Gender Equity Victoria | Non-profit organisation
Gender Equity Victoria
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22.01.2022 We can #snapforwardnotback. Early childhood education is the scaffolding of all economic activity in Australia. Lets get this right. Early childhood educators first to be booted off jobkeeper, while women suffer biggest job losses from COVID19. Why are women & working mothers being forced into more financial hardship so that a few people get a bigger bathroom Renos? Ridiculous.... Email Dan Tehan [email protected] or call his parliamentary office on +61(02) 6277 7350 #GECovid19 #genderequalrecovery
22.01.2022 Our 85th signatory to the Gender Equity & Covid19 Joint Statement is Parents Victoria. Theyve joined our campaign calling for an in home education allowance to support parents in the education of their kids. Parents Victoria executive officer Gail McHardy said households needed help to cover associated costs such as for equipment, internet and printing. While Victorian families should be congratulated for embracing school at home during Term 2, there needs to be some recogn...ition of the financial burden on parents through the provision of a home school allowance, she said. It takes a village to raise a child & a whole heap of internet download, devices, apps, desks, printers, reams of paper to educate one. Stimulus & support needs to benefit everyone and we know that women are particularly under pressure with the challenge of balancing work from home or reduced incomes & supporting the education of their children.
20.01.2022 How has pandemic impacted carers? In our latest edition of Gender, Disaster & Resilience we look at the care economy & the true value of unpaid labour in Victoria. Articles include: - Caring Fairly - Impact of Covid19 on carers - $205 Billion: the true value of unpaid labour in Victoria - Together We Care Campaign... - Putting Kids safety first in family law - Celebrating International Cleaners Day - Self-Care is a Political Act - supporting gender equity advocates - And Professor Rhonda Sharp discusses Gender Responsive Budgeting and the care economy
20.01.2022 This Wednesday join Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, Marta Lempart, Polish women's reproductive rights activist, and Nayuka Gorrie, Gunai/Kurnai, Gunditjmara, Wiradjuri and Yorta Yorta freelance and comedy television writer and activist, to talk Global Feminist Activism! #FebFem21 Register now -
20.01.2022 Recognising Victorian women is not just about remembering incredible women from history. It's also about showing all women that their efforts will be recognised and that they will be understood as visionary leaders. A great article from the Age on the push to name the next federal electoral seat after a Woman:
19.01.2022 The road to economic recovery must be gender equal. At the moment, women are still being hit harder by COVID-19 economically. Womens employment must not be taken for granted during this crisis. Read our submission to the Victorian government here:
19.01.2022 Dont miss A Room of Her Own Episodes 2 & 3 where the pandemic is personal and political. While GenVic has been busy collecting organizational signatures for our Gender Equity & Covid19 Joint Statement - La Trobe University becoming our 80th signatory today (our first University! yay! ) some awesome Victorian Feminists have been giving us a peak inside their privately political worlds to see just what is like living as a femmo in a pandemic. If you havent heard writer, femi...nist organiser and bad-ass babe single mum Karen Pickering give you the low down on solo parenting in pandemic - youre missing out!!! Watch here: Read Karens book About Bloody Time In Episode 3 we celebrate Founder/Owner of the Moroccan Soup Bar Hana Assafiri Hana tells us what its like to be a small business woman in the Covid19 crisis and how her much loved restaurant has coped - and how she is paying it forward to our essential health workers! And you can too!!!!
19.01.2022 With the opening of nominations for the 2020 Victorian local government elections today, the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA) and GEN VIC are calling for all candidates to demonstrate a strong commitment to gender equality to ensure a gender equal recovery from COVID19 in Victoria. We are encouraging voters and organisers of local community forums to ask candidates standing for election how they plan to support gender equality in their communities. 1. How will yo...u address the impact of COVID19 on women in your communities? 2. What steps will you take to address the social isolation and mental health impacts of COVID19 on men, women and gender diverse people in your communities? 3. What will you do to ensure the Gender Equality Act is implemented in your local council? The Victorian Government has committed to achieving a target of 50/50 women and men as local government councillors by 2025. Currently the representation of women sits at 38%, with 14 local councils having only 1 female councillor.
18.01.2022 Join GEN VIC and Minister Gabrielle Williams at our annual Pre-Budget Breakfast on 21st April, Wednesday. With Angela Jackson facilitating a discussion between Fitted for Work CEO Donna de Zwart, Women's Health Loddon Mallee CEO Tricia Currie, and co-founder of Migrant Women in Business Luz Restrepo. Register here:
18.01.2022 This #IWD2021 we're celebrating women leaders. We know that sexual violence excludes women from government. We need parliament to be safe for women if we want a gender equal future. Read more here:
18.01.2022 5 Days left to join GEN VIC and get access to Safe and Strong: Selfcare is a political act, a full online day of recovery and reflection for gender equity advocates. Its been a challenging 6 months. Were committed to supporting each other, and caring collectively.
