Garie Surf Life Saving Club | Non-profit organisation
Garie Surf Life Saving Club
Phone: 0414714008
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24.01.2022 WEEKEND WRAP On the beach front this weekend we had a full 2 days of closed beaches. Will the weather ever show some remorse to our poor beach? On Saturday we had patrol 5 completing their Bronze and ARTC Proficency. On Sunday we had patrol 1 patrolling with training happening everywhere, with IRB’s, Bronze & SRC and as you can see the nippers all intensity listening to our CTO. To top off the craziness we had club members help us out with a Bunnings sausage Sizzle at taren point on Sunday! All in all a great weekend for Garie SLSC #mysurflife #sls #redandyellowflags #rnp #garie #gariebeach #beach #beachedclosed #bunningssausagesizzle
23.01.2022 WEEKEND WRAP the weather showed up to both the patrols at Garie this weekend! All 3 season displaying themselves on Saturday for Coogee SLSC. With not a soul on the beach both days it made for a quiet time on the front line. The bronze squad powered on through, we started our first IRB crewies course for this season and got in the water on Sunday and the club got 2 new couches for the worn out patrols to rest on . SIGNING OFF UNTIL NEXT WEEKEND #beach #mysurflife #slssyd #gariebeach #rnp #swimbetweentheredandyellowflags
22.01.2022 Support Garie SLSC this Sunday - Caringbah Bunnings
22.01.2022 WEEKEND WRAPUP Yet another big, beautiful, sunny and flat Garie weekend! We had patrol 4 on Saturday with a cracker of a first aid course, some killed their manikins some aced the resus competition! On Sunday we had patrol 5 on and our IRB crewies, Bronzie/ SRC team training for their final week before their assessment. We also had nippers jump in the water on the boards and experience the dye bomb being set off once again a sunny weekend at Garie. Pop down next Sunday to see all our training groups go through their assessments! #mysurflife #slssyd #royalnationalpark #redandyellow #gariebeach #ocean #beach #patrol
21.01.2022 #OURCLUBISYOURCLUB // Our club is more than just a building. It lets us be who we are. It challenges us. It’s like a family. It’s a place that saves lives. It’s... like coming home. Our club is your club. As surf clubs re-open around the country for the warmer months after what has been a very challenging year, we’re encouraging new and old members to join our clubs, said SLSA President Graham Ford AM. There is a place for everyone at the surf club and everyone is welcome, he added. There are a variety of roles both on and away from the beach for those who wish to volunteer, or our clubs are simply a place to gather and join with others, at the heart of local communities." Australian Surf Life Saving Clubs are hubs for the community and deliver more than just an on-beach safety service but offer training, education, recreation, a place to socialise and give people a sense of purpose and belonging.
21.01.2022 WEEKEND WRAPUP This weekend’s wrap up starts all the back at Friday afternoon when our emergency call out teams were called to assist in the search for a missing rock fisherman off watamolla. (You can find the offical story on our Facebook). Along with the assistance from @tollambulance Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service - Official Site Surf Life Saving Sydney duty officers NSW Police Force(marine police) Our irb crews were able to locate the man after being swept from his original position, they were able to get get the young man into the IRB after being in the water for over 2hrs, asses him and then assisting in the winch into the toll helicopter . A fantastic result for surf life saving and for our members. We urge everyone who is fishing off rocks to wear a lifejacket and have a personal locating device on them. On Saturday we had @bondislsc join us on yet again another extremely busy and hot day at Garie. With the roads closed at just before 10am. The team were able to open the beach and monitor swimmers. An absolute cracker of a day at Garie with the support from the JetSki roaming the RNP coastline. Thanks again Bondi! stats- rescues 2 first aids - 1 Sunday came along and by 9:30 am the road was closed and there was a lineup to get onto Garie road which contained most of patrol 5! We had more irb crew training going on and a very successful lightning bronze/ src assessment, congrats to those who’s re now proficient lifesavers at Garie! 3 new bronze medallions and 2 SRC’s. Congrats and Thankyou to all our trainers and our assessor Brett. We also had the JetSki back patrolling Garie and the rest of our of the coastline. As the day went on, the sand got hotter, the bluebottles came in and the surf started to get a little messier but it didn’t deter the beach goers from the water. stats- rescues - 5 first aids - 6 (plus a few sore Bondi heads) Another cracker weekend at Garie Thankyou to all lifesavers and support crew. Buckle down for Australia Day patrol! #slsnsw #slssyd #patrol #swimbetweentheredandyellowflags #rescue #garie #gariebeach #royalnationalpark #assessment @lifesaverhelo @tollambulancerescue @bondisblsc
