Funeral Matters Melbourne in Vermont, Victoria | Funeral service & cemetery
Funeral Matters Melbourne
Locality: Vermont, Victoria
Phone: +61 412 741 531
Address: PO Box 742 | Brentford Square VIC 3131 Vermont, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 What you can do now if youve delayed celebrating a loved ones life.
25.01.2022 From Johnny Suns TED talk. These images speak loudly to me.
25.01.2022 A REFLECTION ON THE IMMINENT DEATH OF SOMEONE YOU LOVE Watching someone you love suffer a drawn out and slow decline from a ‘no longer treatable’ cancer is hard... A significant understatement really. Some context: There were too many deaths in my world within a short space about five years back but only one that was similar to my current experience and I was not there to witness the daily decline. A blessing in hindsight. What’s been difficult about this experience was se...eking to find any kind of balance between having all the important conversations about end of life decisions while clear and cogent conversations were still possible as well as getting to hear about my birth family’s history for the first time versus a predisposition (not mine) to avoid the conversations that acknowledged that death was much closer than was bearable. It feels like a double loss. The impending death as well as no longer being able to hear about my birth family’s history and experiences first hand. Having an opportunity to explore photos and paperwork (and there’s a lot of it) has allowed me some insight and I’ve also found some family tree information for my maternal birth grandmother’s family. I look forward to exploring that in the months to come. Right now, in the midst of this experience, more than ever I recognise the value and importance of open and honest conversations about end of life experiences. But I’m a convert anyways. So if you’re in the midst of a similar situation, find yourself someone (who has a little more distance than you from the experience), wherever you might be on your journey, to support you and be there for you. See more
25.01.2022 It was a sad day today saying goodbye to a courageous and resilient woman.
25.01.2022 #greatstories #sunnies #hatsonbackwards #chippies #hardyakka #sayinggoodbye #restinpeace # #notaregularlookforme #funeralcelebrant #funeralcelebrantmelbourne #justonelife
24.01.2022 This week, like most weeks at the moment, involved a lot of live streaming of services... and the some time unreliability of signal strength that we expect (or at the very least REALLY want) to be perfect! Ahh, technology - what a mixed bag you are!!
24.01.2022 #challengingtimes for #lovedones #sayinggoodbye ... #melbournefuneralcelebrant #funerals #funeralservices #coronavirus #socialdistancing
24.01.2022 I’ve a big memorial service happening on Saturday and one of the team helping to plan it just sent me this email. #appreciated
24.01.2022 Love that what I do makes a difference. You need to open the photo to read the whole message.
24.01.2022 #sayinggoodbyeishard ... #itsnevereasy Being a part of honouring a life fills my life with #meaning and #purpose #melbournefunerals #melbournefuneralcelebrant #melbournefuneralflowers #funeralcelebrant #funeralcelebrantmelbourne #storytelling #justonelife
24.01.2022 I found this post this morning via LinkedIn... in the author offers a whole lot of wishes and then recognises what it would or wouldn't mean if all those wishes came true... Something to think about...
23.01.2022 Scenes from the last day of the week. #friday #funerals #funeralflowers #melbournefuneralcelebrant #bunurongmemorialpark #waratah #sunshine #cloudyskies
21.01.2022 If youre in need or interested in scattering ashes at sea or in a better understanding of grief you might be interested in this online Ed Session tomorrow night.
21.01.2022 For the fourth time in less than four years I was part of a wonderful familys farewell. Vale Marls.
21.01.2022 A different look for a young chippie today at the familys request.
19.01.2022 Saying farewell in a style of his own making... the tallest tree in the heart of the grandest forest has fallen.
17.01.2022 #sayinggoodbye to a woman filled with #love and #compassion ... a woman who took others into her #heartandhome ...#lightingcandles represented the #light she brought to the lives of those she knew and #loved #funeralflowers #exquisiteflowers #melbournefuneralcelebrant #femalefuneralprofessional #justonelife #livelife #lifewelllived
17.01.2022 There are many meaningful ways to include children in farewell services. #balloonrelease #flowerplacing #honourguard #candlelighting ... all done at a service this week... #funeral #funeralcelebrant #funeralceremony #funeralcelebrantmelbourne #justonelife
17.01.2022 #covid19 restrictions are easing in #victoria ... if #50people is a #perfect size #farewell for #theoneyoulove then youll be wanting to plan their #funeral #celebrating their #life soon. #letmeknow if I can #help
17.01.2022 When you feel like losing hope in humanity remember this. #nursesrock
16.01.2022 A sad day today for a family who lost their mum, sister, auntie, grandmother & friend to COVID-19.
16.01.2022 #covid19 #funerals in #melbourne when only 10 people can say #farewell in person ... #feeling for #families in #grief. #justonelife #melbournefuneral #melbournefuneralcelebrant #thereforyou
16.01.2022 There are so many rewarding and fulfilling parts to the work I do. And its wonderful to be able to make some of lifes hardest days easier.
