Glen Eira Kindergarten Association | Businesses
Glen Eira Kindergarten Association
Phone: +61 3 9570 5866
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25.01.2022 GEKA continue to partner with Family Life to support families during COVID-19. This training will support families to develop resilience in children. Check it out!
25.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all people playing the role of dad in someones life! Remember, not all dads look like the stereotyped dad we see in books, the media and almost all campaigns. Some dads are mums with dual qualifications, are up in heaven watching over their children, are transgender, are granddads, are fur dads.... at GEKA we respect and value the role all people play in raising our children, and we celebrate you all today and everyday.
24.01.2022 As you would be aware, The Premier, Daniel Andrews, has issued a 5 day lockdown (stage 4) from 11.59pm tonight, until 11.59pm on Wednesday. All GEKA Kindergartens will remain open, but access will be restricted to children and GEKA staff only families will need to drop off and pick up from the gate/door. For more information please visit the GEKA website:
24.01.2022 May is Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Prevention Month. GEKA have zero tolerance for abuse of any kind. If you, or someone you know, needs support, contact 1800 RESPECT
22.01.2022 The State Library of Victoria, presents Storytime, in partnership with Victoria Together. Share the delight of stories, songs, and picture books with your child, every Wednesday at 9.30am. The State Library Victoria have partnered with Victoria Together in this very special live-streamed series of Storytime featuring Victorian authors. Each week a guest author will join Julianne to light up your screen with book readings and p...lay activities. Storytime is supported by Victoria Together, a government initiative connecting Victorians to our states best digital experiences and activities. Stories are presented at the following times and days: 09 September 2020, 9:30am Briggs will read his book Our Home, Our Heartbeat, which was adapted from his celebrated song The Children Come Back and is a celebration of past, present and emerging Indigenous legends. Adam Briggs performs as Briggs, hes a Yorta Yorta rapper, record label owner, comedy writer and actor. Briggs became well known as a solo rapper, before co-founding the hip hop duo A.B. Original in 2016. Extending his career beyond music, Briggs has written for and regularly appeared in ABC TV shows Black Comedy, Cleverman and The Weekly with Charlie Pickering; and has written for Matt Groenings Netflix series Disenchantment. 16 September 2020, 9:30am Davina Bell is a writer for children of many ages, from babies up to teenagers. Her best-loved picture books include All the Ways To Be Smart, Under the Love Umbrella and All of the Factors of Why I Love Tractors. Davina is a publisher at Allen & Unwin, and she speaks at schools and festivals around the country, sharing her love of books and ideas. 23 September 2020, 9:30am 30 September 2020, 9:30am
21.01.2022 We write to you all with some sad and tragic news. Two families, whose children attend a GEKA Kindergarten, were involved in the fire that occurred in Tyaak over the past weekend. As you may have heard in the news reports, the fire tragically took the lives of three people. ... With permission from both families, we are able to let you know that Louis (6 years old) and his dad, Michael, passed away as well as a an adult cousin of one of the families. Louis attended a GEKA Kindergarten when he was 3 and 4 years old, and will be remembered as a beautiful boy, who only last week, was telling our educators he was excited to be returning to school. The boys dad, Mike, gave up his own life to save the lives of everyone else, and will be remembered as a Hero. Harvey (4 years old) currently attends a GEKA Kindergarten. Harvey, along with his mum, Nicci and his baby brother, Rafael (1 years old) have all suffered serious injuries and are in the ICU in hospital, recovering. They have a long journey ahead of them. A GoFundMe page has been set up to support Nicci and the boys in the weeks and months ahead, should you be able to help in some way: We know that encouraging anyone, to financially contribute, at such a difficult time for so many, is a big ask but we know the strength and generosity of this community, so we share in the hope that you, or someone you know can help. Eva also attends a GEKA Kindergarten. She and her family were also at the holiday house and have also sustained very serious injuries. Eva (3 years), her baby sibling, (1 years) and their mum, are also in hospital, in a serious but stable condition. Evas big brother (6 years old, who attended a GEKA service in the past), as well as the childrens grandparents, are at home, recovering. We ask that you join with us in sending prayers and strength to both families, at such a difficult time. As you can imagine, our educational team and families are also very distressed at what has taken place - together, they grieve the loss of Louis and Mike, as well as missing Harvey and Eva from the program. Additional information and support can be found here, for anyone that needs it: Parentline telephone counselling and support service for parents, 8am to midnight, 7 days week 13 22 89 or Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 or Headspace phone and email counselling for young people aged 12 to 25 years 1800 650 890 or Your family doctor. Your GP can also suggest counselling/psychological services if needed. Please take care, be kind and live life with meaning it can change at a moments notice and without any warning, so we must cherish each day.
