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Gospel Church of Jesus in Mount Druitt | Religious centre

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Gospel Church of Jesus

Locality: Mount Druitt

Address: 4/42 Kurrajong Avenue 2770 Mount Druitt, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 25.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento There is absolutely no way anyone can ever reach the moral standards of God. Try as we might, but we will always fall short. The psalmist knows and recognises this; if God will carry out His justice, no one will be able to stand for we will all be getting what we deserve. The good news is that God is gracious and merciful; He is a forgiving God. ... Enjoying God’s love & forgiveness is what truly transforms us and enables us to genuinely live for Him. Let us relish the fact that it is only by His grace that we are saved & forgiven and it’s not because of anything we have done; it is purely and simply given as an undeserved gift. Let our belovedness make us love God even more and enable us love others whether we think they deserve it or not. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations #dailydevotional

24.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 14.01 Pastor Dong Sarmiento When we became followers of Jesus, we also started the process of transformation toward spiritual maturity; the deeper we know Christ, the more we become like Him. This journey towards Christlikeness progresses and advances through the work of God in us. We are all God’s work in progress.... Let us continue to surrender our lives to His loving work of transformation. Let us depend on God not just for what we need to do but also for what He is doing in us. Let us also be patient with one another knowing that God is not yet through with changing us from glory to glory. (2 Cor 3:18) Have a blessed evening and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailydevotional #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations

24.01.2022 MIDWEEK PRAYER SERVICE Tonight at 7:30pm FB LIVE

24.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 23.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Blessed Morning!... Regardless of the intensity of our efforts to accomplish anything under the sun, whether it’s constructing a house, guarding a city, or even the most common activity like going to sleep, nothing will be achieved unless the Lord grants that it should happen. In recognising that God is sovereign over all things and that He is in complete control of everything that happens, let us seek His direction as we make plans, making sure that they are in alignment with His purposes. Let us daily offer to The Lord the tasks that we will do and let’s ask for His help and enablement as we perform them for His glory. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations #dailydevotional

24.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 05.10 Pastor Dong Sarmiento God did not stop creating after the sixth day of creation; He did not leave the upkeep and perpetuation of His creation to the laws of nature and genetics. God is actively at work in our lives. God knew us before He created us; His hands shaped us in our mother’s womb. Even before we were born, He already had a plan ordained for our lives.... You have a purpose and we each have a role to play in God’s grand plan for the world. Let us submit our lives to His plan and purpose. Let us seek to know His will. His will is best for us; His will is good, pleasing and perfect. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. - Rom 12:2 NLT Have a great night and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailydevotional #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations

22.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 29.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento In Psalm 136, the psalmist instructed his hearers to give thanks to the Lord for His goodness. He then enumerated the mighty acts of God and repeatedly declared the reason for every act; God did them because His love endures forever. Every act of God is motivated by love; even when He disciplines us, He does it in love.... You may be going through some difficulties right now that make you question God’s love and you find it hard to trust Him with what’s happening in your life. May God speak to us through this psalm; no one and nothing can separate us from His love. Even when we do not understand everything that’s going on, may we have this inner peace and assurance that God’s love abides and it truly endures forever. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailyaffirmations #dailyinspiration #dailydevotional

21.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 30.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Blessed Morning!... God is always true to His word. His promises are reliable; He is worthy to be worshipped and praised. The Lord is truly a prayer-answering God. The psalmist shared how faithful God is when he cried out to Him in prayer and God intervened in his situation. This led him to be strengthened in his soul. Let us put our hope in God and let us trust in His word. God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through? (Num 23:19-NLT) Keep reading and trusting His Word; keep holding on to His great promises and live according to what God says and not just according to what we see. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjdailysoulboost #gcjsydney #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations #dailydevotional

