Geena Glass Photography in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Photographer
Geena Glass Photography
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 Happy Friday guys! This week has been a totally wild ride for so many people. I really hope you’re taking some time out tonight to just rest and relax I know I am! //Back in summer with @erynsaunders and makeup by @makeupbyfarah.i
24.01.2022 Happy Sunday guys! To all my lovely Melbourne people - congrats on another week closer to freedom from lockdown! This week has been a super busy week for me, so I’m hoping the week ahead is a bit more chill How are you guys going? // Throwback to summer evenings shooting for @essendonhotel
24.01.2022 We’re diving deep into the past content bucket tonight - to one of my favourite shoots, maybe ever, for Hina Lei back in 2018 So hoping I get to get back out there with gorgeous creatives soon! Happy Wednesday guys
24.01.2022 I miss summer! I miss going outside (for more than my permitted 1 hour of exercise)! I miss brunching! I miss all of the little things we took for granted before covid happened! The past few days I’ve found myself completely all over the shop mental health wise, but today I feel like I finally made some progress and it feels good. Stage 4 lockdown is something else, and I’m hoping so hard that we can come out of it asap! How are you going? ... //Scenes from Bondi, February 2020
23.01.2022 This week has been a toughie for me! A few times this week I’ve questioned myself about going full time with photography - we always start out all wide eyed, but sooner or later the growing pains hit! And it can feel really bloody hard! I wanted to share this graphic tonight because I want to shift the idea that people build businesses overnight. Here on social we see a best of snapshot of a business, and too often it can feel like we’re falling behind, not doing enough, no...t growing enough, not creating enough. When really, each business and the amazing human(s) behind it are all on their own journeys. And these journeys should be celebrated - growing pains and all. To all of my fellow business owners, you’ve bloody got this. Even when times are hard and you feel like throwing in the towel. The hard work will pay off, I promise [Image description: a cream box appears on a light green background that says Be patient. Success doesn’t happen overnight.]
22.01.2022 Capturing @stephhhalice during her recent personal branding shoot was so magical I’ve known this lovely lady for many years now, and it’s amazing to see how people grow and evolve and find ways to help and nurture others. Steph’s account is all about learning how to understand yourself and your thoughts, and loving who you are - highly recommend giving her a follow Thinking about your own personal branding session? I’d *love* to capture you in your element Get in touch ...via DM or email! x [Image description: (image one) Steph is turned slightly to the left, smiling and looking downwards, in an alley beside a white house. She’s wearing a white dress with orange flowers on it. (Image 2) Same setting, but now she’s facing the camera and smiling. (Image 3) Now with her back towards the white house, she is holding a straw hat on her head with both hands, with her chin up, with a beaming smile]
22.01.2022 New personal branding work with my gorgeous client Pauline! What I loved so much about this shoot was that we really got to explore not only Pauline’s business brand, but her personal hobbies, one of which is keeping active with activities such as running and yoga Keen to dive into your personal brand and create imagery you’re proud to share online? Get in touch and let’s create magic
22.01.2022 I remember for this shoot back in summer, I had moodboarded for a sunny day on the beach, but instead, Melbourne showed up with cold, windy weather - classic So we made the most with what we had, and honestly I actually think the wind made for some magical shots What do you think? // The gorgeous @hollymackenna with makeup by @zoenicolaoumakeup
20.01.2022 New work for @idyiaskin This year is going to be a huge learning curve for me as I delve deeper into the world that is product photography, but I’m so glad that IDYIA Skin trusted me to create some new content for them, giving me creative control If you’re needing new content for the new year for yourself or your business, get in touch and let’s create some magic ... [Image description: (1st image) @idyiaskin’s face moisturiser sits in the middle of a swirl of cream satin fabric. (2nd image) Three of @idyiaskin’s soaps are stacked, with a sea sponge to the left of the stack and a soap bar sliced in half sitting in front of the stack, all on a white background]
20.01.2022 Dreaming of summer in England tonight (even though it was cloudy as heck, I promise this photo was taken in summer ) Where are you dreaming of at the moment?
20.01.2022 I’m seriously so thankful that I got to shoot with @cassleemusic before lockdown 2.0 happened!! I adore all of the images from our afternoon together, and tonight I wanted to share one in black and white because why not! I’d say 99% of the time I prefer shots in colour, but every now and then I’ll process something in black and white and just fall in love So I hope you like it! Happy Wednesday everyone!
