Geelong Families in Business | Community
Geelong Families in Business
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25.01.2022 unfortunately nearly all of the businesses suffering in the bush fires are family owned. They have invested blood sweat and tears in these businesses & many dont have the cash reserves to hold them over.
25.01.2022 Barrier Group lead by Rick Hall is the second great local business I meet today. A Geelong based family business setting high standards. Barrier Group has almost 50 staff across management, internal and external sales, purchasing, industrial design, multimedia/marketing, receiving and assembly, despatch and installations positions. Barrier Groups mission for their business is clear:... "The difference between excellence and mediocrity is the way we answer the customers call for help." Rick Hall Their extensive in-house industrial design team has been designing new products from the inception of the company. Over the years they have drawn inspiration from customers and the changing environment of workplace, pedestrian and public safety. Today, their range extends to over 1100 products with their most notable associated with workplace and pedestrian safety solutions that have daily relevance to almost every commercial or industrial business, institution and workplace. Barrier Group distributors have been established all over Australia and internationally.
24.01.2022 As we come out of uncertainty in understanding how things might change the way business is conducted in the future. It become even more important to communicate with your staff. They are also uncertain about the future and the more you can clarify your business direction the more they can embrace it and support you.
23.01.2022 When did you last challenge your business model? The most dangerous comment you can hear from some business owners is: "This is the way we have always done it. Why would I change?" or, as I was told by a family business owner last year " I have been doing this for 30 yrs, no one can do it better than me" Meanwhile, the world around us is changing at a rapid rate, including consumer buying habits.
23.01.2022 Interesting article on the need to seek advice if you want to implement a NO Vacination = No job policy in your workplace
23.01.2022 Stating the obvious for families in business. - learn to have cross generational conversations - Set clear expectations and defining each family members needs and role Formalise employment and shareholder agreements with binding documentation... Have a next day plan in case of sudden death Differentiating between corporate good practice and family behaviours - develop formal strategies & measure outcomes Revise strategy to take advantage of changing consumer trends and market opportunities Mitigate risk by creating contingency plans if something goes wrong Be willing to restructure and change personnel with EI skills Develop and mentor future leaders Clear communication with all internal stakeholders on business performance (Note : this is adapted from a book by George Isaacs)
22.01.2022 While you have time to rethink the future of your business during the lock down I suggest one of the most productive things you can do is to ensure you have systems and processes in place and written down. Write up an operations manual that can be followed by any one working in your business. That way you set standards that can be maintained.
22.01.2022 One segment of our community who are forgotten in the COVID-19 crisis are the baby boomers who are still working to either survive or maintain a business for the next generation. They have wisdom, experience, knowledge and real life experiences and have been through this before and wondered if their business would survive. They know there will an end but also we all have to prepare for many changes into the future.
21.01.2022 2020. The year we all found that persistence and grit were required to get to where we need to be.
21.01.2022 I can only imagine the relief for Melbourne families in business if they can put this up on their business next week. Why they have had to miss this finals weekend trading makes no sense. It's time to really gear up for making the most they can with Christmas trading.
21.01.2022 Family Business Master Class. Contact Geelong Chamber of Commerce I will be presenting some real life examples of four family business who were faced with a need to change and how the next generation were able to take on the future success of the family business.
20.01.2022 I keep hearing small business owners saying they would like to get back to having their business operating like it was before COVID. Well, that's like trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube. If you have not refreshed your whole business model to meet the way consumer now shop and conduct business, you will end up like a spent toothpaste tube. Stressed, no energy or enthusiasm any more for going to work and a business that will struggle to survive.
19.01.2022 This is a great story of a family business. Donnie was a high profile person in the fashion industry and took an opportunity to buy a restaurant/ cafe in Queenscliff. A great example of someone who is passionate about his business and customers. Try it out and talk to Donnie and ask him about his business journey.
19.01.2022 Why have I had a stone replica of this turtle on my desk for the last 30 years? Its all about your appetite for risk & willingness to have a growth mindset. In order to move forward a turtle must stick its head out. Victorian business owners have to decide on difficult choices in this lock down and some are about future survival.... Some owners are in a state of anxiety and not in a good mental place and unable to see a way forward. Others see it as a time to look outside their immediate situation and develop a new way forward . In my own situation working in isolation I go through a variety of emotions on a daily basis. Some days I am all about a state of positive psychology and on others, I am having trouble getting my brain into action and being motivated to get moving. I know that I am not alone. Thats why I work to a structured routine, talking to others every day, informative zoom meetings only, new learning on You Tube, writing, looking to see how I can add value and walk 10 klms a day. Be a turtle and stick you head out and look for a way to move on See more
19.01.2022 Do your family members working in the business really understand the real behavioural attributes of each other at work?
18.01.2022 Families in business have always had to manage business and normal living in the past. Now working at home adds a new dimension and juggling loneliness, work, home schooling etc and life in general are causing a great deal of anxiety because now the future of the family business is facing so many questions. How many time a day do you just stop and think "I have had enough" We all do. However true grit enables us to just get on with it. Dont bottle it up inside.
