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25.01.2022 Schroeder Court Or, should it be Schroder Court? "... In 1931 Bob Schroder was sent to Geelong, initially on a temporary basis to improve production, before being appointed chief chemist at the site. From 1942 to 1944 he served part time in the 6th Victorian Battalion, Volunteer Defence Corps, rising to lieutenant (November 1942)...." See: Its Burbing Time (Post 5) https://www.fyansford.com/archie-s-burbin
25.01.2022 More Jottings - by Norm Gugger I really would love to have met Norm. I think he and I would have gotten on really, really well - He with his attention to detail and appreciation of history and me with my writing background.... This selection of jottings from his "Early Settlement - Transport & Services" document will be transcribed over the next week or so.... (Apologies if I get some of the names wrong - Im very happy to be corrected). See: More Jottings https://www.fyansford.com/the-gugger-documents See more
25.01.2022 Jennings Court Its Archies burbing time (Post 3) See: Just walking in the rain https://www.fyansford.com/archie-s-burbin
24.01.2022 Casey Boulevard Who on Earth was Casey? Gen Fyansford couldnt tell me. Perhaps the son of one of the developers.... See: Archies burbing Post 8 https://www.fyansford.com/archie-s-burbin
24.01.2022 Fyansford Castle Kingdom Every persons home is their castle See: Grey balloon https://www.fyansford.com/momentous-times
23.01.2022 A beautiful Archie walk turned sinister See: Fyansford Explorations (Blog 400) https://www.fyansford.com/blog
23.01.2022 A Retrospective A closer examination of the School Register Years 1880 - 1891 See: Fyansford Primary School ... https://www.fyansford.com/ps-working-page See more
22.01.2022 Nikki Gemmell - in the twilight zone See: Post 424 Ted Talks https://www.fyansford.com/post/424-ted-talks
22.01.2022 Two for the price of one With one eye on the cementies and the other on Archies burbing... Post 416: Marr Court Post 417: Almost down to - memories See: Fyansford Explorations... https://www.fyansford.com/blog See more
21.01.2022 Through their lens photographers view different worlds and, for the moment they are THERE. See: The Lime balloon. https://www.fyansford.com/momentous-times
21.01.2022 A lovely retreat in the Barrabool Hills Geelong Advertiser ~ January 31, 1989 Fyansford through others eyes.... See: Randolph Brownhill... https://www.fyansford.com/the-gugger-documents See more
21.01.2022 Gugger Place Archies final Burbing Post See: Most recent Fyansford Explorations blog (#419) https://www.fyansford.com/blog
20.01.2022 Thanks, neighbour! My ode to spring See: Post 2 https://www.fyansford.com/not-all-doom-n-gloom
20.01.2022 Hang in there, folks! MOMENTOUS TIMES A new collection added daily (Total currently 40 images) Remote learning can involve best practice; particularly with the troublesome ere words. Congrats to these parents who made use of visual / auditory / kinaesthetic and repetitive cues.... See: Castle Kingdom (Grey Balloon) https://www.fyansford.com/momentous-times
18.01.2022 Virtual Tours The COVID-19 pandemic has for obvious reasons, put a damper on most peoples travel plans. Instead of eating gelato in Italy, soaking up the sun on the coast of Spain, or roaming the markets of Marrakech, the most exotic place is the other side of the couch. But even with social distancing in place, you can still experience some of the sights of an exotic foreign holiday, albeit digitally. Sure, touring world-famous attractions via a computer screen is not the same thing as seeing them in real life. However, a virtual visit can still be a great learning experience. So, grab your sunglasses and check out the virtual version of some of the worlds most famous tourist attractions. Laura Martisiute See: Green Balloon https://www.fyansford.com/momentous-times
15.01.2022 More than hot air... Symbols of fun-times But, the times ~ they are a changing See: Personal acts of defiance (Blog 422) https://www.fyansford.com/blog
15.01.2022 Maskell Court Its burbing-time... and this little plot of land is now my home See: Post 4 https://www.fyansford.com/archie-s-burbin
14.01.2022 A Splash of Colour Times ~ They are changing... Bring a little lightness and brightness into your world. See: Pink balloon... https://www.fyansford.com/momentous-times See more
13.01.2022 Archie Walks! - Revisited Reflections #1 A collection of images taken during Archie Walks (March - July, 2020) See: https://www.fyansford.com/archie-walks
13.01.2022 Reflections Thanks, Rod Morrison! See: From back then https://www.fyansford.com/a-deep-time-perspective
12.01.2022 This mornings Archie-walk See: An almost-perfect morning distraction (Blog 434) https://www.fyansford.com/po/434-this-morning-s-archie-walk
12.01.2022 Out of sight, not quite out of mind It’s great when someone takes the time to capture an interesting photograph - more than the regular happy-snap; photos with a sense of design and appreciation of history. See Dane Carmody's gallery in the Old Swan Inn https://www.fyansford.com/fyanstown-inn
