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24.01.2022 Marlie shows me how to do an authentic downward dog She loves to join me (and lick my face) on the mat for my 6am yoga. Loving the livestream classes from Roaming Zen. With kids, a busy school morning and trying to get myself ready for work as well, there’s no way I could get myself out of the house for a 6am yoga class and still achieve all those home-mama things. ... Whilst in theory I could do my own practice or follow a pre-recorded class (of which there are many great ones available), the fact is that I don’t yet have the discipline to do that. With the livestream, I book and pay for the class, so I’m committed! Having a real-life instructor (the lovely Amy today), who checks on us at home, brings in the connection that just isn’t possible with a recording.
24.01.2022 I highly recommend Catharine from Break Free with EFT, have you tried tapping?
24.01.2022 Exercise: no excuse! I would have piked out of my bushwalk on this rainy winter Adelaide day, but my friend’s resolve is stronger than mine & she didn’t let me chicken out. So we donned our raincoats & serious boots in preparation for a miserable Morialta meander. Oh, how we were rewarded! This waterfall is sometimes little more than a dripping tap, but look at it today!... Movement + nature + sunshine + fresh air + friendship = the BEST anti-depressant, anxiolytic, health-boosting tonic. Heart-pumping, soul-fuelling goodness. It didn’t actually rain for the whole 75min hike. Plus, we saw koalas So, exercise no excuse! Did you take your tonic today? What was it?
24.01.2022 ...and if you prefer to change your appointment from in-clinic to online, just let me know! We got this, South Australia! #southaustralia #adelaideinbusiness... #womensmentalhealth #supportsmallbusinesssa #mumssupportingmums #samumsinbusiness #naturalmedicineau See more
23.01.2022 What comes after RUOK? If you’ve ever felt NOT OK, you’ll know that sometimes it can be really hard to talk about, you don’t even know what to say. I love this graphic from @miss_mental, with lovely suggestions as to what to say after RUOK? If you have a feeling someone you care about isn’t behaving as they normally would, trust your instinct and act on it. Start a conversation, show them they are not alone, listen without judgement, and help them find strategies to help, i...f that’s what they want. Remember that everyone is different, and maybe they really don’t want YOU to help perhaps you could ask if there’s someone else you can contact for them. What do you want to hear during tough times? Thank-you @miss_mental0 and @ruok for the graphics and words If you need more help: Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14 Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636 Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 Confidential Helpline: 1800 737 732
20.01.2022 Well this is a side of Charlotte Bronte I never imagined!! How about you? Do you ever risk looking silly for the sake of fun? Laughter isn’t necessarily happiness, but it certainly breaks up the blues a bit. I’m generally pretty self-conscious, but I’ll sacrifice my dignity for some kitchen disco, spontaneous karaoke, a costume party (love ‘em!), kids charades, that Mumbo Jumbo game (truly awful, with a mouthpiece that spreads your mouth apart so you can’t talk properly...), & other kids games. It’s hump day! What can you do to spark a bit of joy to get you through the week?
20.01.2022 How’s your mental health lately? These are anxious times the world over, and perhaps especially for us in Oz with the second wave of Covid-19 cases rising in the east. I really feel for our family and friends in Victoria as they face ever-tightening restrictions AGAIN. And here in South Australia, I see anxiety increasing amongst my friends as we watch what’s happening over there and know it’s perhaps only a matter of time before we follow. And if not that, then our travel ...plans will be pushed further and further into the future. We realise that no-one can say when it will end. It’s stressful! So I want remind you that mental health is an extension of physical health. What you do to your body affects your brain... and vice versa! If you look after your mental health, you improve ability to cope with whatever stressors come your way. Worries lead to anxiety, followed by irritability, insomnia, depression.... which impact your relationships and the effect trickles into all aspects of your life, and those close to you. Unless you take control! Self-care is not selfish. Small daily actions in which you replenish your energy, recharge your batteries and relax your mind will help in every way. This is not about having a bubble bath every now and then, self-care is something you need EVERY DAY to improve your resilience to Life’s daily challenges. As those challenges increase, self-care becomes even more important. So what else can you add in to the mix? Here are my top 5 (general) self-care tips, proven to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety: - Talk to a trusted friend or professional - eat a healthy, whole food diet - EXERCISE minimum 30min, 5days a week - Breathe long, slowly, deeply, starting with 2-5min If you’re not used to it - Meditate - Make sleep a priority! Over the next week or two, I’ll be adding to this list and making specific suggestions about foods, supplements and activities to help you keep your cool. Do you include daily self-care rituals in your routine? What are they?
