Gambling Community Benefit Fund Queensland | Government organisation
Gambling Community Benefit Fund Queensland
Phone: +61 1800 633 619
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23.01.2022 #Fridayflashback to 18 years ago when the State Emergency Service Northern Group Social Club received GCBF funding of $10,000 for an inflatable rescue boat. The new boat helped volunteers in their water rescue training shown here in this action shot!
22.01.2022 Looking for a feel-good Friday story? Well, you’re in luck! Check out some of the good news stories featuring our grant recipients and how the GCBF and Queensland volunteers are giving back to the community. Visit
22.01.2022 The Animal Welfare League celebrated the arrival of a new van thanks to a GCBF grant of $22,505 back in 2003. The van was to be used as an animal ambulance and a commercial dryer to maintain bedding. The organisation cared for about 10,000 stray animals each year. #flashbackfriday
21.01.2022 Sherry Corcoran and Brian Fane of the Noosa District Community FM Radio Association test out new equipment after receiving a $13,168 GCBF grant for equipment to facilitate the training of local presenters. The Association ran a nationally accredited course in Film, Television and Media studies and provides an outlet for local artists to gain radio experience and exposure.#flashbackfriday
19.01.2022 Dylan McIlwaine having a lesson with his mother back in 2002 at the Hear and Say Centre. Since 1994, the Centre had received six grants totalling $73,401. #flashbackfriday
19.01.2022 #flashbackfriday The Tibetan art exhibition was organised by the Queensland Program of Assistance for Survivors of Torture and Trauma which received $32,000 back in 2003 to provide culturally appropriate mental health and healing activities for the Tibetan, Iranian, Sudanese and Somali communities.
19.01.2022 Keen learners Sudanese migrants Mary Andria with children Abiba and Nama at the ARMS Literacy Centre in Annerley which received a GCBF grant of $29,880 in 2003 to establish a homework and reading program for children from non-English-speaking homes. #flashbackfriday
19.01.2022 You can’t submit an application for Round 107 after 11.59pm tonight. If you need assistance using the GCBF online portal to submit your application, make sure you carefully watch the tutorial videos. Most importantly tell us in your own words why your organisation requires a grant. Tutorials and more information can be found:
17.01.2022 The successful recipients of grants for Round 105 have been announced Congratulations to all of the organisations that have secured a grant in this round! You can check out the full list here:
15.01.2022 It’s not too late to submit your GCBF application. Round 109 closes this Friday! Check out our website for more information about how to submit your application. Visit If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact us on 1800 633 619 or email [email protected]
15.01.2022 The closing date for applications for the Gambling Community Benefit Fund’s Round 109 is fast approaching (30 April 2021). Funds from the GCBF can assist not-for-profit community groups to help them provide services, leisure activities and opportunities for Queensland communities. For more information about the funding guidelines and application requirements, visit
15.01.2022 James Clarke (as Littlus Wimpus) and Ally Stubbings (as Venus) in the Warwick Little Theatre Inc. production of Rome Sweet Rome sixteen years ago. Warwick Little Theatre Inc. received a GCBF grant of $31,000 to make much-needed upgrades to the theatre. The grant meant the hall could get air conditioning, new windows and a props room, with local businesses contracted to complete the work. The funding also supported upgrades to the theatre’s kitchen, makeup room and sound and lighting systems.#flashbackfriday
15.01.2022 GRANT GUIDANCE || Updating organisation details Tim is a volunteer at a local men’s shed which had been successful in receiving a GCBF grant in a previous round. Three years later, he decided to apply for another grant for additional tools and machinery. He knew it was important to read the funding guidelines, to make sure he didn’t miss any possible new changes. When he read them again, he noted the requirement for organisations to regularly update their registration, especially when applying for a new grant Tim jumped on to the portal to confirm the organisation’s contact information was current. He remembered that the guidelines also stated that failure to provide current financial information (no more than two years old) would deem the organisation and application ineligible. He immediately contacted the treasurer of the men’s shed and asked for a copy of the latest financial statement. Tim updated the club’s financial details and applied for a new grant. Taking that 10 minutes to ensure his organisation’s details were up to date meant that his application would be assessed and potentially funded. Top job, Tim!
