Fuse Fitness in Lawnton, Queensland, Australia | Sport & recreation
Fuse Fitness
Locality: Lawnton, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 435 804 175
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25.01.2022 When to change an exercise in your program? . Certainly not every week . This is week 10 of Hatfield rear foot elevated split squats for myself. I have progressed from 67.5kg for sets of 15 to 97.5kg for sets of 8... . Am I bored of this movement? Yup, a bit, but I am still making progress with an exercise I believe to be beneficial to myself so see no point in changing just yet . When introducing a new movement, the first few weeks we generally are just getting more skilled and efficient at the movement. When we see weight or rep increases at this stage it is not necessarily more strength driving this but more so we are just better at the movement itself . If I then change the exercise after 3 or 4 weeks I will have only given myself 2 or 3 weeks of actually overloading the muscle and building strength in this movement. For this reason I prefer to program movements for a longer period of time and adjust rep/set ranges over time. This allows us to get skilled at the movement which then allows us to build strength and muscle . In a world of instant gratification, we need to learn to get a little bored to really make progress . Happy lifting See more
25.01.2022 8 from 9 for Sherry today at Storie Gym's novice 3 lift comp Squat 115kg - 10kg PB Bench 55kg - = PB ... Deadlift 140kg - 10kg PB . Super proud of Sherry's effort to get to the platform today. In what has been the year from hell she has battled (and in some cases continues to) Ross River Fever, carpel tunnel, arthritis and the covid lockdown as well as playing 4 or 5 games of netball per week We could all learn a thing or two from your resilience and strong will Sherry. Cheers to the lads at Storie Gym for a well run comp. If you're ever looking at dipping your toes into the world of powerlifting this is the comp to do For strength, weight loss and nutrition coaching send the page a message and let's get you to your goals
24.01.2022 Swipe for scaling options . Every time I run or workout in nature I am overcome with an enormous sense of gratitude. During this workout I couldn't help but think how lucky we are to be in Australia during these unprecedented times . Yes, things may be tough right now but we have world class medical facilities, we are still free to get out into nature and exercise, we have a functioning welfare system, we have food on the shelves...the list could go on... . Let's take my country of origin, Zimbabwe. They have frequent power cuts, nurses are on strike because they have no personal protective equipment, some people are lucky to have generators for the daily power cuts but only worthwhile if you have fuel which is hard to come by. The country is poverty stricken with absolutely zero welfare for its citizens and I have no idea how that place will cope if and when the virus hits . This is just one example of many places around the world suffering way worse than we are right now, so instead of focusing on our struggles, focus on on the things we have to be grateful for and how we can help one another . I believe this is an opportunity for us as a society to drop all the bullshit and become less selfish and self centered. It's an opportunity to reset and focus on the things that matter (family, friends, giving, helping, caring, nature, animals). We will get through this and together come out a less superficial, wasteful and glutinous society . I am grateful for extra time with family, exercise in nature, my clients and for living in Australia See more
24.01.2022 High Protein Recipe of The Week . These delicious dishes from my high protein recipe book are making a return. Today's installment is perfect for this wonderful weather we are experiencing at the moment . Enjoy
24.01.2022 Reflecting back on the year that was, I am so grateful and blessed for the opportunities and experiences of 2019. It has been a remarkable year both personally and professionally with so many amazing moments: - the birth of my first child the day before my birthday! - working with an Australian Taekwondo National Champion, Australian Indoor Netball Rep and Queensland footy rep; all of whom I am humbled to be working with as they are fantastic athletes.... - helping two amazing clients stay fit and strong throughout their pregnancies (which better equipped them to handle any obstacles thrown their way) and celebrating the safe arrival of their little ones - successfully prepared a number of ladies for novice powerlifting competitions (most who had never lifted weights before) with some fantastic results and placings - the Fuse Fitness family lost a combined total of over 135kg of body weight! This is even more impressive as weight loss is not a goal of many clients - successfully prepared ladies to pass their military fitness tests which allowed them to gain entry to their new careers - improving the quality of life over 50 people by getting them moving better, building strength, increasing their fitness and educating them on evidence based nutrition principles to give them freedom with their food While 2019 was amazing and I am so thankful for each and every person who has been a part of the journey; 2020 is shaping up to be even better. I will be kicking off the year with a mentorship that will allow me to gain even greater knowledge about nutrition, strength training, hypertrophy, mindset and coaching from some of the best experts in those fields. Can't wait to smash more client goals with this new knowledge! I will also be launching my exciting Hybrid Personal Training product which will allow me to positively effect the lives of even more people which is super exciting. If you would like help with anything strength, fat loss, nutrition or fitness related in 2020 send us a message.