16.01.2022 101 organisations have signed on to our joint statement calling for governments to do 10 things to make sure COVID-19 response and recovery is gender equal! Even with 101 organisational voices, government still hasnt responded. Why?
16.01.2022 What would a gender equal recovery from COVID19 look like? Join us online 6 August 2020 at our annual Under the Radar Conference and meet Khara Jabola-Carolus, the Executive Director of Hawaiis Commission for the Status of Women. Khara has overseen the drafting of a feminist economic recovery plan for the state showing how subnational governments like Victoria & Hawaii can lead their nations in gender equity.... Compared to other US States, Hawaii has performed exceptionally well flattening the COVID19 curve with 1660 infections & only 25 deaths. Well explore the connection between gender equity & pandemic management excellence. FREE for GenVic members. Register here: Well be sharing the full schedule for the conference soon with sessions on: - Tackling gendered cyberhate and misogyny online: taking an intersectional approach - Gender and Disaster: intersectional perspectives and racism during COVID-19 - Shaking up the system: addressing institutional sexism in the legal industry Dont miss this!!!
16.01.2022 Our 5th edition of Gender, Disaster and Resilience is out now. Today we celebrate the work of women health workers, epidemiologists and health researchers. Read about the incredible work women have been doing during the pandemic here: #GE4COVID19
16.01.2022 How exactly can we build back a stronger, gender equitable workforce? We’ve laid out a plan in our 21/22 Budget Submission ‘Towards a Gender Equal Recovery’. Read more: #CredibleWomen #TowardsGE #GenderEqualRecovery
15.01.2022 Today is Budget Day! Want to know what we're looking for? Check out our budget checklist. We can build a more gender equal future if we take #GenderEqualRecovery seriously. Sign up for our live budget analysis here:
14.01.2022 Facts prove Victorian women are hardest hit by #Covid19. Women are shouldering the economic & mental health burden where they already have lower pay, less super & job insecurity, says Tanja Kovac CEO GenVic #springst #auspol * Full time unemployment rate is 7.3 for Victorian women compared to 5.8 for men, a rise under lockdown. * 55% of all unemployed people due to Covid19 are women * for those women in work, Cov...id19 is resulting in lower pay & greater depletion of super. * women are doing even more unpaid work when that work is already valued at $205 Billion - 4 x the Victorian Budget. No wonder they are having worse mental health outcomes - higher levels of depression, stress & suicidal thoughts. Covid19 is a gendered problem. A gender equal recovery requires gender equal solutions.
14.01.2022 From supporting those home-schooling to staying safe in the era of zoom-bombing, our fourth Gender, Disaster and Resilience newsletter is out now. It covers education and eSafety during pandemic. Read it here:
14.01.2022 Last Friday we wrote to the Australian Electoral Commission about naming the new federal electorate in Victoria after a woman. Why? Because only 13% of Victorian electorates are named after women and there are so many incredible Victorian Women we could honour. Read our letter here: #PutHerNameOnIt #IncredibleVicWomen #Women4AECseats... With Victorian Women's Trust, HER PLACE Women's Museum Australia, 5050 by 2030 Foundation, Australian Women's Archive Project, Women in Gippsland, Put Her Name On It
13.01.2022 This #IDAHOBIT we recognise how transphobia, biphobia and homophobia have affected LGBTQI peoples experiences of this pandemic. You can read the 8th edition of Gender, Disaster and Resilience here:
13.01.2022 As Australia falls into a recession, we must remember that women continue to bear the brunt of COVID-19s economic impact. Lets move towards a #GenderEqualRecovery. Read our latest edition of Gender, Disaster and Resilience: #Shecession #Auspol
13.01.2022 Were excited to announce our partnership with VLGA - Victorian Local Governance Association Inc Our CEO Tanja Kovac says "Were thrilled to be working alongside the VLGA in championing gender equality and a Victoria free from gendered violence." Read the full media release here:
12.01.2022 Knowing how money flows across government is essential to getting gender equity investment Back on Track. GEN VIC has an exciting lunchtime seminar Back on Track: Understanding State Budget cycles on the 8th and 15th of July for GEN VIC members. If youre not yet a member but would like to attend, sign up today
12.01.2022 In Victoria, over 200,000 people suffer from endometriosis. So why is there no standardised way to become an endometriosis specialist? Clearer professional development is just one step to reducing the 7 - 12 year gap between onset of endometriosis and its actual diagnosis. We can't keep waiting. Endometriosis not only affects the physical health of those with this condition, but also has impacts on mental health, social health, intimate relationships, and employment. Endometr...iosis can negatively impact a person's life through pain and management of chronic illness. Misinformation, poor diagnosis and treatment, and dismissal of pain create additional challenges to health. To read women's stories and experiences of endometriosis, visit #EndometriosisAwarenessMonth #EndoMonth #EndoMarch #Spoonie #InvisibleIllness #EndoWarrior #ChronicPain #PelvicPain