14.01.2022 Back in 2002 the Maidenwell and District Rural Fire Brigade received a $7,000 grant from the GCBF fund which went towards a Medium Attack Vehicle, allowing volunteers to negotiate the steep hills and gullies in the area. #fridayflashback
13.01.2022 Marketer - Juanita Wheeler explains the science behind story-telling and what it does to the brain at the Power of Community conference. Important lessons for not-for-profits when grant writing, recruiting volunteers and engaging with the public.
13.01.2022 The closing date for applications for Round 107 is fast approaching (31 Oct!) If you’re an organisation that has been successful in receiving a GCBF grant in the past, you’ve waited the required period for eligibility (at least one round after acquitting a previous grant) and are applying again this round, make sure your financial information is up to date in the online portal. Remember: Financial position of the organisation taken from your financial statements must b...e less than two years old, and Failure to provide this information will deem your organisation and application ineligible. For more guidance on your application, visit and read the funding guidelines.
13.01.2022 Round 106 of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund is now open! Check out our easy-to-navigate online funding guidelines and start preparing your application today! Applications close 31 August 2020.
12.01.2022 We've reached 1000 followers!! Thanks to everyone who has followed us, commented, liked and shared our posts. Keep spreading the word about the Gambling Community Benefit Fund and share or TAG a friend so they can join our community. Don't forget Round 106 is now open and closes on 31 August 2020.... For more info visit
12.01.2022 GRANT GUIDANCE || Submitting a variation Do you know how to apply for a GCBF grant variation? Sonya does. ... Sonya had applied for a GCBF grant to purchase a lawn mower on behalf of her football club. While waiting to see if the application was successful the club was fortunate enough to have a mower donated to them by a local business. Sonya later received news that her GCBF grant application had been successful. Although the club didn’t need the funds for a mower now, there were still other landscaping tools they could use to help keep the football fields in tip-top condition. Sonya knew from reading the guidelines when she applied for the grant that she could submit a variation form to ask for approval to spend the funds on other items the club needs. She submitted the variation and explained the club could really benefit from a new whipper snipper and brush cutter. As these items were in line with the original purpose of the grant her variation request was approved and she purchased the items. On ya, Sonya! If you need info about how to submit a GCBF grant variation, check out the guidelines at
11.01.2022 Grant guidance Waiting one round Juan is a member of his school's P&C. He was so excited when the group received a GCBF grant to upgrade the school’s playground. He made sure the funds were used correctly and logged in to the portal to acquit the grant by the due date. Once Juan was advised the application was fully acquitted, the P&C decided to submit a new grant application for a tuckshop upgrade. The first thing Juan did was go to the GCBF website and check to see if t...he P&C was eligible to apply again so soon after acquitting a grant. He learnt that grants are allocated in a series of rounds and that once a grant has been acquitted an organisation has to wait one round before submitting a new application. Juan saw that GCBF Round 107 was currently open, making the P&C unable to apply. He marked in his calendar the approximate time Round 108 would open, for which the P&C would be eligible to apply. Juan saved valuable time and effort by reading the eligibility criteria in the funding guidelines . Way to go, Juan!
10.01.2022 Community groups: If you needed a sign, let this be it! If you haven't already, start your grant application NOW! Applications for Round 106 close in just over 2 weeks, on 31 August 2020. Review the online funding guidelines and start preparing your application today!
10.01.2022 "Research! You need to do research. Researching the grant giver, the fund holder, what are they looking for? Have a look at their vision and mission statements and what floated their boat in previous funding rounds." Dr Anne Lane speaking at the Power of Community conference.
