Fu Sheng Yuan Tai Chi Academy in Canningvale | Tai chi studio
Fu Sheng Yuan Tai Chi Academy
Locality: Canningvale
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25.01.2022 Fajing the Candle out
25.01.2022 Hi All, Beginners Classes in Perth starts again. Join us for another session of Health and Calmness. Check out venues near you. Just added confirmed Venues. Will update further venues when confirmed.
24.01.2022 Hi All Its the last chance for 2019 to start your taiji journey. Beginners class starts again for the final term of the year. Check Website for details or contact me for details. [email protected]
24.01.2022 New Venue for Canning vale same street different block unit 5 44 Vinnicombe drive
24.01.2022 With the arrival of James Fu and Simu to Perth a special dinner was held to welcome them back home.
23.01.2022 On April 2nd 2017 was the Funeral of Sifu Fu sheng Yuan, many disciples and students was unable to attend. On the 21st of May was the day for the entombment of Fu Sheng Yuan in Yong Nian Handan. Sifu was interred in a tomb next to his Father at the Great Fu Zhong Wen memorial. In attendance was Family members, many disciples of Sifu [Fu Sheng Yuan], Si Gung Fu Zhong Wen and Fu Qing Quan, as was many students from around the world. This was another opportunity for Family, Disciples and students to pay their last respects for a man who gave them Taichi and much more. As with Chinese custom, on the third day another ceremony was held for sifu. RIP Sifu
23.01.2022 Today is Sifu Fu Sheng Yuans Birthday. In memory of Sifu. Picture posted by his son James Fu.
23.01.2022 Kl Sword Workshop
23.01.2022 Taiji South Mountain Hainan calligraphy by Master Fu Sheng Yuan
23.01.2022 Hi Fellow Taiji Practitioners, Just to let everyone know that after many years of absence from Perth Traveling the World Teaching and passing on the Art of Yang Style Taiji, now based in Shanghai. James Fu will be returning to Perth in July. Get ready to welcome him and Simu home. Some Taiji workshops are in the works, stay Tune.
22.01.2022 Classes for 2015 Term 1 Sunday 1st February 2015 to Saturday 11th April 2015 Term 2 Sunday 26th April 2015 to Saturday 4th July 2015... Term 3 Sunday 19th July 2015 to Saturday 26th September 2015 Term 4 Sunday 11th October 2015 to Saturday 19th December 2015 Locations: Monday - Doubleview, South Perth. Tuesday - Darlington. Wednesday - Cannington, Armadale, Mundaring. Thursday - Canning Vale, Dianella. Friday - Jarrahdale. Saturday - East Fremantle. Sunday - West Leederville New students welcome at all terms. Contact Grandmaster Fu Sheng Yuan on (08) 9397 0610 - Perth, Australia.
22.01.2022 Welcome to the three new students joining us in the last two weeks. You can start learning tai chi at any time regardless of age and fitness level; just the willingness and patience to learn. Why not invest this now rather than later?
21.01.2022 The Master Still Got It.
20.01.2022 As we Disciples and Students of Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan continue the legacy and teachings in Australia. James Fu has been continuing the work left by Grandmaster Fu Zhong Wen and Master Fu Sheng Yuan. He has been traveling constantly spreading Taiji from Japan thru to Portugal. Here are some pics of his endeavors in the last month.
20.01.2022 Today is Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan's Birthday. In memory of Sifu. Picture posted by his son James Fu.
20.01.2022 Recently James Fu was at Grandmaster Fu Zong Wen and Master Fu Sheng Yuan's mausoleum.
20.01.2022 Beginners Classes starts again. Spread the word. The disciples and instructors of Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan are continuing to spread and pass on the Yang style Taichi. We shall honor his legacy by adhering to his teachings and will never waver from this path. Join us and learn the Authentic yang Style Taichi.
19.01.2022 Classes For Beginners this Thursday. Join us
18.01.2022 Happy New Year to All. Wishing everyone a Happy Lunar New Year.Happy New Year to All. Wishing everyone a Happy Lunar New Year.
18.01.2022 As the nights are getting cold, what better time to warmup with a round of Taiji practice, join us next week for another 10 weeks of beginners class. checkin to your nearest venue.
18.01.2022 James Fu at the The 4th Singapore International Wushu Cultural Festival
17.01.2022 In James Fu's words: The commemoration of the fourth anniversary of Fu Shengyuan's death was held this morning in Yongnian [Fu Zong Wen Memorial Hall], Handan. Elder uncle Yang Zhifang, Yongnian District, Handan City, Guangfu Town leadership representatives at all levels, as well as boxing friends from around more than 100 people attended the ceremony.