12.01.2022 Join Marta Lempart, Polish abortion law activist, and Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, next week during #FebFeb2021 to talk about the journey of feminIst activism that lies ahead of us. Register now -
11.01.2022 Our 21/22 State Budget Submission, 'Towards a Gender Equal Recovery', is out NOW. We want to create a system that works for everyone, and leaves no one behind. Read our submission here: #TowardsGE #GenderResponsiveBudgeting #CredibleWomen
11.01.2022 Can’t make #March4Justice today? Roar. Midday. Crank up Helen Reddy. Wherever you are. Work. Home. School. On your phone. At your PC. Share yourself #roaring #toobigtoignore @womensmarchaus
11.01.2022 Womens and gender equity organisations across Victoria have joined forces to oppose the Religious Discrimination Bill on the grounds that it risks womens health and safety. Today we launched a collaborative campaign, "Our Health, Our Rights, Our Lives! Women say NO to the Religious Discrimination Bill" at the Fertility Control Clinic in East Melbourne. The clinic reminds us of what is at stake if this bill is passed, and the historical and present importance of protecting w...omens reproductive rights. Permission to photograph the building was granted by the clinic. The campaign builds on submissions and recommendations made to a parliamentary inquiry into the Bill by Womens Health Victoria. The Bill, if passed, would harm women, delay access to services and increase stigma against women who seek to assert their reproductive rights. This would have serious implications on womens sexual and reproductive health, impacting womens access to contraception and abortion, creating unacceptable public health outcomes for women. Says Dianne Hill, CEO of Womens Health Victoria. There are a small group of politicians in Australia who want to play God with womens health who see political advantage in stirring up a totally unnecessary debate about a law that puts religion ahead of womens health and safety. GEN VIC stands against any law that will take away freedom and services from Australian women, says Tanja Kovac, CEO of GEN VIC. Learn more about our campaign here and read statements from over 25 supporting organisations:
11.01.2022 Gender equity is hard, intergenerational work. Its a marathon, not a sprint. With parity predicted to still be 200 years away, its important gender equity advocates remain safe, strong & supported. Thats why GenVic is hosting a full day of restorative events for gender equity practitioners this Wednesday 24 June 9-7pm.... Its all taking place online in GenVics virtual Zoom community. Featuring: * Webinars on Collective selfcare with Caroline Lambert, Kit McMahon & all the way from Colombia, Tatiana Cordero-Velasquez * Mindfulness Meditation with Artful Awareness & CYP Womens Council & Smiling Mind * Zumba class with josieslivezumba * Baking with Karen Pickering & The Country Womens Association of Victoria Inc. - CWA PLUS The Great GE Treasure Hunt, best Femmo T-shirt Competition & virtual drinks, where you can win prizes like these, its a day not to be missed. And its totally FREE to GENVIC members who sign up by COB TODAY. We thank the generous women & gender diverse people, their businesses & organisations for making this day possible. Together we rise. Together we care. Together we change.
10.01.2022 Did you know just 5 out of the 38 federal electoral divisions in Victoria are named after women? With a new electorate coming, let's name it after an incredible Victorian woman! @AusElectoralCom #PutHerNameOnIt #IncredibleVicWomen #Women4AECseats You can read out full letter to the Commission here: With Her Place Museum, Women in Gippsland, 5050 by 2030 Foundation, Australian Women's Archives Project, Victorian Women's Trust
10.01.2022 101. Thats how many organizations have now signed onto our Gender Equity & COVID19 Joint Statement. Weve doubled the number of orgs calling for action to support women during the pandemic. 0. ... Thats how many governments at a state or federal level have responded to our call for #genderequity in pandemic response, recovery and prevention. Today the first and only gender focussed COVID19 support initiative - free childcare - came to an end. Women are hit hardest by the economic and social impacts of the disease and receive the less targeted support. When will Gov start responding to the needs of women? When will Gov listen to the expertise of gender equity advocates? 101 organisations cant be wrong. Marise Payne Gabrielle Williams MP
09.01.2022 Gender equity needs safe, strong, healthy and enduring advocates. Weve got you. Join GEN VIC before 24 June to attend our FREE event Safe & Strong: Selfcare is a political act. Its a full day of reflection and recovery, entirely online, for gender equity advocates. Join today!