17.01.2022 Thinking of a No Jab No job policy for your business > Might be worthwhile reading the comments in this link
16.01.2022 In the 1950s there were four family owned soft drink companies in Geelong along with bakeries, milk companies & one famous Chinese take away in Malop St where you took your own pots and they filled them with food.
16.01.2022 Givers and takers - A neighbour gifted a dinner for Liz & I tonight from West End in Lt Malop St Great meal and its wonderful to know that there are great people in our world. They are family business owners in Geelong & are just as frustrated with the current lock down situation as the rest of us regarding what it is doing to local family member and loss of work..
16.01.2022 Like many others, I have used the last month to stop and rethink my future options. As a facilitator of business planning and marketing workshops for Small Business Victoria and an advisor to businesses up to $50 million turnover, I have had to get on board with hosting Zoom workshops. .The first question I ask business owners is to describe their business in 2024. Right now no one can answer that question. As a past business owner I survived a few economic setbacks beyond my control although nothing like this in 2020. The one thing that got me through was to constantly innovate and look forward and change my offering to meet changing needs. Now nearly every business owner is so caught up in how to survive they dont want to be brave and think about changing what they have always done in the past.
15.01.2022 Today, many Victorian families in business are facing an extra stressful time with having to manage another six weeks of isolation from friends, work colleagues and extended family. Its going to be tough going for many no matter your age or circumstance. The two frustrations I hear often and have experienced myself are 1. lack of technical support and 2. loneliness. Without proper IT systems, connections and effective online communication your working from home world becomes near impossible. Loneliness leads to all sorts of health and well being issues. Its absolutely critical that employers and leaders get the communication and contact support right. Dont leave it to the HR department. Take control if you are the leader and be seen, be heard and be there. Video, Zoom etc and not emails.
14.01.2022 At The family business Luv a Duck Pty Ltd we have now made it compulsory to wear face masks at our regional facilities. We employ 150 in Nhill, a town of 2000. Small regional towns must be protected from the Virus.
14.01.2022 A great Victorian family business that is thinking ahead of the current COVID -19 situation. Being proactive
13.01.2022 Link to intro on Geelong Chamber of Commerce Family Business Master Class on 12th Feb
13.01.2022 My latest post on Twitter needs no further explanation.
13.01.2022 I recently saw a post where someone was inferring that they were better than other consultants/mentors because they had a formal office and not working from home. COVID has certainly changed that perception. I work from home and my clients are not concerned about it. Some are pleased to be able to come to my professional home office for greater confidentiality and security. That's why technology has driven change in how we work and where we work. It is important though if working long periods on your own that you have structure in your day. I program walks, exercise (rowing machine) etc and reading time every day. Finally, I never go upstairs to my office at night. The technology in my Apple watch also reminds me if I am sitting too much and to get moving.
12.01.2022 If you own a business in Victoria, you must read this.. There are already court actions in other States dealing with new manslaughter charges. The Victorian Parliament has created Australias highest safety fine and made Victoria the third Australian jurisdiction to make industrial manslaughter a criminal offence. As the Workplace Safety Legislation Amendment (Industrial Manslaughter and Other Matters) Bill 2019 (Vic) will result in a much greater spotlight on compliance wit...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Yesterday I drove for 3 hrs and back again to hold a family business workshop For an agribusiness In the bush. Attached is an example of how we drew out the issues. i know of no better way than face to face with the whole family in the room together. You cannot achieve this with Zoom.
11.01.2022 When I see businesses using multiple spread sheets and they are not integrated into a single ERP or similar, I know that business is not efficient and there will be lots of lost productivity. It usually happens when a family member has been doing the internal admin and finances and its been build and added to over time. I still keep coming across businesses that have no idea of their end of yr P&L until some time after the end of June. In these time I would want to know my P&L and cash flow position every month. When we owned our family business, we knew our cash flow forecast position every Monday and cash position at the end of every day.
10.01.2022 Why will some SMEs survive CORONA lockdowns and others will not? In my local shopping strip in Geelong is only 300 metres in length) there are 12 places to buy coffee and 9 fashion related outlets. Four shops are now vacant. Two coffee outlets have people lined up in the morning to buy coffee and others do not. Three fashion outlets have closed but converted to online and one has a great window display and signage. There are many reasons why some thrive and some dive. What is it that makes one stand out from the other? The innovators and those who understand their customers are the survivors and are the yellow paper balls who stand out from their competitors.
10.01.2022 Nice suprise on my daily early morning walk in Newtown today
10.01.2022 In the 1950s my parents started a soft drink business when you could buy a large bottle of soft drink for 10c They were classic family business owners in Geelong working hard and built personal relationships with all their customers Today, I hold meetings with Clients on Zoom thanks to lock downs decisions made by suits in Melbourne who dont know the difference between regional Victoria families in business and Melbourne metro businesses that take short cuts with the rules. I cannot wait to sit with others face to face as thats what we do to build trust and relationships.
