Macleod Refuge | Community organisation
Macleod Refuge
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25.01.2022 : Did you know we were the first domestic violence refuge on the GC established in 1992! Originally we were a part of a larger organisation called The Combined Women’s Service. In June 2005 we became the 3 organisations now known as: Macleod Refuge ... Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence Domestic Violence Prevention Centre While now seperate entities we still collaborate regularly on a combined vision for women and children to live their life free of violence. This strong inter service relationship ensures we provide the best possible service to everyone who walks through our door. We are proudly GC! #goldcoast #wearegc .@Hello_goldcoast
24.01.2022 Today is National Domestic Violence Remembrance Day. Whilst we cannot gather in person to remember victims of domestic and family violence, we encourage you to light a candle to honour and remember lives lost. If you, or someone you know, is in crisis please call: DV Connect (QLD residents ... 1800 811 811), DV National Line 1800 737 732 000 if you are in immediate danger #endDV #Lightacandle2020 #domesticviolence
24.01.2022 We are sharing with you the community vigil for Kelly at 4pm tomorrow at Parkwood Titans Training Oval Request has been made to wear green. Our team will be there to honour Kelly’s memory. ... Please share in your networks. Note the Friday’s red rose rally will also go ahead as planned @gccasv @redrosefoundation Image repost: @gccasv #sayhername #changetheending
23.01.2022 It is Homelessness Week. Domestic violence is the main cause of homelessness for women. What's the link between domestic violence and homelessness?... According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 42% the clients of specialist homelessness services have experienced family and domestic violence. Domestic and family violence is the most common reason given from people seeking help from specialist support services. A Homelessness Australia strategy paper published in 2017, states that: For women and their children escaping domestic and family violence, access to housing that is secure, affordable and immediately available is the most critical factor in their support pathway. Homelessness caused by domestic violence is closely tied to a victim’s financial independence. In Australia, women are usually economically worse off than men: they are more likely to take time out of the workforce to take on caring roles and to work part-time and are paid less than their male counterparts for the same work. Women from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds, often are financially dependent on their spouses or unable to work due to visa restrictions are also particularly vulnerable. Social isolation plus language and cultural barriers can restrict women from CALD communities from accessing support and legal services. When a victim decides to leave a violent relationship, it often means leaving the family home. Their options are usually limited: an abusive partner may control finances and their capacity to work may have been diminished by the abuse. If they are leaving with children, they need to find a safe place for them to stay too. Now more than a ever home is not safe for everyone. Help and support is available. If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732 Sources: #domesticviolence #HW2020
23.01.2022 To help slow the spread of COVID-19, Queenslanders are spending more time at home but home isn’t always a safe place. Everyone deserves to feel safe domestic and family violence is never acceptable. Help and support is available. How do I report domestic violence and abuse?... Domestic and family violence is when one person in a relationship uses violence or abuse to control the other person and to make them fearful. Phone Triple Zero (000) if: * domestic and family violence is happening now * a life is threatened. If there is no immediate emergency, you can report domestic and family violence to the police by phoning Policelink on 13 14 44. Phone DVConnect on 1800 811 811 if you are escaping domestic and family violence and need a place of safety. Where can I get access to safe accommodation? DV Connect is a 24-hour statewide domestic violence hotline that offers free, professional assistance such as counselling, intervention, transport and emergency accommodation for people in danger from a violent partner or family member. This information has been collated by: In support of the Queensland Government campaign between now and September Macleod Refuge will be posting regular resources to raise awareness and understanding of domestic and family violence. We encourage you to visit this campaign and share information as widely as possible in your networks. #domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness
23.01.2022 Each May, Queensland marks Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month (DFVP Month) to raise community awareness of domestic and family violence and to send a clear message that domestic and family violence in families and homes will not be tolerated. We all can play a part in prevention of domestic and family violence to find out ways to get involved. Visit: ... If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732 #DVPreventionMonth, #endDV or #notnownotevertogether #domesticviolenceawareness #macleodrefuge #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticviolencesupport
22.01.2022 Thank you 7 News Gold Coast for sharing Amanda’s story. While we cannot comment on Amanda’s journey. Our Women’s Support Worker Erin has shed light on our refuge constantly being at capacity. This is why we are expanding and building our new refuge to support more women and children escaping domestic violence. While the system continues to struggle, there is help available. If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732
22.01.2022 Tragically yesterday another woman has died as a result of domestic violence. Lynda Greenwood of South Sydney was allegedly killed by her ex partner. Our thoughts are with her families and loved ones. If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or... QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732 #domesticviolence #LyndaGreenwood #sayhername
22.01.2022 Tragically another woman has died as a result of domestic violence. Lordy Ramadan of Labrador, Gold Coast was allegedly killed by her partner. Our thoughts are with her families and loved ones. If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or... QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732 #domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #gcdomesticviolencerefuge #DV #narcissist #narcissisticabuse #enddomesticviolence #macleodrefuge #domesticviolenceawareness #familyviolence #familylaw #LordyRamadan #sayhername
