Geelong Region LLEN SWL | Website
Geelong Region LLEN SWL
Phone: +352 90 92 22
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24.01.2022 Are you a student looking for SWL opportunities? Just visit the portal here, search and make sure you click the share with your teacher button once youve found an opportunity to explore. Cant find what your looking for? Let us know in the comments below or get in touch with one of our team: Claire Wells - 0400 447 093 .... . . #youth #SWL #structuredworkplacelearning #geelongllen #geelong #futurework #vcal See more
23.01.2022 Good news on a Monday - 40 active employers and 195 Structured Work Place opportunties are currently listed on the portal. Need to know more about how GRLLEN can help with SWL? Or are you an employer who would like to be involved in SWL? Find out more here
21.01.2022 More opportunities for VET/VCAL students in our region! Need some help with SWL for a student in your world? Get in touch - we love to help! . . . #swl #structuredworkplacelearning #VET #VCAL #youthemployment #GRLLEN #geelongllen
20.01.2022 A fantastic headspace event, at just the right time...tonight actually! Perfect for teachers and parents to support young people - worth checking out:
20.01.2022 Are you a student looking for SWL opportunities? Just visit the portal here to search and make sure you click the share with your teacher button once youve found an opportunity to explore. Cant find what your looking for? Get in touch with one of our team: Jo Harris - 0430 855 914... Claire Wells - 0400 447 093 . . . #youth #SWL #structuredworkplacelearning #geelongllen #geelong #futurework #vcal See more
20.01.2022 Good questions to ask when working out your post-school life!
20.01.2022 Turn off the noise and tune in to culture. Great tips from headspace!
19.01.2022 Love hearing some good news for our region!
19.01.2022 Love seeing our Cats players helping our community! @headspaceGeelong has a quick video explaining how young people can help their friends if their mental health is suffering. Its a simple, three step process - Notice / Inquire / Provide. Worth a look. . .... . #geelongyouth #geelong #headspacegeelong #mentalhealthawareness See more
19.01.2022 IMPORTANT NEWS FOR OUR REGION - NEW RESTRICTIONS What you cant do . Have visitors in your home.... . Go out in public without a face covering (from Monday). . . What you can do . Visiting hotels, restaurants and cafes is still allowed under the previous social distancing rules. . Junior and community sport competitions are allowed to continue. . Gymnasiums can continue operating with social distancing measures in place. . Schools to remain open.. See more
18.01.2022 Parents in Victoria: Is 2020 starting to take a toll on your wellbeing? I want to help to lighten the load that lockdown might be having on you. ... Join me for this webinar on the 19th August. Its FREE for all Victorian parents via their registered schools. If your school hasnt registered yet, you can forward them this link:
16.01.2022 Heres your weekly update on SWL opportunities currently listed on the portal - this time with an industry breakdown. Got questions? Our SWL team would love to hear from you! Email Jo and Claire: [email protected]
15.01.2022 Fantastic video on the affects of COVID-19 on those under 25. Worth a look!
14.01.2022 Got a student considering horticulture as a future career? Check out this cute video! So much variety in this field.
14.01.2022 Great resources for VET teachers coming out of the National Skills Week 2020 - National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Missed it? No problems - the podcast has lots of good topics to check out. Heres a link . . . #NationalSkillsWeek2020 #VET
13.01.2022 Great story from SBS on a student finding her path to employment via VET. Check it out here . . . #VET #youthemployment #futurework
13.01.2022 We love this! Students researching What do employers want?. These students worked in collab with Northern Central LLEN.
11.01.2022 A fantastic event coming up - helping teenagers transition from school into life after high school.
11.01.2022 Mission Australia has their latest youth survey available for anyone aged 15 - 19yrs. Got concerns? Want to have a say on things that affect you? This forum is open until the 14th August 202. Check it out here: . . #youth #youngpeople #haveyoursay #australia #australianyoungpeople #youthsurvey
09.01.2022 Another quick update on how the Geelong region is doing job-wise. All this data comes from our Geelong Careers website. Take a look here:
07.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE - Girls completing school at the end of the year are being urged to consider trade apprenticeships or employment in the trades areas to take advan...tage of the Federal Governments $2 billion skills push amid deepening unemployment. "The investment commitment...provides a major opportunity to increase the number of women apprentices/trainees in core trades of carpentry, automotive and electrical" - Fiona McDonald, Managing Director of Tradeswomen Australia. Read more about this announcement today - #2020apprentices #2020apprenticeships #femaleapprentices #femaleapprenticeships #femaleelectricialapprenticeships #femaleautoapprenticeships #femalecarpentryapprenticeships #femaleelectricians #femalemechanic #femalecarpenters
06.01.2022 Great video exploring jobs in aged care - . . . #structuredworkplacelearning #vcal #vet #youthemployment #agedcare
06.01.2022 Dont miss this FREE online student forum on understanding how to move from the school gate into adult life. Multiple sessions available on the 21st July.
