Gaby Lou Soul Sound in Gold Coast, Queensland | Medical and health
Gaby Lou Soul Sound
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 451 818 143
Address: Burleigh Heads 4220 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Likes: 694
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24.01.2022 Whenever you catch yourself being self-critical or going to a self-sabotage pattern, stop, breathe in deeply breathe out deeply and be silly. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at your inner critic. Perhaps your mum is super critic, or perhaps your dad is. Or perhaps that’s just the way you learned so you could hope with life. My invitation is that you Laugh at yourself. Laugh at your inner critical mum laugh at your inner critical dad. Find joy in the process of reinventing yourself,... with a free mind, with your free will. Don’t sure how to be silly? Try just shaking your entire body, shake shake shake out hands up in the air, jump, move the energy inside your body, release and when you finished (5mins or so) just stand feeing deeply your feet on the ground, bare feet if possible, feel the subtle energy moving through you. Really great, simply and effective way to change your inner vibration. Practice, find what’s suits you, find what works for you. Happy Re-invention of your New You. On this New Earth Frequency. With Love, Gratitude & Light Blessings Gaby Lou See more
24.01.2022 There will come a time when a diseased condition will not be described as it is today by physicians and psychologists, but it will be spoken of in musical terms, as one would speak of a piano that was out of tune." - R. Steiner
23.01.2022 We can only see a very small spectrum of the reflection of Light. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy’ Hamlet - William Shakespeare I lost count how many times I contemplated this quote. Yes. We have a very finite and limited mind. So how could we possibly understand infinity?
22.01.2022 Hello Hello My dear Social media friends, how are we? It’s been a little while since posting here It has been a beautiful journey of integration, when I embraced and connected fully with the rebirthing names, Gaby Lou: as myself and Soul Sound the higher-self, the pure vibration that unites us all, as one giant vibration, one big wave of consciousness being materialised in this 3dimension, Loads started to shift. And I needed some space. The old layers peeling away. And... the seeds that were planted many moons ago were ready to blossom into the Light. I listened , meditated and have been divinely guided through this whole process. And I can’t wait to share with you all the goodness that is being manifested by the Universe, Angels , Archangels, beings of Light, Ascended Masters & all the fourth and fifth dimension energy guides. I feel deeply blessed, humble and honoured to live in such times while we can (still) have free will, and choose to ascend. We consciously choose to learn, to grow spiritually and to become more centered, so this way we not only heal ourselves, but we also heal the planet. Thank You for being you. Thank You for choosing to Ascend & Transcend this reality with me. Blessings With Love, Gaby Lou See more
21.01.2022 Waiting List Now Open Sold Out Event Scroll down for subscription details Hello Hello Lovelies, Thank You so Much for the Incredible Interest in our Reiki Level One Course/Tallebudgeera Valley. ... I have released 2 Reiki Groups for Saturday & Sunday, for the ones that have contacted me first, got the news first. It has Sold Out in 24hrs. I’m super excited & radiant to see how much everyone is ready & eager to expand & elevate through knowledge & practice within the subtle realms of energy. That’s it, listen your intuition and allow the a universe to bring it to you. And if this is you now, if this is the Universe bringing to you now right here right now, don’t miss this chance (last chance of 2020 to come onboard of the Reiki Training I am offering) So Please Join my Waiting List & you will be notified first hand about my next intake Simply go to the link in my bio and choose Reiki with Gaby Lou, then the event will give you the possibility to BUY the ticket click there But it is already Sold Out, so Just join Waiting list and I shall be in contact with you so we can manifest and Co-Create this reality together. Blessings on your day, on your breath & in your Soul, Gaby Lou