21.01.2022 Head over to our friends SKU Group to buy tickets to this fundraiser for Macleod.
19.01.2022 Today is Sorry Day - we remember the Stolen Generations; those who came home and those who didn't. We remember the trauma and the hurt as well as the resilience and strength. And we ask, will you remember our story too? . Words and images by @blakbusiness
19.01.2022 Happy #DayoftheGirl !!! Girls are taking action, finding their voices and expressing their visions for an equal future. This Day of the Girl, come together online to celebrate their talents and accomplishments. Empowering women and girls and promoting gender equality is crucial to accelerating sustainable development. ... Ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls is not only a basic human right, but it also has a multiplier effect across all other development areas. Did you know? Worldwide, nearly 1 in 4 girls aged 1519 years is neither employed nor in education or training compared to 1 in 10 boys of the same age. By 2021 around 435 million women and girls will be living on less than $1.90 a day including 47 million pushed into poverty as a result of COVID-19. 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence. Emerging data shows that since the outbreak of COVID-19, violence against women and girls (VAWG), and particularly domestic violence, has INTENSIFIED. At least 60% of countries still discriminate against daughters’ rights to inherit land and non-land assets in either law or practice. Today’s more than 1.1 billion girls are poised to take on the future. Every day, girls are breaking boundaries and barriers, tackling issues like child marriage, education inequality, violence, climate justice, and inequitable access to healthcare. Girls are proving they are unstoppable!!! Words @unwomen Image @unicef #GenerationEquality #macleodrefuge #unwomen #unicef
19.01.2022 Tuesday morning. Mariah Huthmann Grace recently moved to the apartment after escaping a domestic violence relationship. Our thoughts are with her family and loved ones. If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. ... QLD residents: 1800 811 811. National Line: 1800 737 732. Lifeline: 131 114 See more
19.01.2022 Today the media has reported that refuge is not available to women on a range of visa’s. Let us be clear, in Queensland ALL funded refuges support ALL women escaping domestic violence irrespective of their visa status, country of origin or religious beliefs. Our refuge proudly supports women of any visa status. We respect the varying needs of each women and child by providing culturally appropriate case management. ... Help is available If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732
18.01.2022 Thank you Befrank. for raising much needed funds for Macleod Refuge. At times it can feel like the overwhelming devastation of DV is just too much and many people ask what can be done? Be Frank is an incredible social enterprise who decided to make a difference. Every person who has purchased a Pinot Noir from Be Frank has made a difference to the women and children who rely on our refuge.... We are expanding and opening our new refuge in August 2020. We have no funding to furnish the refuge. Every dollar of this will go directly to purchasing items for the new refuge. This will make a difference to every women and child who rely on our refuge to live their life safe and free of violence. Thank you The Macleod Team
17.01.2022 R U OK?Day is today Thursday 10 September 2020. It’s our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? if someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs. When to ask? If you feel like something’s not quite the same with someone you know there’s something going on in their life or you notice a change in what they’re saying or doing - trust that gut instinct and take the time to ask them Are you OK? If som...eone says they’re not OK, make time to listen, encourage action and check in. That conversation could change, or even save, their life. After asking: Take what they say seriously and don't interrupt or rush the conversation. Don’t judge their experiences or reactions but acknowledge that things seem tough for them. If they need time to think, sit patiently with the silence. Encourage them to explain: "How are you feeling about that?" or "How long have you felt that way?" Show that you've listened by repeating back what you’ve heard (in your own words) and ask if you have understood them properly. Some conversations are too big for family and friends to take on alone. If someone’s been really low - or is at risk - please contact a professional as soon as you can. If you or someone you know are having suicidal thoughts, please seek assistance by contacting your trusted healthcare professional or calling Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you are concerned for your safety or the safety of others, seek immediate assistance by calling Triple Zero (000). Content on the post is by: @ruokday @ruokday
16.01.2022 Did you know you can donate your proceeds from containers for change to Macleod? Our scheme ID is 10002675 Or scan the the barcode in this post! ... Good for the environment and donating money to DV!
