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Fuji Sports Australia | Outdoor and sporting goods company

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Fuji Sports Australia

Phone: +61 3 9357 5354


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25.01.2022 #DidYouKnow that gi means clothing? In fact, the judogi was the FIRST modern martial arts training outfit in the WORLD! (You can see Jigoro Kanos Judogi... in the first picture- on display today at the Kodokan!) Judogis are originally white, to represent purity and a commitment to cleanliness, and consist of three elements: - Jacket (Uwagi) - Trousers (Zubon) - Belt (Obi) The idea of coloured Judogis were then introduced in 1986 to help referees make more accurate calls and tell judoka apart. Blue or white, one unique feature all judogis have in common is that they are designed to help the opponent - not the person wearing the gi! What is your go-to judogi? To read more about the history

25.01.2022 All new Fuji Heavy Bag range is only days away. Perfect for any MMA Gym or Martial Arts training. Pre-Order yours today. #fujisportsaustralia #fujiheavybags #6ftheavybag

25.01.2022 Brazilian Top Team is powered by #fujisports . Isnt it time you #powerup ? #braziliantopteam #fujisportsaustralia #bjj #bjjaustralia #braziliantopteamaustralia

25.01.2022 Fuji Sports fashion. Setting the standards and then some. #fujisportsaustralia

24.01.2022 Prepare for Battle. Fuji Gis have served many World and Olympic champion since 1969 and is always ready for battle. #fujisportsaustralia #prepareforbattle #judo #bjj #mma #martialarts #makingchampions #1969 #since1969

24.01.2022 Fuji Submit Everyone - Coming Soon.

23.01.2022 Time to glove up. Fuji Ascension Range of Boxing and MMA Gloves. #fujisportsaustralia #mmagloves #boxinggloves

23.01.2022 Awesome new product Coming soon !

22.01.2022 To all our Victorian clients, welcome back to a somewhat normal. Enjoy your expresso, lattes and returning to your gyms.

22.01.2022 Keep cool #fujisportsaustralia

21.01.2022 Fuji - Helping build better Athletes and Champions since 1969. #fujisportsaustralia #fujifighter #since1969 #1969 #judo #bjj #judochampion #bjjchampion

21.01.2022 Fun in the sun as well as on the mats. #fujisportsaustralia #bjj #bjjaustralia

21.01.2022 Look sharp and cool on and off the mats with Fuji. #fujisportsaustralia #bjjaustralia #mmaaustralia #judoaustralia

20.01.2022 Fuji... from humble beginnings to now what is considered one of the biggest and best companies in the world. Keep on training. #fujisportsaustralia

20.01.2022 The art of war meets the art of design. #fujisportsaustralia

19.01.2022 Xande Ribeiro - BJJ Black Belt, multi time World Champion, total Legend and a Fuji Fighter #fujisportsaustralia #xanderibeiro #legend #bjjworldchampion #bjj #bjjaustralia #worldchampion #bjjblackbelt

19.01.2022 After over 3 months away from Jiu Jitsu, it was great to get back on the mats with our friends.

19.01.2022 Dear Training Mats, we miss you so much and cant wait to get back to training #misstraining #misstrainingdays #fujisportsaustralia

18.01.2022 Once again $5000 and two BJJ Fanatics contracts will be given away Oct 17!!! Andrew Wiltse vs Josh Mckinney and Lyanne Perez vs Taylor Biagi going to be an amazing night! More fights are being added this week! Tickets go on sale at noon tmrw!!!

17.01.2022 What are you doing to get closer to your Black Belt? #fujisportsaustralia #blackbelt #judoaustralia #bjjaustralia #karateaustralia #taekwondoaustralia #martialartsaustralia #mmaaustralia

17.01.2022 Fuji Training Bands are a great way to groove your moves while building speed, skill and dexterity and timing for faster more explosive entries. Work both attacking speed and defensive reaction timing and win more. #fujisportsaustralia #trainingbands #judo #judotraining #bjj #bjjtraining #mma #mmatraining


15.01.2022 #judoka and proud. Show your love for #judo and throw on a cool judo shirt. #fujisportsaustralia #cooltees #judochop #judotshirt

14.01.2022 What a story, almost 2 year off the competition mat and still tearing it up with older and heavier guys. Well done

14.01.2022 Joe knows his way to the top of the mountain.

14.01.2022 Fuji Submit Everyone Gi. Arriving before Xmas. Stay tuned for more news. #submiteveryone #submiteveryonegi #fujisportsaustralia

13.01.2022 Fuji Samurai Rash Guard. Helping bring out the inner warrior in all of us. #fujisportsaustralia #samurai #bjjrashguard #bjjrashguards #mmarashguards #mmarashguard #martialartsrashguard

13.01.2022 Collar Grip for Life. In the animal kingdom charging at the neck is usually the to go attack of predators. I don't fly a Kite I Hunt Necks . Mão na Gola 4 l...ife. No reino animal geramlente o instinto de ataque do predador é direcionado ao pescoço. Caça Pescoço . #jiujitsu #bjj #nogi #grappling #choke #submission #animalkingdom #6blades #ribeirojiujitsu #sixblades #sixbladesjiujitsu #fujisports @sixbladesjiujitsu @fujisportsus @sixbladesbjjaustin @bjjlibrary @alinepereiraclicks See more

12.01.2022 Fuji Submit Everyone Gi is coming soon. Designs for serious competitors. #fujisportsaustralia #submiteveryone #bjj #bjjaustralia

12.01.2022 Check out professional face puncher @hannahgoldy putting in some work on her FUJI Mats Heavy Bag! . Click the link in our bio @fujimatco to get all the gear you need for your training space!

