Emily-Skye's Soul filled life in Charlestown, New South Wales | Massage therapist
Emily-Skye's Soul filled life
Locality: Charlestown, New South Wales
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25.01.2022 The best time for new beginnings is now . Ive had 3 big days holding space for people from all walks of life. Im grateful everyday that I get to do what I LOVE, what Im good at. I attract some of the most beautiful people who I get to be of service to, and that makes my heart sing the highest of frequencies. . Theres always a general theme each week within each of my sessions. This weeks theme was definitely around the desiring to take action, but feeling somewhat stu...ck. . Its interesting you know... on a deep collective level we are all feeling that. Like were in this in between phase of transformation. Coming to the edge of all we know and desiring that new way, but not quite understanding on that cellular level how to integrate it. . It can be such a beautiful space that in between phase if you just allow yourself to surrender the need to control it. . And of course... In each theme of the week theres always a part of myself being reflected back through the mirror of my clients. Its beautiful you really do attract the right people at the right time in the right place . Keep leaning into love..... youre worth it xx See more
25.01.2022 pH water fairy test Iwas asked by a friend @inbirthandbeyond to find out the pH level of our old filter (we have the same) and I thought Id do a little video and share it with yall Ive also been conscious of the water I intake. I havent downed tap or bottled water in a long time.
24.01.2022 May love pour through my soul May light flower in my heart May warmth radiate in my belly ... May purity shimmer in my bones May kindness resound in my voice May clarity shine through my mind May solace abound through my life touching all who I meet May solace abound in the world bringing all beings into perfect Union The holy incantation of solace This is my daily prayer The Gene keys have opened my eyes and heart in so many ways. Eternally grateful You can find a link the the Gene keys webpage in my bio x if you feel called x #incantationofsolace #theholyincantationofsolace #genekeys #48.3 #wisdom #riseuptogether #gowithin #radiatepositivity #radiatelove #theintentionalyou #livingwithintention #heartfeltmoments #morningritual #motherhoodjourney #throughtheeyesofachild #slowliving #morningvibes
24.01.2022 A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. Are you ready to let the abundance of a grateful heart weave its magic in your life? Join hearts + hands with me to carve out some space in your daily life to be grateful. ... Holding space to be grateful for all that we have, all that we are, all that will be and more. We begin on Thursday the 17th align with the next new moon cycle Dm me for the link to the group
24.01.2022 Let the journey feel the way you want the destination to feel. A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don't allow the happy moment, because they're so busy trying to get a happy life." You can't always change your physical space, but you can change your emotional space. Upon waking every morning, ask yourself how you want to feel at the end of your day. ... For example, if peace is the feeling you want to embody, then how you can bring this feeling into your daily actions? You can practice eating with peace, walking with peace of mind, or taking deep breaths as youre tackling challenges. Imagine you already have access to that feeling at this very moment (because you do!) by remembering the felt experience of that feeling within you... and choose to live from that place as you travel through your day. You don't have to base feeling good on a future outcome make how you feel the priority today. Youll notice that every moment becomes another opportunity to really feel the fullness of life. Love . . . . . . . . . #journeytoself #destinations #followyourheart #breakthemould #cosmicbeings #consciousness #consciousliving #awareness #creativeexpression #thirdeyewisdom #wiseoldsoul #wisewords #soulfullife #lifestyle #pathwaytoheaven #consciousliving #condciousentrepreneur #breathoflife #natureheals #alignment #livinginalignment #abundanceflows #abundantmama
24.01.2022 Stay on your path Do the inner work And the putter world will fall into place.... Trust and have faith Youre so worthy
24.01.2022 The cards will be revealed in my stories
23.01.2022 I did a thing today That I’ve felt called to do all my life. I went surfing ... Ive surfed a few times in my life but, no where near as much as my heart truly desires to. I have a deep love for the ocean and have felt it call to me many times in my life. But I’ve never had to guts to get a board and teach myself. So I always waited for someone to take me out.. Today was one of those days. @letsmovelakemac @jdrinkpt Two of the best offered to take me out and it was epic! I felt alive, free, and so darn proud of myself. It’s been a few years in between and dang! I still got it! Straight Up, first go! like the water Goddess I am. So now, I’ve decided to BUY a board and finally follow the calling to flow with the sea as she comes to shore! Gosh I just cannot wait to do it again and again and again..... Instant Frother #learntosurf #catherinehillbay #sundaysessions #sundayvines #sandseasun #sunshinethroughtheclouds #followyourdteams #watergoddess #waterislife #intentionalyou #surfsup #babywaves #tribe #radfriends #nothingsimpossible #surfing #surfergirl