21.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST | 12.04 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Blessed Morning!... One inescapable fact is that in this world, we will have tribulation. (John 16:33) However, we can have peace in Jesus as we look forward to the glorious and magnificent future that awaits those who are in Him. God tells us through the Apostle Paul that the suffering that we are going through on this earth is nothing; it pales in comparison to the glory that will be revealed to us. We will be given resurrection bodies (1Cor15:40) free form all the sickness, aches and pains that plague our earthly bodies. We who are in Christ will spend eternity with God in the uncorrupted new heavens and new earth.(Rev.21:1) As we go though sorrow and trials in this life, let us pray for God’s peace and strength so that we will overcome. Let us be reminded that all of our sufferings are temporary and that the glorious future that awaits us is everlasting. God bless and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations #dailydevotionals #dailydevotions

20.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 18.01 Pastor Dong Sarmiento In the same way that sheep will not survive without a shepherd, every person needs the Lord. When Jesus looked at the crowd, a hodgepodge of people from all walks of life, He had compassion on them. We normally feel compassionate towards those who are needy and disadvantaged but in Jesus’ eyes, people who are not His followers, regardless of social status, are confused and helpless.... We all desperately need Jesus in our lives to be saved and in order to live out our new identity daily. Let us give full control to Jesus, the Shepherd of our soul and like Him, let us also look upon those who do not yet know Him with compassionate eyes, believing that they too, absolutely need Jesus in their lives. God bless and love to everyone! #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailyinspiration #dailydevotions #dailyaffirmations

18.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 02.10 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Blessed Afternoon!... No one is beyond God’s reach because no one can escape God’s presence. One may try to run to the unreached corners of the universe, but still, God is there. Even beyond death; whether one ends up in heaven or in Sheol, still God is present there. For those who reject God, this fact is scary and annoying; for those who love God, this is great news. Our Lord is Immanuel, He is with us and He will never leave nor forsake us. God’s strong hand will hold & protect us, His loving presence shall envelope us and His guiding hand shall direct us. Let’s call upon God and enjoy His presence. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailyaffirmations #dailyinspiration #dailydevotional

18.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 25.11 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Although Israel suffered as a consequence of their unfaithfulness to God, they were nonetheless assured by God that His ultimate intention was to bless them. God repeatedly reminded them that He is their creator who helps and cares for them. God’s refreshing presence and nourishing blessings will not just be upon them but will also be poured out on their descendants.... By God’s grace, through our Lord Jesus, we have become part of the spiritual Israel and have become partakers of God’s blessings. (Gal 3:29) Let us not fear nor be in despair even as we go through a period of desolation. God is our creator and our help; let His presence nourish your aching souls. Seek His help and blessings both now and for generations to come. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations #dailydevotional

18.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 01.10 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Nothing can ever be hidden from God; He knows all there is to know about us, even the things that we do not know about ourselves. He knows our thoughts, our actions, our sentiments, our tears, our anxieties, our joys and our longings. Because He knows us better than we know ourselves, He also knows what is best for us.... In times when we wonder if God understands us or He knows what we are going though, let us rest assured that God does. He will not overlook or be distracted; He will not leave us unattended. God is not a passive observer. He not only knows us but He is actively working in our circumstances, for our good. Let us continue to trust and follow Him, He knows what we are going through. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailydevotional #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations #dailymotivation

18.01.2022 CCLI LICENSE NO: 19868 You are Welcome.

17.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 16.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Very early in the morning, even before the sun rose, the psalmist was already in prayer, calling out to God and asking for His help. He put his trust in what God had said in His word. Even all through the night, his mind dwelt on God’s beautiful and mighty promises. It was evident that his life was focused on Him; the depth of his devotion was clearly seen in the way he spent his day with God. He was in constant communion with Him ...through prayer and through His word. What dominates your thoughts? Is it fear, frustration, anger, or maybe ambition? Let us fill our hearts and minds with God’s word; let us focus on His promises. As our faith is strengthened, let us also not hesitate to cry out to Him and humbly seek His help. Have a great evening and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailydevotional #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations

17.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST | 09.04 Pastor Dong Sarmiento For us to say that Jesus was a man of fervent prayer would be a gross understatement. Followers of Jesus, both then and now, who get to know Him more deeply, will surely realise the undeniable truth that prayer was an integral and vital part of His life.... I could imagine that Jesus’ prayers were characterised by peace and joy because He was communing with The Father whom He loves. They were also prayers focused on His mission as He prayed for God’s will to be done. Jesus prayed and carried out God’s plans, demonstrating His utter dependence on The Spirit’s move and enablement. In the same way that Jesus set aside a place (mountain) and a time (night) to pray to The Father, let us carve out our own regular place and time to commune with our Heavenly Father and pray the way Our Lord Jesus prayed. God bless and love to everyone! #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailyaffirmations #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailydevotional

16.01.2022 SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE RECAP - 11.04 Happy Monday everyone! Here’s a recap video from yesterday’s service. Thanks for joining us. Have a blessed week! Stay safe. ... PRAISE + WORSHIP - Eunice TITHES + OFFERING - Dante PASTORAL PRAYER - Pastor Ernie THE WORD - Pastor Dong

16.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST | 12.01 Pastor Dong Sarmiento The famous verse John 3:16 tells us that God loved the world and He demonstrated it by giving us the most precious gift, His one and only Son. Many people know this verse intellectually in their heads but way fewer people know this experientially in their hearts. It is only by God’s grace that we are able to grasp this and solely in the enablement of the Holy Spirit that we realise God’s love for us; the same Spirit also empowers... us to love others. Let us meditate on the Gospel and fix our hearts and minds on Jesus; He is love personified. Pray that we will realise our belovedness and that this realisation saturate our hearts with His love to overflowing; may it move us to love others in the same way He loves us. God bless and love to everyone! #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailydevotions #dailyaffirmations #dailyinspiration

15.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST | 08.04 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Followers of Jesus are a called to be imitators of God. We are to love the way Jesus did; He loved sacrificially and every aspect of His life was motivated by love. The act of loving others is also an act of worship to our God and Father.... The ability to love is given to us by the Holy Spirit as He enables us to gaze and appreciate the great act of love that Jesus did on the cross. We won’t be able to love as Jesus loved without being so amazed and touched to the core by the same love that we received from Him. Let us meditate on God’s love and relish how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. As the Spirit helps us to grasp the magnitude of God’s love and as we are established and deeply rooted in it, we can freely love others the way we are supposed to. God bless and love to everyone! #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations #dailydevotional

12.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 24.11 Pastor Dong Sarmiento The Israelites have always wandered and ran after the gods of pagan nations despite God’s repeated warnings and wooing. These gods are nothing compared to God & the Lord distinguished Himself from them; God is sovereign and only He is able to save. He alone is God and Israel have seen with their own eyes How powerful and loving He is. Sadly and unfortunately, the Israelites have easily forgotten who God is.... In our walk with Christ, the world & the enemy of our soul inundate us with a barrage of allurements, inviting us and presenting to us potential objects of our affection and worship. These objects, though not intrinsically evil, like relationships, career, wealth, power, etc., when given importance and loved more God, they become idols and gods. Let us not worship things and use God; let us worship God and use all things for His glory. Seek God first and love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations #dailydevotional

12.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 17.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Those who find great delight in God & in reading His word, experience the peace that comes from Him. Because they love God’s law, they are willing to obey it. Their steps are firm in their walk of faith that regardless of the terrain and obstacles they face, they do not stumble or fall. Their hope is firmly planted on God and they trust Him for His help and salvation.... When you read the Bible, is it a joy or a drudgery? Let us pray that God would help us fall in love not just with Him but also with His word so that we will read it with gladness. May we experience His peace as we hope in Him and joyfully obey His commands. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailydevotional #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations

10.01.2022 CCLI LICENCE NO: 19868

08.01.2022 CCLI LICENSE NO: 19868

06.01.2022 Used with permission through our CCLI Copyright License Number: 150739 Streaming Licence Number: 19868

05.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 22.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Blessed Afternoon! ... We hear on the news of the notable increase in the cases of depression and other mental health issues during this pandemic. External pressures do affect us internally. The good thing about those who trust in the Lord is that even if there is external shaking, they remain immovable in their innermost being. They are securely surrounded by God like an unshakeable mountain. What is causing you stress these days? Are you experiencing great trials that are shaking your faith? God is inviting us to surrender and entrust to Him everything that tries to rob us of inner peace. As we trust in Him, God is able to give us peace and the strength to weather any storm. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailyaffirmations #dailydevotional #dailyinspiration #dailymotivation