20.01.2022 The mental health and well-being of our people is so important. At GEKA, we invest in an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), so our staff and their family, have professional, confidential and free support, when faced with lifes complexities. We also advocate for R U OK Day. This years message is about ensuring you know what to say when someone is not ok.
20.01.2022 National NAIDOC week is the 8th -15th November. These days are so special to First Nations people. NAIDOC Theme 2020: Always Was. Always will Be. The 2020 National NAIDOC Week theme has been developed to shine a focus on the length of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander occupation of Australia. NAIDOC theme seeks to get teachers, students and community to explore and learn about, and appreciate the wealth and breadth of Indigenous Nations, languages and knowledges of continent. Visit and click on resources for some ideas to engage in with children. There are lots of links to Aboriginal languages and songs too! Here are just a few of the suggestions: AIATSIS Indigenous Map: Using the AIATSIS map of Indigenous Australia map where you and your students currently live and or have lived. In which Indigenous Nations and/or Torres Strait Islander Groups have you lived? How do you support children to acknowledge and respect the traditional owners of the land? Explore the Indigenous language of your community what place, street or other names in your community are from the Indigenous local language. What traditional food sources are available in your local area? Learn their traditional names and their use. Can you use any of the traditional food in cooking? What’s involved in the preparation process? A Guide to Bush Tucker: The inclusion support protocols for respecting indigenous culture, titled ‘Walking Together’ is an excelent inclusion resource guide. Find it here: Please share the different ways you work with children and families to understand, celebrate and respect First Nations People.
20.01.2022 THANK YOU to everyone in our community that has supported Harvey and Eva and their families. We are so proud of Harvey and Eva and the courage they have shown. Sending love to both families
20.01.2022 Meet snappy the crocodile, princess the python and other awesome reptiles as Animals of Oz go live!! To help the curious minds of the children, they will have some Q&A opportunities throughout the presentation. Book your spot at:
19.01.2022 Acknowledging Traditional Place Names Now that’s something we can all do to make traditional land more visible
18.01.2022 See the penguins TOMORROW!!
18.01.2022 Are you up for the challenge? Creating a village of spoon people in the community will help childrens mental health and provide a welcome distraction from the impacts COVID-19 is having on our world. Whos with us? Comment below! ...
18.01.2022 Virtual Tours now available for Families We are excited to invite you to explore our Kindergartens through this new immersive online tour experience. Gain a thorough insight into our Kindergartens and programs with 360 degree views of our indoor and outdoor spaces. Our services exceed the National Standard for the delivery of high-quality programs and environments for children. Each kindergarten has been designed to create opportunities for children to move freely between ...the indoor and outdoor space, so learning can take place where a child feels most comfortable. We provide rich learning environments, using natural and sustainable resources, that foster the development of lifelong skills, such as decision-making and problem solving. Children are active contributors to their own learning and play an essential role in adapting the learning setting to meet individual needs and rhythms. Environments and play spaces are designed with inclusion in mind, so children have multiple opportunities to understand and develop their own identity and positive self-esteem. Our environments also reflect home a place of security and comfort, in which to take risks and extend critical thinking. To take a tour, please visit:
18.01.2022 The current advice from Victorias Chief Health Officer and the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) is that Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services, including Kindergartens, can continue to operate, with appropriate risk-mitigation measures in place (unless instructed by the Department of Health and Human Services to close). This means that GEKA will reopen at the start of Term 3, from next Monday 13 July. Regardless of where families live, you...r child can continue to attend kindergarten. For more information about how GEKA are supporting families and ensuring our educators are protected, click on the link:
16.01.2022 Wed love to know how children are being inspired to further their thinking at home! Share your ideas in the comments below Art by @allthingsgoodco l
15.01.2022 GEKAs General Manager Operations and Educational Leader, Melissa MacMaster, was recently invited to participate in the Leaders in Lockdown series. We hope our community is inspired my Melissas reflections as a leader, particularly during COVID-19.
