Attwood Marshall Lawyers in Gold Coast, Queensland | Lawyer & law firm
Attwood Marshall Lawyers
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 1800 621 071
Address: Level 2, Suite 1 The Strand, 72 - 80 Marine Pde Coolangatta 4225 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 Separation, divorce and property settlements can be some of the most trying times in our lives. For couples who were already experiencing problems prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the pandemic may only have intensified negative relationships by enforcing lengthy periods of close contact with their spouse. This morning on Radio 4CRB (89.3FM) Attwood Marshall Lawyers Family Law Senior Associate, Hayley Condon, spoke about divorce and what couples can expect if they make the dec...ision to go their separate ways. Listen to the podcast here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #familylaw #familymatters #lawfirm #divorce #relationships #communityradio #podcast
23.01.2022 The concept of being just friends can put people in a false sense of security when it comes to what happens after a relationship breaks down. This morning, Attwood Marshall Lawyers Family Law Senior Associate Hayley Condon joined Radio 4CRB 89.3FM announcer Steve Stuttle on air to discuss how the law views informal relationships and who may be entitled to seek a property settlement in the event of separation. Listen to the podcast here: ... #attwoodmarshalllawyers #podcast #communityradio #justfriends #relationships #defacto #familylaw #legalmatters #lawyer #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne
22.01.2022 BORDER BUBBLE UPDATE: As of Thursday 1st October 2020, the QLD/NSW border bubble is expanding to allow residents from Byron Shire, Ballina, the city of Lismore, Richmond Valley and Glenn Innes to enter QLD without having to go into quarantine. People living inside the declared zones will be allowed to travel anywhere in the QLD state and QLD residents will also be able to travel to these additional NSW locations.... Border declaration passes will be required. With more people crossing the border from October, there may be longer delays at border checkpoints. Attwood Marshall Lawyers have offices straddling either side of the QLD/NSW border in Coolangatta and Kingscliff which allows our clients to visit the most convenient office and to avoid running the border checkpoint gauntlet. We also have offices at Robina Town Centre and Brisbane. Read more: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #covid19 #borderbubble #latestnews #update #lawfirm #qld #nsw #goldcoast
19.01.2022 The Government has introduced mandatory safety standards for all new and imported second hand quad bikes to try to address the extremely concerning rise in quad bike accidents causing serious injuries and fatalities in rural workplaces across Australia. Compensation Law Paralegal, Sue Davidson, discusses how the new safety measures are intended to help save lives and protect workers in her latest blog. Read more: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #nationalsafeworkmonth #safeworkmonth2020 #personalinjury #compensationlaw #ruralaustralia #quadbike #safety #workplacesafety #whs
19.01.2022 Is blood thicker than water in the eyes of the law? Attwood Marshall Lawyers Estate Litigation Associate, Martin Mallon, discusses a case of estrangement and succession law in his latest blog. Read more: ... #attwoodmarshalllawyers #estatelitigation #willdisputes #estrangement #estranged #law #disputeresolution #legalmatters #goldcoastlawyer #blog #casestudy #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne
18.01.2022 Motor racing great, Peter Brock, is undisputedly the 'King of the Mountain' having claimed 9 wins at the Bathurst 1000. His sudden death in 2006, shocked his fans and left his loved ones devastated. With The Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000 kicking off today, we reflect on the legend's legacy and the legal battle that ensued over Peter's estate after his tragic death. ... Read more from Attwood Marshall Lawyers Estate Litigation Associate, Martin Mallon, about the issues that can arise from DIY Will kits: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #bathurst1000 #supercars #motorsport #mountpanorama #motorracing #diywill #legaldisputes #legalmatters #willsandestates #estateplanning #legacy #supercars #estatelitigation #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne
18.01.2022 Ready and Willing! Today our team have partnered with the Salvation Army to prepare simple Wills in return for a donation which will go to The Salvation Army’s Still Waters Refuge. Pictured: Salvation Army Bequests Manager Tony Welsh, Attwood Marshall Lawyers Donna Tolley, Natalie Comerford, Rhiannon Garrett, Romy Garrett and Zoe Penman with Salvation Army representative Ron Southall at the Gold Coast Salvation Army Temple, Southport for Community Wills Day. #attwoodmarshall #salvos #salvationarmy #willsday #goldcoast #community
18.01.2022 Today marks the 30th anniversary of International Day for Older Persons. This year will highlight the role of the health care workforce in contributing to the health of older persons, with special recognition of the nursing profession. COVID-19 has caused fear and suffering for older people across the world. Beyond its immediate health impact, the pandemic is putting older people at greater risk of poverty, discrimination, isolation and abuse. There’s no question that Austral...ia’s Aged Care sector needs to be overhauled and there is a disconnect between what the Australian public expects from aged care services, and what is being delivered. Attwood Marshall Lawyers Senior Associate and Accredited Aged Care Professional, Debbie Sage, reviews the current state of this ever-expanding and often overlooked area of our society in her latest blog. Julie Lockeridge, Principal Adviser and Aged Care Specialist at Lockeridge Financial Advisory - Aged Care We Care, also provides insight into the complex financial planning, Centrelink and taxation considerations that need to be made when someone is transitioning into care. Read more: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #internationaldayforolderpersons #2020 #agedcare #agedcareprofessional #lawfirm #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne
17.01.2022 Prenuptial Agreements, Relationship Agreements, Financial Agreements what's the difference? In his latest podcast, Attwood Marshall Lawyers Family Law Special Counsel, Michael Twohill, discusses the different types of financial agreements available to couples to provide peace of mind in the event of a relationship breakdown. Family law property disputes can be extremely costly, so if you can establish an understanding early on, it may save you stress and money in the long Listen to the podcast here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #familylaw #familymatters #prenup #finances #financialmatters #legalmatters #law #marriage #divorce #relationships #family #lawfirm #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne #communityradio
16.01.2022 Today we remember the sacrifice of all those who have served in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning... We will remember them. Remembrance Day Lest we forget. #remembranceday #lestweforget #remember #attwoodmarshalllawyers
16.01.2022 Our Estate Litigation team at Attwood Marshall Lawyers is growing! We are pleased to welcome Estate Litigation Associate Martin Mallon who joined the team last month. This week, Martin spoke with Steve Stuttle on Radio 4CRB 89.3FM about the devastation many people are faced with when discovering they have been unfairly left out of a Will when their loved one passes away. Challenging a Will is always a hot source of contention with polarised views.... Listen to Martin's podcast here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #lawfirm #law #legalmatters #lawtalks #estatelitigation #beasmartyvoteformarty #qlsfutureleaders2020 #qldfutureleaders
15.01.2022 We've seen a rise in director and shareholder disputes as the economic downturn, and uncertainty around how businesses can recover from the impact of COVID-19, continues to apply pressure to small businesses. Unfortunately many companies fail to draft and sign a Shareholders Agreement when starting a company, and when relationships between shareholders sour and conflict arises, the tools may not be in place to manage and resolve the conflict. When seeking to resolve a disput...e between business partners, addressing the issue at an early stage is essential. Read more from Attwood Marshall Lawyers Commercial Litigation Senior Associate, Charles Lethbridge, in his latest blog:
15.01.2022 Take caution when making important decisions about who to appoint as your administrator to manage your legal and financial affairs. Attwood Marshall Lawyers Estate Litigation Senior Associate, Lucy McPherson, recently spoke with Steve Stuttle on Radio 4CRB 89.3FM about issues with the Public Trustee Offices and why people should consider the alternative options available. Listen to the podcast here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #lawtalks #goldcoast #lawfirm #brisbane #sydney #melbourne #communityradio #legalmatters #interview #podcast
14.01.2022 Attwood Marshall Lawyers have seen a significant increase in new family matters during the COVID-19 pandemic. In times of disaster, domestic violence rates tend to rise. When you combine financial insecurity, health issues and emotional stress with isolation, it’s a tragedy waiting to happen. This morning on Radio 4CRB (89.3FM), Attwood Marshall Lawyers Family Law Special Counsel, Michael Twohill, discussed the importance of everyone being able to identify the signs of abuse... and what steps people can take if they are experiencing family violence. It is very important that anyone impacted by domestic and family violence discuss what is going on with someone experienced in this area. Help is there you just need to have the courage to take that first step. Listen to the podcast here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #domesticviolence #familyviolence #familymatters #familylaw #support #relationships #family #lawfirm #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne #reachout
14.01.2022 Our lawyers are here to help people and change their lives for the better! It's not just a tagline for us it's our intent! The below testimonial truly encompasses what we are all about. "April Kennedy from Attwood Marshall Lawyers is brilliant. I would highly recommend engaging her services if you want the best lawyer in town. I was in a horrendous and very complicated family financial situation. April navigated me throughout my worst nightmare with legal expertise, kindn...ess and compassion. To have someone you can trust on your side is important but to have April on your side far transcends that. She was with me all the way. She picked up the phone when I called, answered my emails and questions honestly without all the legal jargon and most importantly, believed in me. Every once in a while, someone comes along in life and restores your faith in the kindness and decency of human beings. April’s that person. She has fine qualities that are rare in a person and rarer to find in any lawyer. A true class act. April was never afraid to take a hard stance for me, nor could she be bullied by the other parties lawyers, always having my best interests first and foremost. She’s without doubt the lawyer you want on your side when it all goes pear-shaped."