16.01.2022 Tragically Ella Price of Melbourne has been murdered on Monday as a result of domestic violence. Our thoughts are with her families and loved ones. Ella is the third woman this week allegedly murdered by a current or former intimate partner.... If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732 See more
15.01.2022 Today is the start of Queensland Mental Health Week (QMHW). QMHW encourages all of us to think about our mental health and wellbeing, regardless of whether we may have a lived experience of mental illness or not. The week also gives us the opportunity to understand the importance of mental health in our everyday lives and encourages help seeking behaviours when needed. This year’s theme is Take time for mental health. ... Research shows there are six simple actions we can take to improve our moods, build resilience, and boost our mental wellbeing. Take time to get healthy being active and eating well is good for your mind and body Take time to keep learning learning new things can be fun and boost confidence Take time to show kindness practising small acts of kindness, volunteering time, or simply helping a friend in need can help you feel more satisfied with life Take time to connect spending time with other people is important to everyone’s mental wellbeing and can be done while carefully observing social distancing Take time to take notice paying more attention to the present and the world around you can help you relieve stress and enjoy the moment Take time to embrace nature connecting with the outdoors and taking care of the planet is the best recipe for world wellbeing. A huge shout out to @gifted.withlove for providing these beautiful pamper boxes for the women in our refuge. Any community members who are concerned about their own or a loved one’s mental health are encouraged to speak with trusted support services, such as a GP or counselling service. For 24/7 counselling and support Lifeline 13 11 14 Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800 Alcohol & Drug Info Services (ADIS) 1800 177 833 Queensland Health 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) These numbers are either free or the cost of a local call. #qmhw #qmhwtaketime #giftedwithlove #pamper #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness
14.01.2022 The work is offline. The work is online. The work includes presence. The work includes absence. The work is virtual.... The work is in the streets. The work is in the legislative halls. The work is in art. The work is in the policies. The work is at the polls. The work is where we are. - Bernice King Macleod Refuge raises our voice against all expressions of racism and racist behaviour.
14.01.2022 Tragically yesterday another woman has died as a result of domestic violence. Sabah Hafiz aged 23 was allegedly killed by her husband. Our thoughts are with her families and loved ones. If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or... QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732 #SabahHafiz #sayhername
13.01.2022 Today we take time to recognise National Police Remembrance Day to honour police officers across the country who have lost their lives and ensure the integrity, courage and bravery of their ultimate sacrifice is never forgotten. #nprd2020 Image: @katarina_carroll
13.01.2022 Today is LBTIQ+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day. This campaign aims to raise awareness of DV in the LGBTIQ+ communities, remember LGBTIQ+ victims of DV who have lost their lives, recognise LGBTIQ+ survivors and acknowledge the struggles of those LGBTIQ+ people who may currently be in an abusive relationship. Macleod supports all women escaping domestic violence. Violence can occur in any intimate partner relationship and this is not acceptable ever! Today we stand with our LG...BTIQ+ community and say: #ImHereForYou if you need someone to talk to. #ImHereForYou to help stamp out domestic violence because everyone deserves a life free from violence and abuse. #ImHereForYou if you need support #ImHereForYou to help bring awareness to domestic violence in LGBTI communities. #ImHereForYou to ensure that not one victim or survivor feels invisible. #ImHereForYou and I believe you. #ImHereForYou to advocate for better services If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732
12.01.2022 Tragically yesterday another woman has died as a result of domestic violence. Karen Gilliland of Rockhampton was allegedly killed by her former partner yesterday and is the 27th woman violently killed in Australia this year. Our thoughts are with her families and loved ones. If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or... QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732 See more