09.01.2022 Recently revisited one of my Mindmaps from a previous family business session I facilitated some time ago. The issues have not changed as it's all about individual family member emotions and the ability to communicate with trust. When did your family last send time together to hold the difficult succession conversation? I have facilitated many of these conversations for families in business.
08.01.2022 Who knows that in LARA there is a family business who are Australias leading supplier of safety equipment? RAPP Australia. How many best kept secrets are there in our region? Family business going about their activity and setting such high standards
07.01.2022 Too often I come across family business members in business who are not in common agreement on the business direction. Owners who are not together waste a lot of effort and create stress for all working in the business. You must revisit your purpose of being in business. Why are we in business together? ... What do we want for the family from the business? What are our family values and internal business culture. "The family rules of the game" Business is too hard, especially in our current crisis, to continue on if you are having internal emotional family business issues. You must find a way to hold the conversations that are often too hard to start.. Seek external help if you cannot take the emotion out of the decision making. See more
07.01.2022 Master Class on Family Business. The Geelong Chamber of Commerce will be holding another of their successful Master Classes soon. This one is on Family Business. Over 90% of business in Geelong are family owned. In Australia only 12% survive to the third generation. How do successful families business leaders plan for future survival?
07.01.2022 Get your staff to wear masks at work. Last night I had to visit Geelong emergency for a while and everyone had masks on. There is a message there for all of us. Why dont we follow the strict guidelines as the hospital. Our businesses are no different. They are full of people. We have to keep Victorian regional cities free from a shutdown
07.01.2022 What is your family business purpose? Some successful families tell me they are custodians for future generations
07.01.2022 The best planning tool you can invest in right now is a flip Chart. In difficult business times such as we have been experiencing over the last six months we are faced with serious decisions on how to capitalise on the future opportunities in a changed business environment. My long term business experience as shown me that you cannot plan on your own. Get your team or friends together and workshop like crazy to share ideas and options . No one achieves success working on their own.
05.01.2022 Fleur Whelan is an example of a Highton Village family business owner who is using technology to survive the current retail crisis. In these times its a case of survival first then to set up to thrive into 2021. article from todays Addy by David Cairns who writes an informative business section every Monday.
05.01.2022 This pie chart says that only 10% of business owners are prepared for change following COVID 19 Where do you sit with your preparation for 2021?
05.01.2022 I am doing a refresher CPR course this week. Why? One day you are going to be confronted with a medical situation at work or at home and how will you react? Did you know that four out of five cardiac arrests occur at home? Not only that, but many victims of sudden cardiac arrest appear healthy and may not have any known heart diseases or risk factors. Performing CPR promptly may save the life of someone you love. I have four examples of business owners having an unexpected heart attack with two never recovering. Do you have a defibrillator at work?
05.01.2022 My latest fami.y business post on LinkedIn
04.01.2022 My 7 days of daily positive action families in business need to move on to survive into 2021 1. Decide if you want to keep the dream alive. Dont waste years of personal sweat equity The economy will bounce back & with inclusion of the next gen & fresh outlook you will survive
04.01.2022 Corona Virus will pass. In the meantime there will be all sorts of business disruptions. Start planning now for the turnaround.
04.01.2022 Thanks to David Cairns , business editor at the Geelong Advertiser for supporting regional family business.
02.01.2022 How many times do we hear the words Worlds Best Practice in business? What does it really mean and how often does it lose its meaning throughout a workplace? Often its like a vision and mission statement on a factory or office wall. After a while it just becomes wall paper. I believe best practice is determined by the standards you set for your own internal culture , values, ethics and how you set all your systems and process and operating rules of the game. Its the highest standard you can set internally that everyone can achieve in your workplace and every business is different. Its about improving on what you do on a daily basis that leads to better customer satisfaction by meeting their expectations and needs. I dont believe its a benchmark against the rest. Its a benchmark against yourself.
01.01.2022 All SMEs Who are on Job keeper etc should read the article in today’s business section in the Addy by Nick Klein. There is a saying that says when the tide goes out you find out who has been swimming naked. Don’t try to sort it out on your own. Talk to your accountant & Develop a plan for the next six months until we really know what the business landscape looks like. The cost of seeking advice is a small price to pay to ensure you meet the guidelines and survive into 2021
01.01.2022 The sooner our regional tourism and hospitality industry can start, the sooner thousand of people living in country towns can get back to work. This is especially so for our young adults as there is no other prospect for regular work in the regions. Many of our large food manufacturers are located in regional cities and they have cut back production and to recover the supply chain is going to be a slow process. By not opening the tourism and hospitality segment in our regions now is a further body blow the sustainability of many family owned businesses who have put everything on the line over many years. You can play golf or train for football but you cannot restart your regional business
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