14.01.2022 Thank you to Nick Staikos MP, your mum and your team (especially Robyn and Ed) for hosting the annual community Easter Event! Three GEKA services attended, along with many families. We are so appreciative of the generosity of our local member.
14.01.2022 Our families are champions Our educators are champions Our children are champions for each other We are proud to be a community that cares
14.01.2022 A very special treat from the Australian Chamber Orchestra! Theres a Sea in my Bedroom Brand-new, free digitally streamed performance. Sunday August 23, 4pm AEST...
13.01.2022 Our partners over at Family Life are providing training for fathers! Engaging Fathers aims to provide evidence based, practical tools and techniques to assist those who work with fathers, to engage and work productively with fathers of all ages. BOOK NOW:... See more
13.01.2022 Reconciliation is the act of putting something back together. At GEKA we are proud to teach this generation about the true history of Australia - about the first peoples of this land. We embed teachings into everyday practice and acknowledge those that have come before us.
13.01.2022 Managing the Coronacoaster Tips for Building Resilient Families. To help parents and carers build family resilience in these difficult times, the Department of Education is presenting a free webinar by renowned child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. This webinar will give families some practical skills, knowledge and strategies for managing the lockdown period and remote learning. This webinar will be taking place online. You will be sent a link on the day of the event t...o watch it, via the email address you supply. Please note that this event will be deliverd live only and wont be recorded. Date And Time Tue, 15 September 2020 7:30 PM 8:30 PM AEST
12.01.2022 Here’s a brilliantly worded explanation of the value of play and how this method of learning supports a lifelong love of learning.
12.01.2022 TONIGHT! See the stars in a new way, and learn about the importance of the night sky in Australian Aboriginal science, culture, and history. This fascinating talk on Indigenous Astronomy will be presented online by Yorta Yorta ecology student Jessie Ferrari and cultural astronomer, Dr Duane Hamacher. The talk will be followed by a Q&A.
12.01.2022 It can be really hard to navigate the challenges life can throw at us, particularly during the COVID pandemic this year. Did you know, the more self care habits you practice, the less overwhelmed you become? The below video provides an excellent way of understanding the importance of finding time to look after you. Thanks to Family Life for facilitating the session on Preventing Burnout, where this video was shown.... How To Deal With Stress - The Stress Bucket - Dr. Julie Smith
12.01.2022 Have you registered for Heartlinks FREE Bystander Intervention training yet? Its on this Thursday 20 August. There are still spaces available! The training is ...about recognising and responding to domestic violence for medical and allied health professionals. All current indications and known statistics are predicting a spike in the number of people, largely women and children, who are experiencing domestic abuse as a result of COVID-19 restrictions. BOOK NOW:
11.01.2022 At GEKA, we have been working in partnership with Family Life to support local, vulnerable children and families in Melbourne’s South East. This year, we again join with Family Life, to collect donations from the people within our community, to help those in need of additional support. If you would like to donate a food item from the list featured in the photograph, so we can forward this to Family life for distribution, please contact us for drop off details in Bentleigh... East via [email protected] Help us help Family Life to create treasured memories for those struggling in our local community this Christmas.
11.01.2022 We love the idea of spreading HOPE and CONNECTEDNESS in our community! Please consider planting sunflower seeds so our community can be lit up with flowers - and if you support Playground Ideas and CERES Environment Park you could also help those in need. Join us - weve ordered our seeds for all GEKA services! Only $6.50 (including postage) for around 150 seeds!