19.01.2022 Did you know that 90% of the serotonin in your body is made in your digestive microbiome! I love such fascinating facts about the body. Serotonin is your natural anti-depressant. You may know that many anti-depressant medications work by increasing the amount of serotonin circulating in your brain & nervous system. Not only does it help boost your mood, it’s also important to regulate your appetite, sleep and sexuality. Low serotonin levels are correlated with anxiety, depres...sion, aggressive behaviours, eating disorders & sleep problems. You can support your serotonin levels naturally by including foods rich in: - Tryptophan, the amino-acid needed to produce serotonin. Find it in turkey, red meat, nuts, seeds, bananas, poultry and other protein sources. - Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, which help improve the sensitivity of serotonin receptors. Find it in cold-water oily fish such as wild-caught salmon, mackerel and sardines. Other good sources include grass-fed beef, walnuts, chia seeds & algae - Vitamin D3 helps convert tryptophan into serotonin. Get it from butter, egg yolks & sunlight (about 10min per day on a A4 size area of skin should do it!). - Probiotics a healthy gut microbiome is essential for good serotonin production. Try a variety of fermented foods, including kefir, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut & yoghurt. Sometimes I recommend probiotic supplements, but there are many inferior products out there so it’s better to talk to a practitioner to make sure you’re getting a quality product and not wasting your money. Other important nutrients include zinc, magnesium, B6, B9 (folate) & methionine. Exercise, massage and practising gratitude have all been found to boost serotonin too! I think that’s good enough reason to book a massage, don’t you?!
19.01.2022 Nothing says I’m Here To Stay! like an enormous sign bolted to the wall!! If you’re feeling flat, fatigued or frazzled (or all three!), come see me! I’ve been there, I know how that feels. I can help you work out what you need to feel energised, enthusiastic and enjoying life again. ... Online consultations also available!
18.01.2022 Wellbeing Flow. In my opinion, these are the four fundamental pillars of holistic health. Of course there are other important influences, including strong social support and a rich inner or spiritual life. But when you come to see me, for whatever is ailing you, my belief is that healing will be limited unless you build a solid foundation. So we will start with these four fundamental aspects of wellbeing. Book in a free discovery call if you’re wondering how we might be able to work together for your optimal wellbeing.
18.01.2022 I wouldn’t buy clothes without trying them on, and even if I do try them I don’t buy everything I try, even if it fits! Likewise, I don’t expect you to book a consultation with me, without knowing anything about me. A discovery call is exactly that. We can have a little chat about your health concerns and/or motivation, and I will outline how we can address it together. Or not, as the case may be! I don’t want to fail you - that’s not good for my business - so if it’s out of my scope of expertise I would prefer to help you find another practitioner who may be a better fit. Don’t be shy! There’s no fear of getting the hard sell from me (I’m really not good at that!). My focus is on finding the right healing modality and the right practitioner for YOU.
17.01.2022 Do you meditate? Do you use Insight Timer? It’s an amazing app with 1000’s of wonderful free meditations. Sometimes it takes a bit of trial and experiment to find a teacher you like, but there are lots of great ones on there so it’s not too hard. I discovered this meditation by Ruth King today, it was exactly what I needed
16.01.2022 Have a beauty-full weekend!
16.01.2022 It’s beginning to look a bit like Springtime! What’s your favourite season? I quite like getting cosy in winter, summer heat can be a bit too stifling for me, but the colours, smells and promises of Spring are hard to resist!
