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Gawler & District Table Tennis Association Inc. | Sports league

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Gawler & District Table Tennis Association Inc.

Phone: +61 414 423 489


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25.01.2022 Looks like it could be June... maybe

25.01.2022 Hi members and friends, Please come along tonight (8pm at the Gawler East Primary School Hall) to watch and support your favorite teams playing in the Grand Finals. Best wishes to all teams playing tonight. Also, please watch this space for details of the upcoming 2021 Winter Season to be published shortly. Regards Phil H

24.01.2022 Heres something a bit different, why not give it a go!

24.01.2022 Week 3 Player Ladder - theres some interesting positioning this week.

23.01.2022 To all members, The updated COVID-Safe Plan, effective on 1 Dec 2020, allows all community indoor and outdoor sport to restart. Accordingly, the Gawler Table Tennis matches will re-commence on Wednesday, 2 December 2020. That’s excellent news! A copy of the COVID-Safe Plan is available on the GDTTA website.... The COVID-Safe Plan mandates the implementation of a COVID-SAFE CHECK-IN process by scanning a QR code on your mobile phone for check-in and contact tracing. You are required to download or log in to the free mySA GOV app and scan the QR code with your phone’s camera on entry into the GEPS Hall (albeit, it seems that a mobile device camera somehow recognises the QR code and allows prompts to be followed without downloading the app). You will need to enter your name, phone number and follow the prompts. I recommend arriving a little earlier to allow for learning the new check-in process. In the event that you do not have a mobile phone, the prior written entry contract tracing form will be available. As always: - Do not arrive if you are unwell - Practice 1.5 metres social distancing - Regularly wash or sanitise your hands See you on Wednesday night. Regards Phil Holzberger GDTTA Treasurer

23.01.2022 Any spare players tonight? Pinsational are 1 short at the moment

23.01.2022 Anyone able to fill in for the Mohawkes this evening? Pauls come down with the man flu. Let us know or contact President Molly. Cheers.

22.01.2022 A good end to the 2020 Winter Season. Well done to all players.

22.01.2022 Hi members and friends, After a 3 week break due to the most recent SA state COVID experience, the Summer Season recommenced. Yahoo and from my perspective, it was great to be playing table tennis matches again! Here's the team ladder as a result of Week 4 matches. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members who help each week to put up and take down tables and nets, clean tables, net posts and chairs, and respect the current COVID requirements. A specia...l thanks goes to Chris Gore for collating the score sheets and creating the team ladder. I'm looking forward to next week, the last match night before the Xmas break. See you next week. Phil See more

21.01.2022 The Secretary has sent an email to team contacts regarding our AGM. We are asking that only 1 person from each team attend so that we can maintain social distancing. Please get in touch with your team-mates prior, to discuss options for the winter, postponement, delaying etc. Its not ideal but theres not much else we can do, feel free to contact the committee members, cheers, Phil Hatcher

21.01.2022 This week sees Toecutters Vs Presidents Men to see who will take on Kapunda Black in next weeks GF & Young Bloods Vs Kapunda Xtreme battle it out, with Ununited waiting for their next opponent

20.01.2022 The first week of the 2020 Winter Season round robin competition was well attended and by all accounts, enjoyed by all. Heres the 1st weeks ladder.

20.01.2022 Hi members, As a follow-up to last week's post, please note that matches recommence this week, Wednesday, 9 Dec 20. The Summer Season is extended by 3 weeks to accommodate the cancelled matches. Reprinted programs will be available on Wednesday night. As per SA Health and SA Government requirements, all members and visitors are required to scan in via the SA Government QR tracking, managed through the MySAGov App which can be downloaded Members and v...isitors will need to check in on arrival at the GEPS Hall by scanning the QR code that will be available at the entry desk. Once checked-in via the app, members and visitors will receive a confirmation text, which may be required to be presented to a COVID Marshall during the evening. Those without a smart-phone will be required to fill in a paper form available at the GEPS Hall. In addition, every member and visitor will be required to complete the school's manual Contact Tracing form as per previous. As per prior match requirements and arrangements: 1. If you don't feel well, please do not attend. 2. Undertake good hygiene practices - sanitizer is provided. 3. Maintain social distancing of 1.5 meters wherever possible. 4. Please return all match balls to the used balls container at the end of the evening. 5. Please remember to clean your team's tables, net posts and your individual chair at the end of the evening prior to returning them to the storage areas. Please remember to not drench the tables with cleaner. See you on Wednesday night. Regards Phil Holzberger See more

