GazFit | Sport & fitness instruction
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25.01.2022 Tired of that same old cardio? It's great to see so many people take up cardio during these restrictions. However for many of us like myself, we don't get the same enjoyment out of it that we do with other things like resistance training. So how can we get past this?... Try intervals - A great way to get the intensity up and overall duration down Track your cardio - There are plenty of free Apps out there to help you track your cardio sessions. These are great to help you track routes, time, distance & splits Use a fitness tracker to monitor your steps and heart rate Set goals - Steps, distance, time Try a different route or turn at a different street Bonus tip. Get changed in to your active wear, put on your shoes and see how you feel. These little acts alone can help get you out the door and moving! #GazFit #GazFitSC #cardio #cardioworkout #cardiotips #workout #training #fitness #tracking #fitbit #underarmour #gym #homeworkout #walking #running #intervals #HIIT #fitnesstips #keepmoving
25.01.2022 Merry Xmas to all! 2020 has been one crazy year. A year that forced us to get creative and prioritise what really mattered to us. A year that compounded the importance of family and community.... A year of growth. Thankyou to everyone who's been a part of GazFit and helped build something special. Bring on 2021 Model: Pepper the Pug #xmas #Christmas #merryxmas #GazFit #fitness #community #culture #growth #pug #creativity #family
23.01.2022 With the recent events unfolding, many people have asked, "can I still train?" And the answer is, it depends. If you're feeling unwell, it's a good idea to stay home and/or see your doctor to be safe.... If your continuing to go to the gym ensure you practice good hygiene. Wear clean gym clothes Use a towel Wipe down equipment after use Wash your hands Use a water bottle instead of the bubbler Wear inclosed footwear Guess what, these are things you should already be doing! Other recommendations, even though the gyms aren't as busy as a result of the virus, consider training in off peak times and avoid training in groups. If your still unsure, stay home! The gym will still be there later! #GazFit #GazFitSC #corona #coronavirus #virus #healthtip #trainingtip #fitness #gym #besmart #clean #hygiene #health #washyourhands
22.01.2022 Client Spotlight: Murray aka Officer Doofy 200kg +15kg on his heaviest pull Today I let him do a top single to start the new block. I could tell by the training we were making great strives in the right direction and that this would be one of those moments of realisation that all the little work was payiing off, and pay off it did.... We opted to change our approach the last few programs to reduce stress, reduce volume, build confidence, rehab and improve technique. Murray's been on quite the journey since starting with me. From the early days getting into strength training and then making the decision to dabble in powerlifting. We've had many highs together but also lows with various setbacks that took a toll because of his own high expectations. Proud of you mate and thanks for the trust you put in me. #client #clientgoals #clientspotlight #trust #appreciation #Powerlifting #consistency #rehab #rebuild #progress #strength #fitness #journey #proud #trainsmarter
22.01.2022 How often do you see someone repeating the same injury? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We often give in to expectations trying to impress others. This could be a group of friends.. overhearing someone talk about how strong you are as you pass by... or maybe your perceived social media image.... I myself have been found guilty of this many times. Although injuries playing rugby was an accepted risk that I was ok with, it directly resulted in 3 of my 4 ACL tears. This led to nerve damage at my knee and my Quad and Adductor muscles overworking at the hip. I then went through a phase where I kept injuring those very muscles over and over again whilst squatting. Eventually, I got fed up with the setbacks and went to see @drrichkanfix at @balancehealthperformance to see if they could help me find some answers. From this came understanding as to why these injuries kept occurring. We developed a plan to help prevent the injuries, which meant completely reworking my squat. I spent 6 months going "light", patiently and slowly rebuilding until I finally PB'd. Lifting strong and heavy gives you a great feeling, and sometimes going light may give you a feeling of weakness, but listen to your body and don't give in to the pressure of external expectations. Develop the technique. Build the foundation. #GazFit #GazFitSC #GazFitTip #injuries #injury #injuryprevention #rehab #prehab #physiotherapy #chiropractor #training #weights #bodybuilding #Powerlifting #Crossfit #running #Sports #fitness #health #lifestyle #quote #strength #weakness #expectations #reality #foundation #technique @ Sydney, Australia