20.01.2022 WEEK 8 WRAPUP! One of the nicest weekends we’ve seen this season. The sun came out and @tamaramaslsc had a great day on Saturday, thanks again Tama!! We also have to thank @cronullaslsc ,they let our SRC / Bronze course jump in their water for some much needed flat water board work! On Sunday we had patrol 2 on, a packed car park and the road was closed by 11am, along with the SRC/ Bronze squad, IRB training and a member of the public broken down JetSki, it was a hot and busy one at Garie bring on next weekend with the ALBERT program at Garie #mysurflife #redandyellowflags #garie #beach #ocean #training #royalnationalpark
18.01.2022 WEEKEND WRAPUP This weekend we had a Coogee SLSC team down, who also held a big IRB training session in Saturday. Thanks again guys for coming down! On Sunday we had patrol 3 looking after a closed beach until lunch time where our team was called to watamolla for a lone vessel off the point. Our teams deployed meeting helicopters, bate bay jet skis and duty officers. A vessel was retrieved after a water search. Congrats to our teams for a great multi resourced coordinated job. we also had our CTO, education manager and Brett (our star trainer) who headed to Burning palms to assess a new group of bronzes for them MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our Garie and SLS family! #merrychristmas #swimbetweentheflags #mysurflife #gariebeach #royalnationalpark #patrol
15.01.2022 Weekend Wrapup With the season coming to a close we had our second last sydney club visit Garie and help out patrolling on Saturday. Thankyou south Maroubra for doing our one of the very last Saturday's this season. Shame the beach was closed but those who stayed over had a blast. Stats: rescues:0 first aids:0 ... On Sunday we had patrol 2 finsihing up up for season. These guys have had a cracking season with some new additions to their patrol, lots of new awards and some great days at Garie. Thanks again patrol 2 . Stats: rescues:0 first aids:0 Join us next Sataurday 3pm for our end of season party and the last IRB assessment for the season before our presentation night in June. See you all there
15.01.2022 Happy Australia Day! If you're spending time on the coast today, avoid alcohol and make sure to visit a patrolled beach and swim between the red and yellow flags. Go here to find your nearest patrolled beach:
14.01.2022 Today we turn our attention to Garie Surf Life Saving Club and member Patricia Dillon especially. Pat joined the movement in the early 80's and has (although s...he may not have realised it) played an important role in leading the way for female members after her. Pat has been a leader at Garie SLSC through various roles such as Deputy President and other managerial positions. Most importantly she has led through her attitude of being able to "... roll up your sleeves and work part of a team". Something that has no doubt played large part in some of the clubs most recent accolades such SLSS Club of The Year. Pat's recognition marks the coverage of our three National Park Surf Clubs as part of our #40yearsofwomen celebrations. As such we say thank you to the many members of these clubs not profiled but have no doubt played their own role in the development of women in our movement. To read more about Pat's achievements please click on the link
12.01.2022 WEEKEND WRAPUP On saturday we had the crew from @bronteslsc jump onboard at Garie, and what a cracker day they had. A beautiful quiet autumn day, great weather, warm water and small surf. It seemed the crowds went else where this weekend but Garie was at its prime and Bronte had it all to themselves. Thanks again @brontesurfclub on Saturday the annual 3 way carnival was on at Era SLSC. With our awesome foursome tracking over to represent Garie! What a cracker day the... boys had competing against Burning Palms, and Era nippers, both coming away with ribbons and trophies. Congrats boys!! Stats rescues: 0, first aids: 0 On sunday we had patrol 5 on. Yet another beautiful day at Garie, with only a handful of visitors swimming or enjoying the beach and the sun. Thankyou for your hours spent on the beach this weekend patrol 5. Awesome as always, and some cracking photos and drone shots too! Stats rescues:0, first aids: 0. #slssyd #lifesaving #garie #gariebeach #royalnationalpark #beach #swimbetweentheflags #eraslsc #burningpalmsslsc #nippers #bronte #3waycarnival