24.01.2022 100kg for 5s . I swear I work with some of the most bad ass mums in Brisbane - households to run, kids to look after, jobs to go to but never any excuses. They make the time, do the work and reap the rewards . Great squatting Sherry
23.01.2022 Technique Tip - Use the muscle's stretch reflex property to build a bigger squat. In simple terms the stretch reflex is the 'rebound' effect after a muscle has been put into a stretched position, kinda like an elastic band. ... We can use this effect to get a bigger squat by using it to help break through the sticking point. This is the point in a squat where we are the most mechanically disadvantaged (typically just above parallel). An analogy I have been taught and like to teach is to think of a car rolling down a hill. At the top of the hill the car rolls slowly then gathers speed the further down the hill it goes. We can apply this to our squat descent. Start slow at the top, whilst under control gather speed and then use the stretch reflex to pop out of the hole. The video shows Sherry learning how to put this into practice. - Rep 1 is ok - Reps 2 and 3 are good - Rep 4 Sherry starts the descent too fast, has to put the breaks on and consequently the squat gets out of shape. Can you spot the differences between the reps? For strength, weight loss and nutrition coaching send the page a message and I will be in touch as soon as possible.
22.01.2022 Are BLT's ruining your weight loss progress? . I don't mean the sandwiches . Bites, Licks and Tastes... . Those tiny, seemingly insignificant tastes as you're preparing food, finishing off your child's unfinished plate, a sneaky lolly from the jar at work. These could be the reason your attempts at weight loss seem futile . Having children, this is a habit I am aware I can be guilty of. . The list shows what I could easily do in a day and as you can see, if weight loss was my goal, I'd be heavily on the back foot. . 1/4 banana - 47 cals 1/4 apple - 27 cals 1/2 cheese slice - 42 cals 40g children's ravioli - 67 cals 5 almonds - 35 cals 1/4 children's yoghurt - 34 cals 3 lollies - 83 cals 1/4 slice of bread - 60 cals . A whopping 395 calories! . 400 calories per day is a relatively large calorie deficit to be in but even that could be totally undone by these mindless BLT's. . Action points - . - Be MINDFUL and PRESENT whenever you put something past your lips . - Not every plate needs to be finished off. . Some food for thought as we head into the weekend. . Happy Friday See more
20.01.2022 " If you aren’t happy with your body today, where will you be tomorrow? Every day older is a day harder in the fitness world. The workouts you do today determine who you will be tomorrow.... If you don't have the health or body that you desire, but do nothing about it even during self-isolation where we have more time than ever, why do you think it's going to be easier when everything is back to normal and you have a busier schedule again? I want you to do something right now... Think about the people that you know in your life who are slightly older than you are who struggle with their weight or quality of life due to pain during movement. That didn't happen overnight, it took years of waiting until "tomorrow" to start their plan to create the unfortunate position they are in now. Breaking down your body isn’t a quick and easy thing to do. It takes years of serious procrastination to send you to the point of no return. Workouts today are for tomorrow. We lay the foundation for future health one workout at a time, one day at a time, and one decision at a time. Every day you make a choice to move. Right now you have more time than ever for self-improvement. Use it, because it won't be around for long and I bet there are already 5 things that immediately come to mind that you KNOW you need to change but haven't. That little bit of fitness today builds the person you have always wanted to be in the future. But you have to start, and today might be as good as a day as you will ever find to change your life. Get moving and blow everybody away with how much progress you made with your at-home workouts and dietary changes. Your tomorrow-self will thank you and reminisce on how your today-self finally took action. Go get it". - Credit to Dan Garner for this piece of writing. He is not on social media or I would tag him.