21.01.2022 With so many supplements to choose from, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Here are my go-to supplement recommendations 1) Creatine - One of the most researched, cost effective and safe supplements to take. The majority of us already get some creatine intake from red meat and seafood. It helps with the production and replenishment of energy during heavy lifting and high intensity training and can also assist with recovery. There's no need to load creatine and can be run indefinit...ely. It's also "may" help brain function and fight certain diseases. 2) Lean Protein - The human body needs adequate protein intake to maintain and build muscle mass. There are many different types of lean proteins on the market (Dairy, egg and plant based to name a few). Protein can be useful for weight gain or weightloss. I'll generally only use a protein supplement as a quick and convenient way to get my protein intake up for the day. 3) Multi-Vitamin - A lot of us are unknowingly deficient in various vitamins, so I like to use a multi-vitamin supplement to help fill nutrient gaps and support general well being. Now before you go buy any supplements, I encourage you to look at your diet and see if there's a way you can improve that first. Research any supplements you plan to introduce in to your diet, especially if you're in a competitive sport as some ingredient may be banned. #GazFit #GazFitSC #GazFitTip #supplements #creatine #protein #whey #wpc #wpi #casein #vegan #plantbased #eggs #multivitamin #health #healthy #lifestyle #training #fitness #gym #workout #bodybuilding #powerlifting #weights #strengthtraining
20.01.2022 What to expect from your first powerlifting meet? Signing up to your first meet can be quite daunting, but a highly rewarding experience should you follow through with it. You should enter to challenge yourself, get familiar with competition calls and the environment, with the intent of executing each attempt to the best of your ability. Oh, and don't forget to have fun with it!!... After finishing the comp, you should celebrate and reflect on how the day went. All that time and work dedicated to training culmulating in to an amazing day. You might find that you want something more and decide to do a sanctioned meet in one of the many Powerlifting federations. Do you need to take that step further? No, you don't. For some, just being in that environment, surrounded by like-minded individuals is reason enough to compete again. Don't make the mistake of entering with your eyes set on winning the competition. It's unneeded pressure that you need to put on yourself. Sure getting a medal or a trophy is great, but don't let that take away from what you've accomplished. Put your best foot forward and try to be the best version of yourself. That's winning. . . . #GazFit #GazFitSC #powerlifting #competition #powerliftingmotivation #training #hardwork #winning #bestfootforward #testyourself #lifestyle #health #try #expectations #rewarding #experience #fun #havefun #fitness #fitnessmotivation #mondaymotivation
20.01.2022 Teach Confidence, Not Dependency. One of the first things I tell my athletes is that I won't always be there to assist them train, but I'll help develop their technique and ability to where they can perform confidently without me. I see far too often many PT's and coaches physically cueing intermediate and above lifters during heavy or intense lifting. This usually means that technique has not yet been developed to meet the demands of the exercise, or that there is a lack in ...confidence from the coach in the athlete or the athlete themself to perform the exercise. Physical cueing or a hands on approach is usually a good place to start with beginners as for the most part they haven't developed adequate technique or neuromuscular proprioception (mind & muscle control). However as an athlete progresses to intermediate or advanced, you want to use verbal cues in favour of physical cues and give your athlete space to perform. This reinforces a trust between athlete and coach that the technique has improved enough to perform the exercise. Not to mention performing whilst having someone breathing down your back or in your peripheral vision can be quite distracting. You should also aim to develop a mutual trust so the athlete can communicate openly about potential concerns and you can provide honest feedback. I'll proudly stand away from my athletes as they perform as they know I believe in their ability. #GazFit #GazFitSC #teachconfidence #confidence #confident #communication #trust #fitness #gym #training #athlete #personaltrainer #coach #technique #mindmuscle #beginner #intermediate #advance #perform #progress
17.01.2022 Like it or not, the world you live in is the new normal, and the sooner you realise this, the quicker you can start progressing again. The ones who've managed to be successful, haven't done so by accident, but adapted and changed their plan of attack to navigate around the COVID roadblock. Don't give up.... Get creative. Change your approach. Regain control of your future. So those big 2020 goals you had at the start of year can still be realised, but you might need to rearrange your priorities so that you can start making progress again. #GazFit #2020 #2021 #goals #goalsetting #fitness #health #approach #creativity #future #success #newnormal
