Gap In The Fence | Public figure
Gap In The Fence
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25.01.2022 With a black hole in June this year where we looked forward to Dark Mofo, I'm thinking of all our amazing artists, technicians, production crews and other artsworkers who depend on this season to get them through to summer. Please support local and any events that fill the hole. Someone's livelihood depends on it.
25.01.2022 #keepyourticket
24.01.2022 I learned about my Great-Aunt Margaret Butler only after I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts, majoring in Sculpture. This last trip back to Aotearoa meant I could visit Te Papa and see her work in their collection. Very grateful to the staff for their time and interest.
23.01.2022 As someone who currently specialises in public art, I’m cheering the toppling of statues that have taken up space while becoming steadily, increasingly redundant. Just because they’re bronze or otherwise ‘built to last’ does not mean they should. All public art should be temporary. And it’s worth remembering that these are objects that identify where pwer lay, at least at the time of installation. Removing those symbols of power signals necessary change. Let’s hope that what they’re replaced with signify something better, and that these too are temporary, and that we continue to reassess our world, for the better.
22.01.2022 LPA call to Cultural Ministers to step up for the arts industry in meltdown.
21.01.2022 Tune in! Presented in conversation with composer Quin Thomson and producer - me!
20.01.2022 Easy to be distracted by the virus situation. But meanwhile life goes on and there are still things to be dealt with. Kudos to Jo Randerson (Barbarian Theatre) and Tom Clarke.
19.01.2022 Get on Bandcamp this Friday folks - from 6pm in Australia. "To raise even more awareness around the pandemic’s impact on musicians everywhere, we’re waiving our... revenue share on sales this Friday, March 20 (from midnight to midnight Pacific Time), and rallying the Bandcamp community to put much needed money directly into artists’ pockets." See more
18.01.2022 Electroacoustic Device played by Birds. This series endeavours to explore the connection between nature, weather and electronics through generative processes. #...musiqueconcrète #generative #birdwatching #birds #experimental #soundart #electronics #electroacoustic #metallurgic #modernchair #divination #remoteviewing #scrying #asmr #autonomoussensorymeridianresponse #paresthesia #auditorytactilesynesthesia #frisson #binauralrecording #binaural #misophonia #arrectorpi See more
17.01.2022 Creative NZ announce support for artists and orgs.
15.01.2022 Thanks Regional Arts Fund and RANT Arts for the Quick Response grant to help me get to the Talanoa Mau conference in Wellington in late February. I'm excited! Hoping to bring back lots of great ideas and conversation topics to work on.
12.01.2022 "Music matters. If you love music and want to help when times are tough for the people who make it, you have come to the right place. To continue supporting artists and music workers, donate today."
12.01.2022 This is a great outline of how 'in camera' or 'board-alone' time works to the advantage of an organisation. As a CEO of one, and a Director of another company, I don't think this happens as much as it should.
11.01.2022 A Tasmanian Requiem - two years after the original performance and in honour of those who are still mourned and those who still suffer. Please watch and share.
11.01.2022 The arts make sense of life. #createaustraliasfuture #ubi #tasmanianartist #tasteoftasmania
07.01.2022 Hopefully the Australian govt will follow suit!
07.01.2022 Always glad to see the McCahon's at Te Papa and meet some new works. Spotted the Illingworth in the rack while looking at Margaret Butler's work.
06.01.2022 Roz Pearson: "We need to hand the country back to it's Indigenous guardians and they can show us how to manage it."
05.01.2022 Glad to see someone speaking up for the artists and artsworkers being impacted.
04.01.2022 Congrats to fellow recipients of AusCo Resilience funding announced today: Pip Stafford, Robert Jarman, Julian Poulson, Jackson Wells, Evan Carydakis, Jordy, Lucy Bleach, Sinsa Mansell, Sofie Burgoyne, Luke Campbell, Willoh Weiland, Justine Phillips and MADE. $130,000+ in funding coming to Tasmania. See more
02.01.2022 Lemi Ponifasio MAU opening at Te Papa tonight and various bits around the waterfront- so very well catering for people even in a working port! #talanoamau #wellington #nzfestival #conferencing #tepapa @ Te Papa
01.01.2022 Last Wellington photos. Walk signals are the best! #wellington #funkycity #conferencing @ Wellington, New Zealand
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