Galston Gourmet Deli in Galston, New South Wales, Australia | Grocers
Galston Gourmet Deli
Locality: Galston, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9653 1128
Address: Shop 2, 354 galston road 2159 Galston, NSW, Australia
Likes: 574
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25.01.2022 The Galston Deli Crew would love to send our biggest congratulations to Szymon and Amy on their newest little arrival Evie! Thank you to all our customers for their kind wishes and we look forward to Sy coming back to work soon enough, congratulations again Mum and Dad!
24.01.2022 So I've been thinking all day about just how amazing and busy these last few months have been, we as a team have accomplished so very much. We won a small business award back in April and were recognised for Outstanding Fresh Food, have made more coffees than ever before, catering is reaching new levels, we've introduced some new lines that are selling like hot cakes, my staff are training yet again with Rebecca commencing a small business course, szymon starting his manageme...nt course and Eric starting his retail operations cert 3 . My mum taught me that in life you can never learn enough and that fur thing education was so important so I'm happy that I could make that possible for you guys. Today we were proud to be able to hold a cupcake fundraiser for connecting hands and raised over $500 in just over 3 hours- Ali and Andre you did well!!!phenomenal !! Feeling exhausted a customer pulled me aside this afternoon because she thought I needed to hear about how amazing my staff were. She told me a story of her recent visit last week where one of my staff gave her outstanding service , leaving her so happy with her shopping experience, her kind words almost brought tears to my eyes, hearing her say how wonderful the quality of service she received from the minute she walked in the door to when her shopping was happily carried to the car for her.... Alasdair I'm so proud of u !!! The happiness in her smile and kind sincere words reaffirmed to me just how blessed I am to have wonderful, thoughtful, amazing staff. Geoff thank u for giving me free reign, trusting in my ideas for further improvement to what already is a great small business Becky my beautiful assistant manager keeping me strong and motivated and helping me prep every shop thought I have Szymon my OCD clean neat freak!!! Azzy your bold willing to always help attitude and grabbing the bull by the horns Indy your happy nature makes working with you so pleasant and fun Eric where no job is too hard, always putting customer service before anything !! Josh no shelf is too high , always willing to work and get jobs done Alasdair u once told me that if you don't drop when you get home then you arnt working Harding enough... I will always remember that haha I'm seriously blessed with the greatest staff, staff who can think on their feet, who can make the most of any situation, who say "challenge accepted" with a smile.... On busy days you all knuckle down and do what u have to do, on quiet days we get to laugh and have fun. They say a manager is only as good as her staff and in saying this I want you all to know that I count my blessings every day knowing u all carry me when I'm tired and frazzled.... Love you all to bits love miss boss lady Christina xo See more
24.01.2022 Happy Birthday to our dear friend Szymon today! He will be working early morning tomorrow so be sure to pop through and say happy birthday for yesterday!
23.01.2022 Hello to all our wonderful customers. Unfortunately due to the power outage we are still experiencing we arent able to trade, but we are hoping it will all come back up, everything will be trading and we will be seeing all your smiling faces back to very soon! Thanks for your understanding... Galston Deli Crew See more
23.01.2022 I believe the board speaks for itself! This Saturday we have some wonderful women holding a cupcake drive in front of our store for such a wonderful cause, come down between 8am and 2pm grab a cupcake and help raise money for Breast Cancer! We hope to see all our wonderful familiar faces and plenty of new ones as well!
20.01.2022 Coming up close not long till the votes are put in!
20.01.2022 Happy 25th Birthday to Szymon! Make sure if you come through to say hello and a big happy birthday!
20.01.2022 To all you brave storm goers please be careful on the roads and pathways today, we don't believe the weather will be letting up anytime soon! We are also up and trading after our blackout so come on down and enjoy something warm!
19.01.2022 Ladies and Gentle... We don't mean to scare everyone, but Christmas is well on its way and will be here very soon, I'm sure you've all seen the decorations in your local shopping center! Time to embrace it and we are here to make it as simple as possible!... We are taking orders for catering and Hams NOW From whole hams and half hams, whole cooked turkeys and our ever so famous and delicious slice leg ham and roasted turkey ready to serve on the table! Large range of platter for every and any event! We also have amazing gifts for all ages groups that are nice and easy, with plenty more stock coming in over the next couple of weeks... So whether it's for a teacher, work friend, boss, family and friends we have you covered! Come in have a look around and ask our friendly staff what we can do for you to make this Christmas that little bit easier!