17.01.2022 Just the news we've been waiting for! On June 13th in NSW, gyms, fitness centres and studios will open with up to 100 members at a time. Still waiting to hear of this number is dependant on size, but great news nonetheless. Physical fitness is important to us all, but also the effect on our mental health we get from training.... Excited is an understatement! Stay healthy, keep clean and see you all back in the gym soon! #gyms #fitness #goodnews #covid #health #lifestyle #bodybuilding #Powerlifting #Crossfit #gymnastics #dancing #running #cardio #strongman #weights #lifting #training
16.01.2022 If you're training for support performance, you should strive to replicate competition conditions as close as possible, especially the closer you get to competing. Not only will this better prepare you on the day, but it will give you confidence in your ability to perform. Using Powerlifting as an example, squatting high, or not locking out your deadlift might be fine early in an training phase, it would not be favorable as the competition date comes closer.... Specificity must increase the closer you get to performing. #GazFit #GazFitSC #GazFitTip #PTTip #Trainingtip #workouttip #squats #deadlifts #sport #performance #competition #specificity #training #workout #Powerlifting #bodybuilding #Crossfit #weights #strengthtraining @ Sydney, Australia
15.01.2022 What goodies do you think i've acquired so far? (Not everything in picture). Now just to clear out the mess in the garage and get people in training again. Watch this space.... @rogueaustralia @atxfitness @samsfitnessaust #GazFit #GazFitSC #homegym #comingtogether #training #exercise #weights #weightlifting #resistance #Powerlifting #bodybuilding #exercise #fitness #health
15.01.2022 And that's almost a wrap for what's been a crazy, but learning 2020. Thank you all for the support this year and giving me strength and vision for an ambitious 2021. It was great to see everyone earlier in the day having a bit of fun lifting and interacting with each other.... Unfortunately I can't tag everyone that's been apart of GazFit, but you all are greatly appreciated for everything you've done. #GazFit #family #community #culture #friends #strength #fitness #gym #2020 #xmasparty
14.01.2022 Glute Activation: Banded Crab Walk The banded Crab Walk has become a staple of many warm-ups for not just resistance training but sport specific training. It's simple and highly effective and you only need a band to perform it. My tips:... Select a band with enough tension to engage the glutes, heavier isn't always better as it can affect range Put the band just below the knee Adopt a stance roughly hip width, or where the band is tort. This will be your minimum distance when stepping Lower yourself in to a slight hip hinge. This will help engage more of the glute versus a standing position. Lead with the front leg, push off with the back leg. This will provide tension on both sides of the hip and help keep the hip neutral. Keep the knees out! Perform 10-20 steps in both directions 2-3 times, or as required during warm-ups. See more
14.01.2022 Why maxing out is actually holding you back. Maxing out is an ok indicator of current strength, but not for actual strength gain. However it will increase fatigue accumulation and the risk of injury whilst training. You're much better off training for longer periods at submaximal loads, which also reduces that injury risk.... I like to work between 60-85% of an estimated 1RM over at least 8 weeks and try an improve the output at those lower intensities. Consistency + Time = Progress A submaximal test could also be done to get a good indication of strength at a lower injury risk and fatigue cost, befit heading in to a new training phase. Otherwise a peaking block where you push in to 90%+ territory could be done prior to testing to help familiarise yourself with the feel of heavier weights. #GazFit #GazFitSC #maxout #trainsmart #submaximal #rest #strength #strengthtraining #programming #consistency #patience #longgame #smarterapproach #trainingtip #Powerlifting #bodybuilding #injuries #riskmanagement @ Sydney, Australia
13.01.2022 30kg weightloss! to see Jordans insane weightloss transformation! Jordan came to me last year through a mutual connection (fried chicken may have been involved) and was looking to regain some strength and drop some weight.... Jordan was already an experienced lifter having previously completed in Powerlifting in New Zealand at the national level. With his experience level we opted for a remote coaching approach versus 1 on 1 training. Although we made some great strength gains, his most impressive feat was his weightloss. Jordan was able to reduce his bodyweight 30kg, the majority over a 6 months period. We only needed to reduce his calories a handful of times as his weightloss remained in a steady decline. He's well on his way to that 6 pack goal and a potential return to Powerlifting. #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #clientgoals #client #personaltrainer #fit #fitness #shredding #lean #muscle #bodybuilding #Powerlifting #weights #training #fitness #health #gym #anytimefitness #GazFit #GazFitSC @ Anytime Fitness