22.01.2022 Rose Quartz . The crystal of unconditional universal Love . I have a big chunk of this intensely beautiful crystal next to my bed along with smaller chunks, points and tumbles. ... . For a long time I was drawn to this crystal on my own healing journey. It brought me comfort and love. . When I feel into this crystal it brings a sense of safety, trust. Compassion in its senses material form. It promotes feelings of trust and harmony between myself and my client, my client and the space, the space and myself. Its like a protective bubble of love. It feels like home, safe and cozy. . Its such a beautiful soft energy that is abundant with All this Love, amplifying self love, relationships, friendships, and deep inner healings and peace. . Itll leave you All loved up . Shes a true beauty . . Thank you rose quartz for the highest of vibes. . Love . . . . . . . . #rosequartz #crystals #crystalhealing #crystalgrid #intuitivelife #trustyourintuition #massagetherapy #massagenewcastle #softtissuetherapy #wellness #alternativetherapy #selfcare #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikivibes #raiseyourvibration #lovefrequency #lovevibes #subtleenergy #intuitionismysuperpower #healingcrystals #healingjourney #chakraalignment #tunein See more
22.01.2022 A spiritual teacher and a spiritual guide. Is there a difference? Well yeah there is.. please know that this doesnt make either one of those labels any better than the other. Both are equally important, so watch yourself and observe if theres a judgement of good or bad. No one can walk this path alone: this is a simple fact.... A Spiritual teacher teaches his knowledge of the spiritual path. He teaches the intellectual side, the theoretical side of the practice but may have not actualised it yet on a deeper cellular level. A guide is someone who not only has the knowledge of the inner path and the ability to teach them.. He has teaches in essence from the very light itself. A guide walks with the seeker into the wilderness of the inner/higher realm. He doesnt do the walking for the seeker, as he has already began transcending into those higher realms. A spiritual guide is always evolving themselves. They themselves are an explorer for truth and instead of imitating a path, they use their wisdom to carve their own way through the practices of the spiritual knowledge, eventually losing all labels as the path itself and the practices become unified within the body on a deep cellular level. There have been many guides in human history More famously known are Jesus, buddha, krishna. Some guides though are a little less famous, but still famous in the hearts of many. Pancho and Beatrix - The love and gratitude I have for you both - Words cannot describe- - Thank you for leaning into love and walking with your us all, your Sangha towards Love and Light
20.01.2022 No one said it was going to be easy.. But if you sit and stay the due course its so worth it. I began my self discovery many moons ago(almost 11 years - also my numerology number for this year is an 11 - all of the transformation) and ive had so many days, weeks, months, where I was so close to walking away and giving up.. ... (imagine a 20 something year old having a tantrum about her life path so funny to reflect back) Inner work is flipping ugly.. It aint pretty all the time.. sometimes it is though there’s a balance but in the beginning most of this Shadow work its pretty darn heavy. The ugly painful tears the, the meeting yourself in everyone and every situation around you is a hard pill to swallow when you first become aware that you are actually creating your reality But its true, you get the choice to choose how you want to spend your life.. Who you are and how you want to show up in the world. You get the choice if you want to dream big and fill yourself up with gratitude and the magic filled moments of creating the life of your dreams, or if you want to stay still, stagnant, creating the same space and experiences That keep you small. That limit you from accessing your highest potential in life. The choice is ultimately yours, both paths have their challenges. So what do you choose expansion, growth, abundance? In case you’re ready and want to walk this epic journey of self discovery. Where you get chance to create unlimited abundance on all levels. Then Click on the link in my bio If you aren’t ready cool, I understand. I was once wasn’t ready either, until I realised I may never be ready and I didn’t want to wait around any longer so I took the leap. It may just be the time for you to jump too, and I promise I will hold your hand, you won’t need to do it alone.
