Geckos Inc. German Community School Melbourne in Reservoir, Victoria, Australia | School
Geckos Inc. German Community School Melbourne
Locality: Reservoir, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 420 547 792
Address: 5A Carrington Rd 3073 Reservoir, VIC, Australia
Likes: 459
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25.01.2022 Wer hat was von Weltrekordversuch gesagt? Ist es wahr? Ja, GECKOS nimmt an einem Weltrekordversuch teil, bei dem auch noch Bäume gepflanzt werde. Mehr dazu heute in der Schule. Did someone say Worldrecord? Yes! GECKOS is participating in a world record! More about it today at school.
25.01.2022 And this was our very first virtual GECKOS school day! Congratulations to all of you and a big THANK YOU to the GECKOS teachers! PS: if you just realised that you dont know what to do with the rest of your day then you can join the 30-day LEGO challenge. :-)
24.01.2022 Congratulations! Our students answered the incredible amount of 2312 questions on Education Perfect today! Awesome!
24.01.2022 Its time! The Education Perfect Language World Championship starts in 30 minutes! All the best and good luck to all our students!
23.01.2022 Schools across the nation are closed*. All schools? No! There is one little German school that is still open lead by unrelenting teachers who are determined to support their students. We dont need to fall into a pot with magic potion to be strong, our superpower is learning German. Welcome to our second virtual school day at GECKOS! Have a fun and engaging day! The GECKOS Team... *Albert Uderzo died this week but his legacy will live on in all the children and adults who learned to read to follow Asterix and Oblix into their adventures. Asterix was translated in many German dialects and showed the diversity of the DACHL languages.
23.01.2022 Was könnte das sein? What could that be?
22.01.2022 Wie freuen uns alle schon sehr auf unseren morgigen GECKOS Familien Ausflug zur Great Ocean Road Wool Mill! Der normale Unterricht startet wieder nachsten Samstag, am 1. Mai. Ein schönes Wochenende und bis bald! We are looking forward to our Family Day Out tomorrow at Great Ocean Road Wool Mill!... Classes at Reservoir will resume next Saturday, 1st of May. Have a great weekend! See more
22.01.2022 Ich habe mich heute - natrlich nur aus purer wissenschaftlicher Neugier heraus - in die Welt der Hexen und Zauberer begeben. In welches Haus werde ich wohl aufgenommen werden? Was glaubt ihr? Fr die Auflsung und noch mehr berraschungen msst ihr bis morgen warten... Today I embarked on the world of witches and wizards - of course, just out of pure scientific curiosity. Which house do you think I will be admitted to? What do you think? For the answer to this important question and more surprises, you have to wait until tomorrow...
22.01.2022 Morgen (16.10.2020) ist das grosse Lockdown Trivia Finale zur Unterstützung von Schulen und Initiativen in Mellbourne. Um 20 Uhr geht's los! GECKOS German Community School Melbourne ist dabei und alle Spenden für GECKOS werden für die Errichtung unserer neuen Bibliothek mit vielen deutschen Büchern für Kinder und Erwachsene, bequeme Leseecken, Platz für Storytime, oder einfach nur zum Treffen und gemütlich Plaudern verwendet. Viel Spass und ich hoffe ich sehe euch bei Trivia...! The Finale of Lockdown Trivia is here! And GECKOS German Community School Melbourne is back in the pool of schools being supported! Please join us on Friday the 16th of October at 8 pm for lots of fun and tricky Trivia questions. All the donations for GECKOS will go towards our new library with lots of German books for children and adults, comfortable space for readings, storytime or for having a chat while looking for books. Here is the link to register: See you at Trivia Night! Our fundraising page/Und hier noch der link zu unserer Spendenseite:
22.01.2022 Great video made by the Vienna state government in simple German to explain Coronavirus, social distancing etc. to kids.
20.01.2022 Das war ein unerwartetes Ergebnis! Nach eingehender Befragung hat mich der sprechende Hut als . . .... . Hufflepuff deklariert! Welches Haus wir deine werden? Das kannst du hier herausfinden: Viel Spass mit unserem Term 2 Thema "Harry Potter! This was an unexpected result! After detailed questioning, the sorting hat made me a . . . . Hufflepuff! Which house we will be yours? You can find out here: Have fun with our Term 2 Topic "Harry Potter"!
20.01.2022 Und so beginnt es... And so it begins...
19.01.2022 Dear GECKOS Community. This is just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow due to the Melbourne Cup Weekend. BUT, tomorrow is also HALLOWEEN! So please enjoy the special Halloween Grusel episode of Abenteuer lesen on SBS.... See you all next week!
19.01.2022 Guten Morgen! Noch 20 Minuten und wir starten wieder in unseren Geckos online Schultag. Viel Spass und bis gleich!