12.01.2022 Making weightloss simple! The key to any successful diet is consistent energy/calorie deficit. These simple guidelines are all you need to follow consistently:... Move/Train more Eat less than you currently are Or a combination of both Whilst you might have great initial success switching to one of the many diets out there, the weightloss is usually the result of eliminating food groups from your current diet. So it would make sense that if these aren't replaced, your weight would drop. However, simply changing to a new diet doesn't guarantee weightloss, you could still gain weight from over eating, especially if you don't maintain or increase your training routine. I find the next way to adhere to a diet is by small modifications to your current diet. This way you can still eat the things you enjoy, but teach yourself self control, which in my opinion is more important to long term success. #GazFit #GazFitSC #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #diet #dieting #selfcontrol #consistency #nutrition #eathealthy #eatclean #fitness #healthy #healthylifestyle
10.01.2022 You're probably standing too wide (Applies to conventional deadlift). If you take a look at the picture above, you can see two contrasting stance widths, however the grip remains the same. The grip used is directly below the shoulders to allow for as much length in the arm from chest to bar.... On the left a wide stance is used and in the right, a narrower and more optimal stance. When you adopt a wider stance, you limit your ability to externally rotate your femur (upper leg). This has a drastic effect on your ability to squeeze and contract your glutes which is a prime mover in hinge movements. The less you use the glute, the more you need to use the smaller supportive muscles around the hip and lower back and potentially take them past their efficiency which can lead to injury. In the narrower stance, although the outside of my knee is the same distance apart as the wide stance, I've achieved; Better external rotation of the femur Increased glute activation Lessened the pressure on my hip allowing a more neutral lumbar position removed medial sheering force/knee valgus on the knee joint Improved foot stability now that my feet are less likely to roll in Improved overall mechanical tension But hang on, can't you simply use a wider grip? Well yes and no. A wider grip might allow you to externally rotate your femur in the bottom position, however it will also bring your chest closer to the ground, make your back more horizontal, increase the range at lockout and effectively have performed a snatch grip deadlift instead. Physiologically it also might be the only position you can lift optimally, however we usually only see this in taller individuals (take a look at most 6'5"strongmen). So there you have it, a quick and simple fix for your deadlift. Try it out. #GazFit #GazFitSC #technique #techniquetip #deadlift #workout #workouttip #training #mobility #rehab #pt #personaltrainer #coach #prehab #trythis #movement #analysis #deadlifting #backday #strength #weights #Powerlifting #bodybuilding #Crossfit #exercise #health #fitness
10.01.2022 Core 101: Making unstable, stable In a previous post we briefly mentioned about the role of stability in our ability to perform a movement efficiently. Here I perform a bear crawl with the intent of maintaining stable and neutral core positioning throughout. A football is used to help provide myself feedback but also as a good visual cue to see what my torso is doing.... This movement is helping me achieve core stability, balance, proprioception & coordination. These skills are often overlooked in weight training, but have a big impact on our ability to perform. Movements like this were a staple in rugby training for myself and provided me with a great core foundation upon which to move weight. #GazFit #GazFitSC #core #stability #balance #proprioception #coordination #exercise #fitness #rugby #football #training #coreworkout #corestrength #GenFitAU #Powerlifting #bodybuilding #Crossfit #running #strongman
09.01.2022 New Merch Pre-Order is now live with some exciting new colours! We now have GazFit Hoodies and stickers to go along with the shirts. Navy, Burgundy and charcoal are now joining the OG colours black and Army (examples in order form) Hoodies $55... Shirts $30 Stickers $2.50 Postage and Handling $12 Order using the link in description of the link below: @ Sydney, Australia
08.01.2022 Are you squatting or falling? This simple test using a bench will help you find out. Learning how to perform a controlled seated squat is a great way to establish balance & squat movement pattern without the stress of added weight on your back. Now we're all unique and move differently, so don't try and copy my squat as it might not work for your frame.... If you find yourself having difficulties and falling back, you can introduce a small weight held infront for balance, then gradually bring the weight closer until you don't need it. In the examples shown, you can see the difference in a squat maintaining "midfoot" balance (I'll go more in to depth on this in a future video) versus one that doesn't. You'd be surprised how many people can't actually sit down on a chair at home without falling back. Give it a shot and key me know how you went.