20.01.2022 Monday August 3rd Aquarius Full Moon Sound Healing coming up @freedom_float 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Only 6 more spots available for this magical event. To guarantee your spot grab your ticket today. Link in my bio With Love & Sound Blessings ... Gaby Lou See more
18.01.2022 September is Looking Beautiful with so much Love, Light & Co-Creation coming your way The Choice is yours to take the first step, to Connect deeper with your Soul, with Your Higher-Self & Your Inner Light
18.01.2022 Soul Sound Calendar Whats coming up in our Group Sound Healing? August 3rd: @freedom_float Aquarius Full Moon 1 ticket remaining ... 7th: @the_craft_parlourSold Out 31st: @freedom_float Angelic Activation Tickets just Released and already selling Love Love Love! So much happening within and outside of us, Sound Vibration Helps you activate your third eye, let go of what’s no longer serving you and of course, Sound promotes detoxification of the physical & metal body With Love & Sound Blessings Gaby Lou
18.01.2022 Connection with our Soul... Since early age, around the time when I was 14yrs old, I started to question my existence. Why am I here? Where do We come from? What is the purpose of Life? Where is God? By 15 I was participating retreats & Special cerimonies in the Biggest Buddhist Temple in South America, 2hrs from my hometown. It has been a wild ride since then. Lived in 5 different countries, learned 6 different languages, been in Australia for the last 16yrs, and I have a...lways been curious about the Divine & It’s invisible forces. Over the last 20 years I have learned so much, experienced so much, loved and surrendered so much to the Divine. The more I learned, the more I realised I know nothing. We are so magnificent gigantic & in the same time we are so small & ego orientated. Today I’m here to call you to step up into the infinity that you are. How could you build a stronger and closer relationship with you Soul? Our Soul knows it all, we have forgotten, the Soul didn’t. Perhaps just for today, whenever deciding something important, ask your Soul, does she/he wants that? Is that for your highest good? Whenever connecting w our Soul is always the first answer that comes is usually our Souls answer. It can come in ask an inner voice in your head, it can be a feeling in the body, a sensation, an intuition, an image, an idea. All this are ways in which our communication with our Soul can happen. Mercury retrograde now is a great time to reconsider our inner communication....
17.01.2022 Close your eyes & see
17.01.2022 Woop Woop Hurray After having to cancel our last Sound Healing event due to severe weather conditions, our long awaited Encoding Intention with Sound Healing is finally here!!! Only 2 tickets remaining for this amazing experience. On top of our usual blissful session, you will also receive an e-book Power of Sound to help you comprehend all aspects of how sound & frequencies can influence us. Can’t wait to connect with you al and take you on this beautiful journey to ...your higher self. Much Love & Sound Blessings, Gaby Lou See more
16.01.2022 Breathing with Intention... Breathing with Awareness... Sending my Love & Highest Intentions to you today And I invite you to take this next breath with me, sending out Love from your heart to all the ones that Need ONE HEALTHY BREATH TODAY. ... Blessings in all our Hearts & Our Lungs May we all see clearly what we really are. May we all feel deeply the Infinite Abundant & Expanded Beings that we are. May we honour ourselves, just for today. Just for today, I invite you to set an intention to Breathe Consciously. To really tap into the Blessed that truly is our own Vessel of Consciousness: this flesh & blood miracle of the divine. That is intelligent and knows ( take that in: that Knows ) how to do all the chemical reactions so we can Be Alive! Perhaps just for today, see magic everywhere inside you. Because you are a Divine Incredible Human-Machine-Body-Mind & Soul, Never settle for less. With Love & Gratitude Gaby Lou
15.01.2022 Sound Consciousness: Sound Healing Course *Sound **Science ***Sacredness Coming up for you. ... Coming up for all planet, as a tool to shift global consciousness. Stay tuned. We are Frequencies. We are powerful. May Sound be a portal to open new realities in your life. Blessings Gaby Lou Thank you lovely @amandadvgl for the epic picture
