it to come through in whichever way it does and support yourself as you would someone else who was displaying that emotion. To feel, is to heal

23.01.2022 Hello All! I want to share some exciting news with you and make you an offer! I am currently studying part time at The Coaching Institute, including a Certificate IV in Business and Life Coaching. I love it so much and in the future I will be operating my own successful life coaching and adult training practice.... As part of my skill development, business plan and assessment requirements I would love to provide 5 clients with 6 FREE coaching sessions each in return for a written testimonial. So, what is Life Coaching? Coaching is a technique of questioning that explores where the individual is currently in their lives, where they want to be, what choices they have for closing the gap and what they will commit to. I have been coached and have experienced some amazing changes. Coaching is for anyone - from those who do not even know what they want in life, to those who feel they are successful but want to take it to the next level. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please message me your name, email address and preferred contact number.

22.01.2022 ITS NOT JUST A MASK When will we, the people, stand up and fight for what’s rightfully ours? The only real virus here is fear. This is used as a form of control to create power for the 1%. And through the people complying, they have it.... We demand truth. We demand freedom. Freedom against lies, organisations, propaganda, agendas and oppression. Freedom against a system that we are indoctrinated to believe we must be successful members of - when all we are is a BUSINESS for the government to make money from. Freedom against the pure genocide this system that is meant to be here to protect us are committing. I invite you to research the following: The Act of 1871 Who owns the media? Event 201 Rothschild Bankers and the American democracy Adrenachrome We the people, need to unite, and fight for what is rightfully ours! We are powerful as individuals and unstoppable when we come together. If you do not know your rights, you do not have any. #itsnotjustamask #wakeup #higherconsciousness #freedomforthepeople #truthseeker #truthteller #anonymous #freedom #standtogether #scamdemeic #plandemic #indoctrination #humanrights

22.01.2022 I am learning every single day. Some days are a real fucking struggle, because I feel like I’m not growing, or doing enough for myself and those around me. And sometimes, it’s bigger than that. It’s hard when you’re so passionate about things and there’s so many people who just don’t understand, or don’t care - and do things that you can’t fathom. It makes you feel stagnant.... IS THIS RESONATING WITH YOU? If yes, then I want you to ask yourself; What can I control? Seriously, get out your notepad/journal or even your phone notes and make a list of the things you can control in your life and the things you cannot. And ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN. This grounded me so much, and gave me some clarity on what I need to focus on and put my energy into. You might not feel like we are growing, or making a difference sometimes - but I promise you, you are. POWER COMES FROM WITHIN! . . . . #lifecoach #mindset #fearless #lifestyle #lifestylecoach #energyiseverything #prioritiseyourself #joycomesfirst #health #createyourlife #createandcultivate #strengthfromwithin #empowerment

21.01.2022 BOUNDARIES CREATE EMPOWERMENT Are you constantly saying yes to things that you don’t really want? Or you say no but are then guilt tripped by your own self-talk to people please? I’ve been there.... Let me clear something up! Boundaries are not about control, it’s about letting people know what you will and won’t put up with. A boundary is a safeguard that protects our joy and aliveness. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO CHOOSE YOUR JOY FIRST Our history and conditioning most often defines our boundaries/lack of - what’s cool though is that we have the power to change this to create the life we want Since creating HEALTHY boundaries in my life I feel empowered - because I know I am making decisions based on the life I want to create, I am learning to let go of the guilt I used to associate with them. I have 2 spots left for my 6 FREE COACHING SESSIONS! If you want to step into your power and learn how to create healthy boundaries send me a DM as I would love to help you on this journey

20.01.2022 Watch this space! Something magical is dropping at 12PM tomorrow!

20.01.2022 Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show. Beyond excited for the next chapter of life with you @sfb___ @ Dunsborough, Western Australia

19.01.2022 NEW EPISODE IS NOW LIVE ON MY PODCAST! I am grateful for the opportunity of sharing this incredible woman’s journey with the world Thank you Marina for gracing me with your presence on the show