20.01.2022 Does anyone have a spare player tonight? Presidents Men are in need. Let us know or contact Sean direct

19.01.2022 Further to last weeks post inviting all members to the general meeting on Wednesday, 15 July at 8pm at the GEPS Hall, please take note of the following in the best interests for the safety and well being of our club members: 1. If you have tested positive to coronavirus (COVID-19), are living with a diagnosed person or have had close contact with a person who is confirmed to have the virus, you must not attend and stay at home. 2. If you feel unwell, you should not attend ...the meeting and stay at home. If you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, you should get tested. 3. On arrival to and departure from the GEPS Hall, please use the provided sanitizer to sterilize your hands. 4. Keep 1.5 metres between yourself and others wherever possible. 5. You will be responsible for collecting a plastic chair for your own use and cleansing it with provided disinfectant and cloth prior to its return to the chair storeroom. 6. Please cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. 7. If you are unable to attend, please reply to this post with your apology. Many thanks. See more

19.01.2022 To all GDTTA members and friends. We have one old table tennis table that is surplus to our needs. The first offer of $20 and a willingness to collect from the Gawler East Primary School hall will be accepted. The table can be viewed on any Wednesday match night. Please speak with Phil Holzberger to make the necessary arrangements.

19.01.2022 The GDTTA AGM was held on 14 April 2021. The following committee members were elected: President: James Jakubowski Vice-president: Phil Hatcher Secretary: Phil Holzberger... Treasurer: Phil Holzberger Scorecard Secretary: Chris Gore Committee Members: Heather Szulc, Tom Larsen, Phil Watkins Please support the new committee who are looking forward to the successful conduct of the 2021/2022 Winter and Summer Seasons.

18.01.2022 Yahoo....the 2020 Winter Season is underway with the practice/registration night well attended

16.01.2022 Here's the concluding 2020 Winter Season week 2 of 2 mini-round robin series player ladder. Congratulations to all players for your participation in what has been an extra-ordinary season. See you in the upcoming Summer season. Stay tuned for further details.

16.01.2022 To all members, It is with great disappointment, that the Gawler East Primary School has provided the following information: Whilst the SA Gov published COVID-Safe Plan allows community indoor and outdoor sport to recommence, the SA Education Department has placed its own restrictions on the use of the school hall by hirers, such as GDTTA. Unfortunately, the Education Department has advised that the restrictions applicable for the GEPS Hall use have not changed and they ex...pect to last for another few weeks, ie, up to Christmas. The Education Department have also advised that, even with the implementation of a QR Code contact tracing arrangement, they require the completion of Site Entry Forms as per previous conditions. Accordingly, and contrary to last night’s advice, table tennis matches will not resume on Wednesday, 2 December. As soon as the situation changes, I will advise immediately. On a more positive note, the school has indicated that they would entertain an extension of the Summer Season dates to accommodate a number of cancelled matches. I will further assess this concept when the total number of cancelled matches is known and also ensuring no conflict with the 2021 Winter Season. I am equally disappointed in this situation, as I am sure you will be, however, I am confident this is only temporary and we will be playing again soon. Regards Phil Holzberger GDTTA Treasurer

16.01.2022 Just to add a little confusion, the SA Gov site says you can only have 20 people to a room for indoor gatherings until the 25th June ( theres no mention of room size)

16.01.2022 Hi members and friends, here's the 2020 Winter Season week 1 of 2 mini-round robin series player ladder. Please note next Wednesday, 30 September is the conclusion of the 2020 Winter Season. There will be a 5 minute gathering/discussion at 8pm prior to matches to discuss the up-coming Summer Season. See you next week

14.01.2022 Received notification from the school today that they are able to hire out the hall from 1st June, so we will have our AGM on the 3rd June & see what kind of competition everyone wants for the rest of Winter season. :)

14.01.2022 CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE-Despite all the madness we will have our first winter season practice on the 8th April, with the AGM on the following week. We are in our members hands as to what our season will look like so all thoughts are welcome. Please do not come if you are unwell or are in an at risk group & dont feel safe. Hope to see you there, Phil.

