Fullife Foundation in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Fullife Foundation
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9404 2444
Address: Childs Road 3082 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Website: http://fullifefoundation.com.au
Likes: 669
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25.01.2022 During the month of September, 75 Alliance Partner Pharmacies across Australia raised money for the Fullife Foundation, and our work in Ethiopia. The winning pharmacy, Barmera Pharmacy in South Australia raised an amazing $2,060! Today, our CEO Ian has presented the Inaugural Purple September shield to Jess, the Retail Manager from Barmera Pharmacy. On behalf of all of us at Fullife Foundation, and the women and children in Ethiopia that we assist, a big THANK-YOU!
25.01.2022 Giving is not just about making a donation, its about making a difference
25.01.2022 Two of our directors (Ian and Michelle) just returned from Ethiopia! They are pictured here with one of 4 new clean water points, each with 4 taps, funded by @fullifefoundation which provide clean water for 17,000 people in Shurmo, Ethiopia
24.01.2022 "Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others" - Booker T. Washington
24.01.2022 Your donations have helped over women avoid becoming another statistic of maternal death; and enabled them to have a safe birth. And that’s just in one year!
24.01.2022 Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love
23.01.2022 "I am Assia Wogarise. I am blind in both my eyes, it happened 7 years ago. Only Allah knows how it happened. When I went blind my husband divorced me and left me care for myself. Thank you for helping us, I don't know what I would have done, the water cart means people will now collect as much water for me as I need." Thank-you to all those who have purchased or donated towards a water cart! Your contribution is making a significant difference in the daily lives of Afar people like Assia. Image: @sieh 2009, for @barefootinitiative
21.01.2022 In January 2018, construction was completed on the new $60,000 Shurmo Health Centre in southern Ethiopia. Since its opening, there have been an average of 65 births per month, and no mother has died giving birth during that time. The @fullifefoundation is so proud to have funded this project!
21.01.2022 What great smiles! These are 2 of the 45 children we sponsor in Shurmo, southern Ethiopia through the INA Childlink program. During our April 2019 visit, we were able to visit a number of the children financially supported by the Fullife Foundation
21.01.2022 Educating girls to become empowered women will break the poverty cycle. Thank you so much for your donations
20.01.2022 We have a new website! Pop over to www.fullifefoundation.com.au and read all about our projects, our partners and how you can get involved! #makeadifference
20.01.2022 PURPLE SEPTEMBER! We are so grateful to the pharmacies all around Australia that help to support the @fullifefoundation. A large number of these stores held events throughout September to raise money for our projects. A big thank you to each and every store that contributed, and to @pharmacy_alliance for their continued support! Images: @woodend_pharmacy, @ourlittlepartyshop
19.01.2022 Live for a cause , not for applause
18.01.2022 Water. It’s the foundation of life. It’s an essential and basic human right for all. We take it for granted; this is not so for the Afar people of Ethiopia. These water carts increase accessibility to water for the household from the Awash river. Traditionally, it has been the role of the women (even while pregnant) and the children to collect the water, which would on average be six trips a day carrying up to 30L. Since the introduction of the carts, only two trips to colle...ct water from the river is needed, and men now partake in the collection. The water carts are also made and maintained locally providing work for the community. Now their burdens can be lightened with a water cart, a chat and a good laugh! You can support by making a donation towards the purchase of a water cart through our project partner @barefootinitiative Photo credit: @barefootinitiative #water #watercart #sustainabledevelopment #accesstowater #ngo #grassrootsdevelopment #agencyforchange #sharetheburden #empower #women #children #afar #ethiopia #barefootinitiative #fullifepharmacy
18.01.2022 Its so wonderful to hear this update on the maternal health project we are funding in Ethiopia, with Birthing Kit Foundation Australia and implementing partner APDA. Project staff have been selected, educated and trained and issues regarding harmful practices, gender, marginalised groups and child protection have been addressed. The main harmful practices focused on were female genital mutilation, delayed breastfeeding after birth and refraining from washing the mother for s...even days post-delivery. Ten Women Extension Workers (WEWs) have received 40 day training and have been employed in the community, 50 Traditional Birth Attendants have received training, with the presence of WEWs to ensure team bonding and three health extension workers have completed a 180 day training program. Keep a look out for our posts as we will continue to share updates on this important project! Photo credit: ZFisher
18.01.2022 A life-changing project in collaboration with @barefootinitiative. We’re grateful to be able to help facilitate initiatives like this Our partner Waklisa @abahabaabdo are busy overseeing the construction of 300 water carts which we will be distributing to community households in the coming months, along with water filters to support better access to safe drinking water. These water carts have challenged gender norms where previously only women and girls would colle...ct water. We are now seeing men and boys sharing this laborious chore. A big thanks to @fullifefoundation and our individual donors for funding this impactful and important project. @sieh #waterforall #safewater #ethiopia #innovationdesign