19.01.2022 Warum es wichtig ist die Hnde zu waschen...
18.01.2022 Dear GECKOS Community, What an exciting Saturday for Geckos! We are very proud of our students for representing Geckos in the AGTV Poetry Competition. Congratulations to Romy for competing and winning the year 4 open section in the Regional Final and congratulations to Mayra, Nathan, Benedict and Fen for competing in the State Final of the Poetry competition 2020 - you were all amazing! ... A big congratulations to Fen for winning 5th Place in the Secondary Year 7 category. A huge congratulations to Nathan for winning 3rd Place in the Upper Primary Open. A massive congratulations to Benedict for winning 1st Place in the Upper Primary Open section and for the first time bringing the AGTV Poetry Competition Shield to GECKOS! It is awesome to see our students participating in such an event, having fun & being part of the wider German Community. Keep up the great work! Eva & Heidi
17.01.2022 Guten Morgen zu einem sonnigen und warmen Samstag! Viel Spass heute in der Schule und ALLES GUTE unseen Student*innen in der Poetry Competition! Heute ist Finale! Good morning to a sunny and warm Saturday! Lots of fun in school today and ALL the BEST for our students competing in the Poetry Competition today! Its State Final Day!
17.01.2022 Heute haben wir den 2. Teil unserer Serie "Schule zu Hause - wir machen ein Lapbook" fr euch. Viel Spass beim Basteln! Today we share the 2nd part of our series "School at Home - we make a lapbook" for you. Have fun crafting!
16.01.2022 Morgen ist ANZAC day und Geckos bleibt geschlossen. Dafr gibt es eine neue Folge von Schule zu Hause. Viel Spa! Tomorrow is ANZAC day and Geckos is closed. But we made a new episode of Schule zu Hause for you. Have fun!
15.01.2022 Guten Morgen! Good morning! I am looking forward to our morning tea/coffee/protein shake/kale smoothie..... chat for parents and adult students in a few minutes. We start on Zoom at 8:15 am but you are welcome to join in at any time until 8:50 am Eva
15.01.2022 Hi everyone, its time for our 4th part of "Schule zu Hause". Today we will make a mini-book for all the things we want to do after we dont have to stay at home anymore. Have fun! Es ist Zeit fuer den 4. Teil unserer Serie "Schule zu Hause". Heute basteln Nathan und ich ein Mini - Buch mit all den Wuenschen, was wir machen moechten, wenn wir wieder zur Schule gehen koennen. Viel Spass!
15.01.2022 Sprache ist vielfältig, lebendig und entwickelt sich unaufhörlich weiter. Regionale Dialekte gehören dazu und bereichern unsere Sprache. Hier einige Beispiele für den Wiener Dialekt. Viel Spass! Language is diverse, lively and ever-evolving. Regional dialects are part of it and enrich our language. Here are some examples of Viennese dialect words. Have fun!
13.01.2022 Guten Morgen! Wir machen uns gerade bereit fr einen weiteren spannenden, "magischen" Schultag @ Geckos online. Unser "Geckos live" Stundenplan ist auf google classroom zu finden. Viel Spass!... Good morning, we are getting ready for another exciting, magic day @ Geckos online. You can find the "Geckos live" schedule on google classroom. Have fun!
12.01.2022 Last year we visited Westgarthtown and the first German settlement during our Family Day Out. This year the Friends of Westgarthtown prepared an interesting documentary.
12.01.2022 Good morning! Our Term 2 starts in 30 minutes but I am not at home today... See for yourself!
11.01.2022 Hallo GECKOS Community, Do you have your team ready for Friday? Beer, wine, mineral water, orange juice is in the fridge, snacks ready to go? Or do you still need some teammates (of course you can also play just by yourself or in your family!)? Please let me know if you would like to connect with others to form a team and I try my best to help!... Another way you can support our effort to get a library is to post the flyer for the fundraiser on your own social media. We have already some donations from outside our immediate school community coming in but the more people know about this awesome fundraiser and our fantastic project the better it is! Here is the registration link for the Zoom Trivia Night: The start is at 8 pm sharp, so please log in earlier! I am looking forward to seeing you Friday night! Eva PS: I havent figured out my dress up yet...."Back to school" is the theme...
11.01.2022 Please keep the evening of the 7th of August free! We are all invited to a big, exciting, fun, awesome fundraising event! What will it be.....?
10.01.2022 We will kick off our Term 2 "Harry Potter" theme today with the first chapter of the Philosophers Stone read for you in German by our teaching team. Look out for the announcement on google classroom! Meanwhile, enjoy the video below how to draw starting with Harry Potter...
