GAY CARE in Collaroy Beach, New South Wales, Australia | Community organisation
Locality: Collaroy Beach, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 492 867 215
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25.01.2022 Established in January 2014, Brisbane Gay Bikers is a social group for Gay and Lesbian motorcycle riders (and their friends of course) around the general South East Queensland area, who are looking for a relaxed group to ride with once a month. #gaybikers #gayaustralia #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtq #lgbtaustralia #loveislove #qld #queensland #gayqueenslander
25.01.2022 When he was editor of Wagga Wagga daily advertiser, Michael MacCormack wrote the following: A week never goes by any more that homosexuals and their sordid behaviour dont become further intrenched in society. Unfortunately gays are here and if the disease their unnatural act helped spread doesnt wipe out humanity, they are here to stay. At the same time he described womens soccer as an egg and spoon race
24.01.2022 Another quick grab in Collaroy
24.01.2022 -Notice 21st July 2020- #gaysydney #lgbtaustralia #gayaustralia #nswpolice #crimestoppers #blm #blmsydney #blmsydneyprotest #lgbtq #blacklivesmatter #lesbian #gay #gaymen #northernbeachessydney #covid19 #coronavirus #publicsecurity #policeofficer
24.01.2022 PART I @ Collaroy Beach, New South Wales, Australia
23.01.2022 That’s it! #gaysydney #gay #gayaustrailia #lgbt #lgbtq #lesbian #lgbtsydney #gaycare #lesbiancouple #lesbianlove
22.01.2022 Karl Heinrich Ulrichs is known as one of the first gay men to publicly announce his sexual identity. Born in Germany in 1825, his coming out was a historic and brave moment. During his lifetime, Ulrichs wrote numerous essays discussing homosexuality and asserting that non-heterosexual orientations are natural and biological. Despite being arrested numerous times, Ulrichs stated in the above quotation that he was proud of the work that he did for the LGBTQ community. #gayaustralia #gay #lgbt #lgbtq #northernbeaches #northernbeachessydney #sydney #australia
21.01.2022 Notice 09/10/2020
21.01.2022 HEADS UP - THIS IS IMPORTANT According to the CDCs 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 60 percent of LGBQ youth reported being so sad or hopeless they stopped doing some of their usual activities.... We need to change the lifes of the lgbt youth we need to spark a fire that shows what a successful life can change in our community.
20.01.2022 As we had quite some people complain and enquire about the cross in the Gaycare logo we decided to adjust it. Many in the LGBT community have had bad experience with religious organisations and we dont want to send wrong signals to the people we offer help to. We had the cross in the logo to symbolise emergency care. #gaycare #gaysydney #gayaustralia #lgbt #lgbtq #lesbian #lesbianpride #lesbianlove #australia #sydney #sydneyaustralia #gayluxury #gayluxe #gayluxurytravel #gaymen #northernbeachessydney #northernbeacheslocal @ Collaroy Beach, New South Wales, Australia
19.01.2022 Please support our course and visit our website under
19.01.2022 #gaysydney #gayworldpride #gayluxe #lgbtq #lgbtq #lgbt #lesbian #pansexualpride #pansexuality #longwaytogo #forabetterworld #sydney #sydneyaustralia #australialgbt #lgbtaustralia
17.01.2022 BLACK LIFES MATTER Please hear our say at following link on our website: #blacklivesmatter #aboriginal #nswpolice #crimestoppers #nsw #australia #blm #sydney #gaycare
16.01.2022 Great to have some positive feedback too!
15.01.2022 It took 32 years and 2 million dollars reward for Steve Johnson and the New South Wales Police Force to establish his brother Scott (pictured) was murdered in Manly for being a homosexual.