17.01.2022 The Fullife Foundation has funded the construction of a Maternal Waiting Room and Latrine for women at the Shurmo Health Centre. There was previously nowhere in the area for pregnant women to stay prior to their birth for monitoring, which means any health issues that pregnant women experience can now be addressed quickly, and mothers can be trained on the best ways to look after their new babies! We are so grateful for your donations each and every dollar donated is goin...g to incredible causes like this. [In collaboration with @internationalneedsau] See more
16.01.2022 "As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way." - M. A. Radmacher
16.01.2022 The @fullifefoundation has been able to fund a clean water project in Shurmo, southern Ethiopia. This has brought clean water for the first time to over 15,000 people (75% of the local population), reducing rates of disease and early death. This 100,000 litre reservoir, built on a local high point, was funded by the Fullife Foundation, and feeds 4 separate water points, each with 4 taps!
15.01.2022 Pleased to share some great results more from the project we are funding in Dullassa, Ethiopia with Birthing Kit Foundation Australia and implementing partner APDA. Goals that have been set are being delivered it is so good to hear these reports! We have heard that the training courses have produced a unified team of community health workers! Health Extension Workers (HEWs) and Traditional Birthing Attendants (TBAs) have worked together which has resulted in team bonding an...d shared understanding. All newly recruited 35 TBAs agreed that they would no longer practice the identified harmful traditions. Were so proud to be part of this! Photo credit: ZFisher
15.01.2022 In a world where you can be anything, be kind. Unknown
14.01.2022 Every mother has the right to a safe birth. Just $3 will help a mother in Ethiopia have a safe and clean birth, by reducing the incidence of infant and maternal infection, disease and death. To purchase your digital Gift of Hope card, simply visit www.fullifefoundation.com.au/shop
14.01.2022 Live to better the lives of others
13.01.2022 Say hi to some of the 45 happy children we support through the INA Childlink program in Shurmo, Southern Ethiopia. We took this photo at their school in Shurmo during our April 2019 visit. @inaorgau #ethiopia #shurmo
13.01.2022 Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for one person
12.01.2022 Reposted @barefootinitiative My name is Seida Sahim. When I was a child I contracted polio which has left me disabled ever since. I have two children alive and one who has passed away. Currently, my children collect the daily household water for me, I have no other option. Seida (left) received a water cart through our partnership with @fullifefoundation. You can gift a water cart to an Afar family and make significant impact to their daily lives and reduce the burden of water collection! Tax deductible and a small, yet effective step to assisting in #change. Follow link in bio to find out how! Image: @sieh for Barefoot Initiative 2019
11.01.2022 The Fullife Foundation funded a complete clean water project that now provides potable water for over 18,000 people in Shurmo, southern Ethiopia. On our 2019 visit, the son of one of our directors was happy to be a part of the celebrations at one of the 4 new water points in town!
09.01.2022 Have you seen the Gift of Hope cards online? Its one of the many ways that you can donate to or get involved with the @fullifefoundation. You simply purchase whichever card(s) you like, and a digital copy will be sent to your email!
08.01.2022 Pictured, are two pharmacy students whose education is being sponsored by @fullifefoundation through @barefootinitiative, and a third that we are seeking sponsorship for. If you are interested, please contact us! Many Afar are illiterate. Once I graduate, I will help myself, so I can help my people and community in medication malpractice and raising awareness. Clinics are often far from the community and I would like to support brining those services closer. I would like to ...say thank you for visiting our families and for supporting us without knowing us. - Awel Mohamed, first year Bachelor of Pharmacy, @barefootinitiative Student Scholarship Program @sieh 2019
08.01.2022 356. Thats the number of mothers who received antenatal care thanks to donations made to The Fullife Foundation, with 184 mothers receiving post natal care. Such a huge impact on the lives of women who wouldnt otherwise have access to maternal care! Photo by @thesilkroad_ for @kit.international
07.01.2022 Daily water collection is unimaginably burdensome for the people in the Afar region of Ethiopia. In collaboration with @barefootinitiative, the @fullifefoundation distributed 100 water carts to households in this area to ease this problem and make a real difference to the lives of those most in need. Her smile says it all! Image: @sieh
07.01.2022 This local health worker, like many others, has to perform her maternal and child care services in run down, leaking, and often crumbling facilities. The Fullife Foundation has rebuilt a number of health centres to ensure better and more complete care for Ethiopian mothers and their children. Your financial support enables us to do so much more!