09.01.2022 Congratulations everyone for attending your first remote learning day of Term 2! Here at Geckos we thought you might want to capture your experiences of Schule zu Hause in a special lapbook - in German of course We made easy to follow along videos for you, a crafting experience in real time. We will post them over the next few days. ... Have fun with Schule zu Hause part 1 and I am looking forward to seeing some of your awesome creations! See more
09.01.2022 If your kids love the Wiggles, they will love handwashing from now on.
08.01.2022 Look at this wonderful Trivia Night Fundraiser and the best part: GECKOS is part of it! Please help us in our community project to get a wonderful library for our students and register for the event. All the details are below. Please also consider sharing the event on social media - the more participants the more we can raise funds! Thank you!... Locked Down Trivia is back with Super-er, Mega-er, Jumbo-er night supporting schools and childcare centres who desperately need the help! Dress-Up Theme: Back To School Registration link: Donation link: Supporting: Merri Community Child Care Centre & Kindergarten Geckos Inc. German Community School Melbourne Newport Gardens Primary School Yarra Warra Preschool & Bush Kinder Bundoora Pre-school St Marys Primary School, St Kilda East John Street Childcare, Fitzroy Hampton Community Kinder Newlands Primary School
08.01.2022 Dear GECKOS Community, only 4 hours to go until the MEGA School Fundraiser! I hope you are all ready, LEGO in hand, dressed up,... And most importantly, ready to have FUN!... See you soon, Eva Here are the links again: Registration link: Donation link:
07.01.2022 As you know I am very passionate about books and reading. I strongly believe that Reading, access to books is fundamental not only for language learning but for the development of many other skills. And it is fun! Its not easy to have enough books in your language if you are living abroad and not many families can afford to buy all the books needed online. Thats why we are very excited to expand GECKOS with a brand new Library space for our students and families from playgr...oup to adults where they can read, borrow books etc.! Please support our cause! No donation is too small! THANK YOU! See more
07.01.2022 Education Perfect Language Championships haben begonnen! Wir wünschen allen unseren SchülerInnen alles Gute und viel Erfolg! The Education Perfect Language Championships have started! All the best and good luck!...
07.01.2022 Dear Geckos Community, Tomorrow is our 2nd school day for this term and I would like to invite you all to another "Morning Tea" at 8:15 am. There is some exciting news to announce (no, unfortunately, we are still not allowed back into school) and I would like to share with you what the board has quietly worked on the last couple of months that will benefit all our children and adult students long into the future. The link to our zoom "Morning Tea" will be posted at 8:10 am on... google classroom. I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning on Zoom! Eva
07.01.2022 Good morning! We are getting ready for our very first virtual Geckos school day! See you all soon online, The Geckos Team Ps: coffee and chocolate are for me
07.01.2022 It was great to speak with bestselling author Jocko Willink about his children books. 45 minutes I thoroughly enjoyed and I hope you will too! I would really appreciate it if you could leave a comment on Itunes, Spotify, etc. where ever you listen to it. Thank you!
06.01.2022 Guten Morgen! Term 4 starts today and what better way to start than with Morning Tea! Die Sonne lacht beim Fenster herein und es ist Zeit für Kaffee/Tee/Smoothie um 8:15. The sun is shining through the window and it is time for morning tea/breakfast at 8:15. The Link for Morning Tea is posted on Google Classroom.... Looking forward to seeing you all soon! Eva
05.01.2022 Morgen starten wir Term 2! Wir freuen uns euch alle wiederzusehen und euch all die guten Neuigkeiten zu berichten! Schule startet um 9 Uhr und endet um 12 Uhr. Bis morgen! We start term 2 tomorrow and we are looking forward to welcoming you all back! We can’t wait to tell you all the good news! School starts at 9 am and finishes at 12 o‘clock. See you soon! ... Ps: look at the fabulous photos from our Family Day Out!
04.01.2022 Thank you all for attending our second virtual school day at GECKOS! We had lots of fun and the GECKOS Team is looking forward to seeing you all back on the 18th of April - in person or online.
02.01.2022 Dear GECKOS community, Its time for another "Morning tea with the principal"! You are all invited to join in tomorrow morning (Saturday, 11.7.) at 9 am - 9:45 am to discuss concerns, feedback, changes to the program but also to have a nice chat with each other and how we can support all the families and adult students in our community during this next phase of lockdown. The Zoom link will be posted on google classroom Saturday morning.... All the best and see you tomorrow morning for morning tea! Eva PS: sorry kids, no Kahoot! tomorrow, its a "boring" adult morning tea...
02.01.2022 Kleine Erinnerung, dass wir morgen Schule haben! Um die Zeit bis dahin zu versüssen gibt es eine tolle Geschichte auf google classroom, gelesen von einer unserer GECKOS Eltern! Viel Spass! A small reminder that we have school tomorrow! To sweeten the time until then there is a great story on google classroom, read by one of our GECKOS parents! Have fun!
01.01.2022 Noch 1,5 Stunden und Trivia beginnt! Only 1,5 hours until Trivia Night! Bis bald! See you soon!
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