14.01.2022 Be strong, do the right thing and be who you are! Sometimes oppression based on sexual orientation escalates into acts of physical violence. In surveys of lesbian, gay and bisexual people, 52-87% have been verbally harassed, 21-27% have been pelted with objects, 13-38% have been chased or followed and 9-24% have been physically assaulted.... #violence #lgbtq #gay #gaycare #lesbian #sydney #northernbeachessydney #gayboy #gaymen #outsider #strong #strongwomen
14.01.2022 The maliciousness continues and two males have stolen our shop sign. Please get in touch and return it! #northernbeacheslocal #northernbeachessydney #sydney #gaycare #gay #lgbtq #lgbtrights #collaroy
14.01.2022 All parents should be aware that when they mock or curse gay people, they may be mocking or cursing their own child... #gaypride #gayaustralia #gaysydney #lgbtaustralia #lgbtq #gayluxury #loveyourself #northernbeachessydney #sydney #australia
13.01.2022 Thats it! #gaysydney #gay #gayaustrailia #lgbt #lgbtq #lesbian #lgbtsydney #gaycare #lesbiancouple #lesbianlove
13.01.2022 There is a lot of work, time and effort involved to connect each part of a ship so it can get moving and we urge you to be part of Gaycare and make this organisation to what it partly is and will be in future: A network that is represented by the community, connected with the right people at the right spots, so it can withstand any harassment, any storm and any battle yet to come to have the LGBT community accepted and appreciated on the Northern Beaches, Sydney and Australia...! Contact us through our website and help making our world more tolerant and peaceful. #gaycare #gaysydney #gayaustrailia #lgbt #lgbtpride #lgbtaustralia #pansexualpride #lesbian #femaleentrepreneur #instagram #networking #pride
13.01.2022 Gay Australia Its difficult to estimate how many LGBTI people live in Australia, but the Australian Human Rights Commission estimates that 11 per cent of Australians have a diverse sexual orientation, sex or gender identity thats around 2.5 million people. And their footprint is obvious in rainbow neighbourhoods like Darlinghurst and Newtown in Sydney, St Kilda and Brunswick in Melbourne, plus New Farm and Fortitude Valley in Brisbane. #northernbeachessydney #sydney #rainbow #gayaustralia #gaysydney #lgbtaustralia #lgbtq #lgbt #newportbeach #palmbeachsydney
12.01.2022 The first thing to ask ourselves is do Christians hate homosexuals? The truth is that some individuals who call themselves Christians have acted hatefully towards homosexuals, and we need to begin by very definitely rejecting that reaction and expressing our sorrow that this has happened. In my work in different parts of the country I have encountered a surprising number of people in various churches who are struggling with the issue of sexual identity, who feel that they have been on the receiving end of terrible treatment by the church. We need to take heed of this as Christians as we try to present what the Bible says about homosexual practice and remember that we are treading on incredibly sensitive ground. The best answer to the question about hating homosexuals is to be a Christian who loves people in the gay community.
10.01.2022 Brenda Howard, a bisexual woman and lifelong militant activist, was known as the "Mother of Pride" for her work in organizing the Christopher Street Liberation Day March. Howard was also credited with laying the foundation for the weeklong celebrations of Pride leading up the modern day Pride parades.
10.01.2022 NOTICE 12/10/2020
10.01.2022 PART II @ Collaroy Beach, New South Wales, Australia
09.01.2022 Lets get the message across! Please dont worry about who you are and live the life you are made for! Be successful, be courageous, be yourself! #gay #lgbtq #lgbt #gaycare #equality #equalrights #equal #lesbian
08.01.2022 GAYCARE AUSTRALIA SIGNAGE I am writing to you in order to clarify events that occurred at 8am Friday the 10th July 2020 at the premises of GAYCARE AUSTRALIA, 1131 Pittwater Road, Collaroy. A blonde lady appeared, who did not identify herself officially but only as NONI alledging that she was a representative of the Northern Beaches Council from the Planning Department.... We had observed this individual on our security cameras on our land at the side of the building and in front of the building, armed with a tape measure and taking photographs of our literature in our front window. Due to the fact we have received a series of death threats, abusive phone calls, vandalism and other anti-social behaviour since establishing our office in May, we pay a great deal of attention to who is touching our signage. I engaged NONI in conversation and she stated to myself and another witness that she had received complaints about the size of our signs and continued to measure them. The signs in question were put up on the 16th of June and replaced signs for our previous business that were exactly the same size as our new GAYCARE AUSTRALIA signs and had been there for over a year without the visit of anyone from the Northern Beaches Council, needing to discuss the size of our signs. Would you be so kind as to confirm, that the individual in question,NONI, is an authorised officer of the council, empowered to engage in this activity without formally identifying themselves. We would also appreciate an explanation in writing within 21 days of receipt of this letter as to why such interest would be shown over GAYCARE signage and not over HUMBOLDT TRAVEL signage that was exactly the same size and there for 12 months prior to the arrival of NONI. We further desire an explanation as to why your officer was photographing our articles displayed on our shop window which are not connected to our signage at all. Mr Brownlee, I am sure our organisation need not emphasise what we suspect the implications of this visit may be. (Please read rest on picture...)
