Full Circle Osteopathy | Medical and health
Full Circle Osteopathy
Phone: +61 452 249 379
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25.01.2022 The fantastic team next door are yet again running a toy drive in February for Love for Lenny. They are providing toys to sick kids at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Feel free to ask me or the boys at Paramount Health and Fitness for more info.
25.01.2022 Today is ANZAC day. Join us in remembering all of the Australians and New Zealanders that have fought and died for their countries in wars and conflicts across the globe Lest we forget. #osteo #osteopathy #osteopath #ANZAC #ANZACday #lestweforget #rememberthem
25.01.2022 [MEET MATT] Hi I’m Matt and I am joining Full Circle Osteopathy in February. I am passionate about helping people improve their well-being and achieve their goals. I have a keen interest in sports having played junior football and senior cricket . I really enjoy meeting new people and believe in building stronger more resilient bodies to overcome pain and dysfunction . When not in the clinic you will find me on the golf course, playing video or board games or enjoying... a movie with popcorn . [True fact] Although I’m from Melbourne I don’t enjoy coffee #osteopathy #ascotvale #melbourne # See more
24.01.2022 Great work by Ascot Vale Pharmacy, finding ways to support our health and hygiene by making hand sanitiser
22.01.2022 Ready to exercise those arms? If you’re looking to increase the strength and size of your biceps, a simple bicep curl can be added to your routine. Simply hold a weight in your hand with the palm facing forward and elbow tucked in towards your torso. Bending the elbow, bring the weight up to the shoulder and then return to the starting position. Repeat. Need some help? Speak to us next time you are in and we will be happy to help out.... #TopTip : Control the movement as you lift AND lower to get the most out of the exercise #osteo #osteopathy #osteopath #exercise #bicepcurl
22.01.2022 After a relatively shitty week had by most it’s lovely to have something so heartwarming, community orientated with a sense of connection
20.01.2022 A great way to explain to kids the importance of hand washing!
19.01.2022 Based on the recent DHHS advice we are now closed for routine, non-urgent face to face appointments for the duration of Stage 4 Lockdown. Face to Face care must only be provided if the absence of, or delay of this care, would result in your condition taking you to the emergency department of a hospital. If you have an appointment booked in from now until Monday the 14th of September, you will be contacted over the coming 5 days to reschedule.... We will be in contact again tomorrow to outline what classifies as an emergency appointment and how you can go about booking in with our team. We are saddened to deliver this news. However, we are a part of something bigger than just our own community and we are committed to fighting COVID-19 together. #covid #stage4lockdown #alliedhealth #osteopathy #ascotvale #unionroad
18.01.2022 We have survived the first day of mandatory masks!
18.01.2022 This week is International Osteopathic Healthcare Week A week-long celebration from the 2nd to the 8th of May that brings together the osteo community across the globe. Together, we share a passion for the mind-body-spirit connection and the chance to educate our local communities. When was the last time your osteo helped you with an injury or issue by treating the body as a whole? Tell us your story in the comments and let’s celebrate osteopathy together! #IOHW2021 #OsteoHealthcareWeek #OsteopathyHealthcareWeek #ascotvale #osteopathy #osteoforkids #kidshealth
17.01.2022 With this year not quite turning out as we had imagined, with lots of families having their Christmas plans interrupted this year, food can be a great reminder of the season ahead. Foods can invoke memories and bring those not able to make it or no longer with us, back for the holidays. In our family, its not Christmas without vinegar and brown sugar pickled pork. This is such a testament to Christmas in our household that my sister living in Canada messaged at 3am from the... butcher making sure she was getting the right cut of meat. What foods bring back Christmas for you? And Who’s going to make the gravy? #christmas #howtomakegravy #family #food #urchristmas #unionroad #osteopathy
14.01.2022 Changing of Restriction from 19th October The Victorian Government has announced changes to allow allied healthcare to return to routine care. What this means for you: ... * Our trading hours are back to normal * You are free to book an appointment with us at a time that suits you * We ask that you fill out our "Covid-19 Screen" sent in your booking and reminder communications. * If you are SICK please call to RESCHEDULE your appointment #osteopathy #osteoforkida #ascotvale #mooneevalley #unionroad #covid19 #melbournelockdown #backpain #neckpain
13.01.2022 Approximately 20% of people have so-called perfect feet. For the rest of us however, investing in orthotics or supportive shoes can go a long way towards correcting foot-related problems and preventing pain. How long have you owned your current runners? If you’d like us to check out your feet, your walking/running posture and give advice on the best type of shoes, please come and see us we’re happy to help!... #osteo #osteopathy #supportiveshoes
13.01.2022 It’s Star Wars day! We have only one thing to say May the fourth be with you! Who is your favourite Star Wars character? We love Obi-Wan Kenobi Comment yours below! ... #osteo #osteopathy #osteopath #starwarsday #theforce #maythefourthbewithyou
13.01.2022 We see a lot of new families and vulnerable people at the clinic, and whilst we are making sure we are following all the WHO and government directives about the coronavirus, we need to ask that if you are sick you call us and we will reschedule your appointment. Now here is Nonna with some advice.