20.01.2022 Life can disappoint you sometimes, And things happen that you didnt expect and dont deserve. But dont ever lose sight of the amazing person you are, the beautiful dreams you have, and the wonderful gifts you possess. Dont ever downplay your abilities or special charm. Keep living your life the best way you know how - with persistence, patience, and determination. Let go of the bad things and keep the good.... You are a remarkable person, and there is so much ahead waiting for you: chances for new adventures, possibilities you never dreamed of, and so many people who love you. Take time to rediscover yourself. Picture what you want to come into your life. Choose happiness and keep believing in the wonderful person you know you are. Always believe in yourself and your bright and shining future. -Vickie M. Worsham See more
19.01.2022 Get clear on your why, your dreams and desires. Set those intentions and send them out into the universe. Feel them, visualise them,bring them into your body... And then....... Let go....trust....that it will all work out... The universe has your back... Even if its not in the way you thought it would...
19.01.2022 There are some exciting new changes happening behind the scenes over at full Lotus. I cant wait to share more on that with you soon. But for now please take note of our new pricing restructure.
19.01.2022 Flowing with the tides of my life. What a beautiful magic filled world we live in Im so deeply connected to water. It’s life, a force of its own. Progress on the treatment space has slowed right down, my fingers are still crossed to open the end of October. But, it’s looking more like November.... I have some spaces left for the end of October if you feel called to come and have a treatment with me.
19.01.2022 Taking a chance to find out what happens when i live the way I was designed to. With my Moon and ascendant both in Sagittarius the truth seeker part of me is very much alive. The Journey into adventure, truth, and insight runs deep within my core. 54th Gene key in my life work brings a Bodhi Sattva vibe of seeking into my life. I have a deep burning desire for more, and not more in a negative greedy way, but rather a deep burning desire for truth, wisdom, abundance..... I want to deeply awaken, grow and, play my part in the worlds evolution. I want to uncover truth and try it on. If it fits ill download it so I can integrate it on a cellular level and awaken more deep knowledge within. My heart and soul level up to this woo woo stuff. The spiritual realm is my domain. But, Its just not enough for me to only master the ethereal, spiritual plane. I also need to be grounded and abundant in this tangible realm. Im worthy of having all of my material needs met. If they arent met, its because im most likely in my own way. Ive been rewriting my script with money, actually with abundance on all levels. We get told that being rich and having money is bad, greedy. We even have deeper ingrained beliefs that we arent really worth it. So we subconsciously sabotage ourselves in many different ways so that we never really know true material abundance. Its taken me a long time to be ok with that part of me that needs stability, security, and material success. Im not abusing it and Im not taking more than i am worthy of. Being in the flow is a beautiful way to live and its part of our natural state of being. The more I learn about myself through Astrology, Gene Keys, Human Design, and the freedom era, the more I am able to let go and be in the flow because I understand my nature, my core essence and its not the same as anyone elses. although some charts, profiles do come quite close, we are all different , and life isnt a one size fits all type of experience. So the more I accept and embrace those parts I fear, my shadows and pick them up to find their strength. The easier it is to flow within the river of abundance on this material plan. Im learning more and more to trust myself, my own insight, and intuition. Attracting magic and manifesting my reality in a way that serves me and those around me. Take a chance and learn about who you are, and then give yourself permission to step into the flow. Youre amazing, and you are capable of more than you know. Tell me, if money and time wasnt a issue what would you do?