05.01.2022 Rest in peace. May fellow humans respect and help people in your situation in future. All lives matter!
05.01.2022 NSW, Victoria and South Australia are the only states where people convicted of having gay sex can have their convictions removed. For everyone else, it remains on their record. Being gay is not a crime! #gay #lovewins #instagood #pride #gayman #art #instagram #cute #lesbian #transgender... #love #bi #selfie #guy #gayboy #cute #man #gaygermany #lgbt #loveislove See more
05.01.2022 From today Costa Rica allows same-sex marriage too. #samesexwedding #lgbtq #gaypride #gay #loveislove #australia #sydney #costarica #costarica
05.01.2022 LISTEN UP - HISTORY TIME Born Alexander III of Macedon, according to the Ancient History Encyclopedia, Alexander the Great came to think of himself as a demigod and a son of Zeus, the Greeks highest-ranking Olympian god. After inheriting an already significant kingdom from his flesh-and-blood father, Philip II, Alexander conquered Persia and numerous other lands. As Mark notes, historian Diodorus Siculus once wrote that Alexanders successes were "not the work of Fortune bu...t of his own force of character, for this king stands out above all others for his military acumen, personal courage and intellectual brilliance." With a profile forged as much from his own accomplishments as inherited from his royal father, and with recognition as one of ancient historys most significant conquerers, its no wonder that Alexander is often the first queer hero young gender and sexual minorities take to claiming for their own. Although historians point out ad nauseam the so-called inappropriateness of applying modern constructs such as "gay," "bisexual," "homosexual," or "queer" to an ancient king like Alexander, no serious historian doubts that historys penultimate warrior-monarch was attracted to men.
04.01.2022 GAYCARE NOTICE Gay hate continues on the Northern Beaches culture of homophobia, intimidation and persecution continues unabated. Since our office opened on 16 June 2020, we have already received death threats on Tuesday, 16 June 2020 at 10:14 pm from telephone number 0479 150 750.... On Friday night 19 June 2020 we received this message from telephone 0450 530 630 at 10:40 pm: my dog is gay and so you have GAYCARE (laughter in background male and female) can you look after my dog? Followed by a text from the same number 0450 530 630 at 10:56pm stating my phone has recently been misplaced at the Collaroy hotel. Its come to my attention that someone has been making phone calls and text messages on my behalf thought I saw your number had been called and I apologise for any inconvenience. Thanks for understanding, Nicholas. At 10:53 pm Friday, 19 June 2020 another person called from 0432 312 317 (same hotel background noise) stating you wanted to make a donation and would see us in our office at 10:30 am the next day. He never showed up and was just making another nuisance and malicious phone call. He was told not to call at such a time again and not to waste everybodys time. Of course these people who make these calls are part of the problem and offer no positive contribution to our society at all. They wish to continue the harassment and prosecution of gay people and it is incumbent on all of us to try to limit the malicious impact on especially young and vulnerable gay people whose suicide, drug abuse, depression and marginalisation within society remains a massive problem. All the above calls were made by young people aged between 20 and 35 which is very disillusioning and clearly emphasises the need for our organisation to continue its work. We do not want any more murders Of young gay men on the Northern Beaches that take $2 million rewards and 32 years to solve. We do not want to see any more young gay people taking their own lives on the Northern Beaches due to this rampant homophobia that permeates from Manly to Palm Beach thoughts help stop the carnage in human life now. #gaycare #gaysydney #gay #lgbtaustralia #lgbtq #gayharassment
03.01.2022 Signage is up in Collaroy Beach on Pittwater Road Please share and support!
02.01.2022 Such a great quote and very true the ones that oppose the LGBT community are actually a part of it!
02.01.2022 "You dont have to live a lie. Living a lie will mess you up. It will send you into depression. It will warp your values." Gilbert Baker, creator of the rainbow Pride flag. #gay #gaysydney #gayaustralia #lgbt #lgbtq #northernbeachessydney #loveislove #pride #pride #lesbian #pansexualpride
02.01.2022 It is very sad that we have still not established a date for Australia day without proper consultation with the Aboriginal community, that Aboriginals are not truly represented in government at any level, federal, state nor local, that Aboriginals are 3% of the population and make up 30% of the prison population and that 3 in 5 Aboriginals still die from tobacco poisoning. It makes it difficult to be proud to be Australian when one considers these facts. It does lead one to q...uestion recent criticism of China’s treatment of minority groups when we ourselves have such a disgraceful history concerning the treatment of our own indigenous people, past and present. #australiaday #indiginous #australia #nsw #gaycare #gay #lgbt #lgbtq #sydneyaustralia #sydney
01.01.2022 "You don't have to live a lie. Living a lie will mess you up. It will send you into depression. It will warp your values." Gilbert Baker, creator of the rainbow Pride flag. #gay #gaysydney #gayaustralia #lgbt #lgbtq #northernbeachessydney #loveislove #pride #pride #lesbian #pansexualpride
01.01.2022 Page 5 in todays AUSTRALIAN Martin Parker gets bashed up in public toilet at Narrabeen on Sydneys northern beaches in 1986. The police treats it as bias as its just a gay person. Lucky to be alive in a world of hate in the very middle of Sydneys Northern Beaches. We stand with you Martin and will give our best that this will not happen in future! #gaysydney #narrabeen #northnarrabeen #northernbeachessydney #monavale #newportbeach #gayaustralia #lgbtaustralia #lgbtq #lgbt #gaylifesdontmatter
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