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Gas Field Free

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24.01.2022 WOOOHOOO! NANA POWER DOCO :) Read about and view it here.

23.01.2022 Strong message to Premier McGowan from the Nyul Nyul Rangers at Beagle Bay: Don't Frack the Kimberley!!

23.01.2022 Please write/send in your submission by Midnight 14th Aug, 2020. That is TONIGHT.

20.01.2022 We have 7 days from today to respond! A new "conventional" oil well in the Perth basin(Mid West), in an important nature reserve(Beekeepers NR, just south of D...ongara, not near Cervantes despite it's name) has been referred to the EPA. At this stage we have 7 days to call for a Public Environmental Review (PER). Add a quick comment. Perhaps mention emissions, clearing of a nature reserve, and that it's in the public interest for this to be a PUBLIC review (otherwise it won't be reviewed, or will be reviewed behind closed doors with the company. Locals and the rest of us deserve to see the details of this and for it to be assessed properly). You can also mention your concern that there could be fracking here in future. Fracking isn't banned in nature reserves. It will take 2 mins Just because fracking isn't proposed for this now, doesn't mean it couldn't be in future. The company and the government haven't ruled out fracking. This well is in a lease where fracking is allowed. But even without fracking, and with an oversupply of petroleum around the world, I don't see why we need to be drilling wells in nature reserves!!! See more

20.01.2022 Residents and landholders of the Mid West, Chittering Valley and Central Midlands, like many others across the state and country, are locking their gates and co...mmunities. Its important to stop and reflect on the many successful events, Gasfield Free communities and the friends we have all made along our journey to a Frack Free WA! Keep an eye out you might just see someone you know! Some of the groups who have facebook pages (can't tag groups) and are featured are Dandaragan Groundwater Protection, Frack Free Central Midlands, Frack Free Jurien Bay, Gasfield Free Chittering,Farmers Against Fracking WA, Frack Free Cervantes, Gas Field Free - Moore River Region & Geraldton Groundwater Protection. If you'd like to be put in contact with a local action group, or want some support to start your own, please message our page. Help stop fracking across WA: Sign our petition: Get involved: We will keep you up to date with all the latest on the WA campaign. #LocktheGate #FrackFreeWA

20.01.2022 "They DESTROYED western Qld!" The IPC has heard a harrowing account of what it's like to live in an Australian gasfield and have a gas company make life a livin...g hell and then stop you from telling anyone about it. Take action on the Narrabri gas project: Tune in tonight to our livestream of todays speakers Lock The Gate Alliance

18.01.2022 FRACKING PROTEST Hundreds of people are expected to take to the streets in Geraldton this weekend, in a rally against fracking. Locals say the current no frack zone which covers Geraldton, needs to be extended to cover a wider area, including Greenough.