14.01.2022 To all members, Please attend a club general meeting on Wednesday, 15 July, 8pm at the Gawler East Primary School hall to discuss: 1. The Covid-19 Safe Plan requirements and recommendations for playing club table tennis. 2. Options and recommendations for the residual 2020 Winter table tennis season. Please invite club members who may not see this FB post.... Look forward to seeing you all there. See more

14.01.2022 The following teams still havent paid summer fees- Pinsational Pink, Hammvanz & Kapunda Xtreme, fees MUST be paid this week .

13.01.2022 Summary of last nights meeting, there wont be any matches until we can get at least 50 people in the hall at the same time. Its expected there will be an announcement toward the end of June so we will just have to wait & see how the restrictions change. Pleased to announce that Phil Holzberger is our new Treasurer ! Give him your full support

12.01.2022 The Summer Season Preliminary Finals were hotly contested last night with the following results: Div 1: Gawler West (7-23) def Kapunda Red (5-13) Div 2-1: Alley Cats (8-22) def Kapunda X (4-14) Div 2-2: Just For Fun (11-32) def Marauders (1-4) Well done to all teams and congratulations to the teams progressing to next week's Grand Finals. Please come along and show some support for your favorite team.... If you haven't already replied, don't forget to book your seat for the Pizza/Presentation Night on Wednesday, 31 March, 7pm at Cafe Nova, Gawler. Pizza is provided/buy your own drinks. Partners are welcome at $10. Please advise Phil Holzberger.

12.01.2022 Week 1 of the 2021 Winter Season was exceptionally well supported this week with 6 A Grade, 4 B Grade and 4 C Grade teams competing. Well done to all players. Results are shown below.

12.01.2022 The 2020 - 2021 Summer Season concluded on 24 March 2021 with strongly competed Grand Finals. Results are: Division 1: Kapunda Black (7-21) def Gawler West (5-16) Division 2-1: Ununited (9-25) def Alley Cats (3-10) Division 2-2: Kangaroo Flat (7-23) def Just For Fun (5-13) Well done to all Summer Season competing teams and congratulations to the Grand Final winners.... Many thanks to Chris Gore for collecting and accurately recording the weekly score sheets, preparing ladders and finals results. See more

12.01.2022 The 2020/2021 Summer Season Semi Finals were fiercely competed last night. Results as shown are as follows: Div 1 1st Semi Kapunda Black (7-19) def Gawler West (5-17) Div 1 2nd Semi Kapunda Red (7-20) def Lyndoch (5-16) Div 2-1 Semi Ununited (8-22) def Alley Cats (4-14) Div 2-2 Semi Kangaroo Flat (7-21) def Just For Fun (5-15)... Next week's Preliminary Finals are: Div 1 Gawler West versus Kapunda Red Div 2-1 Alley Cats versus Kapunda X Div 2-2 Just For Fun versus Marauders All the best to the teams which have progressed to the Preliminary and Grand Finals. Well done to the teams which have not progressed further.

11.01.2022 Week 3 of the winter season is progressing with great participation.

11.01.2022 2020 Winter Season Week 2 player ladder.

11.01.2022 To all, A very short post to advise that the general meeting held last night voted to conduct a round robin style competition with a practice/registration night on Wednesday, 22 July, matches commencing on 29 July. More details to follow. A good outcome for the Association.

10.01.2022 The 2020/2021 summer table tennis season kicked off last night with good competition by all.

10.01.2022 To all members, I have received advice today from the Gawler East Primary School that the Education Department has now chosen to allow the indoor use of the premises at the school and hence, we are able to resume table tennis matches at the school hall. This is good news; however, due to the late notice, we will recommence table tennis matches next Wednesday night, 9 December. I am also in discussion with the school regarding the extension of the Summer Season program by an ...additional 3 weeks, ie, conclude the matches on Wednesday, 24 March 2021. I will advise and republish the program when I receive confirmation from the school. Many thanks for your patience during these extraordinary times. Regards Phil Holzberger GDTTA Treasurer

10.01.2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE The latest information issued by S.A. Health indicates that all sporting Clubs, both indoor and outdoor are required to appoint Covid-19 Marshals. Marshals must be present when ANY activity is taking place. The club is looking for several volunteers to take up this important function to allow the current winter season to continue. The on-line training takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. Please advise a committee member if you are willing to take on ...this role.