19.01.2022 Hang on kids Trust the process. Have faith. Unite together.

17.01.2022 MINDSET MONDAY One of the biggest areas of struggle I feel we have as humans is our belief in self. This can be sooo limiting if this is a negative belief... and can become detrimental to our confidence, success and self-worth.... Self-belief is not something that people are just born with. It is created. Through challenges, accomplishment and reflection inwards. If you are not happy with something in your life - GUESS WHAT - you have the power to change it! Here are some things you can start doing to gain more self-belief: Know WHO you want to be and work backwards from there. Ask yourself what you think of yourself. BE RAW AND HONEST! Create NEW supporting beliefs for yourself. Check in with yourself! I hope this was helpful. Self-belief is a vital key in living your best life. You deserve to feel loved - BY YOU. And once you do, that light will radiate and you’ll surprise yourself

17.01.2022 Living my best life @sfb___

16.01.2022 WHERE CAN YOU ACKNOWLEDGE YOURSELF? I know our circumstances have radically changed, and I have been sharing a lot of information the last few days which can be quite overwhelming and even stressful. It can feel like a lot is out of our control which can also trigger other suppressed emotions. ... SO I want to bring it back to ourselves and change the frequency. There are no big or small wins. A win is a win! It can be as simple as getting out of bed today or making breakfast! Please, share your win on this post Share the love, share the good vibes. You are doing the best you can, and that is enough

14.01.2022 PRIORITISE YOUR JOY Joy; a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. It can be so easy to get caught up in the hustle of becoming successful. Yes it is important to have deadlines, goals, ambitions for growth - but that doesn’t mean that the things that bring you pure joy need to be sacrificed.... I used to be SO obsessed with going to the gym, no matter what every day I had to go - even if it was sunny outside and all I was craving was to be in nature. I was so caught up in getting to that final destination that I was missing the beautiful things that were going on around me which made me feel so disconnected! This is a reminder that you’re allowed to slow down, you’re allowed to do things you enjoy and still strive for excellence. They actually go hand in hand together.

14.01.2022 Creativity; is a phenomenon whereby something somehow new and somehow valuable is formed. It can so easy to become lost in trying to figure out who you are, and make sense of your past. As if you need to know that to move forward. Understanding our conditioning and healing traumas is an important part of growth yes, but it doesn’t mean you have to stay that person... ... I’m here to tell you that you can be WHOEVER AND WHATEVER YOU WANT TO BE! Give yourself a break, start fresh and connect with your core self on a deeper level. Three super powerful questions to ask yourself: Who do I WANT to create? What do I WANT to create? Why do I want to create this? If you can get clear on that, you can start showing up in ways that align with that - therefore creating who and what you want. Spaces for the Ignite Your Fire Program are open now. Join if you want to start creating your ultimate self! . . . . #happy #createthelifeyouwant #create #creativity #yoga #yogapractice #goal #goals #goalsetting #values #valueyourself #alignment #blessed #content #meditation #fuelyourbody #nourish #nourishyourself #nourishyourbody #nourishtoflourish #growth #selfdevelopment #fitness #health #healthandwellness #healthandwellnesscoach #coach #coaching #love #loveyourself

13.01.2022 Grateful @ Pingelly, Western Australia

13.01.2022 TELL ALL TUESDAY Every human on this Earth is flawed AND STILL WORTHY! . The last few days have been a bit of a struggle. I’ve felt quite overwhelmed, on both an exciting level and anxious level.... I have been weaning off my anti-depressant tablets (which I have been on for 9 years of my life) and I was refusing to accept that it was going to effect me. (HELLO EGO) . I’m in the best place I have been in my entire life - which is why I have made the decision to come off them. I feel ready. But it’s still a HUGE adjustment. I feel different, and that’s okay. I’m learning not to be so critical of what my body is experiencing. . This has been a journey I have been wanting and attempted to take many times. However now, I feel that I understand myself enough that I can allow these emotions to come up and give myself compassion and love throughout it. . ITS NOT EASY! CHANGE DOESNT HAPPEN OVERNIGHT But for me, it is worth it. And I am thankful the people in my life who bring me up and are there when I ask for help. . My message here is that no one is perfect, and we are allowed to have a day we don’t feel fantastic and to rest and recharge, especially if you are making a BIG change, just know that you are allowed to feel it . . ****This is a process different for everybody, I am in no way shape or form telling anyone to to anything, I am just sharing my experience****