11.01.2022 Thank you to the amazingly kind and dedicated educators at GEKA.... the educators that care for others, that take the time to build others up and who respect each others special qualities. We appreciate and value everything you bring to our organisation and community. A special thank you to the people that support the educators - the office support team and management team for their unwavering and consistent care of our people. You are unsung heros that deserve so much more recognition than you are given.
11.01.2022 GEKA educators often take the time to engage in research that support the development of children in the early years. We have been invited to participate in research with Charles Sturt University to investigate the experience of educators and families/primary carers, in supporting children’s communication in the first 5 years. Results of the survey will assist in the creation of resources for children. Are you an educator or parent/primary carer and have 10 minutes to comp...lete the survey? This is the survey link for families/primary carers: This is the survey for educators: For further information about the anonymous study, please contact Dr Laura Hoffman (CPSP, PhD), Course Lead Bachelor of Speech and Language Pathology, School of Community Health at Charles Sturt University on +61 2 6051 9358 or [email protected] Thanks for your consideration. Please also see the below video of a 4 year old child that loves the adventure of reading! The capabilities of young children are endless
10.01.2022 Stargazing this Sunday! Stargazers are in for a small, bright treat on Saturday, Sep 5th as the International Space Station should be visible to Melbourne residents from 7:04 PM. Youll have five minutes to take the space station in before it vanishes once more into the darkness of the cosmos. While it can be seen, it should look like a fast-moving, bright dot. As the third brightest object in the sky, the space station is easy to see if you know when to look up on a clear ni...ght. Visible from: Sat Sep 5, 7:04 PM Visibility: 5 min Max Height: 47 Appears: 10 above South West Disappears: 28 above E
08.01.2022 I Can Do This!" GEKA Educator, Liz, shares a happy moment she recalls, regarding a childs positive attitude and resilience when faced with a challenging situation. Liz has provided permission for her memory to be shared. Every day, one of the children would arrive at GEKA McKinnon Kindergarten, quite apprehensive. ... He would ask repeatedly, Where is my mummy? In response to this, I would remind him to take three deep breaths so he could feel calm inside his body, then I would reassure him by telling him his mummy would return to pick him up. This would calm him somewhat and he would continue on with his day as best he could. One day, however, he arrived at Kindergarten with a smile on his face, looking confident - which happily, took me by surprise! He looked up at me and burst out I can do this! This put a big smile on my face. I felt proud at how this young child had built resilience within himself to overcome his fear and anxiety. Young children work hard to make sense of their social world. To feel emotionally safe, they need to be able to predict how the people around them will behave and what tends to happen in daily life. Sometimes, all it takes is a few positive words of encouragement to immediately turn someones day around. It is important in todays challenging times to believe, have hope, and faith that we will get through this! POSITIVE THOUGHTS ARE THE KEY TO HAPPINESS We can all do this!
06.01.2022 We introduce to you GEKAs courageous Warriors! Each and every member of our team continues to show strength, bravery and confidence as they work through the pandemic. We know that every day, our people worry about the potential risks to their own families and the impact COVID-19 is having on their own lives. Sometimes it must feel as though they are not protected by a society that continues to put them at the forefront of risk, especially when the rest of the world is asked to stay home. While confronting, they still show up to work every day, ready to serve, support and sustain some kind of normality for children and families. They put the needs of others ahead of their own. The ECA Code of Ethics (2016) details our commitments to action, especially when maintaining the rights, dignity and respect of others. In relation to community and society, I will learn about local community contexts and aspirations in order to create responsive programs to enhance childrens learning, development and wellbeing. We cannot think of a better time to highlight the importance of our peoples actions and the impact it has on others. Its due to their collective efforts to work together, that we can be responsive to those most vulnerable in our community. Its because of their efforts, children have a sense of predictability and families have someone they can turn to and lean on. Its because of their ability to look out for each other, that we can continue to deliver high quality programs in a safe and supported environment. What our people do every day, matters. What they are doing IS making a difference. Please join us in thanking them for their kindness, their compassion and their patience as we ride this (temporary) storm together. We are so proud of the people that make up the GEKA organisation. Wed love you to leave our people a love note in the comments below. Thank YOU
06.01.2022 Did you know that the team at Virginia Park Cafe support the team at GEKA, for catering of educational events and for regular lunches. They have beautiful food and a take away menu - which just might help families out, especially at the end of the week when we are all tired!! Support this local family business by grabbing a meal or two, throughout the week! Yum!