20.01.2022 As it looks like Melbourne is going to be stuck in lockdown for a while with case numbers not really going down, I’m going to need things to shoot. Since it can’t be people, products it is! I’ve been putting off properly getting into product photography for the longest time. I keep making excuses - but now I literally have none left I genuinely have no clue what I’m doing, but I’ll try and share the process as much as I can when I get to it! In the mean time, here’s a snap of my fave summertime fragrance from @malinandgoetz taken back in summer
18.01.2022 Finding out today that we’re diving deeper into lockdown with stage four restrictions here in Victoria has been heavy It’ll mean no shoots with gorgeous people for quite some time - which I suppose I had already come to terms with, but diving deeper into lockdown doesn’t help. I’m hoping and praying that by summer we’ll at least be able to have some movement around the state, so I can catch up with lovely people and have my camera in hand, ready to shoot To everyone I’ve spoken to over the last little while about shooting - we’ll just have to wait it out, and I can’t wait to see you when this is all over // The lovely @idemandabeer
17.01.2022 Struggling to round up those last few Christmas presents? Why not gift a photo shoot! Now available for purchase on my website are a range of photography service vouchers! These vouchers can be redeemed for any of my photography packages, from personal branding portraits to product photography. This is an amazing gift for someone who might know they need to invest in photography but are a bit scared to make the full financial commitment!... Got questions about the vouchers? Comment below or DM me! Always happy to chat
17.01.2022 Today was another hard day to be a Victorian. Two more weeks of stage 4 lockdown, and then months of *gradual* reopening. Usually I’d try and put a positive spin on things, but realistically my heart is heavy tonight. I had so hoped for things to return to normal sooner. To meet all the lovely people I’m due to shoot with. I know these restrictions are what needs to continue happening, but there’s no denying that it all just sucks. Stay safe everyone Much love // A simpler time with @maullar
17.01.2022 This weekend, lockdown finally well and truly got to me! I had felt relatively unphased about it, only slipping into negative thoughts about it all not that often. But suddenly this weekend, I found myself wanting to venture outside of my 5km sphere. Wanting to go out for brunch. Wanting to go shopping! Just missing the gorgeousness of people and being around people. So I guess tonight’s post is sort of relevant, I suppose, to internally how I’m feeling. But I know this lockd...own is for the best - and we WILL get through it // A beautiful mess, published in @salysemagazine - featuring @natashahertanto with makeup by @ameliae.mua @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
16.01.2022 This week is going to be a bit slower from me here on socials! It’s almost the week of Christmas and for the next few days I’ll be working my lil butt off to make sure I can *completely* switch off from the 24th-26th and just soak up all of the Christmas cheer So this week I’ll be showing up less on socials, but there might be the odd Christmas food spam - which I always love seeing from other people so ... In the mean time, I wanted to share this candid moment captured by the amazing @emjensencreative that she so kindly took of me at the conclusion of her branding session with me [Image description: a film image of me in a brown shirt and corduroy jacket dancing inside @emjensencreative’s home, with my arms up in the air]
15.01.2022 Happy Wednesday guys! This week is turning out to be another hectic one for me - for some reason this semester at uni all my subjects are just super content heavy?? That said, probably good timing given that I’m stuck at home in iso anyways How are you guys going? // Looking back to this DREAM shoot with @jadenightingale with makeup by @gabbywebbmakeup florals by @flowersbybrettmatthewjohn hair by @pearly.hairstylist and styling by @yvette_brereton
15.01.2022 Sometimes I’ll take a photo and it’ll be one of my favourites for years to come. This shot is one of those - I just love it. No clue why But what I do know is that this was one of the nicest photography sessions I’ve ever had, just relaxing and creating great content with gorgeous ladies // @mariahmannae with makeup by @peppermintlines
13.01.2022 Happy Sunday guys! This week has been an absolutely hectic one for me! It’s the end of week 6 at uni and my spare time has been completely non existent this week! I’ve been working on a lot of photography related stuff though behind the scenes and I CANT WAIT to share it all soon!! // The gorgeous @lashai_howard with makeup by @kirinarose
13.01.2022 Around this time of year I would usually be hunting down the most gorgeous displays of spring flowers. But given I haven’t been able to do that this year, I can only reminisce on other gorgeous springtime shoots, like this one //Portfolio shots for the lovely @julia_leong_
13.01.2022 @camyrzzz and I had spoken about organising a shoot when I had finished uni for the semester and lockdowns had lifted - but by the time I’d finished, lockdowns we’re coming into effect again and we missed out! It’s definitely been rough thinking about all of the missed shoots because of lockdown. But hey, would much rather see more people safe if it means I just have to postpone some shoots! . Regardless, I’ve still got goodies from our shoot last year to share! Here’s one of my faves . Happy Sunday guys! And remember to take a bit of time out for yourself tonight if you haven’t already