05.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 18.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento In times when he needed help and protection, the psalmist looked to God and trusted Him. His confidence was in God’s power and goodness. God loves us that He does not want us to stumble; He is unlike any human guard & protector who can get distracted and tired.... To whom do you look for protection and where does your help come from? Let us call on God and trust in Him; He is truly able to take care of us. He will neither slumber nor sleep. Have a great weekend and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailydevotional #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations

05.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 24.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Blessed Afternoon! ... To fear the Lord is to revere Him. It is to be in awe of who He is and what He has done that our hearts are so overwhelmed that we view God with the highest regard and greatest respect, compelling us to willingly & earnestly do what delights Him and make us tremble at the thought doing what displeases Him. This holy fear is expressed through a life of joyful obedience to God and the psalmist proclaims that God blesses those who live this way. Let us pray that we may have a ravishing picture of God; let us desire to see God for who He really is. With this captivating vision inevitably comes a great adoration and love for God that moves us to set our lives apart for Him. So let’s bask in the beauty and excellencies of God that we may fear Him and may He bless us so that all may indeed be well with us. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations #dailydevotional

04.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 21.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento Blessed Evening!... One of the tell-tale signs of a persons love for God is his excitement to worship God whether in a church gathering or during his personal time with Him. The psalmist here expresses his joy in having the opportunity to worship God and his heart is filled with much anticipation. If you were to be honest, how do you feel every time you go to worship whether alone, on line or on location? Is worship something you feel you have to do out of obligation, or is it a genuine delight? Regardless of where you are in the spectrum, let us pray that we will truly see the awesome magnificence of God and His amazing love and grace. May our hearts be so drawn to Him that worship becomes a joy and a passion. Worship is a wonderful privilege, let us exalt His name forever! Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations #dailydevotional #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost

03.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 23.11 Pastor Dong Sarmiento After God assured Israel that He knows them and that they belong to Him, God likewise assured them of His loving presence and protection. Under God’s care they will not drown though they pass though flood or raging waters and they will not be burned though they walk through the flame. Whether literally or figuratively, God is able to deliver them from all harm.... As we navigate through life, facing dangers that threaten whether our physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual well being, is unavoidable. Since these dangers are part of life, instead of being paralysed by fear, let us seek God’s presence and ask for His help and protection. He will either remove the danger or allow us to go through them, not to harm us but to make us stronger and to mould us into Christlikeness. Have a great day and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailydevotional #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations

02.01.2022 Come join us this Sunday as we celebrate Ignited’s 29th Anniversary! _ The service will be run by ELITE & will start off with our 9:30am Morning Show! Hope to see you there on Sunday!

02.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 15.01 Pastor Dong Sarmiento One of the magnificent gifts that we received when we became followers of Christ is the forgiveness and freedom from the power of sin. Rom 6:14 - Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace. God’s grace is truly amazing!... Let us no longer live in fear, guilt and shame. Let us fully trust and enjoy God’s undeserved favour that He generously poured out on us. Let us live in total, constant and willing obedience to Him not because we fear punishment, but because our hearts are filled with His grace and overflows with praise and gratitude. God bless and love to everyone! #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailyinspiration #dailydevotions #dailyaffirmations

01.01.2022 DAILY SOUL BOOST 15.09 Pastor Dong Sarmiento God is faithful and true to all His promises. Not one word of all the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass. (Josh 21:45) This was the reason why the psalmist served God and loved His promises; even when people belittled and rejected him, his focus remained riveted on God and His word.... Regardless of how the world sees & judges us, let us trust and give more weight to what our loving Heavenly Father has to say about us. He is righteous and faithful; we can rest and rely on His word. Have a blessed evening and love to everyone! . . . . . #gcjsydney #gcjdailysoulboost #dailymotivation #dailydevotional #dailyinspiration #dailyaffirmations

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