15.01.2022 Secrets of Sound: Sound Healing Training. 3 days, hands on training coming up. Back in 2017 I was teaching this powerful course. This year, the course is even more refined and filled with information and practices prepared for you! Next intake: Only 6 spots in total 2 already have been claimed. Send your email to us via DM, inbox or sms 0451818143. Looking forward to connecting with you, ... Gaby Lou & Holistic Healing team See more
14.01.2022 Have you ever wonder if there is more to life than what we have been taught in school/uni/career/society/tv? U know that feeling of unison, of belonging within the Universe? That deep sensation of a higher force from the invisible realm. Would you like to experience the subtle realm of energy? Reiki is an amazing tool to experience this incredible reality! Reiki One, Two & Masters coming soon your way
13.01.2022 Vision Sound Healing What is your Soul's Desire for the next 13 weeks? What is your Vision you really want to manifest? Would you like to activate your Higher-Self Vision without the limitations of the mind? ... Would you like to activate your magnetic field with sound and intention with this vibrational attunement Soul Session? So Join Us! Will be an honour to welcome you on the 2nd of November, in Burleigh for this beautiful experience at Freedom Float, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Doors are closed and locked from 6:30pm, and you won't be able to access the event unless 30mins notice given to your facilitator about your delay. Exchange: $40 + booking fee No need to bring yoga mats. Yoga mats, cushions, blankets are provided. Nevertheless, I highly recommend to wear warm & comfy clothes, warm socks, and you are welcome to bring your favorite personal blanket, eye pillow & crystal, if you wish. When we create space in our lives to consciously close down the eyes, breathe in deeply and surrender to the Sound Current our nervous system shift and positively stimulates into balance our highly important endocrine system (such as pineal, pituitary glands, thyroid, parathyroid glands and adrenal glands ). This event has been created in alignment with the cosmos & numerology, to really help you manifest and hold your highest desires along this journey. Much Love, Gaby Lou & Team For more info check out INSTAGRAM AND FACEBOOK GABY LOU SOUL SOUND or HOLISTIC HEALING ACADEMY AUSTRALIA
10.01.2022 September Calendar is now Live Link in Bio for: Waiting List Sound Healing Reiki I Certification Bookings ... Reiki II bookings please email [email protected] So much goodness coming your way. The opportunities to Evolve, Transcend & Ascend are endless. But the decision on how you will do it, only You can Make it. Taking the first step or the 20th step. Only you can take. Follow your intuition. We are going through deep transformational times. I hope you are listening your hearts desires and finding the invisible portals of reality. I have been deeply transformed over this last year specially after pandemic & eclipse season this yr. I am really feeling the full strength of the embodiment of my Souls calling. I am an Internationally Accredited Reiki Master Teacher, I have been a Reiki practitioner for 21 years and now is the time to share the message through the Courses. Many of us are sailing on those waters. I am sure I am not alone. Expanding, awakening, sharing the gifts. My highest intentions is that we ALL shift our consciousness as one. So we can all experience the incredible powers that we truly are and that Already Live Inside each and every one of Us. Remember, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. If you have been feeling the call to learn Reiki or refresh your practice, Message me here or email, I will be happy to assist you anyway I can, If I cannot, II could recommend some wonderful Reiki Teachers around the globe. We are all walking each other Home, through Love, experiences & information. Blessings on your day. Gaby Lou
07.01.2022 The Yoga Of Awareness: Awakening the Higher Self with Kundalini Yoga. Mantras, Movement, Meditation & of course Breathwork. Join me for 1, 2, or all 3 Classes to: Align Head & Heart... Experience Inner Peace Balance the Nervous System Strengthen the Aura Expand Consciousness Tickets Link bellow See more
07.01.2022 Crown Chakra Sound Healing was spectacular last evening Thank you down much for everyone who joined us, was very special. Remember to drink a lot of water today, before bed, and tomorrow as well. Practice observation upon your feelings and emotions today, instead of identifying yourself with them. I invite you, as spoken yesterday, to practice detachment from ego and surrender to your infinity Remember to honour yourself and the Universe by meditating for 5 mins. ... Reflect/ meditate on the words: Collective Cosmic Consciousness Much Love Gaby Lou