07.01.2022 Resistance bands, you see them everywhere, but what are they actually for? Resistance bands exploded in popularity this year as gyms and fitness studios across the world were closed due to covid. There was a shortage of weights and gym equipment and resistance bands became the go to for every home gym as a versatile alternative to add to stagnant home workouts. When used by themself, may offer some resistance, but generally not enough stimulus for any significant hypertrophy ...or strength gains. However, when used in conjunction with resistance exercises, they can both be used to increase or decrease difficulty as well as allow you to target phases of a movement, which can lead to muscle/strength/skill progression. When would I use bands? Warmup/activations targeting specific muscles Subtle cueing during movements Rehabilitative exercises Targeting phases of a lift Difficulty modifier of a lift Chasing the pump #GazFit #health #fitness #resistancebands #resistancetraining #strength #strengthtraining #bands #warmup #activation #bodybuilding #Powerlifting #muscle #musclebuilding #technique #rehab #technique
06.01.2022 It's amazing to see what were truly capable of given the right stimulus. Here's a great throwback to @willow_mccauley first time lifting 100kg. She's since surpassed this number and 100kg became somewhat of a regular training number!... She's currently smashing her home training program and can't wait to see what we can accomplish when we're back in the gym! #GazFit #GazFitSC #deadlift #pb #100kg #amazing #Powerlifting #bodybuilding #fitness #fitnessmotivation #training #fitnessgoals #happy #happytears #throwback
06.01.2022 The Nordic Hamstring curl is a great exercise for hamstring strength and muscular development. Although looking quite simple, it's extremely challenging to perform.The majority of us also have a quad dominance in our legs, so any work we can do to help restore the balance is a must and your knees will thank you for it. The emphasis on this movement should be a controlled eccentric (lowering and lengthening of the hamstring). In my example you can see me using a resistance ban...d to assist the eccentric portion of the lift. I also use a Deadlift Jack to help anchor my heels. I recommend starting with a heavier/thicker resistance band and progressing your way to down to smaller bands and eventually bodyweight. #GazFit #GazFitSC #nordiccurl #hamstrings #hamstringcurls #legtraining #prosteriorchain #health #fitness #exercise #gym #training #bodybuilding #Powerlifting #weights #weightlifting #strength #strengthtraining
05.01.2022 Around Epping tomorrow and still haven't seen what all the craze is about? Drop in and grab yourself the best high protein snack around and watch some park Rugby.
04.01.2022 Here I demonstrate the box squat, or at least how I like to perform them. On the left is a strict box squat performed with a soft touch, maintaining tension before standing back up. The is how I prefer to teach the box squat. It forces you to hit a consistent set depth, maintain a strong brace/position and develop the power from a static position. On the right, it allows the lifter to sit back and generate momentum to stand back up. I'll program this for athletes where is required, although both variations could be used. Which is right for you? Well it's determined by your circumstance and intention when performed, however I would start with a strict box squat. #GazFit #GazFitSC #GazFitTip #PTTip #Trainingtip #workouttip #squats #boxsquat #specificity #variation #strict #power #training #workout #Powerlifting #bodybuilding #Crossfit #weights #strengthtraining
04.01.2022 How you load the bar matters, especially in freeweight movements. Here I show misloading a bar, something we've all been guilty of at some point. In the first, we use a mixture of smaller plates to total 25kg and 1x25kg plate on the other side & in the second I use a 1x20kg each side, with one plate not pushed all the way in. Both examples shift the centre/midpoint balance of the bar across to the misloaded side.... If you tried to squat or press the bar aligned off the centre, you would feel the weight uneven side to side of "heavier" on one side. In lighter loads, you might not notice this much, however as the load increases, the weight will shift further and the bar would want to lean to that side. This can lead to injury. Next time you train, check you've loaded the bar correctly. #GazFit #trainingtip #barsloaded #barbell #weights #weighttraining #strength #strengthtraining #resistance #freeweights #resistancetraining #squat #bench #deadlift #overheadpress #gym #fitness #balance #injury #injuryprevention