15.01.2022 For those wondering about the rules for cemetery visits. #cemeteryvisits #victoria #covid19 #news #australia
15.01.2022 To act now or to wait? Some families have found the more readily available live streaming options, coupled with this long lockdown and an unlikely upward change in numbers at funerals reason enough to say farewell right now. And for those of you planning a memorial for a later date I invite you to seriously consider completing your ceremony plans sooner rather than later... so all the things you would say now if you could, are captured for when you are ready to pay tribute together. #askmehow
13.01.2022 My heart bursts with warmth (and a little pride)when I get messages like this. #suchaprivilege
13.01.2022 All this love...
13.01.2022 This... you never know when. How much are you making of your life’s possibilities, your potential? And how much have you shared about what is (or isn’t) important to you when you die?
13.01.2022 It’s been a full on fortnight... everyday is a reminder of the possibilities as potential in life. #justonelife
10.01.2022 #redroses #cathedralceiling #sayinggoodbye to a #resilient #fighter #alifetimeoflove #justonelife #melbournefunerals #melbournefuneralcelebrant #funeralmatters #funeralflowers
10.01.2022 From #Seymour to #Sunbury this week to help families say #farewell in meaningful ways, despite the #covid19 restrictions. Supporting #families in #changingtimes in #challengingtimes ...#melbournefuneralcelebrant #justonelife #funeralcelebrant #funeralflowers #flowers #pinkroses #countryfireservice #countryfireservicesa
10.01.2022 Victorian Goverment Advice in attending funerals as at 5.37pm 22/6/2020. *** What actions should I take when attending a ceremony, wedding or funeral? Everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).... Before you leave home: If you feel unwell or have any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), you must stay at home. If you have symptoms, you should get tested. When you attend the service: Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow. Wash or sanitise your hands regularly. Keep 1.5 metres between yourself and others. Be patient in areas where people congregate like entrances/ exits and while waiting in line. After you get home: Wash your hands.
09.01.2022 a #carlover ... #motorbike man... a #familyman was farewelled with his car, bike and family and a #collingwood #balloonrelease #melbournefunerals #melbournefuneralcelebrant
09.01.2022 Why do I do what I do? So I can leave people feeling like this!
08.01.2022 Love getting messages like this. I love that what I do makes a difference.
08.01.2022 After loss, sometimes this happens ...and sometimes not.
07.01.2022 Saying #goodbye to one of lifes #creative and #artistic wonders. When #three become #one such #beautifulflowers
07.01.2022 And what a delight it is to be of service to such a wonderful family!
06.01.2022 #pitstop for #lunch in downtown #yea after seeing a #family in #seymour
06.01.2022 The last two lines matter for funerals from Monday August 3. But as someone pointed out today, this is a fast changing situation... so keep safe everyone.
06.01.2022 Melbourne is in Stage 4 lock down. With pretty harsh comments and arguments over reopening or completely shutting down for another six weeks, someone in their right mind wrote the following piece (to which Ive made some additions and changes). The original author is unknown to me. Its boat-storm analogy is a powerful one. Its all about perspective. WE ARE NOT IN THE SAME BOAT ... Its been said we are all in the same boat, but it's not like that. WE ARE IN THE SAME STORM...Continue reading
05.01.2022 It was an #honour and a #privilege to be asked to come back and help a wonderful family #saygoodbye to their much loved dad and gooey Pop. He was such a joy in life even with his grumpy side #whatitis to #diefromabrokenheart #footballfanatic #cricketumpire
04.01.2022 This week has been a week of contrasts. #sunshine and #blueskies to #fog and the odd #chillymorning ... saying farewell to #young and #old ... driving #near and #far ... I #live in #appreciation and #gratitude for all I have in #life. What are you grateful for?
04.01.2022 I found this poem this morning while looking for one to use in one of my services this week... It's not a fit for the service but I like it enough to share it... It's by Jessie (written in 2010) WHEN I DIE When I die, I don't want to be buried.... I don't want a casket. I don't want a tombstone. I don't really want much of a funeral. I simply want whomever desires To say something about me To do so (Whether it's good, bad, or funny). I want to be burned In a cardboard box, And as I'm being cremated, I want someone To read a poem that I have written For that very occasion. When I'm all turned to ashes, I want them to put me In a cheap little container And throw my ashes into the wind. Maybe over a field, a forest, or the ocean-- Whatever, so long as it's windy there. Mostly, I don't want my loved ones to have a Specific place to visit me Because I want to be the one Who visits my loved ones So I can give them kisses When the wind Brushes their cheeks.
03.01.2022 The beauty of #red roses and #whiteroses to #sayfarewell to someone you #love #justonelife #welllivedlife #muchlovedman #melbournefunerals #melbournefuneralcelebrant
02.01.2022 I love this piece. In a world where the relentless pursuit of happiness gets in the way of an appreciation of today! #strivelessenjoymore
01.01.2022 Morning! Its a balmy 4 degrees in downtown Woodend.
01.01.2022 Today the delightful Evie made her sparkling presence felt throughout Lady Ritas farewell. She spent a bit of time waving at people from under the lectern I was speaking at. #dancing #jumping and #twirling as well. #thingsthatmakemesmile #thingsthatmakemehappy #gratitude #funeral #melbournefuneralcelebrant #melbournefunerals *posted with permission
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