17.01.2022 Recently we lost one of the Academy's dedicated student and instructor of Taichi [Mark Reader]. Mark was a keen student of Mary Aspinall and later took over teaching of the Armadale class. On behalf of the instructors and students of the Academy, our thoughts of comfort and condolences to the grieving family. Service Detail:... A Service will be held at main entrance of FREMANTLE Cemetery, Carrington St, Palmyra on Thursday, 17th August 2017 at 01:50 PM. Service Location: main entrance of FREMANTLE Cemetery Address: Carrington St, Palmyra See more
17.01.2022 We have worked on our website lately. Please check it out and share. Thanks :-) http://www.fushengyuan-taichi.com.au/
17.01.2022 We still adhere to the social distancing at present. 2021 Classes Term 2: 22/04/2021 - 1/07/2021 Term 3: 22/07/2021 - 23/09/2021... Term 4 14/10/2021 - 16/12/2021 JOIN US EVERY THURSDAY 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Unit 5, 44 Vinnicombe Drive Canning vale 6155 Term: 10 weeks Fees: Standard $140 Seniors/Students $120 INSTRUCTOR: Chris Foo Email: [email protected] http://www.fushengyuan-taichi.com.au/.
17.01.2022 On behalf of Simu/James and Tina : Wishing every Taiji Friends around the world a Wonderful Happy New Year. Good fortune, Health and Happiness.
16.01.2022 Today is (qng míng jié) or Qingming Festival: Qingming Festival entails many rituals, among them is usually a day out spent visiting and tidying ancestors’ graves (hence the name Tomb Sweeping Day) as well as placing lilies and chrysanthemums, flowers usually associated with death. Families also offer food and burn incense in honor of those who have passed. You may also see families burning money, often at the side of the road at night, which are offerings to the dead so that they too can buy whatever their heart desires in the afterlife. Remembering Sifu and Sigung on this day.
16.01.2022 In memory of a Great statesman and former Prime Minister and the connection to Taiji. The Following posted by James Fu []1689 Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke died at the age of 89 on Sunday. Hawk was committed to promoting China-Australia relations and making important contributions to On the 16th, Australian time, former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke died at the age of 89. During his lifetime, Hawke has been committed to promoting China-Australia relations and making important contributions to Beijings Olympic bid. In the 1990s, he consulted his father Tai Chi Kung Fu and helped promote it. He is a good friend of the Chinese people! May the elderly go all the way...
16.01.2022 Award for Master Fu Sheng Yuan
16.01.2022 Hi all This Sunday is the start of the last term of Taichi for beginners 2018. Checkout the closest venue and signup. Never too late to begin Taichi. Sunday 7 October 2018
16.01.2022 Hi all, Just re-posting from James Fu, this week was the Anniversary of the passing of Sigung Fu Zhong Wen. Truly a Grandmaster of Tai Chi [Greatly missed by Family and Friends]
16.01.2022 Hi All Just expanding on Chris's post of the 2019 Panda Tai Chi Health Conference at Chengdu. James Fu and Chris was interview about Taiji, check it out. Chris [1:08:00] James[1:151:00] https://play.yunxi.tv/livestream/flash
15.01.2022 A long time Disciple of Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan. Chris Brennan looks after the Mundaring venue [Hub of the Hills, 8 Craig St]. The classes are informal and friendly. If you are close to the area, do drop by if you are interested in learning Taichi from a very experience instructor. Chris travel regularly to China for workshops and to perform. Some selected pics of workshop he has attended and his class in Mundaring.
15.01.2022 Taiji calendar in Canning vale.
15.01.2022 In Memory of a Taiji Master. Today mark the 3rd Anniversary of the passing of Sifu. Our thoughts and well wishes to Simu, james, anna and tina. James Fu have organised an online event to commemorate the cherish memory of his father. Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan has influence and effected so many lives. Today Taiji Friends from around the world will commemorate the contribution he has given to Taiji. Everyone like myself will have thier own treasure memories of the time spent either thru his teaching or just having a tea and chating with him.
14.01.2022 Awarded 9th Dan from Italy Wu Shu Federation
14.01.2022 NEW TERM Tai Chi Beginners Classes starting NOW on 23 July 2020. NEXT TERM will be on 15 Oct 2020. This will be the last term for 2020. TERM BREAK during school holidays.... We still adhere to the social distancing at present. If we receive enough interests, we will open another class on Sunday morning. JOIN US EVERY THURSDAY 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Unit 5, 44 Vinnicombe Drive Canning vale 6155 Term: 10 weeks Fees: Standard $140 Seniors/Students $120 INSTRUCTOR: Chris Foo Email: [email protected] http://www.fushengyuan-taichi.com.au/
14.01.2022 More on the Travels of James Fu, he was in Spain teaching the Disciples and Students of Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan, continuing his legacy in Europe.
13.01.2022 Next week is another round of beginners classes starting. Signup or visit to learn the Art as passed down by Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan.