19.01.2022 Good Morning EVERYONE! Another friendly reminder that we are most certainly open today and will be trading till 5pm! Going for a picnic? Maybe seeing family and want to surprise them with something sweet or savory? ... We have you covered! - Fresh Hot X Buns - Salads - Family Quiches and Chunky Steak Pies - Sandwiches, Wraps and Toasties - Hot Pies including a NEW number Pumpkin & Ricotta Roll - Variety of Fruit Tarts, Struddle & Crumbles - But most importantly to get you through this Easter Saturday COFFEE!
18.01.2022 It's coming to that time of year again! No not Christmas, although we've already started throwing around ideas to make this year even better! It's Awards nomination time! Last year was the first year we really decided to go for it and all of you were there through all our process of renovating and other changes that we've made, we made it to the finalist stage but sadly fell short!... But with great reflection and wondering why we fell short we realized that you don't truly get to see Galston Deli, till you've experienced Galston Deli! Who better to explain these experiences than all of you wonderful people! OUR CUSTOMERS! At the end of the day it is thanks to all of you that got us there in the first place, it's you guys that keep our doors open, our spirits high, our laughs loud and most of all it's all your understanding and honesty that helps us better not only our business but ourselves personally as well! So I would love to hear in your words! WHAT MAKES GALSTON DELI? Comment or Personal Message we would love to hear it and would love to add it to the reasons why we should be bringing the award home for you guys!
17.01.2022 To our wonderful Galston Deli fans! It's come that time again for our local awards and we would love for you to be part of it all and to help us, achieve further than what we did last year! We are calling on all of you to cast your vote and help us bring back the award for this little shop. Because without you there wouldn't be us!... Click the link to vote!
16.01.2022 Little Galston Deli elf helper! Bianca made some heart felt teddies for the kids! So much love and thought, kindness is something that should be nurtured and rewarded... Sweetest heart
16.01.2022 Calling all our supporters from near and far! It's that time again where we call for your help in voting for us in this years small business awards, we won for ...2015 and would absolutely love to be able to bring it home again for 2016! It's as simple as voting online through this link or popping in and simply putting your name down because we've filled out the hard bit for you! Every vote counts! Thank you to everyone who has already voted and to those about to vote!
14.01.2022 Would like to announce with great happiness that we have been selected as finalists once again in the Hills Small Business Awards :) let's see if my amazing team and I can bring home the award again this year :)
14.01.2022 Little bit of a late update! BUT! Thanks to everyone and their continued support for the month of January we managed to raise just under $800 which went to 'back to school' supplies for much needed families!... We always consider ourselves so privileged and blessed to be a part of such an incredible community where we get to share this amazing experience and keep everyone in the loop with what we do. So thank you again to everyone and please share around and spread our message goes to show a little goes a long way!
13.01.2022 Have to be in it to win it! There are some beautiful master pieces!
13.01.2022 As another Christmas comes to an end the crew at Galston Deli wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe holiday. To all our amazing customers that continually make our job fun and fulfilling thank you, without all of you we wouldnt be able to do all the amazing things we get to do and getting to be amongst this amazing community! So thank you for letting us be a part of your special moments, allowing us to make those special moments easy and thank you to all the wonderful customers that come in and share their stories with us.