18.01.2022 It moves me to my core.. ...makes me feel so alive, that I can feel, tap into every cells in my being It can feel uncomfortable almost inconvenient at times........ .....I can tune in & connect deeply, whole heartedly Or I can pretend not to feel it .... either way.... It’s always there.... A deep, unexplainable knowing..... #waxinggibbous #consciousmama #intunewiththemoon #universalknowing #wisdom #inneralchemy #innerknowing #exploringtheunknown #wildhearts #adventurethroughinnerspace #heartsandhands #moonvibes #oivitoltimes #thirdeyeawareness
17.01.2022 Your body is a map and storage house of every experience you have ever had In honour of this Aquarian full moon energy. I thought I would share how deeply important It is to honour our emotional body. So many of us carry repressed and trapped emotions within our body, without even knowing it. ... In fact, we can go for years, even decades, completely oblivious to the blocked energy that our muscles are holding on to. This repressed energy is responsible for countless ailments and chronic health conditions that cause us suffering. The fact is that your body doesnt forget. Cellular memory is real thing. In eastern philosophy they believe that not only does your body accumulate and store in processed emotions and experiences, but it also stores karma from past life emotions and experiences too. Ancestral karma is also taking up space within. But thats a whole other topic... Below are areas of your body and the corresponding emotion that is generally stored there if not dealt with and accepted 1. Shoulder Tension = Burdens and Responsibilities- 2. Neck Tension = Fear and Repressed Self-Expression 3. Upper Back = Grief, Sorrow, and Sadness 4. Middle Back = Insecurity and Powerlessness 5. Lower Back = Guilt, Shame, and Unworthiness 6. Stomach = Inability to Process Emotions 7. Inner Thighs = Fear of Vulnerability 8. Outer Thighs = Frustration and Impatience 9. Buttocks = Anger and Rage We tend to have this idea that all other emotions arent happiness are bad and that we shouldnt feel that way. But that couldnt be further from the truth. Every emotion we feel is just as important as the good ones. They to deserve the time and space to be felt and understood too. . . . . . . #massage #massagetherapy #remedialmassage #bodywork #deeptissue #fullmoon #aquarius emotion #cellularmemory #suppressedemotion #muscletrauma #stress #destress #yourbodyisatemple #musclememory # repressedemotions #reiki #alternativetherapy #therapy #breathe #yoga #emotionaltherapy #musclelove #emotionalgrowth #love #loveyourself#selfcare #muscletension #emotionsstoredinyourbody #emotioncode See more
16.01.2022 Stay on your path Do the inner work and all will come
16.01.2022 Be soft, go gently, expand towards your true north. You don’t need to suffer in order to succeed. you don’t need to have it all together, or strive to make things happen. You will become stronger as you soften. You will be more supported when you STOP pushing so hard. For the last 15months I’ve strived, pushed, made sacrifices all on a journey to succeed in what I set out to do.... Ive learnt that when we loosen our grip what is truly meant for us will stay and that which isn’t will fall away. Many of us have learnt to rise in a mans world. Learned to be skilled at things that are not aligned to ur core, our soul. Each time we do these things we loose a little bit of ourselves. The higher we hold on to an old way of being, the more rigid life becomes, and eventually the tower will come crumbling down in each of our lives individually and collectively. The days of fitting into a linear model in order to survive or SUCCEED are over. We must soften back into a true nature and call all the lost pieces back. In softening and surrendering to our true nature, we will each forge a new path without even trying. #surrender #stillness #movement #abundantmama #mamasinbusiness #mamasinflow
16.01.2022 Listen and you shall hear That inner knowing of intuition - the sixth sense - has had a rather colourful history. At times its been considered a gift that is bestowed on only a few, a curse leading to persecute, or a form of woo-woo imagination children were taught to suppress. Although some individuals are more attuned and sensitive to the whisperings of the inner knowing.... Everybody has access to it. Picking up subtle energetic clues from the environment, other people, and past, present or future events. Intuition extends beyond the five senses and we can often suppress that energy and mistake it for imagination. Although there is a fine dance being carried out between the 2 forces of imagination and intuition, its easy to discredit the inner whisperings and ignore them. There is nothing airy-fairy about intuition. It is an additional sense you can access and consult for valuable insights and direction in difficult life challenges. What role does intuition play in your life? Are you accepting or ignoring its whispers? How can you make it practical in your own situation?