18.01.2022 Reminder - last day Thursday 10/12/20

18.01.2022 Two good articles for anyone watching/acting on the COVID commission:

16.01.2022 We’ve made a list of places in the Mid West and Wheatbelt of WA where FRACKING IS NOT BANNED, and have existing exploration leases/permits for oil and gas over ...them or within 20kms (But most of these places are fully surrounded by a permit). Shire of Chittering - (Lower and Upper) Chittering - Bindoon - Muchea - Wannamal - Mooliabeenee Shire of Gingin - Gingin - Red Gully - Mindarra - Cowalla - Cullalla - Coonabidgee - Neergabby - Muckenburra - Beermullah - Boonanarring - Ginginup - Lennard Brook - Moondah Shire of Victoria Plains - Gillingarra - Mogumber Shire of Moora - Moora - Namban - Watheroo - Coomberdale - Koojan Shire of Dandaragan - Cervantes - Jurien Bay - Dandaragan - Badgingarra - Nambung - Boothendarra - Yathroo - Bibby Springs - Hill River - Cataby - Regan’s Ford Shire of Coroow - Green Head - Leeman - Coorow - Warradarge - Eganu Shire of Carnamah - Carnamah - Eneabba Shire of Three Springs - Three Springs - Arrino - Dudawa - Kadathinni Shire of Mingenew - Mingenew - Yandanooka - Nangetty - Ikewa Shire of Morawa - Morawa - Merkanooka Shire of Irwin - Dongara - Port Denison - Denison - Irwin - Springfield - Bonniefield - Bookara - Yardarino - Arrowsmith - Cliff Head - Mt Horner - Allanooka City of Greater Geraldton - South Greenough - Central Greenough - Walkaway - Narngulu - Rudd’s Gully - Bootenal - Walkaway - Minnenooka - Ellendale If your community/locality is on this list and you haven’t declared your area frack free, locked the gate or want more details, get in touch with our page. Right now fracking hasn’t started. Let’s get our areas put off limits before it’s too late. If they can stop it in the South West, Peel, Victoria and areas in NSW and SA and Tasmania, we can stop it here. A bunch of these communities have declared frack free or unconventional gasfield free. But many haven’t. Join them! If you’re from elsewhere, sign the petition: Frack Free Central Midlands Dandaragan Groundwater Protection Frack Free Jurien Frack Free Cervantes P.O.W.E.R Eneabba Geraldton Groundwater Protection Gasfield Free Chittering Gas Field Free - Moore River Region Frack Free WA

15.01.2022 Lets keep flooding there email addresses & sign these petitions!!!

15.01.2022 Please support by sending in your submission byFriday night.

13.01.2022 Yes The Gas company paid for the study! Says it all. Listen to the video!!

11.01.2022 Some good news for a change. But the Kimberley is not yet protected. But with no need for gas in the Kimberley (renewables are gaining ground and will be everything soon enough), no pipeline to be able to export gas(and a global gas glut), why are gas companies still even exploring for it? See more

11.01.2022 Could happen in the West just like the East!!!

11.01.2022 IMPORTANT EVENT: NOT TO BE MISSED If you are concerned about the climate crisis, fracking, environmental degradation, loss of species, and a host of other relat...ed issues, and you feel at a loss about what you can do about it, then please join us at this upcoming event on Friday 27 November. The trajectory towards corporate-driven catastrophe can and will be stopped when enough people stand up and say 'NO'. Each one of us is those people. Each action adds to helping turn the tides to a hopeful future for all of us, and especially our children. See you there and share share share this event through your networks. See more

11.01.2022 So received this email today!! Very hypocritical if you ask me. Want us to be aware of our water usage/wastage, yet they the Govt have no hesitation in allowing FRACKING!!! The biggest water contamination & wastage ever!! I will certainly be sending an email to the Water Corp & Mr McGown

11.01.2022 Subscribe to keep the infirmation flowing!

11.01.2022 Very interesting read !!!

10.01.2022 This is about to happen in our own backyard. Please share & sign,contact the StateGovt, we must make them stop.

10.01.2022 Well worth reading.

10.01.2022 Time to take action

10.01.2022 Great work Simone & people of Geraldton area.

10.01.2022 NCCC VS AEMO ON GAS (THE SCOMO CON) While Scomo’s National Covid-19 Coordination Commission (NCCC) is furtively striving to dupe and hogtie us to a future of ma...d massive gas mining, (and keeping it secret under the guise of ‘national security’ irony if I’ve ever seen one), the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMA) has released research that favours renewables over gas. New gas-fired power is not essential for a grid increasingly based on renewable energy, and gas prices will need to stay low if it is to compete with alternatives, according to the government agency responsible for the electricity system. The Australian Energy Market Operator (Aemo) has released a roadmap detailing what an optimal national electricity market would look like to 2040 if it was designed with a focus on security, reliability and the lowest cost for consumers. Methinks the Scomo NCCC plan is a threat to national security and aims only to further serve the greed of an already filthy rich corporate elite.