07.01.2022 Fullife Foundation Day is fast approaching! Join us this coming Friday 9th August between 10am-1pm and meet the incredible Angel of Ethiopia Valerie Browning, whose work is proudly supported by the @fullifefoundation. We cant wait to see you
06.01.2022 "No-one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another" - Charles Dickens
06.01.2022 Fullife Foundation are proud funding partners of a project in collaboration with Birthing Kit Foundation Australia and implementing partner, APDA to strengthen the rural health network to improve reproductive, maternal and newborn health in the Dullassa, Afar region, Ethiopia. Here, a weak primary health and referral network, along with poor health status of childbearing mothers and poor health seeking behaviours by mothers and families contributes to poor maternal and newbo...rn outcomes. This project aims to strengthen the capacity of community health teams, reduce reproductive harm such as widely practiced female genital mutilation, delayed breastfeeding after birth and the practice of refraining from washing the mother for seven days after giving birth, improve the wellbeing of mothers and girls and increase health-seeking behaviours. Well share more on this exciting project soon! Photo credit: ZFisher
06.01.2022 Following on from our previous post about the @fullifefoundation funded water project in Shurmo, this new pump enables water to be accessed from a deep bore. Part of the project was to not only provide the pump, but also build a new pump room. Foundation CEO Ian was able to celebrate the opening with some of the locals who worked on the project!
05.01.2022 The Fullife Foundation has enabled 378 safer births in the Dullassa region of Ethiopia, with ZERO maternal deaths as a result. Each and every donation to The Fullife Foundation makes a huge difference in the lives of those that need it the most, so thank-you! Photo by @thesilkroad_ for @kit.international
04.01.2022 We rise by lifting others. - Unknown
04.01.2022 Your greatness is not what you have, its what you give
04.01.2022 Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world
04.01.2022 These children came out to help us celebrate the opening of the new Shurmo Health Post, located in southern Ethiopia, during our April 2019 visit. The construction of this centre was jointly funded by the Fullife Foundation and @napsa_rx , and we had a great day celebrating this important addition to the local maternal and child health network!
03.01.2022 To move forward, you have to give back - Oprah Winfrey
03.01.2022 Our next Fullife Foundation Day is coming up very soon! Come down to Fullife Pharmacy Mill Park on Saturday 30th November, between 10am - 1pm for a sausage sizzle, fairy floss, birthing kit packing session and live music! Help us raise some much-needed funds for those that need it most
03.01.2022 More from the project we are supporting in Dullassa, Ethiopia, with @birthingkitfoundationaustralia and implementing partner APDA. We hear that over 13,000 positive messages, demonstrations and maternal interventions were given by the Women Extension Workers in the first six months! Whats more, this project has overseen 139 safe births in the home and referred over 100 mothers to the health centre for management of complications. We are so proud to be part of these incredible achievements! Photo credit: ZFisher
03.01.2022 Cutting the ribbon - its official! With Jess from NAPSA, who generously supported the construction of a new 3-room Maternal and Child health post in Shurmo Ethiopia, which is now servicing a population of over 8,000 people!
02.01.2022 While in Adelaide, Ian caught up with Aidan and Lexi from @barefootinitiative, who are wonderful partners of the Fullife Foundation. Barefoot Initiative run high impact projects in the Afar region in northern Ethiopia, the hottest inhabited place on earth. So far through BI, we have provided over 100 water carts for vulnerable women in the Afar, plus a we sponsor 2 Afar students so they can study pharmacy at university in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital.... They surprised me with a framed picture of the 2 pharmacy students we support, plus a 3rd that we are seeking sponsorship for. Anyone interested?
02.01.2022 "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill
02.01.2022 Every charitable act makes a difference Donate at www.fullifefoundation.com.au
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