12.01.2022 Another Distraction During the long afternoon when its too wet, windy or cold to potter in the garden, I can easily distract myself with my i-Phone, Lightroom and painting software. See: Palette Playtime (Grey balloon) https://www.fyansford.com/momentous-times
12.01.2022 Hardiman Circuit Thankfully the magpies arent standing guard over Hardiman Circuit. But, as Ive warned Archie, its the birds of prey he has to watch out for. See: Burbing-time Post 11 https://www.fyansford.com/archie-s-burbin
11.01.2022 Its burbing-time... Archies burbin & busting with enthusiasm See: Littlewood Drive (south) https://www.fyansford.com/archie-s-burbin
09.01.2022 For those that also enjoy diversions. I love waking up some mornings after a productive nights sleep with a fully-formed idea busting through my consciousness. Back in my writing days I couldnt wait to get out onto my now totally primitive Apple Mac... Just the other morning I awoke with that same old feeling. See: A heady mix.. https://www.fyansford.com/fyansford-com-play-page
07.01.2022 Gugger Lineage Timeline A small token of my appreciation to John for his assistance. Hard copy will be given to John for family reference. Family password required for entry to page. See: Ancestors... https://www.fyansford.com/the-guggers-working-space See more
07.01.2022 A message from Sarah Myself, the hubbie and 2 boys are avid hunters of all sorts with a metal detector! We have all permits and we are looking for any locations that are known or unknown history locations, and ones we are allowed / have permission to do so.. I dont know enough to answer Sarah. Perhaps others out there may wish to comment.... See: Personal Musing Post 24 https://www.fyansford.com/personal-musings See more
07.01.2022 Fyansford's Mystery Pub All I have to go on is a mystery photo. See: Southern Star Hotel https://www.fyansford.com/locations-lost-in-time
07.01.2022 Archie’s Afternoon Adventures Achie goes walkabout Fyansford in this new series following on from Archie Walks and Archie's burbin'. See: The Heights’ new parklands https://www.fyansford.com/aaa
07.01.2022 My covid lockdown challenge - to paint the world with a somewhat restricted palette. See: https://www.fyansford.com/post/455-a-somewhat-mixed-palette
07.01.2022 Artsy-fartsy-antsy- pantsy Ideas to help the time pass or, to perhaps maintain your sanity See: Momentous times... (Yellow balloon)... https://www.fyansford.com/momentous-times See more
05.01.2022 McAuliffe Drive The McAuliffes worked at the cementies. Can anyone tell me anything about them. Or are the entirely mythological? See: Its burbing-time (Post 7) https://www.fyansford.com/archie-s-burbin
05.01.2022 Gugger Documents Unearthed Access restricted to Fyansford.com followers or Gugger family members. See: Documents https://www.fyansford.com/the-gugger-documents
05.01.2022 More Jottings by Norm Gugger Ca1988 These notes would have to be among my most exciting finds and I will be forever grateful to John Gugger for entrusting these treasures to me. I just love Norms uncomplicated say-it-as-it-is style: This mill was situated on the north east side of the Moorabool River and in the 1870s Collins Bros. purchased it with a view to converting it to a woollen mill. Unfortunately, it wasnt a viable proposition so they chose new sites on the Barwon... River, South Geelong. The old mill was later altered and became the Old Mill Hall used for socials and dances raising funds for charity and local sporting bodies. See: More Jottings - The Gugger Documents https://www.fyansford.com/the-gugger-documents
03.01.2022 Seeking advice... Aphantasia Ever heard of it.? I hadnt - until my late fifties. Phew! I then saw things in an entirely different light (pun intended).... By my calculations there would be between three and five Fyansford.com followers that have aphantasia to one degree or another... See: Personal Musings (Post 22) https://www.fyansford.com/personal-musings See more
03.01.2022 Cheers! To Fred Dolder... To the street named after him ~ a foreman at the Fyansford cement works who played a big part in developing the Geelong Cement Retirees Museum in 1976. See: Dolder Street https://www.fyansford.com/post/412-cheers-to-fred-dolder
02.01.2022 A Caboodle of Castles gallery See: Post 433. https://www.fyansford.com/blog
02.01.2022 A Mathematical distraction These links may help distract from lifes complexities See: Momentous Times White Balloon https://www.fyansford.com/momentous-times
02.01.2022 Archie burbs yet again and ... Littlewood Drive (North end) lives up to expectations. See: Fyansford Explorations (Blog 408) https://www.fyansford.com/blog
01.01.2022 Chocolate balloons Momentous Times See: Share a Happy-Time picture on facebook https://www.fyansford.com/momentous-times
01.01.2022 Another great little nugget A lovely retreat in the Barrabool Hills From Geelong Advertiser, January 31, 1989 See: The History of Geelong and Corio Bay by Walter Randolph Brownhill https://drive.google.com//1Uin78a-cTDIL11nqHo7LSkl2O/view
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