12.01.2022 Well, it's official, ALBERT is off to Garie for our fourth-year thanks to the support of Sydney Branch. After a short break, this will be our first Centre of Ex...cellence post-Covid and have just over 55 Surf Life Savers attending. Thanks to Garie SLSC for again being such wonderful hosts and helping with our COVID-safety Plan. Looking forward to seeing old and new faces...and of course the traditional big surf of the Garie ... ALBERT Team. See more
12.01.2022 WEEKEND WRAP UP now the heat has settled it’s time to look back on the weekend that was. We start with Saturday! We had a team from North Bondi jump onboard with a hand from Tony Graham. Thanks again North Bondi. The education team put through 7 brand new ARTC awardees as well!!! How great!! With Saturday reaching 43 degrees at Garie the car park packed out in record speed! Sunday Sunday Sunday.. what a day, we had Burning palms nippers visit us, a IRB drivers proficienc...y, bronze proficiencies, IRB crewies course, bronze/ SRC course, some brand new people joining patrol 4 and to top it off a board and memorial surf race, after having to call off the beach events.Another hot day once again and the car park shut before midday, the hot sand testing even the bravest, and the ocean wanted us to jump in with brilliant conditions. another absolutely brilliant and alive weekend at Garie! #mysurflife #gariebeach #slssydney #beach #ocean #royalnationalpark #swimbetweentheredandyellowflags See more
10.01.2022 Thankyou to all our volunteers ! HAPPY INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER DAY
10.01.2022 Weekend Wrapup Australia Day - big crowds drenched our beach on Tuesday. The weather was lovely and every beach goer took a dip in our beautiful bit of ocean stats- rescues: 15 first aids: 1 JetSki rescues : 4... When the sun goes away the bluebottles will play On Saturday we were lucky enough to have a squad from Bronte SLSC watch over the beach. With the bluebottles making there way to the sure the guys were kept on their toes. Thanks again Bronte for your time at Garie. On Sunday the bluebottles had set in covering the shore line and the shore dump. Closing the beach meant no irb crew training and no water events for our club races. The guys did a tonne of dry work technique training and the race secretary’s ran some sprints and flags for those down there. stats- first aids: 1 (members bluebottle sting) #mysurflife #patrol #bluebottles #garie #gariebeach #royalnationalpark #irb #irbtraining #training #beach #beachclosed #australiaday
07.01.2022 WEEKEND WRAPUP 16 first aid, 6 bronze medallions, 1 Surf Rescue Certs, 4 IRB Crewmans, 3 Bronze Medallion trainer, 2 Bronze Medallion assessors, 1 irb trainer, 7 artc and 3 radio operators all in one day of assessments ! A huge Thankyou to @monavalesurfclub new SRC’s for spending the weekend with us, your SRC’s are incredible future lifesavers! Congratulations to all Garie Graduates of your irrespective certificates this weekend. All those weeks of training have final p...aid off- you did your trainers proud . A BIG Thankyou to all trainers, our Bronze/ SRC/ Radio assessor from @northcronullaslsc and @bpslsc for hosting the IRB training on Saturday and assessment on Sunday. Congratulations to our own Garie trainers for all of your continuous hard work! we had our Garie patrols #1 & #2 backing up Mona vale aswell, great job as always! not to mention the surf that decided to final show up on asssesment day, challenging all candidates skills to the max! For the struggling club in the bush we sure are climbing back !! #mysurflife #assessmentday #patrol #bronzemedallioncertificate #surfrescuecertificate #irbcrewman #artc #radiooperator #firstaid #trainer #garie #royalnationalpark See more
04.01.2022 Weekend Wrapup On Saturday this weekend we were lucky to have @northbondislsc around to patrol at garie for the day. A really wet and lonely day at garie with no visitors. Thanks @northbondislsc, champions, we hope you had fun. On Sunday Garie held a first aid course for our members and the other national park clubs which was very successfull thanks to the organisation from our own education manger, Mikala!!... Backed up by patrol 4 who also had to patrol around the rain. Thanktou everyone who came to garie this weekend, rain hail or shine we are on the beach. #garie #mysurflife @sls_sydney #swimbetweentheflags #royalnationalpark #firstaid #rain