04.01.2022 Dieting? Where the do I start?? Swipe left When it comes to dieting, the most important factor is calorie deficit. That is, burning more energy than you are currently consuming day to day. If you enjoy the foods you currently eat, make small changes, and start increasing your daily movement. This should be enough to start you on your way to weightloss. Overtime make further adjustments to continue your progress... How to monitor progress? I recommend tracking the food you eat with apps like MyFitnessPal (free version), and take pictures and body measurements. If you're still not certain, feel free to message me! #GazFit #GazFitSC #GazFitTip #dieting #diet #nutrition #weightloss #calories #fitness #health #fitnesstip #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #gym #food #energy @ Sydney, Australia
03.01.2022 Tired of the same old Quarantine Planks? Give these simple variations a go to continue the core gains! 1Arm Extension - starting from your standard plank, raise one arm at a time to full extension until inline with your torso. This one is more difficult than it looks, but will be sure to strengthen that core and improve shoulder stability. 2Side Steps - ensuring your core remains stable and neutral, step one leg at a time as wide as possible and then back to the starting ...position 3Plank-Ups - the hardest of these variants. You'll need some decent upper body strength as you press your body up from your elbows to your hands. This will also give you a chest and arm work out with the pressing involved! These will improve both core anti flexion and rotational strength as well as help developing that 6 pack you've always wanted. The best thing about these is all you need is yourself to perform them! Although performed in a GazFit shirt adds 10 to strength. #quarantinegains #abs #core #plank #6pack #strength #endurance #homeworkout #calisthenics #outdoors #workout #excercise #fitness #fitnessmotivation #changethingsup #trythis #lifestyle
03.01.2022 Why you might not be seeing progress in the gym. You often see people fail to set goals when starting their fitness journey. This means after the first few weeks of getting use to the new gym environment they often lose motivation or interest. Setting goals is a great way to give your training direction as now you're working towards something each time you so foot in the gym. Following a program and sticking to consistent nutrition will also improve your chances to realise th...ese goals. Track body measurements and take regular progress pictures, as well as monitoring your nutrition. Use apps like MyFitnessPal to help keep a record of all of these and to help make comparisons. Compare your body changes every 2-4 weeks and every 4-8 weeks for strength goals. Don't forget to set yourself new goals once completed. #GazFit #GazFitSC #GazFitTip #fitnesstip #goals #goalsetting #weightloss #training #tracking #compare #strength #progress #motivation #consistency #nutrition #diet #fitness @ Sydney, Australia
03.01.2022 Setting up the deadlift: 5 Simple steps 1 - Start from midfoot position. (Bar over the middle off your foot. This will ensure a balanced starting position 2- Use a shoulder width grip. Your composition might require a wide grip, but this is a good place to start 3 - Bring your shins to the bar without moving the bar forward, and drive them out in to your forearms. This will create more surface address to push off as well as help engage the glutes.... 4 - Drive your chest out/forward to help straighten your back, tighten your lats and slack out of your arms. 5 - Pick the bar up! Push through your legs and pull through your back! There you have it! 5 simple steps to get you deadlifting! #GazFit #GazFitSC #deadlift #deadlifting #deadlifttip #backday
02.01.2022 Activation drills have their place, but do you actually need to do them all? It's easy to forget that the most important activation drill is usually a bodyweight variant and the subsequent lighter warmup sets for an exercise. Performing movements through range with technique is a great way to both engage the appropriate muscles required, but also prepare the body for the working sets.... If I feel that that certain muscles are lacking in the warmups, then I'll look to specific activation drills to help pump blood in to them. This approach can significantly reduce the time to complete training by lessening the requirement of unnecessary activation drills and also provide feedback if the body is warming up quicker week to week. #GazFit #GazFitSC #PTTip #fitness #fitnesstip #workout #workouttip #warmup #activation #rangeofmotion #engage #gym #Powerlifting #bodybuilding #crossfit #weights #weightlifting #strengthtraining #bloodflow #efficient #exercise #muscles #squats #deadlift #bench #trainsmarter
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