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Gary Duffy in Ipswich, Queensland | Political candidate

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Gary Duffy

Locality: Ipswich, Queensland

Phone: +61 421 576 400


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25.01.2022 You can now have 50 at a BBQ, 40 can dance on a dance floor, businesses can only have 4 persons waiting for coffee, polling booth workers are told to wear a mask, but if you gather in crowds of 37,000 where you yell and scream, you are safe? VOTE HER OUT

24.01.2022 IPSWICH IS BREATHING IN TOXIC SMOKE AGAIN after another fire broke out at a New Chum dump site. This is the 10th fire in 9 years! If you're sick of bad rubbish by the State Government, then VOTE ONE NATION and we will do something about it because it's clear both Liberal and Labor parties won't! I'll put the health of Ipswich residents before profits! VOTE 1 SUZIE HOLMES - ONE NATION - IPSWICH

24.01.2022 Today I met up with Lloyd Polkinghorn in Finley NSW. He is approximately half way through his Walk for Water to raise awareness about the devastating impacts t...he MDBP is inflicting on our Southern Basin communities and environment. We will be catching up with Lloyd again in 10 days time when he reaches his destination at the Hume Dam. Authorised by Rikkie Tyrrell, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Victoria #rikkietyrrell #OneNationvictoria #waterforfarmers See more

21.01.2022 MARYBOROUGH Sugar Mill will officially close down as crushing season wraps up this week. A spokesman from MSF Sugar confirmed the news on Wednesday. The mill has been operating in Maryborough for 126 years.

19.01.2022 The Palaszczuk Government’s hyped economic recovery plan just a glossy document Adept Economics director and former Treasury official Gene Tunny We’re having this election campaign, we’re having all these lavish spending promises into the future and they could end up meaning higher taxes and charges because if it follows through to get a surplus, "it’s going to have to sack public servants’, The ALP is already told media that it is not replacing or filling roles in the Gov...ernment, which is effectively reducing the numbers, a form of downsizing. The ALP have trotted the Glossy book cover out at every media event, some have the book with a couple of pages, Palaszczuk's book seems to be stuffed with additional paperwork to make it appear bigger, but the bottom line is nothing in the book is working with Queensland having the highest unemployment in Australia, and crime rates soaring by more than 59% since Palaszczuk came to power. It is time to get rid of the two major parties and vote in a One Nation Government.

19.01.2022 Development stupidity: A COMMERCIAL complex featuring a childcare centre, service station, car wash and two fast food outlets has been proposed in Ipswich. Your Realty Pty Ltd submitted the development application to Ipswich City Council to build the facility on land at 53 Robertson Rd, Raceview. The site adjoins a church to the west, a large single dwelling site TPS 761: Health effects of pollution sources and components, Johan Friso Foyer, Floor 1, August 28, 2019, 3:00 PM ...- 4:30 PM Background: Exposure to benzene is a known risk factor for acute myeloid leukaemia among adults. Residential and parental exposure to benzene has also been linked with childhood leukaemia. Children living close to petrol stations are exposed to higher concentrations of benzene compared to background levels. However, few studies have investigated the associated risk of childhood cancer. We aimed to investigate whether children living in close proximity of petrol stations are at greater risk of childhood cancers, leukaemia, and central nervous system (CNS) tumours. Results: We identified 6,129 cases for all cancers combined, 1,880 cases of leukaemia, and 1,290 cases of CNS tumours. A total of 27 cancer cases lived in close proximity to petrol stations (<50m). The odds ratio for children living close to a petrol station compared with unexposed children (500m) was 1.57 (95%-CI 1.05, 2.36) for all cancers combined. We found no evidence of an association for leukaemia (OR 1.13; 95%-CI 0.52-2.47) and CNS tumours (2.06; 0.79-5.41). Conclusions: We found evidence of an increased risk of childhood cancer (all diagnosis combined) among children living in close vicinity of petrol stations. Our study does not allow any conclusions for specific diagnostic groups. See more

17.01.2022 ONE NATION HAS A VISION FOR AUSTRALIA Now more than ever, we need to supercharge our economy and generate incentives that create new industries Unlike the major... parties, One Nation has the vision to build a better future. One Nation is committed to cutting payroll tax and reducing cost of living expenses by building new low emission coal-fired power stations. Want change? Vote One Nation. #PaulineHanson #OneNation

16.01.2022 Have you got your One Nation sign up yet? Did you want one? message me.

16.01.2022 Good news for our customers: you won’t have to wait for the weekend to eat eggs benedict or the big brekky. We have changed our menu to a mixture of the previous weekday and weekend menu Also, from now on burgers are available from Tuesday to Friday

15.01.2022 Ipswich Greens candidate champions ALP/Greens alliance, confirming her support for Labor's toxic dumps and incinerator. A vote for the Greens is a vote for the toxic dump and incinerator. Don't be fooled. The Greens are Toxic. The only way to stop the dumps and incinerator is to vote for your One Nation candidate.