09.01.2022 Come along to the Arts Sector Information Session in Cairns next week to learn about applying for a GCBF grant. See you there
09.01.2022 Applications for the Gambling Community Benefit Fund’s Round 108 close on Sunday and today is the last day you can call us for assistance with the process! If you need us we are happy to help - give us a call today on 1800 633 619. For more info visit
09.01.2022 LAST DAY TO APPLY - Round 106 A reminder that Round 106 of GCBF grants closes at midnight tonight. If you’ve started an application and still wish to apply for a grant during this round, log in to the portal and complete your application today! Make sure you press ‘submit’. The application status will then show in the portal as ‘under review’ and you know we have it. ... More information: See more
09.01.2022 The Maryborough Family Heritage Institute Inc. received $18,226 to purchase new office equipment in this #fridayflashback #2003. The new equipment allowed the community to access the extensive research collected by the Institute which is run entirely by volunteers. The Institute provides information on the early history of Maryborough to local schools.
08.01.2022 Round 107 closes tomorrow! If you’ve started an application and still wish to apply don’t leave it to late, get into the portal and complete it. Once you’ve submitted the application it will show in the portal as ‘under review’. If you have any questions, please see the wealth of information online:, or contact us on 1800 633 619 / [email protected].
07.01.2022 Round 107 closes this Saturday (31 October), leaving only three days for you to submit your application. Given the round closes on a Saturday, the friendly GCBF team won’t be available on that day for last minute questions Don’t leave it too late and get your application done we are available until Friday to assist. For more guidance on your application, visit and read the funding guidelines.
07.01.2022 Happy Tuesday - two big announcements Recipients of GCBF Round 107 have been released! Congratulations to all of the successful organisations! Here’s the full list of successful groups: ALSO ... Round 109 is now open for applications! Funding guidelines are now available at Find out if your community group is eligible and get your application started today. Good luck!
07.01.2022 The successful recipients for GCBF Round 104 have been announced! Congratulations to all organisations who received funding in this round. You can find the full list here: Round 106 is now open and closes on 31 August 2020.
05.01.2022 #flashbackfriday as we wind back the clock we look at the Rockhampton Contract Bridge Club who received $23,499 to purchase a dealing machine, carpets and chairs back in 2003. The club plays social and competitive games and bridge lessons. By improving the facilities they hoped to attract more members. The Clubs' Ron Lorraway and Clive Tait are pictured here with Rockhampton Mayor Margaret Strelow and Deputy Mayor Dell Bunt.
05.01.2022 We want to hear your voice! When writing your application, we want to see the passion shine through, and that's best coming directly from you, in your own words. Remember, you are the best advocate for your organisation. Visit the website to learn more about the fund
04.01.2022 "The brain is hard wired to story-telling, if you aren't embracing that fact of science then you should be, that's free." Marketer - Juanita Wheeler speaking at the Power of Community conference, watch more of what she had to say here.
02.01.2022 Have your priorities changed? We understand that from time to time, the needs of a community group differ from their original application, which was often made many months prior. If you find yourself in this boat, consider: If you have already purchased some or part of your approved items, submit these invoices to the GCBF team prior to submitting any variation requests If your variation relates to a facility upgrade, ensure to provide advice as to whether you own the building or land, or have an instrument of tenure If you would like to change your approved items, you must submit a variation prior to spending any grant funds Don’t forget, our friendly team is only a phone call or email away, or visit:
01.01.2022 Round 107 of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund is now open! Check out our easy-to-navigate online funding guidelines and start preparing your application today! Applications close at 11.59pm on 31 October 2020. ... TAG someone who needs to know this news
01.01.2022 A group of parents pictured here with their babies back in 2003 at the St. David’s Uniting Church Neighbourhood Centre in Coopers Plains which received a $2,310 GCBF grant to conduct a series of nutrition and healthy eating workshops with parents and children. Recognise anyone here? #flashbackfriday
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