11.01.2022 Well, this week didn’t go to plan If you saw my stories over the past few days, you might have seen that I made a surprise hospital visit, and although the past few days have been rough to say the least, there’s a lot of positive takeaways for me. First is that sometimes we often forget to really take care of ourselves. We spend so much time and energy hustling that we don’t listen to our body when it tells us to rest! Rest is so bloody important, and I know that resting... more is something I need to actively work on. Second, that we can be so hard on ourselves when we need to be kinder to ourselves. When sudden bad things happen in our lives that are out of our control, beating yourself up about it isn’t a helpful mindset to have. This is exactly when we need to go with the flow and take each day as it comes. And lastly, whilst sitting in my hospital bed, all I could think about is this - my business, photography, this community (!!!) and everything I’ve built for myself over the past three months. I truly realised how much happier I am than I was this time last year in my old job. So, to everyone who reached out and sent well wishes - *thank you* from the bottom of my heart. I’m so lucky to know some truly phenomenal people because of Instagram and photography and I’ll never ever take that for granted I’m getting back on emails and DMs today and will work through everything as fast as I can In the mean time, enjoy this image from my latest work with @my_dermarol (arguably my fave image from the set hehe)
11.01.2022 Change is uncomfortable This week has felt so surreal for me - finally *formally* stepping into my business full time. I’ve gone through a whole spectrum of emotions and feelings - from completely over-the-moon to fully fledged self-doubt, it’s definitely been interesting. But after having countless conversations with my amazing support network around me, I’ve often come back to the same sentiment - change is uncomfortable. And that’s exactly what I’m experiencing right now.... For most of us this year, we’ve been challenged to drastically change our lives and accept new ways of living going about our day-to-day. It’s hard! It’s really heckin’ hard. But at every moment, we have choice - to quit, or to keep going. And I don’t know about you, but I choose to keep going. The changes and uncomfortable-ness I’m feeling right now means that I’m growing, and honestly, that’s everything to me! So here’s to change, and not giving up when we feel self-doubt creeping in [Image description: a notification style text box appears on a muted pink background with the text Reminder: Change is uncomfortable. Below this is text that reads quit or keep going. A small photo of myself wearing an orange shirt appears above the text box.]
11.01.2022 Happy Sunday! We made it to the end of another week! For my fellow Melbournians, we’re another day through lockdown WOOO! Here’s to a fresh week ahead . The lovely @its.k.i.t
10.01.2022 I don’t know about you guys but I’m so happy that Spring is here and I’m not freezing my butt off every day I’m pretty bummed out that I can’t get out to some of my favourite gardens in and around the city to check out what’s in bloom - but hopefully lockdown ends in time for me to at least see some flowers out and about // The gorgeous @idemandabeer back in Summer
10.01.2022 New work with @yunwaddy I thought tonight I should talk about portfolios and if I’ll still be offering those shoots going forward. In short, yes I will be! But now you’ll be booked in with the same package as my personal branding service. The way I see it, getting fresh portfolio shots is in many ways refreshing your personal brand as a model/actor/artist and updating your image bank to reflect yourself *now*. So I’ll give you the same comprehensive service that my personal... branding clients get, which of course comes with gorgeous imagery I hope you’re all having a fantastic Sunday! I’m logging off for the week now and am going to watch a movie and finally take a breather [Image description: @yunwaddy is standing in front of a brick wall facing side on to the camera, smiling and leaning forward. She is wearing a white t-shirt and black high-waisted jeans.]
09.01.2022 This past week has been crazy A few months ago when I decided to finally chase this dream full time, I really didn’t think things would ramp up all that quickly. I tried to remain realistic, and just hoped that a few people would book me over the months that would follow. But little did I know, that the first week in March I would be absolutely slammed with jobs - and I can’t lie, it was accompanied with tears (happy and stressy tears). I got barely any sleep last week, but... did the most work I’ve ever done in that amount of time, and it’s just utterly surreal that I get to call this my job??? This time last year I was incredibly unhappy at my old job, and I was so afraid of what people would think of me for leaving. But standing where I am now, I could not be happier with my decision to take a risk and chase photography. My heart has never been more full, and I’m so grateful to all of you for coming along for the ride More snaps from my recent body positivity shoot for @maddbodylove featuring the gorgeous @sophieantonello_
09.01.2022 Dreaming about past shoots tonight with the lovely @georgieetodd
09.01.2022 Brand photos don’t have to be boring I feel like a lot of business and entrepreneurs can get stuck into thinking that their brand images or headshots have to look like everyone else’s. Type personal branding into Pinterest and you’ll quickly see that there’s a certain aesthetic that a lot of businesses go for that can feel a bit same-y Thats why when you book in with me we’ll chat about your brand, and figure out the best way to capture images that authentically repres...ent it. That way, you’ll stand out for sure //The beautiful @dommerghz in amongst this season’s jacaranda trees [Image description: (1st image) @dommerghz stands in parkland beneath a jacaranda tree, wearing all black, with one leg kicked up in the air and her hands above her head, with a pout on her face, eyes closed. (2nd image) Same scene but now @dommerghz has both feet on the ground and she’s looking at the camera. (3rd image) Same scene, with @dommerghz’s putting her weight in her back foot, leaning.]