11.01.2022 Today is International Self-Care Day, an annual opportunity to put a spotlight on self-care and the benefit of effective self-care. Self care is more than just a #tag. Taking a small moment to slow down to help with daily life stressors. Self care does not need to be a time consuming or expensive.... We have put together a list of self care in under 20mins: Read a few pages of a book or magazine. Short of time, read an interesting online article. Grab some scrap paper and draw a fun little cartoon or just doodle. Listen to your favourite song. Unplug - turn the phone off & laptop off for 15mins and enjoy a cup of tea. Journal. Learn something new, grab the crochet and watch a you tube! Meditate, lots of great free online guided meditation for beginners. Take a quick nap. Eat something you enjoy. Have a long bath or shower. Do a mini-declutter, even if it's just one drawer, you will feel great afterwards. Stretch. Run or walk, to school, work, on your lunch break. Just a small stroll will help clear the mind. Use lotion or a product that makes you happy. Spend time with friends, a phone or a video call will also fill the tank. Take your shoes off and walk on the grass or sand. Close your eyes and breath. Self care need not be all or nothing. It a small moment in time to step away from the noise and focus on yourself. Happy international self care day from the Macleod Team . . #selfcare #mentalhealthawareness #macleodrefuge #selfawareness #selfcaretip #selfcareday
11.01.2022 Thank you to the Gold Health Staff who took the time to #payitforward to the women and children at Macleod Refuge. The wishing tree had heartfelt messages of support and over $300 in gift cards.
10.01.2022 Today is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Macleod supports all women escaping domestic violence. We proudly stand with our #LGBTIQ community.... #IDAHOBIT #idahobit2020
10.01.2022 Thank you to the ladies of Gold Coast Local Charity Lunch who have raised $2590 for Macleod Refuge. 100% of these funds will go directly to supporting the women and children of Macleod Refuge. by Gold Coast Local Charity Lunch
09.01.2022 It is is National Volunteering Week. We would like to acknowledge the incredible volunteers who have been apart of our journey. Thank you for the gifts you have wrapped, the clothing you have gathered, the flowers you have arranged, the funds you have collated and most of all for being apart of the solution for women and children living their life free of violence. A big shout out to the many charities who support us and the teams of volunteers behind the scenes. You are in...spiration I have tagged just a few in this post! To our hard working Management Committee who provides their time and expertise on a voluntary basis. The hours have been long and your contribution is priceless. Here is just a snippet of the expertise they provide: Support our vision, purpose and aims while maintaining our strategic direction of Macleod Refuge. Oversight of all money, property and resources are properly used, managed and balance in order to be accountable! Comprehensively review policies and procedures to ensure staff and clients are properly managed and supported. This is why we are confident our refuge is operating within best practices principles and exceeds our regulatory requirements! Together we are a part of the solution to end domestic violence. THANK YOU . #nvw2020 #nvw20 #nationalvolunteerweek #thankyou #waveforvolunteers
08.01.2022 Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. Over the next 16 days, people worldwide will aim to raise awareness about the gender-based violence faced by women and girls. ... This campaign reflects the heart of our philosophy here at Macleod Refuge, where we believe that women and their children have the right to live their lives free from abuse and disrespect. Join in with us - or follow along on the tags to discover ways of standing up against gender-based violence. . . . #orangetheworld #generationequality #16days #16daysofactivism #16daysofactivismagainstgenderbasedviolence #macleodrefuge #domesticviolenceawareness #gcdomesticviolencerefuge #DV #enddomesticviolence #gccommunity #goldcoast
08.01.2022 We are Macleod and we are proud! Today we are rocking our Dangerous Females gear to support a strong collective of women raising funds for DV. Currently Dangerous Females are raising much needed funds for our refuge. This social enterprise calls for you to do something, don’t do nothing ... Do you want to get onboard? Head over to Dangerous Females. ... This photo is part two of our amazing team and committee members. Be sure to show your support and check out our previous post with the rest of the crew. #macleodrefuge #domesticviolenceawareness #dangerousfemales #df #wearyourdangerousfemalesteeday
08.01.2022 Today is the beginning of Sexual Violence Awareness Month. Tragically women in a domestic violence relationship often report of sexual abuse by the perpetrator. Over the course of the month we will be be raising awareness by Promoting the support options available to people affected by sexual assault and sexual abuse.... We work closely with Gold Coast Sexual Assault Service they provide free counselling, advocacy, information and practical support through related legal processes. As well as therapeutic and educational groups for women high school age and above who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives. Together as a community we can uphold a clear message that sexual violence will not be tolerated.
