Fusspots At Inglewood in Inglewood, Victoria | Vintage shop
Fusspots At Inglewood
Locality: Inglewood, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5438 3357
Address: 39 Brooke Street 3517 Inglewood, VIC, Australia
Website: https://fusspotsatinglewood.com.au
Likes: 2380
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23.01.2022 We’ll be back on Thursday for more! We are looking forward to catching up with more of our Melbourne customers Wear your mask, we have hand sanitiser or disposable gloves at the ready as well as plenty of Glen 20 spray. I’ll leave you with a photo of a really hard to find piece of Australianana. An antique kangaroo back kauri pine child’s potty chair. A gorgeous piece which will be in store soon. #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood... #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
23.01.2022 SOLD Sweet as sweet can be is this wicker shopping trolley, just in. #ilovewicker #wickershoppingtrolley #shoptilyoudrop ... #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictorIa #visitvictoria See more
22.01.2022 See all you lovely followers in December! We'll be back on Thursday :)
21.01.2022 Lest we forget. At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month we shall remember them.
21.01.2022 With an expected temperature of 36 today this cool, green space in the garden will be a welcome spot for the birds and other creatures that visit us. Open from 10.00 am today! We’ll be nice and cool inside our old building. #hotspringday #coolgardenspaces #putsomewateroutfortheanimalsandbirds ... #inglewoodvictoria3517 #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley See more
21.01.2022 We’ll be back on Thursday! Happy days. #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst... #wehaveanonlinestore #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
19.01.2022 The MARY QUANT selfie board has just arrived and is in-store now! Pop in and have a bit of fun! It’s stripey, bright and a colour pop! #QuantInglewood #QuantBendigo #UnearthLoddonValley... #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 See more
19.01.2022 Today’s the day for a change of outfit! And rockin’ it. #QuantInglewood #QuantBendigo #UnearthLoddonValley #fusspotsatinglewood... #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst See more
19.01.2022 SOLD PPU Lots of lovely items including this pair of English grape shears/scissors are making their way to our online store. Any questions? Please ask #shopwithusonline #golocalfirst #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood ... #inglewoodvictoria3517 #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley See more
17.01.2022 The sweetest depression era medicine cabinet around. Made in 1933 from recycled packing cases by J & H Orr, Melbourne.
17.01.2022 Feeling the heat? The Loddon Valley has various places you can cool off: The Bridgewater on Loddon swimming hole nature’s own infinity pool! Little... Lake Boort The Loddon River at Laanecoorie One of the five swimming pools located at Boort, Inglewood, Mitiamo, Pyramid Hill and Wedderburn. For more information on the swimming pools please visit www.loddon.vic.gov.au/O/Community-facilities/Swimming-pools Don’t forget to be SunSmart by making sure you slip, slop, slap, seek and slide. www.bendigoregion.com.au/visit-loddon-valley/swimming #UnearthLoddonValley #StaySafe
17.01.2022 Now that it’s raining I might even have to road test this old antique boot scraper A fabulous old piece. #castironbootscraper #antiquebootscraper #itswet #nomoremuddyshoes... #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
16.01.2022 Feeling so blessed today and of late. It’s a humbling and precious feeling to have survived two lockdowns this year and still be standing. Thank you for all your purchases, your kind words and unwavering support this year. It means so much to our small business. #feelingblessed #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 ... #golocalfirst #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley See more
16.01.2022 Another day in Paradise! Come and join us. Do I need to spell it out? I N G L E W O O D Victoria Open today Melbourne Cup Day #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst... #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
15.01.2022 Here are the additional Burleigh Ware Staffordshire, England ‘Calico’ design items now available. Any questions? Please ask. #burleighware #staffordshireengland #englishchina #bluecalico... #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
15.01.2022 Sitting pretty. I seagrass furniture #seagrassfurniture #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 ... #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
15.01.2022 Caught in the act Skip! Mini skirt and all! And I think you’ve been through my jewellery box too! Hmmmmm #QuantInglewood #QuantBendigo #UnearthLoddonValley... #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 See more
14.01.2022 Cool green leafiness under the old London Plane tree. A lovely spot on a warm day to sit and observe nature or pleasurably daydream. OPEN until 5.00 pm today, open tomorrow and then closed until Thursday. #inglewoodvictoria3517 #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley... #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
14.01.2022 Rest awhile on this fabulous old wrought iron bench seat. I just it! Yours for $295.00. I will keep the pink snapdragons though in the pair of vintage pots. You can buy some potted colour from the Bridgewater Nursery where I purchased mine. #wroughtironoutdoorfurniture #gardenfurniture #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood ... #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