10.01.2022 Rule 1.) Never let them Pass you Guard. Rule 2.) Refer to rule 1. #fujisportsaustralia #bjjaustralia #bjj @xanderibeirojj @fc_xanderibeiro

10.01.2022 Fuji Suparaito #bjjgi is a lightweight high tensile strength Gi that will keep you cool under pressure. Available for n 4 different colours. #bjj #bjjaustralia #fujisportsaustralia

09.01.2022 Keep Calm Keep Improving Keep Doing Jiu-Jitsu

09.01.2022 I am just loving my new @fujisportsus gear! I feel like a cosmic warrior in this no gi set! Ready to do BJJ in the out in the galactic! feel free to check out FUJI Sports awesome gear!

09.01.2022 Fuji Judoka t-shirt. Throw it on, throw some ppl. #judo #judotshirt #judoaustralia #fujisportsaustralia #judothrow

09.01.2022 Ready to take on anything. Since 1969 and still going strong, #fujisports have been making champions both on and off the mats. No other company or brand has such depth, wisdom, knowledge, know how or achievements. Fuji Sports, second to none. #fujisportsaustralia #bjjaustralia #judoaustralia #mmaaustralia #martialartsaustralia

08.01.2022 In peace you prepare for battle. Are you ready? #fujisportsaustralia #fujisekai #areyouready

07.01.2022 One of the toughest BJJ Athletes on the planet and a Fuji Fighter. #fujisportsaustralia #fujifighter

07.01.2022 Reposted from @badg3r_k1 Hey Guys! Me and some Army boys are doing an Endurance run to raise funds for an incredible Veterans Organisation that offer free Arts and Yoga programs to veterans to assist them with PTSD other mental health issues and integration into civillian life. The run is a @davidgoggins inspired challenge, just under 77 kilometres in 48 hrs. On the 30th of July We will run 4 miles (6.43 ks) every 4 hrs for 48 hrs. Please get behind our charity as every dollar goes towards a huge movement assisting our current and previous enlisted personnel. Find the link in the bio! Lets get it - #regrann #OPTIMUMHEALTH #fundraiser #helping

07.01.2022 When it comes to your club Gis dont just leave it to chance. The biggest names rely on Fuji Sports for their custom club Gi and so can you. Making the perfect Gi since 1969. #fujisportsaustralia #prepareforbattle #1969

07.01.2022 Learn from the best. #fujisportsaustralia #judoaustralia #bjjaustralia #grappling #judo #bjj

06.01.2022 Bring it on. Summer days and Jiu-Jitsu, can life get any better? #fujisportsaustralia #bjj #jiujitsu #fujirocks #summerdays

04.01.2022 One brand since 1969 has always looked out for athletes. Fuji, for the athletes and fighters in us all. #fujisportsaustralia #prepareforbattle #since1969 #judo #bjj #mma #karate #fuji

04.01.2022 NEW JIMMY PEDRO INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS COMING SOON Be sure to stay tuned for new technique instructional series both tachiwaza and newaza - Coming very soon to @judo.fanatics Have a technique youd like to see Jimmy teach? Tell us in the comments!

04.01.2022 Hey all, Im starting a not for profit in SA with the intent to go national by the end of the year. The aim is to assist kids who have been bullied, suffering f...rom depression or at risk of suicide train jiu jitsu with assistance from academies and the BJJ community. If anyone can like or share the link below id greatly appreciate it.

04.01.2022 Here’s Jack. Jack is looking MYT Sharp in his new Fuji Sekai 2.0 Gi at Invictus Gym. Jack likes to choke his opponents out. Well done jack. #fujisportsaustralia #fujisports #invictusgym #bjjaustralia @invictusmixedmartialarts

03.01.2022 Fuji Sports Tape helping to keep @brothersbrazilianjiujitsu together and safe. #brothersbrazilianjiujitsu #fujisportsaustralia #athleticsportstape #bjjtape #fingertape #bjjfingertape

03.01.2022 Arriving soon just in time for Xmas. All new Fuji Suparaito Military Green edition. #fujisportsaustralia #newgi #bjj #bjjaustralia

02.01.2022 Fuji Style both on and off the Mat. Bring out the beast with the Gorilla t-shirt.

01.01.2022 It’s time to get your Jiu-Jitsu on. #bjj #bjjaustralia #bjjshirt #xanderibeiro #fujisportsaustralia

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