13.01.2022 Tomorrow we welcome in the opening to a star gate 8:8 the lions Gate op Each year on the 8th day of the 8th month theres a cosmic alignment, a peak in which energies flow more freely between physical and spiritual realms. The gate starts to open around the 28th of July and begins to wane around 12th of August.... We all know that these past 9 months have been intense as weve witnessed some radical planetary alignments, we also are going through a complete shake up to what weve created as our reality, and not just on a individual level but as a whole collective field. Weve been in the space in between the void for sometime now and the gateways to heaven are opening up and the veil is thinning, allowing us to feel into these higher realms of wisdom and deep cellular healing. We are calling in change, calling for the new earth. This Portal opening is the opportunity for the radiant light to flow through our already powerful Leo Sun to creating new solar codes of light within us helping us anchor more love and more abundance. Our shadows have come to the surface to be healed and transmuted into love and light. These dense energies may have been carried on from previous generations as ancestral karma is alive within all our souls. Be gentle with yourself during this time. Theres so much space and opportunity for radical healing as we are transmuting fear, doubt, pain, anxiety, shame, judgment, guilt, and anger. Be courageous as you set your intentions and open your heart. Be willing to receive the love that is coming in. As you allow yourself to anchor in this energy, you are able to give it out to the world.
12.01.2022 WHY ? Why Is there so much fear around the Covid 19 virus? when you peel back all the layers ... When you question each aspect of this fear based state Its ultimately because we are Afraid of death Andif you peel it back even further Why ARE we afraid of dying? Each of us will have a slightly different answer for this which has to do with karmic imprints and deeper layer conditioning, but the most common core theme is very often because, we havent lived our DREAM life yet. We know deep within ourselves that we havent lived our life to its full potential. Living from that place of connection, alignment, and flow is where your heart and soul has been desiring to go. Theres so many layers to this life, to us. If we just look a little deeper and ask why and find the core of our fear we than can take away its power. When take back our power Its creates a beautiful opportunity for growth, and the courage to be able to walk into fear instead hiding from it and wishing it away is next level stuff. Even if you arent afraid of the cover up 19 I guarantee that if you start peeling back the layers youll be amazed at what you find. And if you are fearful of Covid I encourage you to look deeper into the why. I also encourage you to go and reach for that dream life. Create the life that if death comes knocking, which it will, youd be ok, because you have lived the life that YOU dream of. Love, always.
11.01.2022 I am woman, hear me roar In numbers too big to ignore And I know too much to go back an' pretend... 'Cause I've heard it all before And I've been down there on the floor No one's ever gonna keep me down again Oh yes, I am wise But it's wisdom born of pain Yes, I've paid the price But look how much I gained If I have to, I can do anything I am strong (Strong) I am invincible (Invincible) I am woman..... What a woman you were Helen Reddy. This song fills my heart with so much strength. I’m so grateful you wrote this song. If you haven’t heard this song. Stop. Go. Listen. Then come back Indigo and I dance and sing at the top of our lungs to this song. I love seeing her beam so brightly when it comes on. Right now she doesn’t know the deeper meaning of what this song is about, but I know the words, the rhythm, and the intention (vibration) it’s sung in, is sinking in to her impressionable little mind. I love that I get to guide her towards becoming an empowered heart centred woman, her highest self. A strong + powerful woman who is wise beyond her years and will heal many people. I love that she sees me lead the way like this, as I grow and embrace my femininity, my journey, my strengthens and weaknesses, and work on healing my maternal ancestral karmic lines. Actually wait all my built up karma All the trauma, pain, and suffering thats been before us. Of what our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers have endured. Is within us. Our ancestors are a part of us, and I’ve been doing some beautiful deep healing work clearing these patterns and lines. I’m doing the work of showing up for myself, for her. Everyday. I know that I’m helping her create a solid foundation of who she is a female, one day a woman... I do this work for myself, the world, and the greater good of humanity, but mostly I do it for her, And for my future children. So that it’s a little lighter for her, less dense and dark as she grows up in these unprecedented times. My wish is that she follows her heart, and chases her dreams. That she finds strength in her unique sensitivities, and has the courage to stand up and say No! More in comments
