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25.01.2022 10 Investment Principles No. 10 Focus on What You Can Control

25.01.2022 A highly recommended read! #investingtips #investing #ASX #scientiam

25.01.2022 Welcome and Happy New Year! -

22.01.2022 Looking for a sign to start investing? - this is it! #investingtips #scientiam #investing #newyear #money

22.01.2022 Helping gain certainty about your future #finance#investment#wealth

21.01.2022 When we ask our customers how they feel using our product, these are the most common words we hear. #Scientiam #Finance #Financialstability #Money

21.01.2022 It is a question many people ask... What can an advisor do for me? Find out in the article below ...

20.01.2022 Best blog you will read today! #scientiam #investingtips #investing #superannuation

20.01.2022 Are you about to retire? -

20.01.2022 Our Investment Philosophy - what does the Australian Financial Review say about it? -

20.01.2022 10 Reasons why You Need to Manage Money Successfully, and why You Need to Start now #1. To save for a house It is still the Australian dream to own your own home, and there is no reason you cannot achieve this! To save for a house you can no longer just invest in cash, because all you get is a return of 0.25 per cent. You need to think about longer-term investments. You need a plan and a sensible long-term investment approach.... The earlier you start the better. The smarter you invest the better. #invest#superannuation#volatility#financialadvice#plan#index#evidence See more

19.01.2022 10 Reasons why You Need to Manage Money Successfully, and why You Need to Start Now Reason #3. To protect yourself from a ‘rainy-day’ event. For many Australians Coronavirus is their first wake-up call the realisation that events can occur we have no control over. These events will change our outlook, future, and sense of security drastically.... A rainy day event? A member of your family may fall ill, you may be injured or lose your job. You need to have a backup financial plan. This plan should be to save money, just i You need to know how to invest so you can survive a rainy day, month, or year. #coronavirus#covid#rainyday#invest#scientiam

16.01.2022 A quick video about market timing -

15.01.2022 10 Reasons why You Need to Manage Money Successfully, and why You Need to Start Now Reason #4. You will live a long time Chances are you will live longer than your grandparents and your parents. Some people actually find this daunting, and often ask me some of the following questions:... How can I make sure I have enough money for that long? What if I live to 90, but want to retire at 60? What if I get sick and need expensive medical care? How can I make sure I have enough money to move into the aged-care facility I want or stay at home with personalised care? Your working life is around 40 years, and you want to live off what you saved then for 30 years. Most Australians can expect to live to at least 80, and if you are in your 20s now that will be more like 85. If you plan to work less when you reach 55, 60, 65 or 70, then you will be semi-retired or retired for a long time. If you’re not investing wisely, you may not be able to work less or retire you may have to keep on working if you can keep or find a job. You simply have to invest to secure your long-term wealth and start to see the long-term picture. Unless of course you envisage living on the age pension, which in 2020 is about $430 per week.

15.01.2022 Sustainable investing and technology - Today we talk about 2 current themes in the market -

13.01.2022 10 Reasons why You Need to Manage Money Successfully, and why You Need to Start now Reason #8. To be independent from the government I don't believe any financial advice should include relying on the government. We should all plan to be completely financially independent. And most of us can be, if we know how to invest.... For example, if every Australian invested $1,000 at birth in a share fund that earned 8 per cent a year compound over 60 years, how much would they have at 60? The answer is just over $93,000. Now let's change that initial amount invested to $2,000. The result is just over $187,000. And how about $5,000 it would be $468,000. This is without any tricky investment management or even adding funds. Long-term investing works, and the earlier you start the better. It is that simple. We should all plan to be self-sufficient and only rely on the government when really necessary. If you know how to invest, you will not ever have to rely on government support.

11.01.2022 It seems like you don’t have the time to focus on your future You are swamped and the to-do list never ends We get it. ... So this will take 20 seconds. Answer all of these questions: 1. How much do you need per year to retire? 2. At what age should you retire? 3. How does a pension work? If you couldn’t answer any one of these questions Click this link. Find a time that works for you and in 15 minutes we will get you on the right track. The best 15 minutes you will spend this week. You know you deserve a helping hand. Let us help you out.

11.01.2022 FREE WEBINAR - Wealth Strategies for 2021! -

11.01.2022 Top 3 changes Aussies are willing to make post-COVID 19

11.01.2022 10 Reasons why You Need to Manage Money Successfully, and why You Need to Start now Reason #5. To retire and be free Leading straight on from reason #4 is the million-dollar question: how much will you need in retirement? Short answer: a lot. A slightly more nuanced answer is, as much money as you can possibly save.... The best way to have a great retirement is to start saving early. Ask anyone who is retired and they will tell you an ‘if only’ story if only I had started saving a bit earlier, if only I had bought that property in 1982 that’s now worth $3M. If you can put away even small instalments during your 30s and 40s, then that will make a huge difference. It always seems expensive now. You never seem to have the money now. But it’s this incremental saving that will help with your longer-term financial security. It's time to take a long-term view and not have any regrets. Long-term investing works if you invest wisely. The earlier you start the better. The smarter you invest the better.

06.01.2022 It was great to be part of this promotion with Beating Covid-19 is going to take a little longer than we'd hoped. Your health is your most precious commodity right now. But there is also something else that needs careful looking after. Your money. Making the right choices is critical. But professional advice can be difficult to access.... Together Australia is campaigning to make quality advice accessible to everyone. We've assembled hundreds of advisers across Australia to help you through this. Reach out to one of these advisers and visit our site for more help on how to manage your money. #togetheraustralia #affordableadvice #accessibleadvice

06.01.2022 Who is Frank? #investingtips #superannuation #investing #scientiam

01.01.2022 10 Reasons why You Need to Manage Money Successfully, and why You Need to Start now. Reason #2. To eliminate personal debt Australians have a high level of personal debt, fuelled by relatively easy access to finance and the recent addition of buy-now pay-later products in many stores. You can have a new car, furniture, phone or IT equipment, but at a huge extra cost as credit cards can have very high costs and interest charges.... The problem is that this type of debt is really bad. The cost is usually high, while the asset behind the debt is depreciating fast. It makes no sense to have a high cost of debt when the asset ends up worth very little. To get yourself out of the credit trap, you need to learn to spend less and to invest. #debt#personalfinance#banks#saving

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