15.01.2022 Challenge accepted!
15.01.2022 Come along if you’re in Adelaide!
14.01.2022 Feeling meh? Need a lot of sleep? Can’t function without a double-shot coffee? You might be low in the Adrenaline and its partner Noradrenaline the biochemical messengers produced in the adrenal glands. They give you improved attention and focus, increased energy and a general positive outlook.... We usually associated adrenalin with high-stress, but actually it’s produced naturally throughout the day, characterised by the little flutter of excitement you may feel in anticipation of something positive, like a party or a good meal. Signs of low adrenalin/noradrenalin: lacking focus finding it hard to concentrate easily distracted feeling shy apathy, lethargy hard to wake up in the morning need a lot of sleep, but wake unrefreshed craving stimulating substances like caffeine, chocolate, sugar, nicotine or illicit drugs. If you relate to any of that, your catecholamines (the collective term for adrenaline, noradrenaline and their cousin dopamine) are possibly out of whack. Maybe you’ve pushed them too far, living a chronically high-stress life, burning the candle at both ends and overdoing the coffee. These things set you on the path to burnout. Nutritionally, there’s a lot you can do to get the buzz back, naturally: Tyrosine, the amino acid need for production found in high protein foods like beef, fish, eggs Vitamin C in high demand in the adrenal glands and times of stress. Kiwi, citrus fruits, green vegies. B-group vitamins well-known as energy-producers and stress relievers Magnesium a vital nutrient that helps with fatigue, lethargy and stress. Get it from greens and nuts. Perhaps most importantly, avoid excess caffeine, sugar and other stimulants as these will eventually deplete your adrenals. You might feel more tired for a few days but your body will bring itself back into balance when you treat it right! One thing to note is that many of the symptoms of low adrenal function are similar to those of an under-active thyroid, so this possibility is worth investigating with your doctor or natural health practitioner.
13.01.2022 Happy Cats! Never too old for a box + =
13.01.2022 Did you know singing could do all that? A lot of the benefits of singing come down to the way you have to control your breathing, but it’s not only that. Singing relaxes your mind by activating the vagus nerve, so important for your rest and digest nervous system to counteract stress. Best of all, even if you can’t hit a note you still get all the benefits! It doesn’t matter when, what, where, how or who you sing with. Singing sparks joy!... Have you had your dose of singing today? #singforselfcare #singforwellbeing #selfcare #naturalanxietyrelief #depressionsupport #nourishyournerves #mindfulmama #bodymindconnection #mentalwellbeing
12.01.2022 Oh broth, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways: brew a cup with ginger & lemon for a warming appetiser or snack Use it as a soup base Add a cup or two to any bolognese, curry sauce or stew... Cook rice & other grains in it, by absorption method Use it in Asian-style noodle soups Use it in stir-fries Sauté onion & garlic, deglaze the pan with broth, add vegies & cook = delish side dish! If you’ve been following any natural health pages anywhere, you would have read about the powers of bone broth to heal and support the gut, immune system, bones and joints, as well as pretty much as every type of tissue in your body due to the high collagen and mineral content. But how do you use it? RECIPE I never use an exact recipe, just something like this: Big pot bag of (marrow) bones from the butcher or a couple of chicken frames Cover generously with water and add a good splash of apple cider vinegar Add roughly chopped vegies: carrot, onion, leek, celery tops, garlic Herbs: parsley, thyme, sage, oregano. Bring to the boil, then simmer as long as you can up to 24-48hours. Use a slow cooker! Or pressure cooker on high x 90min, repeat x4 Strain! If you’ve made a huge amount, refrigerate/freeze in 2-cup portions. When it’s cold, scrape off the fat and use it in cooking. How do you love yours?
12.01.2022 Dopamine is your internal gold star. It’s the neurotransmitter that gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling when you’ve done something good for yourself.. Dopamine is also important in memory, attention and learning, sleep and mood. However, it’s a double-edged sword, as having low dopamine levels can drive a person toward unhealthy activities - like drug, food and other addictions - just to get that little dopamine hit in the brain’s pleasure and reward centre. Low dopamine is assoc...iated with loss of satisfaction, reduced motivation, stress, mental illness, poor sleep, high sugar intake and addictions. Dopamine helps in muscle control so low levels may cause muscle cramps, stiffness, tremors or other movement problems. Dopamine is converted into the catecholamines adrenalin and noradrenalin, so high levels may be found in hyperactivity, aggressive behaviours, Tourette’s syndrome & schizophrenia. You can increase your dopamine levels naturally by including foods rich in: - L-Tyrosine, the amino-acid needed to dopamine. Find it in seafood, seaweeds, egg whites, cheese, poultry & royal jelly. - L-Theanine found in tea, both black teas & green teas, has been shown to elevate levels of dopamine (as well as GABA and serotonin) - Vitamin D3 from butter, egg yolks & sunlight. Supplementation has been found to increase dopamine levels in kids with ADHD. - Zinc seafood & other proteins, nuts and seeds - Magnesium green vegies, nuts, seeds, cocoa and whole grains - Avoid foods high in sugar, processed fats and caffeine Activities that make you feel good will also raise dopamine. These include exercise, meditation and getting enough sleep. Shopping ...not so much!