07.01.2022 Macleod Refuge says NUP! to the Melbourne Cup and the cruel use of horses for entertainment. #nuptothecup #animalwelfareleague #rspca
06.01.2022 We are in a national crisis Two women killed, and a child this week. Our hearts are heavy. Yet again we prepare to post a death acknowledgment. When we embarked on our social media journey we knew we had to pay respect to lives lost to domestic violence. To #sayhername and draw attention to the horrific stats around domestic violence deaths. ... The team @gilimbaa donated their time and creative team to design our announcement. The image contains our logo with a dove that represents a message of hope, strength and peace. A sombre representation of the colour purple symbolise the fight for women’s equality as far back as 1908. Historically, purple was a colour that denoted justice and dignity, and now it is used to represent women. Macleod acknowledges each life taken too soon by domestic violence. We will continue to support, and advocate on your behalf. Your death will not be in vain. If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732 #domesticviolenceawareness #macleodrefuge #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticviolencesupport #sayhername
06.01.2022 Today we celebrate the United Nation’s International Day of Tolerance. Tolerance is respect and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures. At Macleod we provide refuge to women and children from a variety of cultural and religious backgrounds. Macleod fosters mutual understanding among cultures by recognising the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. We promote this mutual understanding by encouraging the sharing of stories and customs among the women of our refuge and creating an environment free from prejudice.
06.01.2022 Tragically another woman has died tonight as a result of domestic violence. Emerald Wardle, just 18 years old lived in Maitland and was allegedly killed by her partner. Our thoughts are with her families and loved ones.... If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732 See more
04.01.2022 This week Macleod Refuge were guest presenters at The Migrant Centre ‘Healing Hearts’ community morning tea. Twenty women from various cultures attended in COVID safe conditions including staff, clients, students and volunteers from The Migrant Centre Organisation Inc.
03.01.2022 Tonight it was a privilege to have The Honourable @shannonfentimanmp Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence launch our new premises. This move represents real and meaningful change for our clients. Just to give you a small sense, we are now able to offer: Platinum and Gold disability units... We are finally pet friendly We can accommodate larger families And we have increased our number of units To our clients it takes enormous strength and courage to leave domestic violence, in your darkest moment you deserve the best. That is what we have given you. We acknowledge each and everyone of our clients past, present and future. We will continue to support, and advocate on your behalf. Thank you to @qldgov for investing in this infrastructure. Getting here today has taken a huge commitment from our staff and from the philanthropic contributors who turned this building into a home by funding all of the furniture and contents. We will acknowledge throughout the coming weeks your contributions. Thank you to our manager Rosemary, President Lisa, staff, committee for your tireless efforts. To our followers and community donors thank you for being apart of the solution to domestic violence. If you are in immediate crisis please call 000. Or QLD residents 1800 811 811, National Line 1800 737 732 #macleodrefuge #domesticviolenceawareness #macleodrefuge #domesticviolenceawareness
02.01.2022 Taking a moment to appreciate local Indigenous artist @delvene_cockatoo_collins_art This piece is called: BUNBIYA - turtle can often be spotted on many seaside walks around Goompi and the Mooloomba gorge walk. Either popping it’s head up or swimming through. Loggerhead turtles are known to nest at Pulan Pulan and Mooloomba. Macleod believes in the importance of taking time to knowing the country we live and walk on. ... : @juliesisco . . #macleodrefuge #DelveneCockatooCollinsArt
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