20.01.2022 It was a pleasure to have Jay come in for a session to go over his deadlift technique. Jay reached out for help as he had been avoiding deadlifting altogether due to fear of injuring himself. The videos below show the process I took Jay through to achieve a solid looking lift in one 45 minute session. 1 this was the end result. The variation we used was a trap bar Coan deadlift. This variation teaches Jay how to create and maintain tension throughout the lift. The trap ...bar will allow Jay to do more work due to the lower recovery demands of this bar when compared to a conventional deadlift. . 2 first step is to see how Jay's hinge looked using the RDL with a dowel . 3 90 90 hip lift to teach Jay correct rib cage - pelvis alignment and proper use of his diaphragm . 4 move to the bar. Jay lacked full hip extension due to an extended posture. We corrected this with cues referencing the position the 90 90 hip lift placed his rib cage and pelvis in . The end result was a great looking lift that I am confident Jay can make some solid gains with. Great work mate! If you are struggling with any of your lifts in the gym direct message me or use the form in the page description and let's get you lifting effectively and safely.
19.01.2022 Poetry in motion.
19.01.2022 High Protein Recipe of The Week . I missed a few weeks whilst I was away overseas but here's this week's delicious meal from my recipe book . Swipe across for details... . For strength, weight loss and nutritional coaching fill out the form in the bio or send a DM and let's chat @ Genesis Health and Fitness Lawnton See more
18.01.2022 " If you arent happy with your body today, where will you be tomorrow? Every day older is a day harder in the fitness world. The workouts you do today determine who you will be tomorrow.... If you don't have the health or body that you desire, but do nothing about it even during self-isolation where we have more time than ever, why do you think it's going to be easier when everything is back to normal and you have a busier schedule again? I want you to do something right now... Think about the people that you know in your life who are slightly older than you are who struggle with their weight or quality of life due to pain during movement. That didn't happen overnight, it took years of waiting until "tomorrow" to start their plan to create the unfortunate position they are in now. Breaking down your body isnt a quick and easy thing to do. It takes years of serious procrastination to send you to the point of no return. Workouts today are for tomorrow. We lay the foundation for future health one workout at a time, one day at a time, and one decision at a time. Every day you make a choice to move. Right now you have more time than ever for self-improvement. Use it, because it won't be around for long and I bet there are already 5 things that immediately come to mind that you KNOW you need to change but haven't. That little bit of fitness today builds the person you have always wanted to be in the future. But you have to start, and today might be as good as a day as you will ever find to change your life. Get moving and blow everybody away with how much progress you made with your at-home workouts and dietary changes. Your tomorrow-self will thank you and reminisce on how your today-self finally took action. Go get it". - Credit to Dan Garner for this piece of writing. He is not on social media or I would tag him.
17.01.2022 Training from Home Training from home presents itself with unique challenges, both mentally and from a practical stand point with a lack of equipment. Today we are going to look at the mental side of things, but first of all, you need to set your self and environment up for success: - Set up a dedicated space for your workouts.... - Schedule your training times in your calendar. - Take advantage of the benefits of home exercise, like blasting any music you want, or wearing clothes you'd never be caught dead in outside their house. Now when it comes to training at home, I think some of us suffer from the all or nothing mentality. By that I mean, we look at our workout and think, 'Shit I have a 40 minute workout ahead of me and I really don't want to do it', and then proceed to do nothing. Remember guys, something is ALWAYS better than nothing. When it comes to motivation we can some it up in 4 words and I will give you some strategies on how you can implement this: ACTION FIRST, MOTIVATION SECOND 1. Can you give it five minutes? or Can you do one exercise? If you still arent feeling it after five minutes [or one exercise], thats it. Youre done. You gave it a shot, and this just isnt your day. However, if you start to feel better after five minutes [or one exercise], try another five minutes [or one more exercise]. And if you feel even better after 10 minutes [or two exercises], keep going. Dont think about anything but the next five or 10 minutes [or the next one or two exercises]. If you finish the workout, thats awesome. If you dont, hey, at least you did something on a day you didnt feel like doing anything. Either way, well call it a win. 2. Pick two of your favorite songs. Press play and start exercising. When the songs end, your workout ends. If you want to continue, thats two more songs, and so on. If you dont, you gave it a shot and did something which is better than nothing. Music also functions as a motivator, which is both intuitive and backed by research. Working out with music increases mood and effort and reduces perceived exertion. Isaac Newton said, a body in motion stays in motion. Its easier to keep going than to get going. Thus, if you can get moving, even if its just for a few minutes, chances are you'll feel better about the task, and your ability to do it. Even if you decide to stop after one exercise or five minutes, at least you did something. And that still counts. Credit to the PTDC for info on this post
17.01.2022 Weight Management Video Series Part 2 Total Daily Energy Expenditure and the importance of NEAT. Have a watch of the video and share with us any ideas on how you might keep your energy expenditure up during the day.