12.01.2022 Exercise! Did you know it could do all that? Love it or hate it, the evidence is pretty clear that it benefits not only your physical body, but your mental health as well. . Although I ramble on a lot about food and nutrients, when I see clients with anxiety, depression or other mental health challenges, the first thing I emphasise is movement. . I admit I am NOT an exercise-lover. But after many years of stop-starting for various reasons/excuses, I have finally realised it...’s an essential component of my mental health plan. So I make sure I schedule in something almost every day, like bushwalking and yoga. And dog-walking of course! Because even if you do nothing else, a simple walk imparts many benefits. I’m sure that’s one of the reasons pets are recommended for people suffering anxiety &/or depression. . The key is in finding something you love to do, discovering your motivation, then committing to it by making it a priority. Let it be the first thing you schedule into your day, and make sure you don’t have any excuses for backing out. Make a date with a friend or book and pay for a class before you think too much about it. . What motivation do you need to make movement a priority? What do you need to make it FUN?! . .
12.01.2022 Seems like a timely reminder... always come back to the breath! We take for granted that our body does what it is meant to do without thought - but the power of the breath is so much greater than just keeping us alive. When we need to focus, to calm, to re-energise, to take moments...always come back to the breath. So simple!? Repost and Thanks for the inspo @paliantdesign
12.01.2022 Well gosh, we were doing so well and now we’re suddenly in lockdown again. It’s a bit of a shock isn’t it?! But we’ll be OK. No need to scramble to pivot (the word of 2020), we are already set up for business as (un)usual. Stay safe and well everyone. And remember to breathe! Contact me if you need naturopathic support for your physical or mental wellbeing.... Heidi
12.01.2022 Did you know that 90% of the serotonin in your body is produced by your gut microbiome? Come along and learn many more fascinating insights about your health and wellbeing during this 90-min workshop. Nourish Your Nerves How to stay Zen during a pandemic & life in general, using good mood food and other natural remedies to keep your mental health in balance.... Gain insights into: theGut-Brain Connection your feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters how you can support your miniature cheer squad (aka the gut microbiome) to keep your moods in balance how specific dietary nutrients and herbal medicines can help maintain your Zen simple, easy steps you can take today to gain control of your mental wellbeing Healthy Body Balanced Mind Each participant will receive a goodie-bag including: a Good Mood Toolkit, including valuable resources such as meal plans, recipes, mood-tracking tools, and more! Presents, discounts, vouchers, samples worth $25 alone! Someone will also go home with a lucky door prize! 1-3pm Saturday 10th October Roaming Zen, 443 Magill Rd, St Morris @roamingzen #naturalmentalhealthmanagement #nourishyournerves #anxietysupport #depressionsupport #pmddsupport #mumssupportingmums #balancedmumlife #mentalwellbeing #samumsinbusiness @naturalmedicineau
12.01.2022 Natural Chill Pills! Did you know you make your own? GABA (Gamma-Amino-Butyric-Acid) is a neurotransmitter known for it’s relaxing and calming effect, helping to calm the mind, relieve anxiety, lower blood pressure, relax the muscles and ensure a nice deep restful sleep. When you are stressed or anxious, cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline might override your ability to make enough GABA. Symptoms of low GABA include anxiety, restlessness, excess worries, cravings for alcoh...ol and insomnia (to name a few). You can support your internal GABA production with foods that include the necessary nutrients, including: Magnesium from green vegies, nuts and seeds Zinc oysters and other seafood, pepitas and brazil nuts Glutamine eggs, beef and other proteins Vitamin B6 fish, liver and other organ meats, starchy vegetables, fruit Just like some other neurotransmitters, much inherently-produced GABA is manufactured by some members of your digestive microbiome, so consuming fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut helps too. GABA is also enhanced by relaxing activities such as mindfulness, meditation and yoga. If you’re not feeling the GABA-love, you may be deficient in one or more of those required nutrients, or possibly experiencing a dysfunctional GABA production line. If you suspect that’s the case, I recommend seeing a natural health practitioner to get the balance right.