06.01.2022 11.00am TODAY!!
06.01.2022 At GEKA, we recognise days like today as an opportunity to celebrate all the special people in the lives of children. We are inclusive and diverse. Thats just how we roll. THANK YOU to everyone that supports children and guides them to to reach their greatest potential
06.01.2022 Here are some follow up ideas to the classic childrens story, Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. Thank you to teacher, Megan, and the educational team at GEKA Orrong Rd for sharing these ideas with the wider community :)
05.01.2022 Did you know GEKA offer a Holiday Care Program for kindergarten aged children 3 to 5 years? We operate for 2 weeks over the term 2 holidays and 2 weeks over the term 3 holidays. Our program is held at GEKA McKinnon Kindergarten between the hours of 8.30am 4.30pm and is open to children from all GEKA services and children in the local community. Bookings are OPEN for Term 2: Monday 29 June Friday 10 July... For more information on the program and to make a booking, please visit the GEKA website
05.01.2022 The Royal Childrens Hospital have created this short video for children, so they can understand why people are wearing masks. Wed love you to show your children - it just may ease the anxiety some may be experiencing, when they see so many adults wearing a mask.
05.01.2022 GEKAs community partner, Family Life are hosting a free online community practice webinar today, TUESDAY 14 JULY. Register now to hear some great speakers!
05.01.2022 Our educators have been providing some INCREDIBLE learning prompts for families to support children with learning at home. Here is one of those examples, provided by teacher Megan, from GEKA Orrong Rd Kindergarten! There is also a guest appearance from her doggie, Wilfred, which will be sure to bring a smile to the faces of many children! Thanks for permission to share your story Megan - we hope this inspires other educators to have a go at storytelling too! ...
04.01.2022 GEKA held their Annual General Meeting (Thursday 17.09.20) and released the Annual Report, detailing the magnificent work of our people across 2019. Congratulations to everyone at GEKA - this report is a testament to all of you, so be really proud that the work you do, makes a significant difference in the lives of children and families. Read the report here:
04.01.2022 Our kindergartens get the TICK! We’re displaying the Kinder Tick to show we’re an approved provider of a Victorian Government funded and approved kindergarten program. That means all our services deliver a play-based learning program, led by a qualified early childhood teacher (in both 3 and 4 year old kindergarten!). The Kinder Tick shows we meet criteria in the funding guidelines set out by the Victorian Government which confidently means children’s learning and development is supported by qualified early childhood teachers and educators through a responsive, evidence-based learning program.
03.01.2022 At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we will remember all the wonderful people that walked this land before us and fought for our right to be here.
02.01.2022 The story Windows by Patrick Guest and Jonathan Bentley, in the link below - share with the children in your life if you can, its beautiful :) Windows is an uplifting story of how humanity has pulled together during the Coronavirus pandemic.
02.01.2022 Wet weather exploration provides many opportunities for children to learn through science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Think about key skills needed in todays world: problem solving, analytical thinking, and the ability to work independently. What do they all have in common? Theyre all related to STEM!
02.01.2022 GEKA Educator, Gurmeet Kaur Nandha used her creativity to set up an inviting Bush Garden for children - which she filmed to inspire families that have children learning from home! Its a beautiful space, full of wonder! Well done Gurmeet and thanks for sharing with the wider community! What have you set up for children at home? Wed love you to share a photo in the comments below!
01.01.2022 GEKA welcomes the Government's announcement regarding funding support for families, so more children can access a funded kindergarten program in 2021. We understand there will also be support for families who have a child enrolled in a 3YO group, but we are awaiting confirmation as to how much this will be. The amount subsidised will be a set amount regardless of the number of hours the child participates in. While the funding may not cover the total fee for attendance at a ...GEKA service, we are certain that the support offered will bring much needed relief to families. GEKA will work with DET to determine how this will look for our families in the coming weeks, and will communicate more as soon as we have more information.
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