17.01.2022 Tammy is 6 weeks into her diet break/weight maintenance phase and progressing nicely. We have raised calories by 30% from her previous cutting phase and the scale has remained within 1kg - which is what we expect. When someone has a fat loss goal one might think it is counter-productive to significantly raise calories for a period of time and even plan to see a rise in scale weight, however here are some of the reasons it is not and in fact, necessary: 1 the rise in scale w...eight can be attributed to the extra gut matter from greater food intake and/or extra water storage from the increased carb intake - no need to freak out and Tammy was aware this would happen before the case. 2 nobody wants to be dieting forever. Tammy has lost 30kg over a number of years. Periods such as these give Tammy a mental break from the process. 3 reverse effects of Metabolic Adaptation. During extended periods of reduced calories the body will find ways of conserving energy. People can find themselves moving and fidgeting less which serves to lower non exercise activity thermogensis (NEAT). This reduces the calorie deficit therefore slowing fat loss. Continuing to lower calories brings many risks such as loss of menstrual cycle, lower bone density, increased chance of injury and many more (look up relative energy deficiency sysndrome). It is also plain miserable to eat so little! This all means that when we start the next dieting phase we can start on higher calories. 4 the extra calories improve training performance. I have matched this maintenance diet phase with a strength phase of training for Tammy and we have seen significant progress in this area. This means when we diet again she will be shifting more weight for more reps which will help force the adaptations we are after. Plans like these require you to play the long game. No 6 or 8 week challenge where you lose weight fast but put it back on even faster. They also require you to consistently put in the work. Nothing works unless you do. I can count on one hand the amount of sessions Tammy has missed in over 10 months and it's this drive that will see Tammy transform her body even more in the next 6 months.
16.01.2022 Transformation Tuesday . Absolutely amazing work from this dedicated, disciplined and STRONG, both mentally and physically, woman . Tammy impressively lost her first 20kgs all by herself, which is a huge achievement! When progress started to stall Tammy reached out for help for what was supposed to be a short term gig to prepare for a family holiday. Fast forward 10 months and she is still going strong. She's stacked on a bunch of muscle and dropped another 10kgs which ha...s resulted in multiple wardrobe overhauls, much to Tammy's delight (shopaholic ) . A true transformation is not achieved overnight. As the human body loses weight it continually fights to stall this weight loss and return the body to homeostasis i.e weight regain *research metabolic adaptation for more info on this*. We are in the final week of a successful fat loss phase from where we will move into a maintenance phase. The purpose of this is to help Tammy's body adapt to this new body weight and create a new 'settling point'. We will raise calories which will serve to reverse the negative effects of dieting, both mentally and physiologically, which will put her in the best possible position for the next fat loss phase . I'm privileged to work with so many strong and capable women and Tammy is no exception. Thanks for making my job so rewarding . For strength, weight loss and nutrition coaching send the page a message and I will be in touch . Reposted from @tammii_d 30kgs gone forever! I feel proud I feel strong and I feel healthy. Its good to look at how far I have come. I have stretch marks, extra skin and cellulite and thats ok. My body has done amazing things, its grown 3 beautiful babies, its been 92kg and now its 62kg. I feel comfortable in my own skin and I love my body. Im excited to start the next phase in my training and work on growing more muscle, the best is yet to come. #lovethyself #strong #healthy #girlswholiftheavy #fitness #weightlossjourney #cantstopmenow #watchthisspace #loveyourbody #becomfortableinyourownskin @robbie.fuse.fitness @ Genesis Health and Fitness Lawnton See more
15.01.2022 Saturday hit out with the boys. Cheers Fletcher for this one...I think. The tank got well and truly emptied . 2000m row 100 dumbbell snatches (50 per arm) 1500m row... 100 kb swings (24kg) 1000m row 100 push ups 500m row . 39min 31sec See more