13.01.2022 Currently there is a handful of items in the ‘Calico’ range available for purchase. If you are a collector you will appreciate that it is a sought after design not easily found. I will post photos of the other pieces tomorrow. #burleighware #staffordshireengland #calico #bluecalico... #englishchina #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
13.01.2022 A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! YES it’s November already! We know where the rest of the year went Call in and see us today, tomorrow or Tuesday (Melbourne Cup Day). Closed Wednesday. #golocalfirst... #inglewoodvictoria3517 #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley See more
13.01.2022 When visting the Loddon Valley why not stop at Inglewood and Explore the various vintage collectable shops Enjoy a meal at the eateries Walk the Inglewo...od Reservior track Stay the night at the Inglewood Motel and Caravan Park Visit Kooyoora State Park and Melville Caves Don’t forget that restrictions still apply throughout Victoria. For the latest restrictions please visit https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorias-restriction-levels-co Evan van Veen
12.01.2022 Bravo ‘Wedding Day’ your timing is perfect! Happy Anniversary to all those celebrating a wedding anniversary today #weddingday #weddinganniversary #climbingroses #fusspotsatinglewood ... #inglewoodvictoria3517 #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley See more
12.01.2022 Today’s eye candy from my bountiful garden. Always remember to take time to smell the roses and any other fragrant flowers for that matter. #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517... #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
11.01.2022 Oooh oooh oooh Counting the number of sleeps already #campbellscreekcollectablesfair2021 #january2021 #antiquesfair... #collectablesfair #countryvictoria See more
10.01.2022 If you’re after a quality bedside cabinet this three drawer one from Hycraft furniture Melbourne might just fit the bill. #hycraftfurniture #madeinmelbourne #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood... #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
10.01.2022 A helping hand to open the mail. How good is that? #brassfiguralletteropener #kookaburra #christmascards #inglewoodvictoria3517
10.01.2022 #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley ... #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
10.01.2022 Make hay while the sun shines! Ain’t that the truth. It’s a beautiful blue sky here today and we’re heading for 26 lovely degrees. Perfect day for a road trip! OPEN today and then closed until Thursday. What are you waiting for? #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 #visitloddonvalley... #unearthloddonvalley See more
06.01.2022 YES YES YES Cream and green should be seen! At home and in the store!... #creamandgreen #enamelware #kitchenalia #thevintagekitchen #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
06.01.2022 SOLD An imperfectly charming vintage sewing cabinet. Just in! #sewing #vintagecabinet #sewingthreads... #sewingcottons #sewingstorage #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
05.01.2022 Room with a view and a window that needs cleaning! Can you spy the Town Hall? #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley... #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
05.01.2022 There was the Cottees cordial and for special occasions the sparkling Passiona I know which one I preferred. How about you? Which was your favourite? #cottees #passiona #cotteescrateforsale #vintagesoftdrinks... #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewood3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
04.01.2022 Could this be an entry into the Guinness Book of Records? A 3.5 metre high hollyhock? You can see the splash of crimson amidst the green. #hollyhocks #cottagegardens #springflowers #inglewoodvictoria3517... #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley #visitvictoria #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
03.01.2022 We’ve been keeping busy with a few things and what do you know but the weekend’s almost upon us. Sending you a cheerful smile this Friday afternoon #cookies #willowaustralia #printedinaustralia #madeinaustralia ... #founditatfusspots #fusspotsatinglewood #inglewoodvictoria3517 #golocalfirst #visitloddonvalley #unearthloddonvalley See more
02.01.2022 One of my grandfathers was a doctor of medicine. In WW11 he was initially assigned to the Army General Hospital in Toowoomba then sent to help set up a military hospital in Katherine NT. In 1942, the Japanese attacked Australia at Darwin, 300 kms from Katherine, with two successive air raids killing at least 243 people. The city was destroyed, along with many allied aircraft and ships. Katherine was also bombed in 1942. Lest we forget.
01.01.2022 The earwigs have been active in the garden this year, decimating any seedlings we plant. BUT! I think I have a secret weapon. Last night I placed an insect trap amongst the seedlings. I thought I’d experiment using the kombucha I brew. Success! #earwigs #seedlings #naturalpesttraps #naturalpestcontrol ... #kombucha #inglewoodvictoria3517 #countryvictoria #regionalvictoria See more
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