09.01.2022 New Geraldton petition!

09.01.2022 This is a really good little video from late last year, very visual, which makes it more shocking. This would be good to share around for people still on the fence or unsure about how bad fracking for shale oil and gas is. On youtube here:

07.01.2022 The Federal Government named the Perth basin (South West to Geraldton) as a strategic target. Fracking is already allowed though in the Northern Perth Basin (Perth to Geraldton), and there's already a gas pipeline, so what kinda support is being planned? And there's great fear for the Kimberley and Pilbara still, with the West-East pipeline still being pushed by influential people again in recent days.

05.01.2022 Check this out. Also watch Sunday 9/8/20 Landline about Narrabri Coal Seam Gas project.

05.01.2022 STOP PLANNED MASSIVE FRACKING FOR KIMBERLEY REGION Please take a few minutes NOW to click on the link below, submit your message to the EPA, and share throughou...t your network. If we don't rise up and make a big noise about this, the Kimberley will be irreversibly fracked beyond recognition.

05.01.2022 GINGIN SEISMIC SURVEYS We have 7 days from today to respond! A new Seismic Survey for oil & gas is proposed near Gingin in the Wheatbelt, it is to be undertaken in the water rich and very productive agriculture area in the Shire of Gingin just 20 km from the Gingin townsite and 60km north of the Perth suburbs. The survey area covers farmland, borders the Moore River National Park and covers many wetlands that are vital to the productivity of the agriculture sector and commun...ities in the area. This project has been referred to the EPA and we now have 7 days to call for a Public Environmental Review (PER). Add a quick comment. Perhaps mention emissions, clearing of a native bush, proximity to a National Park, the wetlands and that it's in the public interest for this to be a PUBLIC review (otherwise it won't be reviewed, or will be reviewed behind closed doors with the company. Locals and the rest of us deserve to see the details of this and for it to be assessed properly). You can also mention your concern that there could be fracking here in future. Fracking isn't banned in this area. We need to put communities and agriculture before fossil fuels! It will take 2 mins to add your comment:

04.01.2022 FRACKING AGREEMENT REACHED Native title holders in the West Kimberley have signed an Indigenous Land Use Agreement with a petroleum exploration company that wil...l allow the use of fracking south-east of Broome. Theia Energy has been negotiating with the Karajarri people for more than a year, to gain necessary approval for their Great Sandy Desert Project, with an agreement signed off on Friday. The ABC obtained a conceptual plan of the project last year that showed a network of wells pipelines and even a new port on the Kimberley coast. But Theia chief operating officer Jop van Hattum said that was not what was being proposed at Friday's meeting, and initially just one well will be drilled and fracked in 2022. Mr van Hattum said the agreements will provide economic opportunities and control to the native title holders. "Karajarri people first of all have a lot of control on where well-pads are being established, where pipelines are being established, that their cultural heritage is being protected," Mr van Hattum said. Karajarri Traditional Lands Association executive officer Martin Bin Rashid said the agreements provided an opportunity for Indigenous people and would protect the environment. "We see this as an opportunity to take Karajarri forward, we're confident that if fracking is done correctly it is low impact."

04.01.2022 Similar is happening in WA. Companies and the Government are often saying 'there's no fracking planned', especially for the Agriculture region(Yued and Yamatji 'It's conventional gas we're after'. Mm, why did you remove the word 'tight' from your documents? Why did you remove a future fracking plan from your plans, will it come back on the plan later? Why has no company in WA ruled out ever fracking in the future? That last one is all you need to know that we're not out of the woods yet, even if there's currently not fracking happening (there are official fracking plans for the Kimberley, and there's been fracking exploration already in the Ag region, there's currently still gas exploration happening across the area from Perth to Geraldton and no companies there have ruled out fracking. See more

04.01.2022 Scott Morrison (ScoMo) really knows how to set the world on fire - today, it’s with possibly BILLIONS in public funds to prop up the dirty gas industry! Forget funding hospitals and schools, climate crisis HERE WE COME!

04.01.2022 In today's west

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