05.01.2022 Geelong will return to Stage 3 restrictions from 11:59 PM this Wednesday night. That means there will again only be four reasons to leave home as outlined belo...w. Students will attend school as normal on Monday, have a pupil free day Tuesday, and learn from home from Wednesday. Onsite supervision will be available for students who cant learn from home and for specialist schools. From 6:00 PM tonight, Victoria will enter a State of Disaster. That will give our police additional powers to make sure people are complying with public health directions. Overall, this is a difficult announcement to share I understand people will feel scared, sad and worried. But the current levels of community transmission are simply too high. Based on the current numbers, cases might begin to drop off not in days or weeks but in months. That means months more of lockdown restrictions and 300, 400 or 500 cases each and every day. Thats not something any of us are willing to accept, so we must do more we must go harder.
05.01.2022 Check out Geelong Youth online programs for Term 3. Lots of options available! . . #geelongyouth #geelong
05.01.2022 Great opportunity for 16 -25 yr olds to develop skills in preparing for employment. And its free! Geelong Youth
05.01.2022 Are you a student looking for a Structure Workplace Learning placement? Curious about what SWL actually is? Take a look at this quick video. It also includes how to access SWL opportunites online.
04.01.2022 A quick update for your Monday afternoon. Still lots of good things happening in our region. Get in touch, if you have a student who is looking for a placement or if youre an employer who would love to be involved. Email us on: [email protected]
04.01.2022 Still lots of opportunities for student Structured Workplace Learning in our region. Are you a student? Just visit the portal here to search and make sure you click the share with your teacher button once youve found an opportunity to explore. . . . #youth #SWL #structuredworkplacelearning #geelongllen #geelong #futurework #vcal
04.01.2022 Great advise from - for Year 12 students concerned about the future in a post-COVID world. Read about it here:
03.01.2022 I know this is challenging news for everyone - students, teachers and families. Today we announced that, on the advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, st...udents in Prep to Year 10 at schools in metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire will learn from home from Monday 20 July until at least 19 August. As hard as this is, it is critical in combating the virus. This is all about reducing 700,000 students, as well as their parents and guardians, travelling across metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire. Onsite supervision will be available for students when they are not able to be supervised at home and no other arrangements can be made including children whose parents cannot work from home, vulnerable children and children with a disability. One of things we learned last time was the difficulties in remote learning for students with a disability. That is why we have prioritised their return to learning onsite. Recognising the need to minimise disruption to Year 11 and 12, these students in metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire will return to face-to-face learning from Monday 13 July, as will Year 10 students attending schools for VCE or VCAL classes. We also understand that remote learning can be an even greater challenge for parents of kids with special needs so all government specialist schools will also resume face to face learning on Monday, 13 July. All students in regional and rural Victoria, except the Mitchell Shire, will return to onsite learning as normal from Monday 13 July. I know learning from home is difficult. I have three school-aged children myself. But our principals, teachers and school staff have already done, and will continue to do, an outstanding job delivering remote learning in this difficult time. Trust your schools and trust your teachers. They know what theyre doing.
02.01.2022 From the action for happiness calendar - this ones worth a go - make a list of 3 things you can feel hopeful about. Check out the full resilience calendar - a good resource for difficult times. . .... . #geelongyouth #geelong #studentlife See more
02.01.2022 Coming up 9-10 Sept #AchieveFest - a free online immersive designed to help young people, educators & parents thrive now & into the future. . Hosted by Princes Trust Australia, this event is perfect for the classroom or remote learning. . Find out more >
02.01.2022 Listen to our latest podcast episode from our Geelong Careers series: "My Brilliant Geelong Career" to hear VIVA Chemical Engineer, Donna Shoenmakers, describe her career pathway to her very responsible, very brilliant Geelong career. Check it out here . . . #mybrilliantgeelongcareer #geelongpodcast #geelongregion #geelongemployment #geelongcareers #