13.01.2022 Its a great pleasure and a real joy to be part of the Galston Community..... We are such a tight knit community and when something happens everyone is always there for each other. Today Becky arrived to a black out and we almost decided not to trade. However when the power came on a little while later we put on our brave friendly faces, had the coffee machines going, pies warming and ready to take on the wind, the cold and the rain. We saw customers meet up at the shop, he...ard stories and updates about black outs and trees down and schools and businesses without power. We saw our wonderful local tradies on their way in to work despite the harsh conditions. The power guys out and about doing their best to get the electricity happening. The local fire dept and amazing ses crews out on chainsaws and clearing trees and branches off the roads. Mums and dads braving it to grab lunch rolls. Becky and Geoff must have set a new egg and bacon roll record. Eric and Szymon served coffees galore. We felt a sense of great happiness when a random passer by called in to order a mass amount of like a dozen coffees to generously give a bunch of ses volunteers he didnt know that he passed just up the road in the freezing cold who were out trying to clear our local roads. Galston your amazing and we are proud to belong to such an awesom, fun, caring and giving community. You guys Rock big time :-) LOOVVEE Christina xo See more
13.01.2022 As always it has come to the time of year where we collect all our wonderful tips and put them to use where they are needed most. Thanks to our wonderful community we were fortunate enough to collect so much throughout the year to be able to spread our donations to helping the same centre as last years donations providing supplies for morning tea and back to school essentials for families that need it. Our biggest and most rewarding donation yet also lead by Jackie who approa...ched us about the shelter last year put forward to us a 'back pack appeal' we couldn't be more excited to be a part of this! With extremely generous donations from the community, ALDI, IGA, both of Galston's pharmacies, Bendigo Bank and the tireless work of our staff Christina, Beck, Szymon, Azzy, Nick, Indy, Josh, Bree, Liz, Tyler & Geoff helping spread our story and our goal to the public. Thanks to everyone we have managed to put together 60 tote bags which means it has included 60 food packs, 60 hygiene packs, 60 lots of clothing items, 120 bottles, 200 nappies and countless toys and books for kids of all ages. Although we couldn't have done it without the community, the store and staff could not have done it without their mentor and driving force our manager Christina, the woman who has constantly gone above and beyond, put her absolute heart and soul into this cause and always asks for nothing in return, special mention goes to this lady for putting all of these ideas into reality and making it all happen. Thank you Galston and surrounding communities for helping us make this another successful year, honestly means the world to us!
11.01.2022 We here at Galston Deli would love to share some wonderful news! Thanks to everyone who took time out of their day to vote... We have been accepted as finalists into The Hills Local Business Awards.... We couldn't be more thrilled to be going again this year and hopefully we will come through with a winner. We couldn't be more thankful and grateful for all the incredible support that we receive from everyone, local/regulars and new comers a like. We love keeping you all involved in this process and it doesn't quite stop here, we call on everyone's support again and we love for you to send through testimonial's and references, even your favourite stories or experiences to do with Galston Deli. Looking forward to reading them!
08.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS! The Galston Deli Crew would love to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and to say a massive thank you for giving us such a wonderful and pleasant Christmas Eve trade, we always love hearing about what you guys have planned and if you had any catering from us we hope you truly enjoy it! We would also like to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of our hearts for the continued support throughout the year with our tips charity, thanks to you guys we ...raise just under $8000 and bought more than anything we have ever been able to anticipate! This year we were able to find a wonderful group of people who help families in unforeseen circumstances and thanks to everyone we were able to make Christmas that little bit easier for them. We consider ourselves so lucky to be in a community that is so generous and giving, the smallest amounts make a difference and some difference is better than no difference! Our customers make all the difference when we get to see you guys everyday with all your smiles, laughter and stories and we've managed to transfer that amount of love into these gifts to put a smiles and bring laughter to other families too! Merry Christmas to everyone and may everyone have a safe start to the New Year and celebrate with loved ones!
07.01.2022 Ladies and Gentlemen just letting you know our changed holiday hours! Boxing Day - closed Friday 27th - 6am til 4pm Saturday 28th - 6am til 4pm... Sunday 29th - 6.30am til 4pm Monday 30th - 6am til 4pm Tuesday 31st - 6am til 4pm Wednesday 1st Jan - closed Normal trading hours resume Thursday Thursday 2nd Jan - 5.30am - 5pm Thanks Galston Deli Crew
06.01.2022 Once again ladies and gentlemen Galston Deli will be trading as normal and may we hope no blackouts today! Remember be safe when driving, take extra caution! If you don't need to be out stay safe and warm! Coffees, toasties, pies and bacon and egg rolls will be running out the doors I'm sure!