13.01.2022 FEARLESS FRIDAY Being fearless is; asking the questions people are afraid to ask. Now this can apply to both our inner world, and our external world.... There’s a lot going on at the moment that doesn’t quite add up, yet us as humans (a species that craves sanctuary) are happier to stay in our comfort zone, because we believe it’s safer than to expand (emotionally, spiritually, energetically). LET ME HIT YOU WITH SOME TRUTH This system that we have been born into wasn’t created for US. It was created for a higher power to control US. That feeling you have felt where you’ve asked yourself the question surely there’s more to life than this? Is because we have been forced into a system that does NOT align with the energetic beings that we are, therefore we feel incongruent, and for some reason we blame ourselves?? Now don’t get me wrong, self-development is a HUGE part of this. Connecting with our inner world is SO important! But what I am trying to say is, if something doesn’t feel right, or you think there’s more to a story than you’re being told (whether that’s from yourself or someone else) DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS!! The only thing scarier than the unknown, is staying ignorant. The quality of our questions determine the quality of our life ~ Tony Robbins

12.01.2022 WHAT’S COOKING WEDNESDAY Well, I didn’t cook anything but the team @bakedinbyford certainly did! I used to have such a negative attachment towards going out for a meal instead of cooking it myself - because I couldn’t track what I was eating, I would consider it as a bad food and I would always mentally punish myself for it later.... But then I asked myself is this eating out something I genuinely enjoy? And the answer was YES! I adore going to a cafe and getting a coffee and donut with someone I love, it’s an experience that honestly makes me happy So why am I allowing a limiting belief around good and bad food to determine that for me? Since letting go of the expectation that I need to eat to look good, and now I’m just eating to FEEL good, I am absolutely thriving! This is an ONGOING journey, and I have to remind myself of that sometimes Because every day is an opportunity for you to create the life you want and the person you want to be #bakedinbyford #cafe #beliefs #values #creating #growth #lifestyle #lifecoach #foodjourney #learning #mindfuleating #mindfulness #livelife #liveyourbestlife #vegan #veganfood #itsavibeto

12.01.2022 What price do we put on happiness? I feel like it’s the first thing we sacrifice if it means that we could be making money. But, if I really think about it, when I’m happy and my cup is full - I’m operating on a higher frequency, and everything around me seems to fall into place... ... ASK YOURSELF What does your soul desire? What limiting beliefs are you telling yourself? What habits can you adopt that will empower you? There are BIG SHIFTS happening at the moment. And in my being I feel we are being presented with a choice; repeat, or evolve. Remember how you feel when you put your happiness first, the charge and vibrations you feel running through your entire being, and the decisions you make when it comes from a place of love, not fear. That, is priceless.

12.01.2022 LEARNING TO LISTEN TO MY BODY The week leading up to my period I am a different me. I feel lethargic, super emotional, I get headaches every single day and I am bloated like a brick. . I don’t want to train. I just want to rest, eat chocolate, binge Netflix, cry and be with nature. So I give myself that.... . Period comes and BAM! I’m fucking ready to slay I want to run, break shit, all this built up tension and energy is ready to be released. So I give myself that. . It can be so easy to get caught up in what you should be doing especially when you’re comparing yourself to what everyone else is doing. But gurrlllll, listen to YOU! It’s a journey learning to let go of that but fuck it’s worth it. What do you want? What do you need? A hug? Chocolate? A cry? Or a boxing session? Whatever it is, GIVE IT TO YOURSELF! #happy #createthelifeyouwant #create #creativity #yoga #yogapractice #goal #goals #goalsetting #values #valueyourself #alignment #blessed #content #meditation #fuelyourbody #nourish #nourishyourself #nourishyourbody #nourishtoflourish #growth #selfdevelopment #fitness #health #healthandwellness #healthandwellnesscoach #coach #coaching #love #loveyourself

09.01.2022 If you haven't listened to the new episode on the Fuel Your Own Life Podcast then you can do so by following this link <3 I am joined by Friend and Coach Nicole Lilyan Women's Coach to have an important and informative conversation about the truth of diet culture and how you can begin healing your food and body relationship today xxx