13.01.2022 Changes are coming! In order to improve consistency across all jurisdictions, changes to Enduring Powers of Attorney laws will come into play in Queensland on 30 November 2020. This presents an opportunity for everyone to review their existing documents, or for those who have not made an Enduring Power of Attorney, to understand why these are imperative to make.... This morning on Radio 4CRB (89.3FM), Attwood Marshall Lawyers Senior Associate Hayley Condon discussed the changes coming and why it is important to seek legal advice when making an Enduring Power of Attorney, and not simply downloading this form online. Listen here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #willsandestates #legalmatters #legislation #changeiscoming #notice #communityradio #law #lawfirm #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne
13.01.2022 From the doghouse to the penthouse it's time to let the dogs in! A recent decision made by the NSW Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of apartment owners. Owners' Corporations are no longer able to create by-laws prohibiting animals. The Court of Appeal found that by-laws placing a blanket ban on pets breaches section 139 (1) of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (NSW), which states that a by-law must not be "harsh, unconscionable or oppressive".... This landmark decision is fantastic news for pet lovers and is thanks to the tenacious owners of Angus the Schnauzer. Read more here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #pets #apartmentliving #realestate #property #bylaws #legalmatters #nsw #nswlaw #nswrealestate #propertylaw
12.01.2022 You've separated from your partner so what happens next? Today on Radio 4CRB (89.3FM), Attwood Marshall Lawyers Senior Associate and Family Lawyer, Hayley Condon, spoke with Steve Stuttle about property settlements and the importance of formalising a property settlement in a legally binding way. Listen to the podcast: ... Attwood Marshall Lawyers have a dedicated team who exclusively practice in family law. It is our intent to help families sort through their legal issues after separation so that all parties can move on with their lives. We understand that the stakes couldn’t be higher when it comes to family law matters. #attwoodmarshalllawyers #familylaw #familylawyer #lawyer #familymatters #separation #relationships #marriage #divorce #defacto #lawtalks #communityradio #podcast #blog
10.01.2022 When was the last time you reviewed your superannuation insurance policies? Don't assume you're covered! In our latest blog, Attwood Marshall Lawyers Compensation Law Senior Paralegal, Amy Lewis, explains what to look out for to ensure you have access to the right benefits when you need them most.... Read more here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #legalmatters #lawfirm #superannuation #insurance #thefineprint #blog #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne
09.01.2022 Undue influence and unconscionable conduct in Will-making is elder abuse and is a serious issue. Writing a Will takes careful consideration and a Will should be a true reflection of the Will-maker's intention. We receive many enquiries from family members concerning the validity of Wills that have been signed by their parents or grandparents under suspicious circumstances. Attwood Marshall Lawyers Estate Litigation Senior Associate, Lucy McPherson, spoke with Steve Stuttle o...n Radio 4CRB 89.3FM this morning about this issue and what can be done to minimise risk of undue influence and unconscionable conduct when preparing a Will. Listen to the podcast now: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #estatelitigation #legalmatters #legaladvice #lawfirm #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne #robinatowncentre #robina #coolangatta #kingscliff #willsandestates #estateplanning
08.01.2022 There are plenty of myths associated with estate planning. Attwood Marshall Lawyers Wills and Estates Partner, Angela Harry, recently spoke with Steve Stuttle on Radio 4CRB (89.3FM) about why estate planning applies to everyone (not just the wealthy!). Careful planning of the distribution of your estate involves protecting the assets you have worked so hard to acquire and to ensure your assets end up in the hands of those you want to benefit. ... It is important to get the right professional advice to plan and structure your estate effectively. Read more or listen to the podcast here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #myths #estateplanning #mythbuster #goldcoastlawyer #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne
07.01.2022 There is expected to be a tsunami of insolvencies for many small and medium-sized businesses at the start of 2021. It is imperative for businesses to forward plan to make sure they weather the storm and come out the other side. In his latest blog, Attwood Marshall Lawyers Commercial Litigation Senior Associate and Law Society Accredited Specialist in Dispute Resolution, Charles Lethbridge, explains the steps businesses can take to effectively recover debts amid the COVID-19 p...andemic. Read more: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #covid19 #business #insolvency #insolventtrading #bankruptcy #debtrecovery #businesslaw #commerciallaw #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne #disputeresolution