06.01.2022 We have some incredible news and we couldn't wait to share it with you... The biggest thanks we have to give is all of our wonderful customers! If it wasn't for all of your continuous support, love and understanding there is no way we would be here tonight. Big thanks to our staff for their early morning starts, continually restocking our displays and keeping our food fresh! ... With everyone's hard efforts we've finally made it and we were certainly taken by surprise... We consider ourselves some of the luckiest people to be surrounded by such an amazing community and we wouldn't change it for the world... Thank you Everyone
05.01.2022 Tonight the Galston Deli team headed out to represent Galston in the Hills Small Business Awards, although sadly we did not win, there is still a lot to be said and learnt from the experience. We are a business that believes in the idea of small businesses and feel very strongly about supporting the community and the best way to do that is through small businesses. Also there is an incredible support that is shown throughout the business and that has to do not only with our s...taff but the incredible support network we have through all of our wonderful customers, thank you so much for continually showing us how much you care for the business and we always love hearing stories and bringing people together. Although we didn't win, tonight was still a celebration towards all the wonderful people that gave us the chance to be a part of something like this and constantly giving positive reinforcement.
05.01.2022 Galston Deli had some visitors come it's way this morning! We are lucky to be able to add this wonderful donation to our collection that goes with our TIPS FOR KIDS. Thanks so much Carolyn for bringing these beauties in I'm sure they will be bringing plenty of smiles to lots of kids!
05.01.2022 Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! I know we have been extremely quiet on this poor page for a while, well fear not we shall be bringing some light back to it with some festive touches! That is right! With only a few weeks until Christmas it's coming to that time where we are all thinking about the joys of spending time with loved ones and how we are going to feed them all!... We have you covered! Come in and place your orders now! Our amazing Zammit Leg Hams available as they are or if you feel like having even less to do ask about our incredible Glazed Ham options! With such flexible catering there is no limit to what we can do for you to make your day easier, whether it's Christmas Day or even all the parties leading up to and after the big day! Come down, talk to us and our friendly staff and see what we can do for you!
04.01.2022 Just a little reminder for those enjoying this incredible weather locals or visitors WE ARE TRADING! Come on through and grab some treats or coffee to compliment your day!... Our trading hours are Friday 5.30am - 4pm Saturday 5.30am - 5pm Sunday 5.30am - 4pm Monday 5.30am - 4pm From the Galston Deli Crew we wish everyone a safe and HAPPY EASTER!
04.01.2022 Good Morning to our wonderful locals and visitors! We just want to let you all know that WE ARE OPEN this long weekend and trading normally. Friday 5.30 am - 5.30 pm... Saturday 5.30 am - 5 pm Sunday 5.30 am - 4 pm Monday 5.30 am - 5.30 pm COFFEE machine will be hot and ready along with hot pies, toasties and fresh sandwiches, daily fresh bread and deli favorites and treats. Look forward to seeing every ones smiling faces!
04.01.2022 The crew at Galston Deli just want to say how blown away we are with the ever going support from all our wonderful customers! Thanks to all you guys we have raised an astonishing $7,600+ for Westmead Children's Hospital where we took 2 car loads full of toys, books, electronics, arts and crafts... We could have never imagined the success we would have with this cause and every year we just become more and more amazed with everyone's enthusiasm! ... Due to the incredible amount of money our little hands struggled to be able to purchase everything, we had some amazing help from some wonderful and generous business's Mannell Motors and Hornsby Heights Pharmacy a big thank you for helping us with this years haul! We have so many exciting plans for 2015 to do with all our charity work make sure to keep posted! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year! From our little Deli family to yours thank you for such amazing experiences for 2014!
01.01.2022 This week Becky and my beautiful daughter Bianca and I had the pleasure of delivering some 68 Easter hampers to the domestic violence shelter that my amazing crew and I support with the funding we receive with our " Tips for the kids" So here was this months receipe: Amazing service- outstanding service with a smile, laughter, friendly conversation from all my team - Geoff, Becky, Szymon, Azz, Bree, Indy, Josh, Tyler and Lizzy........ Generosity from thankful and kind customers residing and visiting our lovely Galston community who happily threw tips into our jar..... Some $1300 worth of Easter eggs, Easter activity packs, books and inspirational mugs being purchased then arranged into assorted hampers..... 68 hampers happily and sincerely received by the workers at the shelter ready for distribution..... This Easter Sunday as a result of wonderful customized friendly service by my amazing crew along side such a wonderful community.... We will be blessing and putting smiles on the faces of aprox 100 women and children..... A single act of random kindness can make someone's day Stay humble and kind Christina
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