13.01.2022 Maintaining bone strength is important, especially as we get older. Did you know that certain food can actually weaken your bones? These include high sodium foods, sugary snacks, soda, caffeine, alcohol and red meat. Now we’re not saying cut these out of your diet for good, but instead, let’s all have them in moderation! Now who’s had their daily intake of calcium today? #osteo #osteopathy #bonestrength
12.01.2022 We are still open. Today, tomorrow and Wednesday we will remain open. We will know more about the rest of the week later today and will keep you updated. You can still travel further than 5km to see us and receive care as this is an essential service. We will now be wearing goggles or a visor as it is now mandatory for us to have eye protection. ... We ask that you continue to fill out our covid-19 screening questionnaire. Make sure you stay safe, wear a mask and check in with loved ones. #unionroad #ascotvale #osteopathy
12.01.2022 Pencil cases filled, school bags packed and lunch boxes ready! Summer holidays are over and school is back in swing! A little reminder to set the alarms again so no one’s late to their first day back! #backtoschool #ascotvale #childrenshealth #osteopathy #backpack
12.01.2022 An important message from Opera Victoria and a good friend Carlos Ramirez Wash your hands
09.01.2022 Life getting on top of you? Are you finding it’s all work and no play? You may resonate with this quote "Always laugh when you can - it's a cheap medicine. So if you’re stressed and in pain regularly, stop and laugh a little. We recommend hanging out with happy friends, watching some stand-up comedy on Netflix or listening to a humourous podcast on your way to work! It’s the small things in life that can make all the difference! ... Better yet, why not share your favourite knock-knock joke with us below? #osteo #osteopathy #osteopath #laughter #positivity #ascotvale #babylove #unionroad
08.01.2022 During the festive period we will be running slightly different opening hours: Xmas Eve Normal hours Xmas Day - CLOSED 28th Dec CLOSED (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)... 29th Dec 10am 3pm 30th Dec 8am 1pm New Years Eve 9am 2pm New Years Day - CLOSED 4th Jan CLOSED 5th Jan - CLOSED 6th Jan open 8am to NORMAL TRADING Call us now to make your booking and avoid missing out on your treatments. #merrychristmas #happynewyear #urchristmas #unionroad #ascotvale #osteo #babyosteo
08.01.2022 Initial consults can be daunting, but they shouldn’t be! Here is a brief overview of what to expect during your first consult. At the beginning, your osteopath will ask questions about your current issue and symptoms. They may also ask about your health history, any medications you are taking, as well as factors that may not appear to be directly related to your problem. Your osteopath will then conduct a full assessment involving diagnostic, orthopaedic or neurological test...s to postural assessments, movement and functional assessments, in order to understand your body fully. It’s handy to know, that you don’t need a referral to see your osteo! Simply make an appointment and come as you are. Just make sure to bring your healthcare information and any scan results you currently have for your condition. #osteo #osteopathy #initialconsultation
07.01.2022 School is starting next week so to help you out here is our guide on: How to fit a school back pack! 1.Pick a bag with two straps that is sturdy but light-weight 2.Always use both straps 3.Fit the bag straps so it sits about the hips and waist... 4.Place the heavy items like textbooks centrally and lower in the bag 5.Lighter items should be fit in the top of the bag to help distribute weight 6.The bag should only 10-20% of your child’s weight. For secondary students it is worth checking their timetable to plan ahead for what they really need on each day #backtoschool #schoolbag #firstdayofschool #osteopathy #ascotvale See more