08.01.2022 Just laying here in rumination over what I want to create next year and who I want to become. This is my focus rather than what I want to achieve because I find it more intentional and grounding It’s also the question I like to ask myself in reflection of this year. A wacky, different, and challenging year for sure but damn the GROWTH HAS BEEN REAL! Give yourself acknowledgment for where you are and who you are right now in this moment, and set an intention moving forw...ard of how you would like it to be. 2021 for me... 1 Taking inspired action 2 Focusing on consistency rather than perfection 3 Having fun!!! Enjoy your last day of 2020 my pretty’s, and a Happy New Year to you all, may it be the best one yet Thank you @centauri.images for this shoot! I’m in total awe of these photos xxx

08.01.2022 Stepping into July, I am reflecting back on the past month and what a ride it has been . I have uncovered so many masks I was wearing for so long, spoken my truth on things I never thought I would, practiced emotional intimacy within myself and challenged my own status quo . June has been one of the most challenging months of my entire life, and the most rewarding ... . In this image are the questions I asked myself EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. throughout the month . Through this exercise I connect with myself on a deeper level, gain clarity on how I really feel, delegate my Action and create an intention for the day that cultivates energy within me . Use these prompts for the month of July and I would love to hear what shifts happen for you . Also, I recommend doing the real deep stuff with a coach as you cannot be witnessed alone Please message me if you would like to do this work together . . . #journal #journalinspiration #journalprompts #coach #coaching #lifecoaching #lifestylecoach #emotions #intimacy #emotionalintimacy #growth #challenge #createyourlife #createandcultivate #speakyourtruth #yourultimateself #loveconquersall

07.01.2022 MY GROUP COACHING PROGRAM HAS OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED! the cart will be open as of 14 days from today and the offical start date is the 17th of May! Ladies! If you are DONE with.. Anxiety ruling your life Always putting yourself last ... Seeking external validation through pleasing others Feeling numb to life And you are READY to... Step into your authentic power Get clear on what your heart desires Start living a life that lights you the f*ck up Connect deeper with your mind, body and soul Then this is the program for you! We are going to be creating some delicious magic together over 12 weeks and there is an early bird price for the first week! I am only taking on 10 girls so spots are limited! Send me a DM to secure yours NOW and find out more! #selfempowerment #selflove #pickyoufirst #spiritualjourney #awake #awakenedconsciousness #consciousliving #transformation #extraordinary #fuelyourownlife #liveyourbestlife #thrive #grow #coaching #womenscoaching #spiritguide #spiritual #journey #awareness #awakened #consciousness #evolution #transform #transformation #expand #expansion #lifecoach #lifecoaching #groupcoaching #groupprogram #divine

07.01.2022 WHAT’S COOKING WEDNESDAY Warning: Taboo Subject this stigma needs to change! My focus when it comes to food lately has been eating according to where I am in my cycle. Yes, my menstrual cycle ... We as women are taught all the ways to hide our period, and to fear that time of the month when we really should be EMBRACING this time and learning how to work WITH our bodies - mentally, physically and spiritually. Hormone Health is a vital part of living a conscious, thriving life. So, this mornings creation was full of all the vitamins, minerals and micronutrients my body needs during my Menstrual Phase so I can feel my best, and give my body what it truly needs: nourishment and love Recipe is on my website #hormonehealth #hormones #makeperiodsnormal #periodstigma #fuelyourownlife #freedom #woman #powerful #consciousliving #health #happiness #lifestyle #lifestylecoach #healthcoach #eattherainbow #foodstagram

06.01.2022 Whatever you want to feel is available to you right now. Realise the POWER in that. You can experience any emotional state that you have experienced simply through remembering it.... Some emotional states include: Confidence Strong Hope Gratitude Anger Sorrow Fear If you are wanting to step into your power, remember a time where you felt that. You felt strong, confident and powerful - now acknowledge that feeling within your body and carry that energy with you. Also, know that you are allowed to have a bad day where you don’t feel your power. But realise that is also just a state, and it’s not WHO you are. This takes mindful practice, acknowledgement and a desire to want to improve - which is something you also have within you