04.01.2022 Congratulations Mick Bretherton!
03.01.2022 We’d like to say THANKS !! A very big thank you to the support Garie has had this year from our Partner organisations. Belgravia Leisure Different Strokes Swimming @swimsisters Together these organisations have assisted Garie to put through ... - 2 Auburn to Garie bronze/SRC squads (vanguard) - A lightning SRC/ Bronze squad - 2 IRB crew courses It’s awesome to have the support from Belgravia Leisure and the staff at Auburn Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre, Kari and the team from Different Strokes Swim Lessons, Yusra and the team from @swimsisters. They have positively changed the lives of numerous members, now lifesavers at Garie. The help we get is so varied and shows what it takes to pull this off. From the use of rooms and Water Polo pool (for board and tube practice) at Auburn, Different Strokes for all their swim training and Yusra for inspiring so many women from Swim Sisters to become Surf Life Savers. Our newest IRB crew members are participants from our auburn to Garie (vanguard) bronze squad, a true testimony to their pre Garie activities. Finally. @Belgravia @Differentstrokes @swimsisters. Those members you have supported are already preventing incidents at the beach and have saved lives both at Garie and at unpatrolled beaches when on holiday. Thank you!
02.01.2022 WEEKEND WRAPUP ALBERT 2020 Garie has concluded and what a jam packed and crazy weekend it was everyone who came. All participants learnt skills including entering the boat, patient pick ups, negotiating the surf, rafting, rock rescues, search and rescue and parallel runs. Every participant developed their skills over the 2 days and enjoyed their time at Garie. We would like to thank the @surf_lifesaving_albert team once again for brining their program to Garie and their knowledge with everyone . We hope to see you all next year! On another note we still had our regular scheduled bronze training this weekend, once again @cronullaslsc allowed us to use their beach on Saturday for water training. Thankyou again! We also had our irb crews come down and jump in on the irb action on Sunday! A HUGE weekend at Garie, some absolutely beautiful weather and surf topped it all off! We will share more action shots on our pages throughout the week. See more
02.01.2022 Easter Weekend Wrapup From Friday to Monday Garie patrols stood watch over our own beach! For every member that spent hours at Garie this Easter long weekend, THANKYOU. Easter Friday and Saturday we had patrol 4 on. An absolutely stunning 2 days for the guys. An early visit from the local RFS to get rid of a washed up petrol can kept the guys on their feet. They had boards and boats out and even a large pod of dolphins came out to play with the IRB. Amongst all thei...r fun the guys also patched up numerous, adventurous walkers and deterred visitors from a docile Diamond python on the helicopter pad. Well done patrol 4! stats: rescues - 3 first aids - 4 On Easter Sunday patrol 1 were down to have there fun at a yet again beautiful Garie day. With the banks bringing in a nice Garie edge by late afternoon it kept the guys on their toes. Patrol 1 spent the day training in IRBs and improving their board skills, great to see patrol 1 stats: rescues- 1 first aid- 1 last but not least Easter Monday had patrol 5 on deck to finish off the long weekend. Patrol 5 had a quite day with all the visitors shying away from the beach. Letting the patrol have some fun of their own. Another cracking weekend at garie. Well done patrol 5! stats: rescues- 0 first aids-0
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