07.01.2022 Attwood Marshall Lawyers are excited to partner with Feros Care to present on a variety of legal topics and engage with members in Q&A sessions through a Virtual Social Centre. The online world can be a daunting place for the elderly. However, Feros Care have made it safe and easy, providing all the training necessary for people to join the digital community. Each month, members will be invited to register for the 'Ask a Lawyer' session where they can join the conversation an...d speak directly to legal experts about topics relevant to their unique situation. Wills and Estates Senior Associate, and Accredited Aged Care Professional, Debbie Sage, will kick off the first session tomorrow, which will be an open discussion about Wills. To find out more about Feros Care's Virtual Social Centre, click here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #feroscare #agedcare #growbold #social #connect #learn #legaladvice #legalmatters #willsandestates #qanda
07.01.2022 Are parents obliged to provide for an estranged child in their Will? The question of what is appropriate provision under a Will for an adult child is complicated and quite emotive with polarised views, particularly when relationships between adult children and parents have deteriorated. Attwood Marshall Lawyers Estate Litigation Associate, Martin Mallon, spoke with Steve Stuttle this morning on Radio 4CRB 89.3FM about the issues that can arise from parents 'disinheriting' children. Listen to the podcast here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #estates #estatelitigation #lawfirm #legalmatters #communityradio #interview #podcast #estrangement #estranged #familyprovision #familymatters #goldcoast #brisbane #sydney #melbourne #succession
07.01.2022 This week is Queensland Mental Health Week! During a time when the world has significantly changed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Queensland Mental Health Week encourages us to think about our mental health and wellbeing and understand the importance of the role mental health plays in our lives. Attwood Marshall Lawyers Compensation Law Graduate, Henry Garrett, discusses the psychological impact COVID-19 has had on certain occupations in his latest blog.... Read it here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #worldmentalhealthday #mentalhealthweek #qmhw #mentalhealth #wellness #emotionalwellness #mentalhealthawareness #QMHWTakeTime #qldmentalhealthweek #helpingothers #support
06.01.2022 Looking for something to do with the whole family? Former founding Partner of Attwood Marshall Lawyers, Bob Marshall, and his wife Evelyn, are hosting their Open Garden event this month! Entry is $5 (kids are free!) and all proceeds go to the Southern Beaches Community Garden and the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital.... Visit the spectacular Japanese garden with rainforest, tea house, lake and original dairy. - Asian-inspired food and refreshments available - Native and exotic plants will be available to purchase - Bonsai technician onsite bring your bonsai! Find out more at #attwoodmarshalllawyers #goldcoastevent #goldcoast #weekend #garden #fundraising #familyfriendly #covidsafe
06.01.2022 Established in 1946, Attwood Marshall Lawyers is known for delivering quality legal services to the highest standards. Attwood Marshall Lawyers is one of the few all-services legal firms and is made up of specialty departments, headed by a Partner or Senior Associate and an experienced Department Manager, supported by a dedicated team of lawyers, graduates and paralegals. Staff are driven by a genuine desire to improve clients’ lives, with integrity, understanding and respon...Continue reading
03.01.2022 More pics of the Attwood Marshall Lawyers Caulfield Cup Race Day! Thanks to the Gold Coast Turf Club for a great day.
03.01.2022 Attwood Marshall Lawyers welcomes the decision of the QLD Labor Government and the LNP to REJECT the appalling and self-serving calls of RACQ and Suncorp to supposedly overhaul Queensland’s CTP compensation scheme. Read more here: #attwoodmarshalllawyers #ctp #personalinjury #qldgovernment #insurance #motorvehicle #accidents #legalrights #lawfirm
01.01.2022 Attwood Marshall Lawyers Commercial Litigation Senior Associate, Charles Lethbridge, has launched a bullying action against Queensland Health on behalf of his client, Cheryl Byrne. Ms Byrne, a veteran Intensive Care Nurse, who has dedicated 40 years to her occupation, has reported bullying and unsafe work practices and will challenge the Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service's decision to medically retire her. Read more here: ... #attwoodmarshalllawyers #employmentlaw #bullying #legalmatters #lawfirm #litigation #nurse #health
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