11.01.2022 Hey mamas! We got this!! Happy Monday, and have a great week!
10.01.2022 You’re alive, you feel, you care, your soul is deep, your heart is full, you’re human, you cry. Don’t hold back! Then talk to a loved one, and have a good nap.
10.01.2022 Mountains or beach? Forest or gardens? Desert or hills? What revives you? Nature is a great therapist. The bush/forest is usually where I go to replenish my soul, but I must admit I’m quite partial to a refreshing ocean scene, especially if it comes with a dash of carefree boyhood. How about you?
10.01.2022 Do you sometimes feel despairing, because you’re not seeing results in your health journey? I’ve been there, it can be so frustrating! You feel like you’re working so hard, forgoing all the fun stuff, and not getting anywhere. Well, give yourself a pat in the back for all the good choices you made today! Keep in mind that every little choice you make today has results - or consequences - in your future. Positive actions that you repeat daily have a cumulative effect, and yo...u will notice the results in a month, or a season, ....and sometimes it takes a year or more. The same goes for bad habits. You might not notice a negative effect of one sugary snack, one glass of plonk, one take-away meal, but I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that poor choices on a daily level have a long-term impact. This is something I’m trying to teach my kids! Their young, vibrant little bodies bounce back from everything at this stage. What one positive thing can you make a daily habit, for the good of the harvest you will sow later?
10.01.2022 Journalling! It’s a bit of a buzz word these days. Do you do it? I’ve been a long-time journaller, ever since I was an anxious teen and lonely backpacker. I journaled when I found it hard to talk to people, and discovered it’s a good way to get uncomfortable feelings out of my head where they can seem bigger and more intense than what they really are. Later I discovered positive psychology and how good it feels to record happy thoughts too. Here are some ideas to journal abo...ut it you are feeling down or anxious: - 10 happy memories - 5 Positive achievements - 50 (yes, 50!)Things you like about yourself - 20 things you are grateful for (or 3 things daily) - Anger, sadness or other so-called negative feelings - write it into a story and give it a happy ending Get yourself a beautiful notebook or scrounge around for some scrap paper, it doesn’t really matter. But it’s important to write with your hand rather than type, as somehow this connects to your inner self on a deeper level. Start once a week, sit down in a relaxing space with a cup of tea or coffee. Work up to more often, even daily, if the feelings take you! I’d love to know if it works for you.
08.01.2022 When you’re in the throes of anxiety, it’s easy to succumb to those very intense feelings and feel there’s no way out. However, sometimes a little circuit-breaker is all that’s needed, to get out of your head, distract that monkey mind and ground yourself back in reality. Talking to someone is top of my list, and it doesn’t HAVE to be about feelings, even a banal conversation can disrupt the anxiety spiral. What do you do?...
08.01.2022 I’m often asked, What is your number 1 tip for improving health?. The answer is not very sexy: MORE VEGETABLES! I’ve read shocking statistics that only 1 in 10 adults consume the recommended daily intake of vegetables, and sadly even fewer children hit the mark.... Top Tip to easily get more vegies into your day: VEGETABLE CRUDITES! When you’re preparing your evening meal, or any time you are using a cutting board and knife, take an extra few minutes to prep some vegetable crudites (raw vegie sticks) to keep in a container in the fridge all the time. ALL THE TIME. And then, eat them at the first sign of hunger. Carrots, cucumber, red and yellow capsicum, celery, snow peas, sugar snap peas these are our family favourites. Prepping (and EATING!) vegies first is great to: - prevent junk food binges when you’re too tired to make something good - satisfy hunger pangs & avoid kids (and adults!) spoiling their appetites for dinner - make lunchbox prep faster and healthier by adding a selection - impress your unexpected guests with a plate of vegies and tub of hummus Sometimes, when I’m feeling REALLY lazy, these trusty vegie sticks become our side-dish to dinner. Just open the container, place on the dining table and VOILA! Salad Since the kids were little, having vegie sticks on-hand was my best strategy for satisfying the urgently tantrum-ready hungry toddler. You know, when they are suddenly starving NOW!! Fill ‘em up with vegies, they are happy, and I am happy knowing they are getting some goodness into their bellies plus I’ve bought myself a bit of time to finish prepping dinner. Even now, they still get vegie sticks in their lunchboxes every day. So far, they haven’t tired of them thank goodness!