05.01.2022 Did you know that 1 in 20 people will live with a rare disease at some point in their life and despite this, there are no cures for the majority of rare diseases in the world, therefore many go undiagnosed. Today is Rare Disease Day. So let’s help increase awareness of rare diseases while encouraging researchers and decision makers to address the needs of those living with them in 2020. After all, it’s a leap year this year, so it’s about time we leap over these challenges together! #rarediseaseday #osteo #osteopathy #ascotvale
04.01.2022 One of the most common injuries we see here in the clinic is the rotator cuff injury. The rotator cuff is one of the most important components of the shoulder. It is comprised of a group of muscles and tendons that hold the bones of the shoulder joint together. Injury can occur when stress is placed on the area, or if the area is weak or tight! A simple stretch for the rotator cuff is crossover arm stretch. Below is a quick rundown on how to do it. 1. Lift one arm so that i...t is parallel to the floor and extend it straight without locking it. 2. Hold the wrist of the extended arm with the opposite hand. 3. Gently pull the arm across the front of the body, trying to hug the chest with the arm. 4. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds before slowly releasing it. Repeat on the other side. #osteo #osteopathy #rotatorcuff #shoulderinjury #shoulderpain
04.01.2022 What are the most common conditions an osteo will treat over Christmas? Given the holiday season is usually a time for clearing out the garage and playing silly games with the kids, lower back, shoulder and neck pain will most likely top our lists. Oh wait a normal day at the office for us then! If you pull, strain or aggravate your body this silly season, don’t be proud let us know. The last thing you need to deal with this Christmas is unwanted pain! #osteopathy #osteo #babyosteo #sillyseason #lowbackpain #shoulderpain #neckpain #urchristmas #unionroad #ascotvale
03.01.2022 We are following government guidelines wearing masks indoors with all our clients and as of Thursday you will be required to wear one too. #staysafe #ascotvale #unionroad #osteopathy
03.01.2022 #WellnessWednesday Spinach is packed with folate, which plays a key role in red blood cell production. A popular, leafy green vegetable, Spinach is easily incorporated into a variety of dishes, including soups, sauces, smoothies and salads. How do you enjoy your spinach? #spinach #osteo #osteopathy #leafygreens #healthyliving #goodfoods
03.01.2022 With so many of the arts being affected by closures, it is so lovely to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra being so generous and providing this performance online. Please enjoy
02.01.2022 When you exercise, you don't just build muscle and improve endurance. You also build and maintain the strength of your bones. You may hear health professionals call this bone mass and density. One of the best ways to strengthen your bones is through weight bearing exercises. Start with gentle bodyweight exercises such as squats and lunges and if you feel up to it, gradually increase to added weights by incorporating dumbbells as well! #osteo #osteopathy #bonedensity #bonestrength
02.01.2022 Total love and respect for all these osteopaths Matt and I were lucky enough to volunteer with treating the CFA volunteers firefighters and DELWP government employees at the Swan Reach base camp. We were honoured to be able to do our small part to make their jobs a little easier. So many CFA were amazed that we had travelled from Melbourne to help out, but when questioned they often had come from further out, including Mildura, Ballarat and even Warrnambool. East Gippsland ha...s been severely affected by the bushfires and whilst there are areas open for business they will be needing long term support to rebuild their communities. Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund is a local charity that has been supporting East Gippsland for many years. If you are looking to make a difference at a local level it is worth donating to. You can find out more info at https://www.gerf.org.au #eastgippsland #bushfiresaustralia #fundraiser #volunteer #community #cfavic @ Swan Reach, Victoria, Australia See more
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