06.01.2022 Once you accept yourself, you’re free no matter where you go

04.01.2022 MY WEBSITE IS OFFICIALLY LIVE! Something I have been working very hard on and I am super excited to share it with you all

03.01.2022 Good Morning Sunshines! What I wanted to bring to your attention today is the fact that you only notice what you are aware of. Awareness is the state of being conscious of something. More specifically, is the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events ... Now this sounds super simple, and most of you are probably thinking well duh. But a lot of us are living unconscious lives because we aren’t expanding our minds from what we already know. . This can be for many reasons; fear of judgement, rejection, comfort zones! Or even just because we don’t really know where to start. What you need to remember is that by being aware of things creates *attraction* and through that we can manifest what we truely want because we are *aware* of our power, our emotions, other people and most importantly our journey that we are on! . A question I ask myself EVERYDAY is How can I expand myself today? Seek excellence in your life See a coach. Talk to people. Attend new events/workshops. Research things. Read books. ASK QUESTIONS!! Another day, another opportunity to create awareness and greatness in your life . . . . #happy #createthelifeyouwant #create #creativity #goal #goals #goalsetting #values #valueyourself #alignment #blessed #content #meditation #fuelyourbody #nourish #nourishyourself #nourishyourbody #nourishtoflourish #growth #selfdevelopment #fitness #health #healthandwellness #healthandwellnesscoach #coach #coaching #love #loveyourself #lifecoach #selfdevelopment

03.01.2022 Protein pancakes with the man this morning! So easy, delicious and full of good stuff 4 organic eggs 2 organic mashed bananas Handful of oats until thick (can add protein powered instead I just didn’t have any )... Dash of cinnamon & nutmeg I put some PB in between and sprinkled with a paleo mix and maple syrup #food #foodie #pancakes #nutrition #nutritiousanddelicious #proteinpancakes #recipes #healthy #healthyliving #eatcleantraindirty #fuelyourbody #loveyourself #healthfood #goodfood #honourthytemple

03.01.2022 You have two homes, Earth and your body. Take care of them . . . .... . . #smoothiebowl #smoothierecipes #createyourhealthy #food #foodie #createandcultivate #success #beyourbestself #beyourbiggestfan #liveyourbestlife #fuelyourbody #fuelyourmind #fuelyoursoul #connect #connection #coaching #coach #fitnesscoach #lifestylecoach #healthcoach #mindset #strategy #growth #ambition #wealth #nature #vegan #positivevibes #positivity #energyiseverything

03.01.2022 FEARLESS FRIDAY Being fearless is; Loving the skin you are in. For so long I wanted to change who I was. I wanted nicer skin, the perfect body - like those things actually determined my value as a person.... I had this really limiting belief that having acne made me less of a human being... That no one could love the girl with bad skin Until I realised that I was the only one telling myself these things... yeah sure, people have made comments; but they’re normally from middle aged men who don’t actually know what hormonal acne is (or doctors that try to control symptoms with a prescription) I was tired of hiding. Behind makeup, behind justifications. I deserve more. And I realised I am the only one in control of how I think of myself. My appearance does not define who I am I am beautiful. I am unique. I am strong. I am powerful. I am enough. And so are you! . . . . #nofilter #beyourownboss #loveyourself #energy #feminineenergy #create #cultivate #empower #liveyourbestlife #lifecoach #empoweryou

02.01.2022 IT’S OKAY TO NEED SOMEONE I have been working through a lot of heavy suppressed wounds and emotions - and I thought that it was this massive internal mountain that I had to climb all by myself, and while part of that is true, I learnt that some steeps are impossible to climb on your own. I had this limiting belief that was actually stunting my growth and I didn’t even know until I had someone point it out to me. And sometimes thats all you need to be able to take cons...cious action. Are you resonating Are you on a healing journey of your own - and feel doing it by yourself is the only way? I would love to be that other perspective for you; that challenges this. Someone who can guide you and be a listening ear as you transform into the next stage of growth. It’s time to let go of what is no longer serving you so the real you can start shining through! Book a Let’s Connect call with me today so we can start peeling back those layers!

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