15.01.2022 You're a legend Tammy. Super proud of your effort, your can do attitude and your willingness to take on board and implement advice. The results speak for themselves. It's a pleasure to work with you! . Reposted from @tammii_d (@get_regrann) - Celebrate the wins today has been a win for me today as I hit a goal weight I have not been since before I had children .. thats 22 years ago! The only person I wish to better then is the person I was yesterday!! Im feeling proud... and so comfortable in my own skin . #chasingmygoals #bestversionofme #girlswholift #liftweights #lovethyself #feelingfit #healthyliving #hardworkpaysoffs @robbie.fuse.fitness @genesisfitnesslawnton @ Genesis Health and Fitness Lawnton See more
15.01.2022 Ash is one of my longest serving clients. Here she is hitting 100kg for easy sets of 12 in this concurrent phase of training we are currently in . It has been quite the journey with Ash. We first started working together 3 or 4 years ago (too long to remember exactly!) In this time Ash went from only high intensity classes where she was frequently getting niggles from the impact to learning how to strength train. She got her first chin up, learned to be proficient with a bar...bell and went on to win her first ever powerlifting comp with some very decent numbers . Check out her smoking a 160kg deadlift in that comp. Not bad for a recreational Mum lifter . Next came her 2nd pregnancy. Despite some nasty pain which left Ash in significant discomfort and hardly able to walk, Ash showed determination and still trained right through. After 2nd bub arrived she was back in the gym juggling mum life but still training the house down. She is now pain free and absolutely crushing it . Thanks for letting me be part of your journey Ash. Can't wait to see what you achieve next! See more
15.01.2022 I have found that Zercher squats are an excellent choice of squat variation for Steve . Being very tall with a history of chronic back pain I find using an anterior load without any compressive forces through his back puts Steve in a position where he feels confident to squat without pain . This is a big step for Steve as in the past he would have avoided movements such as these altogether, however is now reporting how great they are making his body feel... . It's awesome to see someone gain confidence in their body again. Great work bud! See more
14.01.2022 Weight Management Video Series Part 1 Sorry it's been quiet on the social media front lately. Since lockdown started I have been focussed on getting clients up and running with online home training and check ins. With that now successfully going it's time to get back into my social media. This is the first of a series of videos I'll be posting during this time. The first topic is a series on weight management as I feel it is the most relevant topic and one most people strug...gle with. My goal is to provide some education to help you make informed decisions so you come out of lock down healthy and not carrying extra body weight. These videos are raw and unedited so whilst they may not be the most exciting videos going around, I hope the content helps you.
13.01.2022 We are back in action at Genesis Health and Fitness Lawnton and I'm kicking things off with a shout out to this legend. Tammy has lost an amazing 30kgs plus since she started her journey (the last 10 or so with me as her coach). The knowledge Tammy is gaining about exercise and nutrition, how to listen to her body and consequently how this is positively impacting the rest of her life is a joy to watch.... Here is most of her Lower Strength Day in her post lockdown program... For strength, weight loss and nutrition coaching send the page a message and let's get you moving and feeling better than ever before.
11.01.2022 National Taekwondo champ Dave getting through his full body power and strength session . In this session we worked on developing explosive power and strength in movement patterns that will benefit him in his sport. Not shown are weighted chin ups, dumbell bench press and 45' back extensions with a glute focus
11.01.2022 Amanda got her bloods done recently and the doc reckons keep doing what you're doing because everything is on point! Not only is Amanda healthy, she's proving age is no barrier and is getting strong. Here she is repping 50kgs for sets of 8 How good