10.01.2022 Grand Finals tonight! Toecutters Vs Kapunda Black, Ununited Vs Kapunda Xtreme, presentation & supper afterward.

09.01.2022 2020 Winter Season Week 4 player ladder.

08.01.2022 Update! Due to popular demand all matches are cancelled tonight, a Merry Xmas & a happy new year to all! See you next year.

07.01.2022 This weeks matches, Div 1 Kapunda Black Vs Toecutters, Presidents Men Vs Hornets Div 2- Young Bloods Vs Ununited, Kapunda Xtreme Vs Marauders... Good Luck! See more

07.01.2022 Looks like its been taken out of our hands anyway- but we had been talking about postponing the start of the season until June(ish) well keep you posted & just see how this keeps unfolding, keep safe

07.01.2022 Happy Choccy egg eating weekend!hope youre all keeping safe & well.

06.01.2022 Just a reminder that we are back on the 18th December & then restart the season on the 8th January.

06.01.2022 Hi fellow table tennis players, one more practice (tomorrow night) before matches commence next week on Wednesday, 28 April. We are still looking for one or two B and C grade players. If you are interested or know someone who is keen to play, please come along or tell your friends to come along to tomorrow night's practice at the Gawler East Primary School Hall at 8pm. Alternatively, please message me, Phil Holzberger.

06.01.2022 Hi members and friends. The 2020/2021 Summer Season kicks off on Wednesday, 21 October with a Registration/Practice night commencing at 8pm. Please come along to register for the Summer Season which will have the first match night on 28 October. The format of the Summer Season competition will be: - 3 person teams - Grades A, B and C (or some merging depending on team numbers) - 3 singles matches per player (3 games per match)... - 2 doubles matches per player (3 games per match) Please note: 1. The match/game structure aims to ensure that the evening activity is concluded within the COVID-Safe recommendation of 2 hours. 2. Summer Season players who do not hold a 2020 GDTTA Member Card must register for membership by no later than 28 October, ie, pay the $10 membership fee. 3. The team match fees will be based on the total number of minor round matches @ $5 per match x 3 team members. The expected number of minor round matches is 14. Looking forward to a great Summer Season. See you on the 21st. Regards Phil Holzberger GDTTA Treasurer See more

04.01.2022 Season resumes tomorrow night, temperature shouldnt be too bad

03.01.2022 2020 Winter Season Week 5 player ladder.

03.01.2022 Great news.the 2020 Winter season is scheduled to start on Wednesday, 29 July 2020. Please come along to the Registration/Practice night on Wednesday, 22 July, at 8pm to register your name for the new season. An email has been sent to most members with details for the Winter Season competition, including details regarding the implementation of the COVID Safe Plan. The competition will comprise a singles only round robin of all players in a combined grade. Each match will b...e a total of 3 games to be played, each game to 11 only, ie, no 2 point advantage at 10 all. As always: 1. Avoid close contact with others; 1.5 metre physical distancing between people is recommended 2. If you have cold or flu symptoms or are feeling unwell, seek testing and stay home until you are well 3. Wash your hands often, wipe frequently touched surfaces, and cover coughs and sneezes 4. Download the COVIDSafe app to keep you, your family and your community safe Look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

03.01.2022 Week 3 summer season continues to show good competition, including one very close result and a draw. Results are Gawler West def Gawler East 10-2, Lyndoch def Kapunda Black 8-4, Pinsational forfeit against Kapunda Red, Alley Cats def Just for Fun 6/19 - 6/17, Kangaroo Flat tied with Young Bloods 6-6 and Ununited def Kapunda X 12-0.

03.01.2022 The 2020-2021 Summer Season has continued into Week 2 with the following results: Gawler East def Pinsational 7-5, Gawler West def Lyndoch 11-1, Kapunda Black def Kapunda Red 7-5, Just For Fun tied with Young Bloods 6-6, Ununited def Kangaroo Flat 12-0, Kapunda X def Marauders 12-0. The team ladder is as shown.

02.01.2022 2020 Winter Season Week 6 player ladder.

01.01.2022 2020/2021 Summer Season Presentation Night at Cafe Nova, Gawler.

01.01.2022 Congratulations to Kapunda Black for winning summer Div 1 & Ununited for the Div 2 Finals.

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