08.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day! And thank-you, to all our heroes. We love you!
07.01.2022 Hey mamas! I wrote this blog a few months ago, for all having to cope with schooling from home alongside covid restrictions and all the regular daily life challenges. Some bits might be useful for those of us going through it all again. Hope it helps! Stay strong
05.01.2022 And if you have to repeat DAY ONE over and over, that’s still better than wishing for one day. Have you started yet? What’s it going to be? Me: admittedly I sometimes repeat day one over and over. But at least I’m not giving up, right?! There’s no failure, only lessons!
05.01.2022 Marlie says: it’s Springtime everybody!! Hope you enjoy the smells, sunshine, parks and playgrounds as much as I do! Get out there and play!!
04.01.2022 You know that buzz, energy boost, the jitters, the butterflies in your stomach you get after a good strong coffee? Perhaps you’ve also noticed a knot in your stomach, or a feeling of worry or panic? That is the caffeine stimulating your adrenals, mimicking your stress response. If you have a tendency toward anxiety, strong caffeine drinks are not going to be your friend. I love coffee myself, but if you’re having more than one cup or shot a day, I recommend you cut back and ...find a healthier alternative. I became addicted to proper strong espressos when I had a darling little baby who was a terror at night, never sleeping for more than two hours at a time at night (& often much less!), and then bright, chirpy and wakeful during the day as well. I didn’t have many opportunities to catch up on sleep, so coffee became my crutch. It’s a hard friend to break up with, especially when my sleep is STILL regularly disturbed by kids, cats, dogs and the old house that goes bump in the night. Signs that I know I need to cut back: I wake up tired, I wake with puffy eyes I want another one, because one coffee only makes me feel normal and not energetic I feel the typical afternoon slump at 3pm when it starts to wear off I fall asleep without problem but I wake after a few hours, with my mind spinning with all kinds of unhelpful worries Do you relate to any of that? Green tea is a great alternative because it gives you a lift without the jitters and sleep disturbances. It’s also a potent source of antioxidants, which offer all manner of health benefits. It’s been found to boost the brain whilst keeping the nerves calm. I love sencha & matcha, how about you? Could you imagine giving up coffee?? If not, maybe that’s a sign to consider it!!
04.01.2022 Saturday Sillies! Playing with gif creation, what do you think? Maybe you can teach old dogs new tricks after all!
02.01.2022 When was the last time you just had fun? Fun is right up there with nutrition, exercise & meditation as being necessary for your good mental health! Do you give yourself permission to let loose? Or are you like me, always saying things like No, Not yet, After I’ve finished this [email/laundry/cooking] if the kids ask you to play a game with them? That’s not the kind of parent I envisaged myself being. But does that magical time ever eventuate, when you have nothing els...e to do but a round of UNO? It’s easy to get absorbed by the never-ending to-do list, it seems impossible just to let it all go and have some fun without feeling guilty thinking about all the things you have to do. So I say: Put away the to-do list, tune into your carefree self and make a plan to laugh with loved ones this weekend. Play a board game, a card game, build some Lego, draw a picture, colour-in, have a lounge room dance party, kick a footy, jump on the trampoline, throw a frisbee... What do you do, just for fun?
01.01.2022 Discussing SOME of the things the beneficial microbes in our gut do for us, and how to nurture them to do their best. Remember: fibre = prebiotic = microbiome fuel = better gut health = better mental health! Next episode: how to avoid accidentally nurturing the bad guys instead!