11.01.2022 My dream, my vision, for the new earth on this summer Solstice. Part of my vision for this new earth I’ll fit in as much as I can * Everyone is living from their hearts aligning with their higher selves.. We are all living with intention living our dharma, our life’s purpose. We use our gifts and uniqueness to lift each other up. Together we rise.... * We are all perfect conduits for the magic of life. We are all clear channels for this creative life force energy to move through us. We all trust and have faith in the divine in everything * We are aligned with ancient healing practices combining our knowledge and the intuitive wisdom of our own inner healer. We have come to realise we are our own healers. We all understand our immune systems, and nothing is mandatory. * Everyone understands the purpose of their physical experience on earth and we all take radical responsibility for ourselves, our vibration, our alignment, our energy, our frequency, and how we show up in the world. * Everyone lives in alignment with the seasons. We are in tune with the circadian rhythms of the world. We all understand and acknowledge that we are indeed the guardians of our mother earth and we do no harm to her. All our ‘things’ are sustainable and made up of renewable, natural, organic materials. Everything has a place and a use. There is no waste. Or plastic * We all have access to fresh, local, nourishing foods. We eat with the seasons and everyone nourishes their body with organic, Gmo free fruit and vegetables. Our soil is rich with nutrients and we all eat with present awareness. All our foods coemfrom the land, and we all take great care that everything ethically produced and sourced. * We come together regularly in ceremony and ritual. We dance, sing, laugh, connect, heal. Everyone belongs. We recognise that we are all a part of one another and we consciously see ourselves reflected through each other and therefore we only have compassion, kindness, ad love for one another. * We all live from a place of ease and flow. Our lives are slow paced, intentional, rthymic, and abundant. + so much more.. I’d love to read or listen to your vision
11.01.2022 I had a few people reach out about what my gratitude practice. So I thought Id share with everyone x
11.01.2022 Some souls have a way of connecting without our knowledge. Thats why you can meet them for the first time, but in your heart you know that its not the first time that youve felt them. . This beautiful Elephant and I connected all the way back in 2015 in a elephant sanctuary. Spent a week with her and weve formed a deep bond, one that crosses time and space. Ill never forget her shes imprinted in my heart. . Those 7 days were some of the best of my life. The day I left m...y heart broke hers too. I could hear her crying, we both were as my driver drove away. . I do hope to return to see her again when we can travel again . . . . . #elephant #elephantconnection #wiseoldelephant #elephantsantuary #thailand #connection #intuitiveguidance #soulmate #spiritualguidance #soulful_moments #soulfilleddays #connection See more
10.01.2022 What did I ever do to deserve you....
10.01.2022 Unbound- forever unbound I told indigo a story this morning about the great mother spirit and how she lives within us all and that she’s urging us all to clean house and let go of the past. The old stories that have been playing out in our lives over + over for generations. There has never been a safer time to clear these patterns than right now.... It is time to unwind from them. When acknowledging these patterns do so with love. They’ve served you up until now... Bring your hands to your heart And repeat this out loud I release all old stories , vows, contracts, and patterns that are no longer aligned who I came here to be in the present time. I carry lessons, growth, and gifts, but I no longer choose to live the same story. May I be unbound, unbound, forever unbound.
09.01.2022 Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it Dwell in all the possibilities ... Co create all the magic Align with all the abundance Breath into all that you are + all that dreaming up to be. Break the mould Show up, get creative, express yourself and walk your path in alignment to who you are at your core. Create + dream from the space where it already exists + Have the courage to go it alone sometimes. honour your own insights, your own feelings, your own views, and opinions. even if they are far from what the main stream normal is. It may feel overwhelming to step out and rise up. But as we learn to step into our own power and live the way we were designed to, one by one we slowly rise and even though its as seperate solo journey. In the bigger picture were all just individual expressions of a greater whole.