10.01.2022 High protein recipe of the week . Serves: 8 . Prep: 5 mins... . Cook: 50 mins . Nutrition per serving: . 336 kcal . 15g Fats . 16g Carbs . 29g Protein . GF . WHAT YOU NEED: . 2 tbsp. coconut oil 8 skinless chicken thighs scant 1 cup (200g) jasmine rice 4 spring onions, chopped 4 cloves garlic, sliced 1/3 cup (200ml) white wine 2 heaped cups (500ml) chicken stock 4 tbsp. dried cranberries For the Sauce: 3 tbsp. soy sauce 2 tbsp. of rice vinegar 1 tbsp. of peanut butter 1 tsp. of chili flakes 1 tsp. of honey 1 tsp. of sesame oil . WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: . Heat the oven to 375F (190C). Heat the oil in a large pan . Season the chicken thighs with salt and pepper and fry for 5 minutes each side until golden brown, then take off the heat and transfer onto a plate . Pour out most of the fat from the pan, leaving about 1 tbsp in the pan . Add into the pan the peeled and sliced garlic and the spring onion, fry for 1 minute . Add uncooked rice and fry again for about 1 minute . Pour in the wine and cook for a further 2 minutes until most of the liquid evaporates . Next, add all ingredients of hoisin sauce, hot stock, and cranberries, bring to a boil . Transfer the rice into an over-proof dish and place the chicken thighs in the center . Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes . Once cooked, divide onto 4 plates and serve, or store in the fridge for up to 2-3 days See more
09.01.2022 Another solid week of lifting from the team . Here is Sherry doing her thing: . Deadlifts 3 x 5 reps @ 112.5kg... . Squats 3 x 5 reps @ 90kg . With Sherry and some of my other intermediate lifters we are currently using a simple wave loading progression model on their primary lifts (squat, bench, deadlift). Here is an example of how a 6 week cycle may look, bearing in mind the human body is not a machine that can turn up 100% every session so we always allow for auto regulation: . *each session we aim for an rpe 8 on each first set . Week 1 - 3 x 5 @ 112.5kg . Week 2 - 3 x 4 @ 115kg . Week 3 - 3 x 3 @ 117.5kg . Week 4 - 3 x 5 @ 115kg . Week 5 - 3 x 4 @ 117.5kg . Week 6 - 3 x 3 @ 120kg . Week 7 - re-evaluate, deload if necessary etc... . This is an example for someone focusing on strength however if your primary goal is muscle gain you can alter the rep range to bias hypertrophy. For example: . Week 1 - 3 x 10 to 12 reps . Week 2 - 3 x 8 to 10 reps . Week 3 - 3 x 6 to 8 reps . Week 4 - 3 x 10 to 12 reps at week 2's load . You get the picture... . Hopefully this info may be of help to some of you. Bear in mind other variables such as frequency, volume, intensity etc... need to be considered so if you need any help with structuring your programming feel free to reach out. . For strength, weight loss and nutrition coaching DM the page and I will be in touch See more
09.01.2022 There was a time when Steve wouldn't attempt to bend over in a hinge pattern with even an 8kg kettlebell because his back was in so much pain . He now comes into the gym, trains with confidence in his body and has made huge progress - squatting and deadlifting like a boss . This confidence in his body has filtered through to everyday life where Steve is able to do things he once would shy away from. Backyard sports are in and he's even talking about playing cricket again... . Ultimately this improved quality of life is what it's all about. Love your work mate! . For strength, fat loss and nutrition coaching hit the link in the bio or send a DM and let's chat See more
09.01.2022 Champion Taekwondo athlete David moving as well as ever
08.01.2022 Testing for Tiana after her first mesocycle since surgery and first time ever focusing on the big 3 lifts . The focus has been technique improvement with gradual increases in load over the last 6 weeks, ensuring a safe return from surgery . With a 90kg squat, 110kg deadlift and 40kg bench press she has more than achieved this... . Super proud of her resilience and work ethic when it comes to her training and if this is what can be achieved in this short amount of time there a big things to come . For strength, weight loss and nutritional coaching leave your details via the link below and let's chat https://fusefitness.wufoo.com/forms/z1f4arc317iyi11/
08.01.2022 Recipe of the week Every week I will be sharing a delicious high protein meal for you to enjoy. Protein is the only macro nutrient that builds and repairs our muscles. It helps us feel fuller for longer which aids in satiety and it also has the highest thermic effect of the macro nutrients which means our body burns more energy digesting and assimilating the food. ... Enjoy!