13.01.2022 Dont forget beginners classes starts again this coming Sunday 26th April. Signup
12.01.2022 Taiji Sword workshop starting Next Sunday 1 March 2015 Come along and Signup 11am West Leederville Leederville Town Hall... Cambridge St See more
12.01.2022 Hi All, Recently Fu Sheng Yuan Disciple [Chris Brennan] brought a Team from Perth to represent Australia at the world horticultural exposition 2019 in Beijing. Led by James Fu in a performance at the venue. Opening ceremony Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSnfvpOg-VA
12.01.2022 TAIJI will provide health and wellbeing through the practice of control movement. Come and join me on this journey.
11.01.2022 Master Fu Sheng Yuan is Celebrating his Birthday this Coming Tuesday on the 3rd day of the Chinese New Year. Stay Tune on the Venue to be chosen. Anyone wishing to attend, see your venue instructor.
11.01.2022 Click on the Link to view TaiChi venues around Perth https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer Regards Chris Foo
11.01.2022 Over the weekend, with the arrival of James Fu to Perth, a special workshop was held for the Yong Nian Style Tai Chi Instructors Association. To correct and fine tune their 7/8/28 and weapons form. It was such an honor for the committee members to be instructed by James Fu again. Another workshop is schedule for this weekend, most welcome to attend at the Leederville Town Hall, 13 July 2019 between the hours of 1:00pm and 4:00pm. Fee details available at venue.
11.01.2022 Hi everyone Students have requested more information on our classes held at venues around Perth. Each venue are run by competent instructors and disciples of Master Fu Sheng Yuan.... Each venue will have different levels of students from beginners to advance. Beginner’s class are held at the beginning of each school term [4 term per yr], each term consisting of 10 weeks. Most classes will be held during those period, while some designated venues will be open thru the breaks. Once signed up you can attend any of the Academy’s venues. The Tai Chi system: 1. 85 forms 2. Fajing 3. Pushhands 4. Weapons: Sword/Sabre/Spear Each week the beginners are taught a new move and corrected by the Instructor. The Form consists of more than 100 movements, but are grouped into Forms or sequence of movement. It will require the student 1 yr [4 terms] to complete the whole form. After which time they will be corrected and fine tune by the senior instructors. No need to rush in the process, as the journey is as [if not more] important than reaching your destination. The students will then have avenues to continue in the path of Tai Chi by Training the other facets of Tai Chi and competing in China. Special workshops are both held here in Perth and in China thru out the year. Some venues may have Pushhands and weapons practising classes held. Enquire at your venue of choice. Remember never too young or too old to begin the path of Tai Chi. Regards Chris Foo
11.01.2022 Support Fu Sheng Yuan Taichi tomorrow night at Gloucester Park at 6.45pm. Chris Brennan and crew will be demonstrating the 28 form. As mention before, some of Sifu disciples was performing at this event, among them was Chris/Sally/Paul
10.01.2022 Hi All Just expanding on Chriss post of the 2019 Panda Tai Chi Health Conference at Chengdu. James Fu and Chris was interview about Taiji, check it out. Chris [1:08:00] James[1:151:00] https://play.yunxi.tv/livestream/flash
09.01.2022 The 4th Singapore International Martial Arts Festival The Singapore Minister of Education and his deputy foreign and Chinese ambassador to Singapore were among the rare events and presented the prizes in person to James Fu, He Won the Golden Tripod Award for International Wushu Inheritance and Performance of Tai Chi Sword.
09.01.2022 Hi everyone. Hope during this time everyone is staying home and keeping safe. As the social distancing are in full swing and lock down in place, people are unable to travel for certain events. This year is the 3rd anniversary of Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan passing. As people are unable to attend the ceremony in China, this Friday, March 27th, at 10:00 am, James Fu will broadcast the ceremony live. We are looking forward to all the Taiji friends to logon and view the commemorative activities. Lets cherish the memory of Master of Tai Chi. Use WeChat to logon via the QR code.
09.01.2022 Hi All Yesterday unbeknown to some,one of the Top senior Disciple [ChingPo] of Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan came to Perth from China with his Family for a very short stay. He was able to visit Chris Brennans Taiji class and was shown the sites of Perth by him.
09.01.2022 From the Fu Sheng Yuan Taichi, wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New year. As the Rooster gives way to the Dog, Hoping health, prosperity and Longevity to all fro the coming year. Keep Practicing Taichi.
09.01.2022 Well its that time again, Beginners class for 2018 starts. So greet the new year with a healthy start by taking up Taichi.
08.01.2022 Today Family, disciples and students are gathering in Handan at the Tomb of our Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan. Today mark the 1st anniversary of the passing of our Taiji master. Our thoughts and best wishes goes to Simu, James, Anna and Tina, at this time. Its been a year of continue commitment to Sifu to teach, educate and spread Taiji. Take a minute and think of our individual interaction with Sifu and the happiness we feel when we were with him. Learning from him, listening to him and Helping him.