09.01.2022 Little Miss Sunshine
06.01.2022 Blessed beyond words . Grateful beyond measure . Magic and love filling my heart & soul.... . Keeping those vibrations high See more
06.01.2022 Welcome Sis stars I’ve welcomed so many new friends into my space here on Facebook in the last month and I felt called to welcome you in I’m growing, changing and expanding everyday and have been working on calling in my soul tribe, my soul family. ... If you’re here, then you may be one of them. I’ve been going through a re-alignment of my social media. I’m getting super clear on what role I want Social media to play in my life. I want it to be a space for me to express my voice, be connected to and supported by my soul-tribe sisters and women of my local community, and to create impact with my unique message to the World. So a HUGE WELCOME to all the new beautiful goddesses I’ve recently added and attracted. I am so honoured to connect with you in this way, and look forward to deepening our connection over time. Also, if we no longer align - I don’t want either of us to feel like there is an obligation that we need to be Social Media friends. We can still be real life friends. Social Media is NOT real life. It is simply a media platform that I am using for a particular purpose to spread my message, heart, and soul. For those of you sticking around or joining me for the first time I can’t WAIT to dive deeper into my soul-led content and share with you more and more of my fully expressed Divine Feminine self All of the love, always
06.01.2022 Even though things are changing so quickly, I still feel So blessed that I get to do what I do I get to give + connect with people I help them reconnect and embody their physical space through touch and energy.... Most of you who have been to a treatment with me knows that it runs much deeper than that if youre open and willing to listen, feel, and connect. Im expanding into the next phase of my live and this slow unfolding has been beautiful especially because it still involves giving in this way to those who are drawn to me and this space
06.01.2022 I find peace in the winter rain The chance to retreat within and reconnect on cold and rainy days. Its a nice reminder to pause & be still Dont hate the winter rain. Water is life. And. ... Your made up of it. See more
05.01.2022 The moon's mysterious rhythms are as stellar as they are sacred but when you make it a point to acknowledge its maternal presence, the moon can hold everything you need in order to make your dreams reality. Supercharged and abundantly fertile, you can think of the new moon as a blank cosmic canvas, where only you have the power to create your own masterpiece. This lunar phase not only marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, it also sets the tone for the next six months of y...our life. During the new moon, the sun joins forces with the moon in the same degree of a zodiac sign (in this instance, Leo) which creates a potent synergy, and when the sun and moon meet in the same side of the earth, the moon becomes invisible. This darkness is significant, similar to a seed's n period. What you do with this energy makes all the difference. So get clear on what on your dreams are, whats your vision, your why? and sharpen those manifesting skills. Theres so many ways to create a moon rituals in your life. Id love to know what your moon rituals are? share below . . . . . . . #newmoonvibes #newmoonritual #newmoonintentions #newmoonmagic #newmoon#newmoonleo #spiritualguidance #livinginaligment #manifestingabundance #manufestinglife #cocreatinglife #potentenergies #aligningtothemoon #moondreaming #abundanceflows #moonmama #moonchild #moonmagick #thirdeyewisdom #cosmicconsciousness #wiseguides #moonwisdom
05.01.2022 When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you - Lao Tzu . . . .... . . . . . #abundance #abumdancemindset #soulfulabundance #soulfilled #soulwork #guidinglight #lightbeingsunite #riseuptogether #wealthymindset #livinginalignment #intentionallife #livingourbestlife #aligningtolove #sourceenergy #energeticdecoding #manifestingabundance #manifestingmydreams #dreamer #loveroflife #freedombusiness #heartcentredbusiness See more
05.01.2022 Im choosing to trust whats unfolding . Today Is Choose day! . A beautiful thing about life is that you get the choice. .... The choice To choose . how you want to feel . How you react How you support and nourish your body . How you spend your time . Who you spend your time with . How you spend your money . How you make your money . How you move . How you talk . What you eat . What you drink . How you love . Who you love . What you do everyday . All of these choices contribute to the life your leading. . Choose wisely . Tell me what do you choose today? . . . . . . . #chooseday #tuesdayvibes #wereallinthistogether #riseuptogether #evolving #growthmindset #wellnessjourney #holistichealth #leadeothyourheart #reiki #massage #love #heartcentredbusiness #leadindwithmyheart #mamasinflow #mamahoodcommunity #abundantmama #mamasgotgoals See more