06.01.2022 Some shoots just stick with you over time, and this is definitely one of my faves from over the years The lovely @lashai_howard shot for Paolina Boutique, with makeup by @kirinarose
04.01.2022 Welcome to 2021! I’ve been enjoying some much needed time off from socials, but I’m back now and ready to hit the ground running! This year, I’ve created goals for myself that are really an extension of my intentions towards the back end of 2020. In previous years I felt like I had to reinvent myself because it was a new year, but this year I’m acknowledging that I’m actually really proud of how much I’ve achieved since relaunching last month, and that I simply want to keep... going in the same direction. So in 2021 I want to: Meet more people - network more, reach out to more people and work with more people. Photographers, other creatives and people that just inspire me in general. I find people and their stories wildly inspiring. Push myself to learn new skills - use new equipment, shoot in new locations and get uncomfortable. I can see my skills developing over time, but I have a long way to go. There’s always something new to learn! Create content that aligns with my dream clients. I’ve mapped out my dream clients, and now it’s time to attract them! Have you set goals for 2021? I’d love to hear about them in the comments [Image description: A cream text box appears on a beige background, with bold text reading welcome to 2021! Below that reads New year, new goals, pretty much the same old me. A call to action button at the bottom says let’s go.]
04.01.2022 Creating patterns with objects At the moment I’m challenging myself to create more product and still life photography work, and so I thought I’d start off with learning how to make gorgeous patterns with products! For anyone wanting to know how to take a simple image of a product and turn it into this, check out @jacobmanfred’s tutorial on his @roarfactory YouTube channel! So damn helpful ... Have a great Tuesday guys!
04.01.2022 This week has been so hectic!! Uni has been super full on (in a good way) and I’ve been working super hard on some photography related things that I’m excited to share soon! I hope you’re all keeping safe Happy Sunday guys! // The lovely @serinawinter_ for Fen Hong Se Magazine, with makeup by @beautybysarahmeilak and styling by @sarahjanemcmartin
04.01.2022 New work with the gorgeous @whoeverannikais Annika and I met during iso thanks to @twinewoodphotography organising a catch up for creatives over zoom. And oh my I’m so thankful that I met this gorgeous soul Annika, thank you for being such a ray of sunshine and being an *absolute* pleasure to shoot with P.S. I’m absolutely pooped from a big week of shooting - but feeling *so* grateful for everyone I’ve had the pleasure of working with Happy Sunday!
03.01.2022 What are your brand values? Lately I've been listening to @blckwhtstudios ‘Brand Your Passion’ podcast, where Hollie talks a lot about brand values and why they're so important. Before listening, I had vaguely thought about brand values, but admittedly, I hadn't delved too deep into what I wanted my brand's values to be. But now I'm realising how important nutting out values can be as they can really provide clarity on what your brand stands for, and the type of clients you... want to attract. Not to mention the services you want to bring to the table. So if you too are new to the idea of brand values I highly recommend the brand your passion poddy! I'm really excited to articulate my brand values going into 2021 [Image description: A google-style search box appears on a muted green background, with the text What are your brand values?]
03.01.2022 So excited to finally share some work on my own account from the amazing @maddbodylove body positivity shoot! This was such an amazing, empowering day, and I’m so grateful I was able to capture it! In frame: the gorgeous @maddbodylove and @ciaraknight wearing @moana_bikini
03.01.2022 Looking back to the gorgeous sunny afternoon I got to capture @kandrmusic I hope you’ve all had a great start to the week today!
02.01.2022 An awkward hand with an important message Stay home . So yep, I’m back here with another self portrait tonight! But this one is a bit different as I wanted to share something that reflected how I’m feeling at the moment directly in relation to lockdown here in Melbourne. It’s been super rough mentally having to cancel plans and spend what is essentially my uni holidays cooped up at home. However, it’s for a good reason. And hence I just wanted to share the message to stay home. Do the right thing and stay home when you can - and besides, we can still create at home . As always with these self portraits, let me know what you think!! It’s always nerve wracking putting my face here! @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
01.01.2022 @cassleemusic serving looks Happy Tuesday guys! . . . .... . . . . . . #buildandbloom #AGameOfPortraits #PortraitVision #ourportraitsdays #portrait_vision #artistic_avenues #portraits_vision #doports #featuremeteds #portraitsfromtheworld #dreamymag #pursuitofportraits #portraitwoman #Creative_Portraits #PortraitFeed #assortedportrait #DiscoverPortrait #bravoportraits #portraitclub #agameoftones #theportraitpr0ject #portraitstream #theportraitcentral #gramkilla #imprintagram #portraitpage #moodyfilm #777luckyfish #wmportraits #girlgaze See more
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