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Funky Pawz Belly Bands | Other

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Funky Pawz Belly Bands

Phone: +61 402 201 522


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24.01.2022 Resting happily at home after being dive bombed by a Wattle bird on our walk. Rufus 1 Wattle bird 0! Actually, it was probably a draw because Rufus was totally unfazed and the bird must think it frightened off the big, bad, four legged monster

23.01.2022 A full day making bands! Now the mad dash to the post office before they close

22.01.2022 12yo Dusty sporting his skull and crossbones belly band From his mum " thank you for your wonderful product."

21.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all my lovely customers and your gorgeous dogs. Hope you all have a wonderful 2019 too.Merry Christmas to all my lovely customers and your gorgeous dogs. Hope you all have a wonderful 2019 too.

19.01.2022 So that's what a mountain of belly bands looks like

18.01.2022 Another lovely boy helped with a Funky Pawz belly band

18.01.2022 It's a very hot 39C outside but it's time for me and Rufus to get into the car and head south. Looking forward to the trees, hills, wine and pantomime this weekend! Hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend

16.01.2022 Happy hump day everybody. The weekend is only a couple of days away and it's that much closer to Christmas

16.01.2022 Feeling pretty helpless right now in the face of the devastation facing many parts of our beautiful country. But I can do one small thing....100% of money recieved for orders made during January 2020 will be going to this organisation!

16.01.2022 My old boy is a bit grey on his face!

12.01.2022 It always makes me so happy know that my belly bands are helping someone's fur-baby enjoy a better quality of life. "The belly band arrived today and is perfect. The band is replacing a very old one that I used for him not being house trained when I got him as a rescue 9 years ago. Yours is much better as it’s wider and I can use two pads. Rudy is now 14 yrs & 3 months , not that I’m counting. He has had a degenerative disc disease and is now at the stage he can’t walk . I have to toilet him etc. The belly band is for the nighttime and also when he has a bladder infection. The old one came from the US as back then their wasn’t much available. Love the tons of Velcro. Ok thanks again for such a great product"

11.01.2022 Message received recently ... "Here is a picture of Robbie wearing his band. I am so pleased with it - no leakage at all and he seems to be very comfortable wearing it. Robbie is 14 and started leaking about six months ago. Vet checked for anything nasty but it is just old age. I put a ladies incontinance pad in the band each night. I highly recommend your product." The adorable Robbie modelling his Belly Band!

11.01.2022 Quick walk with Rufus....dusk in beautiful south west WA

08.01.2022 Our dogs come in a whole range of sizes and so do Funky Pawz belly bands. I think this is the largest band I've ever made (extra wide xxx large) against the very smallest band (xxx small band).

08.01.2022 Rest now, e Papatnuku Breathe easy and settle Right here where you are We’ll not move upon you For awhile... We’ll stop, we’ll cease We’ll slow down and stay home Draw each other close and be kind Kinder than we’ve ever been. I wish we could say we were doing it for you as much as ourselves But hei aha We’re doing it anyway It’s right. It’s time. Time to return Time to remember Time to listen and forgive Time to withhold judgment Time to cry Time to think About others Remove our shoes Press hands to soil Sift grains between fingers Gentle palms Time to plant Time to wait Time to notice To whom we belong For now it’s just you And the wind And the forests and the oceans and the sky full of rain Finally, it’s raining! Ka turuturu te wai kamo o Rangi ki runga i a koe Embrace it This sacrifice of solitude we have carved out for you He iti noaiho - a small offering People always said it wasn’t possible To ground flights and stay home and stop our habits of consumption But it was It always was. We were just afraid of how much it was going to hurt - and it IS hurting and it will hurt and continue to hurt But not as much as you have been hurt. So be still now Wrap your hills around our absence Loosen the concrete belt cinched tight at your waist Rest. Breathe. Recover. Heal - And we will do the same. Edited to add: thank you for the amazing response to this poem! I never expected it to travel so far and wide. Many people have asked who the author is so I wanted to clarify that I wrote this poem on the train home after the announcement of total lockdown was made here in Aotearoa, New Zealand. I felt like I could hear Papatnuku exhaling in relief as we all began our journeys home. In truth, one month of lockdown is not enough. Even six months would not be enough! We need a total and sustained change of habit, globally and within our own communities. I hope so much we take our time to reflect on the fact that if we can do it to save ourselves for a month, we ought to be able to make similar habit changes for Mother Earth for the long term. The most telling thing for me was how empty our veggie plant aisles were after lockdown was announced - in a crisis, we will turn back to our mother to provide (and of course she will!). Lots of people have asked for translations... Papatnuku - Mother Earth (the addition of the e in front signals the words are addressed or spoken directly to her.) Ka turuturu te wai kamo o Rangi ki runga i a koe - means something like, tears from the eyes of Ranginui drip down on you (Ranginui is our sky father, it is common to refer to rain as the tears of Rangi for his beloved, from whom he was separated at the beginning of time in order that there could be light in the world). Not long after the announcement we were moving to level 3, it poured with rain in Porirua after many months of hot and dry weather. I could feel my garden rejoicing. Hei aha - This can be translated in many ways, but I meant it like the English oh well, whatever He iti noaiho - something small. Because our sacrifice feels enormous but in reality I think it is not sufficient to truly see Papatnuku recover. However, in Mori, we often talk about the significance of small actions or gestures. We say ahakoa he iti, he pounamu. Although it is small, it is a treasure. Thank you so much for the support

05.01.2022 The ever gorgeous Monty with his new bands. Old bands very well used from the look of them

04.01.2022 A grand total of $515 has been donated to The Rescue Collective to help wildlife affect by the bushfires. This represents all monies received in January for Belly Band deductions for p&p, materials or labour. Thank you to everyone who purchased a band in January I'm really pleased to have been able to fill nearly all of the orders despite breaking my shoulder at the beginning of the month!

03.01.2022 I've had some really good company this afternoon while making Belly Bands......David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Linkin Park and many more

02.01.2022 Lovely walk with Rufus in Bridgetown, WA today. Lots of wildflowers about!

01.01.2022 Grab the tissues, and revel in the magic you helped create as Rescue Collective supporters. This is Kilkivan Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation... #youdidthis... #arc See more

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