15.01.2022 Palaszczuk's Covid Restrictions nonexistent when money is involved.

14.01.2022 LABOR ACCUSED OF BANDAID SOLUTIONS FOR IPSWICH HEALTH Suzie Holmes, One Nation candidate for Ipswich, has accused the Queensland Labor Government of bandaid sol...utions as Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk promises a satellite hospital for Ipswich, should her government be re-elected at the upcoming State election. The Ipswich population is set to boom and this small pop-up satellite hospital, even with the main hospital expansion, will not be able to sufficiently service our region. It is a short-sighted bandaid solution being used to try and buy votes" Ipswich needs a real plan for health facilities and services; we need a new hospital built so that we do not have long waiting queues or unnecessary deaths from a lack of beds or surgery theatres." Building satellite hospitals or extending facilities sound great on the surface but what people need to realise is that this approach could cost taxpayers more in the long run and Ipswich has been given no assurance of a viable solution for future health services and facilities." If I am elected as the Member for Ipswich, as a member of the Crossbench I will be in a powerful position to fight for an additional hospital. Locations that can be explored include at Blacksoil, around the Ipswich Showgrounds or even the area surrounding the Ipswich Transit Centre where the Queensland Government already owns buildings." This is a workable, forward thinking solution, not a typical political bandaid solution." If you agree...then VOTE 1 SUZIE HOLMES - ONE NATION for IPSWICH!

07.01.2022 IS QLD EDUCATION OPEN TO COMMERCIAL CORRUPTION? An Ipswich school will start trialling a gaming subject called 'eSports' in 2022 and with video gaming being a m...ulti billion dollar industry, I have concerns that our education system may be influenced for a financial agenda. Ripley Valley Secondary College has said that it is not a push by Education Queensland however I am concerned that with this being introduced at one school, the Queensland State Government may well push the program into schools across the rest of Queensland, now that a precedent has been set. Additionally, there is a now real risk of gaming companies influencing our politicians and government. It is now not out of the question that gaming companies will try to donate to political parties, politicians or give money to our government to fund such programs. Gaming companies make billions on advertising so I believe that they may target our schooling system in order to have the long term financial gains of a generation that is addicted to video games. For not one Ipswich MP to raise this valid point and concern, says that they either have no foresight into protecting our children and their education, or they just don't care; both reasons are unacceptable. I have no objection to subjects such as this being offered as a co-curricular activity (like after-school orchestras or sporting activities), but I am against it being included into Queensland's official curriculum when the negatives outweighs the positives of the program and where parents do not get a say. Parents are already concerned about their children being in front of computer screens and phones for too long and professionals in healthcare have been concerned about obesity levels in children due to lack of exercise or playing sport, plus mental health problems that come with addiction. Will a subject like eSports cause a generation to have less human to human physical contact which is what health professionals also say is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. Not to mention the cost to parents when children start asking for gaming subscriptions and the latest model computers to keep up with the trends. Australian education is failing our kids and we now do not even rank in the top 20 countries in the world, for education. This is not the fault of teachers who are already overworked - this is the result of bad government policy and lack of resources. The education system must get the basics of literacy and numeracy right first and our children's education must never be compromised or bought off. What do you think? Do you have concerns about gaming being rolled out as a subject across Queensland schools? MORE AT:

06.01.2022 Remember, I asked last night if Inland Rail had been approached regarding an intermodel at Ebenezer to offload waste from Victoria and I was met with blank looks, apparently, it is well and truly there for Ipswich to be the garbage capital of Australia.

06.01.2022 More than 219,000 Queensland renters are at risk of losing their homes if the State and Federal governments do not take on COVID-related rental debt. 219,000 Queenslanders who are already exposed to eviction after the state’s eviction freeze ended on September 29. Governments have a responsibility to ensure that people aren’t losing their home because of the economic impact of COVID-19, Better Renting executive director Joel Dignam said. The People of Queensland have not been kept safe by Palaszczuk, when people are evicted they get a black mark against them and it is very difficult for them to find new accommodation.

05.01.2022 In an article co-authored by QANTAS's own Medical advisor, says Air travel is safe. October 1, 2020 Dr Hosegood reported being an employee of Qantas Airways and is president of the International Airline Medical Association said: "The risk of contracting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during air travel is lower than from an office building, classroom, supermarket, or commuter train." "Despite substantial numbers of travelers, the number of suspected and confirmed cases of in-flight COVID-19 transmission between passengers around the world appears small (approximately 42 in total)." But QANTAS CEO wants vaccination compulsory prior to travel.

03.01.2022 Lunch break at Elderflower

02.01.2022 Labor and LNP approve more toxic mine waste and chemicals from PNG to be dumped in Ipswich Back Yard. If you want to stop this attack on the Ipswich Resident's health, you need to vote out ALP and elect your One Nation Candidate.

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