06.01.2022 Tiana on the come back trail . Late last year Tiana unfortunately had to undergo unplanned surgery and after some time away recovering she is not letting anything stand in her way . Tiana's focus is to build strength in her squat, bench and deadlift. I have written a program that has Tiana squatting and deadlifting twice a week, and bench pressing 3 times a week... . Each day she is performing these movements at a different intensity (weight on the bar) with a different rep range to aim for. The higher frequency allows Tiana to practice her technique more often whilst the varying loads/rep ranges ensure we are able to manage her fatigue effectively . We are all so proud of the effort to bounce back and resilience Tiana shows each time a hurdle crosses her path. Looking forward to some big numbers! See more
06.01.2022 Phase 2: Week2: Day 2 . Final session of 2019 . A1- 5 second paused squat x2... A2 to A4 - jump series x4 each 5 sets . B1 - 5 second paused bench press x2 B2 to B4 - pull ups, plyo push ups, ball throw x4 each 5 sets . C1 - Zercher front foot elevated split squats x10 C2 - Chest supported rows x10 3 sets . Plus biceps, triceps and delts . Epic way to finish the year. Here's to a fantastic 2020 See more
06.01.2022 Females grow muscle at the same rate as their male counterparts . This might be hard to believe for many and certainly I have heard a few conversations recently where some ladies have mentioned how hard it is to grow muscle. Studies show that the rate of muscle protein synthesis during and after resistance training is similar between males and females, the difference being that females generally start off with less muscle mass . So why is it that many females seem to struggl...e to grow? Here are my thoughts: . 1 You're always dieting. To grow muscle you need to eat in a slight calorie surplus for an extended period of time. This means getting comfortable with a higher level of body fat. Trying to stay shredded all year round is a sure fire way to kill your gains . 2 You're doing too much group fitness and high intensity exercise. Ever notice how someone may initially lose weight and improve body composition in a group program but then the progress stalls and they look the same year on year? Well your muscles require mechanical tension to grow. This means lifting weights and getting stronger - You're not getting the required stimulus in your group program or hours on the stair climber. Yes you can grow muscle and do cardio in the same program, in fact this is something I promote for general health and becoming more anti fragile, however turn the dial more towards lifting weights and getting stronger . 3 You don't eat enough protein. The majority of females I have worked with over the years all start out not eating enough protein. Protein, or amino acids, are the building blocks of our muscles. 1.6 to 2.5g of protein per kg of bodyweight from a variety of lean protein sources eaten in 3 to 4 even feedings across the day will be sufficient . 4 You don't lift with enough intensity. Proximity to failure is the stimulus required for muscle growth This means taking each set close enough to failure. As a very general guide, aim to only have 1 to 3 reps left in the tank at the end of each set depending on the exercise and where you are at in your program. If you finish a set and you could have done 5 or more reps, that's a warm up. See more
06.01.2022 High Protein Recipe of The Week . This week is a meal perfect for the warmer days. Enjoy
05.01.2022 Excuse the shitty camera angle but here is Cat kicking the week off with some great looking squats . Cat is training with consistency and good technique, her confidence in the gym has increased drastically and we are seeing great improvements with her strength and body composition . Won't be long before we are squatting body weight for reps. Keep it up Cat!
03.01.2022 Challenge . Below was today's conditioning hit out for myself. If any individual male or pair of females can beat my time you will receive either 2 x free 1 hour PT sessions or 1 x nutrition consultation and 1 x PT session valued at over $200 . Message me before attempting so I can explain the workout in more details (if you're a female doing it in pairs it will be slightly different)... . Shouldn't be hard to beat my time so give it a crack! . Ski 100 calories Air dyne 90 calories Ski 80 calories Air dyne 70 calories Ski 60 calories Air dyne 50 calories Ski 40 calories Air dyne 30 calories Ski 20 calories Air dyne 10 calories . Every 5 minutes - 30s hiitmil run . Time - 43min 56s See more
03.01.2022 Excerpt from The Hybrid Performance Method weekly email: Show Up, Even When No One Applauds You For It This is where you will make quantum leaps towards your goals.... The early rises, the brutal sessions after a long day at work, the endless drive towards your goals no matter what obstacles get in your way. Anyone can show up when theyve downed a pre-workout and theyre feeling good about themselves, thats easy. What about when youre beat up, not feeling it, and every impulse is telling you to go home and engage Netflix n chill mode? Those times are where you have the greatest opportunity for growth, if you muster the mental strength to take those opportunities then you better strap in because you will be chasing down your goals at break-neck speed!
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Shop 17, The Centre, Starkey street 2087 Forestville, NSW, Australia
- LMA Australia
Sport & recreation Gym/Physical fitness centre Sports & fitness instruction Martial arts school Fitness trainer
+61 3 9791 2700
168 Cheltenham Rd 3175 Dandenong, VIC, Australia
- Grassports Australia
Sport & recreation Stadium arena & sports venue Tennis court Football pitch
+61 3 9792 0622
1/38 Green Street 3177 Doveton, VIC, Australia
- Mandurah Storm Seniors
Businesses Sport & recreation Amateur sports team Sports team
+61 497 858 308