06.01.2022 Angelic Activation Sound Healing Connect with the Angelic Realm on the 31st of August, activating Your Own Angelic Part inside you. Yes, thats Right, inside you lives an Angelic Energy that taps into your True Essence, that part of you that is infinite, that opens to the Cosmos. You can feel that energy when you are kind, compassionate, helpful and true to your word. You feel peaceful in action and peaceful at rest. You are innocent and direct. ... Let’s Awaken that energy as we practice a meditation with Breath & Visualisation at the start of our 2hrs event followed by a deep relaxation with the Sound Currents. Tickets now Open. Link in my BIO. Go to Or With Love & Sound Blessings Gaby Lou
06.01.2022 Very special Sound Healing on the 5th of October: Sacred Geometry Activation @freedom_float We are at Half Capcity Already. Half of tickets Already sold. Only few more spots available. If you are intending to participate with us, check out link in bio @gabylousoulsound for tickets, while you can Much Love, Gaby Lou & Soul Sound Team
05.01.2022 #tbt to a singular time in life when I had Two hearts beating within one Breath Ps: Wasn’t Malu Ella very blessed to have received weekly Sound Healing sessions as I went to work @eden_health_retreat as a Sound Facilitator? Until I was 8 1/2 Months pregnant I was doing Sound Healing in group sessions Once, Twice or even Three Times a week And my sweet baby loved it.
05.01.2022 As Above So Bellow. Connecting with the Sacred Geometry in Us, in our Cells & DNAs we can access our inner portals to The Divine within, feeling the connection with the sacred geometry outside of us, in the galaxies and planets, orbits and their gigantic sacred geometries. There I have found an inner gate to the dimensions. Beyond time & Space. When we access the Void. That is all there is, and it is nothing at the same time. Just peace, stillness. Creation. Today is the ...closure of Lions Gate, for many experts cosmic astrologists, Lions Gate is From the 26/7 (very celebrated date for many ancient cultures, such as the first day after the day out of time and being the beginning of the Mayan Calendar, or for the Egyptians was aligned with the abundance’s of the Nile River) until the 12/08 - every year. We have been receiving the Great White Lion & Lioness Heart Activation. Have you been feeling it? I sure have. It has been a wild ride I#with so many downloads and so much clarity. So if you can, if you wish, highly recommend to take a few minutes to connect with yourself, your breath & your higher-self., calling upon and asking to see, your truth, your essence, your light With Love, Gaby Lou
05.01.2022 Next Monday is a Public Holiday (Labour Day here in Qld) & what better way to end your long wkend receiving the blessings of sacred frequencies? Getting Ready for the week ahead with a beautiful relaxing session, while activating your Crown Chakra The Crown Chakra is the meeting point between the physical body, the Universe & our Soul. It is the center of Universal Knowledge and connects us with the divine. It embraces the gratitude for life, brings feelings of serenit...y, joy and deep peace about life when this chakra is balanced and healthy. The crown chakra influences the brain and the nervous system as well as the emotions and our consciousness. If you keen to join us, tickets for the 3rd of May are already open Here is the link : Looking forward to connecting with you and take you on this journey, Much Love Gaby Lou
05.01.2022 UPDATE: NEW ANGELIC ACTIVATION EVENT HAS NOW BEEN RELEASED FOR THE 7TH OF SEPTEMBER :) Sold Out Event! If you missed out, join the Waitlist as you try to purchase the ticket, will give you an option to Join Waitlist. ... If I get any cancellations, at least 24hrs prior to the event, you will be notified, but only if you are on the Waitlist. Blessings Gaby
04.01.2022 The moment we realise there is no separation between the Microcosmos & Macrocosmos We have freedom to choose a better life for ourselves. We understand we can choose, live & dream within a new reality. Within a new dimension. Within a New World. ... Within. See more
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