08.01.2022 Hello Taiji friends This is the first Christmas without our captain, our leader, our mentor. We continue to spread the Teachings of our Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan. I would like to thank everyone for their continuous support to the Fu Sheng Yuan Taichi Academy. Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year. Hope to see old and new students next year. Our thoughts and best wishes to Simu/Tina/James/Anna.
08.01.2022 New term tai chi started last Thu, 23 July 2020. We have 2 new students joining us last week. Well, it is not too late. Come and try it out. Decide later. First class is free.... You can also join throughout the term as it is an one-on-one session but in a group environment. Details are in the pinned post. "What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create" [Buddha]
06.01.2022 Chris has just completed the COVID Safe Martial Arts Instructor Certification. His students feel very safe now training with him
06.01.2022 It is with the greatest sorrow and sadness to mention about the passing of our Sifu [Fu Sheng Yuan] Last week on the 2nd of April disciples Paul Brown, Chris Brennan and Chris Foo from Perth attended the Funeral of our late Sifu. It was a difficult time for us and other disciples and student from around the world, more so for Simu, James, Anna and Tina. Not only have we lost one of the greatest Tai chi master to the world but I have lost my sifu, my teacher, my mentor and my... friend. Your teaching and advice will never be forgotten. Your friendship and memory is my greatest treasure. Our many conversations and your laughter will always be remembered. Your cooking will dearly be missed. Sifu: Rest in Peace.
05.01.2022 Tomorrow 27/03/2021 will be the 4th Anniversary of the passing of Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan. James Fu, Simu, Anna, Tina, disciples and students will gather around the Memorial site to pay their respects. Many disciples and students around the world will commemorate, honor and remember our Sifu.
05.01.2022 Tuesday 8th Jan 2016 is Master Fu's Birthday, would everybody wish him a Happy Birthday, Live long and Prosper
05.01.2022 Taiji Venue in Focus [Doubleview] Another Venue continuing the teachings of Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan Yang style Taichi. Friendly instructors willing to guide and pass on their knowledge of the beautiful art of Taichi. Location: Holy Rosary Primary School Williamstown Rd Time: 7pm Mondays... Instructors: Ruth and Mayli See more
04.01.2022 Classes for 2014 Term 1 - Sunday 2nd February 2014 to Saturday 12th April 2014 Term 2 - Sunday 27th April 2014 to Saturday 5th July 2014 Term 3 - Sunday 20th July 2014 to Saturday 27th September 2014... Term 4 - Sunday 12th October 2014 to Saturday 20th December 2014 Locations: Monday - Glen Forrest, Doubleview, South Perth. Wednesday - Cannington, Armadale, Mundaring. Thursday - Canning Vale, Dianella. Friday - Jarrahdale. Saturday - East Fremantle. Sunday - West Leederville New students welcome at all terms. Contact Grandmaster Fu Sheng Yuan on (08) 9397 0610 - Perth, Australia.
04.01.2022 NEW TERM Tai Chi Beginner’s Classes starting NOW on 23 July 2020. NEXT TERM will be on 15 Oct 2020. This will be the last term for 2020. TERM BREAK during school holidays.... We still adhere to the social distancing at present. If we receive enough interests, we will open another class on Sunday morning. JOIN US EVERY THURSDAY 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Unit 5, 44 Vinnicombe Drive Canning vale 6155 Term: 10 weeks Fees: Standard $140 Seniors/Students $120 INSTRUCTOR: Chris Foo Email: [email protected] http://www.fushengyuan-taichi.com.au/
03.01.2022 Best wishes from James Fu to all Taichi Students around the world.
02.01.2022 Another workshop was held for members of the Yong Nian Yang Style Tai Chi Instructors Association. This time to refine their Sword and Sabre form by James Fu.
02.01.2022 Master Fu is back from his trip to China and Malaysia, he will be in town for a while before heading off again, so it's a great opportunity to say hello or join his Taichi workshop at the Sunday Class.
02.01.2022 Sadden to hear the passing of [Michael. A. Selvaraj], a long time disciple of Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan, he had been spreading the Authentic Yang Style Taichi thru out India. Condolences to his family and thankyou for his contribution to the Taichi world.
01.01.2022 In attendance at 1st Anniversary of Sifu Fu Sheng Yuan's passing was Chris Brennan, a senior disciple, pictures provided through the courtesy of Chris.
01.01.2022 Received this gift of Grandmaster Fu Zhong wen banner for our Canningvale studio from one of our senior Taichi statesman Val
01.01.2022 Hi All, recently Chris B and team was invited to perform for the Annual China/Australia friendship awards.
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