04.01.2022 Another reason why you shouldnt drink bottled water. Save the plant, save your insides.
04.01.2022 Were essentially birthing a new age. Right now we are in the midst of birthing a new age in to being, and it ignites my heart and soul on a whole new level. When I tune into the collective, I can feel the rise in consciousness and it feels electric, like sparks of excitement, anticipation, and its rooted in immense gratitude for the change thats coming for us all, individually and collectively. ... Ive been trying to connect with the right words to describe what ive been feeling around this transformation/ transition and I just couldnt find a way to put it all into words. This morning I pulled some oracle cards for some guidance and this is what it said. I felt called to share as it somewhat explains what ive been trying to put into words. Often our path is exactly the one that we dont feel prepared to walk. Walk it any way. Often what is rising feels far bigger than we could possibly hold. Be a container for it anyway. Often our creations seem to have a wild, uncontrollable consciousness of their own. Birth them anyway. Often what is ours to do is the very thing that most intimates us. Be courageous and do it anyway. We are birthing a new age. Right now were in a transition period between ages. In the process of allowing the old cycles to fall away and the new to rise. Like driving in the fog and trusting the road will appear ahead, we need to release old identities and ways that no longer serve us, using our intuition as a compass. You are part of a group of souls who have been incarnating at significant periods of history preparing for this exact time. Dreaming a new world into being: Magdalene sisters, daughters of lsis, essences, priestesses, visionaries, witches, mystics, healers, seers, artists, midwives, guardians of the earth, and story story tellers from times past. It is time to give permission and space for what is beckoning within to be born. We are dreaming a new world into being. Now, Bring your hand to our heart & bring your self into a space of gratitude
04.01.2022 Unplug . Time out for myself to breath & come into my centre is an important part of my day. . I function better... . Im a better mother, person, friend, and daughter. . Im more present and connected to myself and those around me. . I make better decisions because Im clear minded and aligned to how I want to live my life. . Im less stressed, anxious, and tired. . Slowing down and relaxing each day is Essential to my wellbeing. . How about you? . . . . . . . . . . #slowdown #maketimeforyou #youdoyou #mindfullife #mindfulness #mindfullynourished #inspiration #wordsofwisdom #bestversionofself #actsofservice #loveinaction #meditation #walkinginnature #yogapractice #breathwork #pranayama #daysinthesun #swimmingintheocean #riseuptogegher #healthymamas #inspo #alternativetherapy #whereattentiongoesenergyflows #love #raiseyourvibe #newcastlensw #charlestownnsw #lakemacquariensw See more
02.01.2022 The children being born into these times are the new way. They are leading us in the direction of the new/ old way. Were being called to unite, to turn to one another in support of love, kindness, and togetherness. Our children are led into a corrupt system that cannot contain them. ... Their energy fields are more complete and whole. it takes them longer to conform to the ways of the Conventional world because they are so deeply rooted within the divine. The very system in which weve built our lives upon for thousands of years is crumbling and its partly due to these children, (you are most likely one of them) These children are coming in whole and strong, with a clear understanding and vision of their part in bringing in heaven on earth as we integrate these higher energy fields onto the earth. Our children help in forming the anchor points in which the higher frequencies being drawn into earth can attach to. Our children not only guide their own hearts back to source when the dense conditioning energy beats down on us, but they guide the hearts of others. They are at the point in their soul evolution where service to humanity is the soul purpose. Helping Humanity lift/raise their consciousness. Its ultimately the rise in energy, the frequency in which we vibrate at individually that makes up the whole collective field and these children know that in a deep seeded way. They may not be able to intellectually tell you this, because its a deep knowing within. Within them is all the knowledge and secrets of the entire universe and beyond, its a deep cellular knowing. Its interesting you know how the whole body is just a blue print of of wisdom and ancient knowledge. Its just sealed within us, waiting to be uncovered Its when we disconnect from source that we lose the wisdom bit by bit. Although It never truly goes away, it just gets buried so deep from cultural conditionings, fear and shame. If we allow ourselves to disconnect completely from source it gets buried even deeper.
01.01.2022 I am totally unqualified in the eyes of man, but fully equipped in the heart of the universe
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