09.01.2022 Great announcements from the Victorian Government on infrastructure investment to create more jobs in a post COVID-19 environment, but we cant afford for all new job creation to be in male dominated industries. The road to recovery must be gender equal. 55% unemployed by COVID-19 are women. We need economic and social infrastructure investment that create jobs in women dominated industries too. Read more from our CEO Tanja Kovac #GenderEqualJobs #GE4COVID19 #BackonTrack
09.01.2022 COVID-19 is a gendered problem! During the COVID-19 crisis, women are experiencing higher levels of depression, anxiety and stress than men, 55% of job losses due to COVID19 are women, and women are performing far more of the unpaid labor. Find out more
09.01.2022 This week our Gender, Disaster and Resilience e-Bulletin takes u back to the bushfires. This week @WHGNE talks to us about how COVID-19 has affected recovery for communities already struggling to heal from the summer bushfires.
09.01.2022 Have you got your tickets to our annual pre-budget breakfast? Join GEN VIC, Minister Gabrielle Williams and our incredible guest panel to talk gender responsive budgeting and what the real cost of a gender-equal recovery from COVID-19 will be. Not to be missed. There has never been a more important time to talk gender equal budgeting. Nationwide there has been a push for a genedered lens on all public policy, to ensure that women and gender-diverse people are getting a fair share. We're talking specifics. Get your tickets now - selling fast:
08.01.2022 Our August newsletter is out now! We have had a huge few months. Weve had Under the Radar 2020 just last month, published our submission to the PAEC inquiry into COVID-19 response and are launching our Gender, Disaster and Climate Change Resilience CoP:
08.01.2022 One more sleep until our Under the Radar: Gender Equity Policy & Practice Forum. Dont miss it. Full program below + bios of our awesome guest speakers. Book here:...
08.01.2022 Our event Gender & Disaster: From Global to Local with @VicLGA is happening on 27 May 2020. Were bringing an international perspective to local disaster response and recovery. Get (free!) tickets here:
08.01.2022 Is your organisation looking to prepare for the Victorian 21/22 budget? We have a free budget seminar for all our members who are looking to be a part of the Victorian Road to Recovery. Register here: #crediblewomen
08.01.2022 We should be closing the gender pay gap but #COVID19 is widening it #joblosses #paycuts #nochildcare #nopandemicleave #lessjobcreation On #equalpayday2020 were calling for a #genderequalrecovery that includes job stimulus for women. #WorkingWomenNeed
07.01.2022 New scholarships are available to complete Certificate IV in Training and Assessment - this time for experienced gender equity practitioners! Theres a limited number of scholarships available so get in quick.
07.01.2022 Women’s health services have been fundamental in providing preventative healthcare since 1988. In pandemic, we know how important health education, services and projects really are. Let’s strengthen them! Read more: #TowardsGE
06.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who helped make Safe & Strong: Selfcare is a Political Act event such a success. We will be back next year with an even bigger line up of activities to keep you inspired and fired up as gender equity champions. All FREE and exclusive to GenVic Members.... Go on. Join us. Its EOFY. Our thanks to: Artful Awareness The Country Womens Association of Victoria Inc. - CWA josieslivezumba Karen Pickering Kovac & Co Kit McMahon Tatiana Cordero-Velasquez Caroline Lambert of Caroline Collaborates Smiling Mind & CYP Womens Council Women with Disabilities Victoria Her Place Museum Women in Gippslands Put Her Name On It Project & Kerry Irwin To Djirra whose #sistasdayout was inspiration. And to Zoom which is fundamentally changing global womens organising. #safeandstrong #mentalhealth #selfcareisapoliticalact #genderequalrecovery
06.01.2022 Tickets available now! Our policy and practice forum Under the Radar is happening Aug 6. Register now to hear from keynote speaker Khara Jabola-Carolus who oversaw Hawais Feminist Economic Recovery Plan for COVID19.
06.01.2022 We need to listen to the lived experiences of women MP’s if we are to keep women in politics safe and equal. Thank you Trish Crossin @SharmanStone for for speaking out about toxic, sexist culture of parliaments. We’re proud to be working with Trish and @JuliaBanks on our Safeguarding Women in Politics Project. You can donate to our work here There’s always been quite a discreet boys club that happens in parliament but it would seem the culture has gotten worse, Ms Crossin said. She said the toxic culture was turning off talented women. I think the more women look inside, the more it deters them to stand. Or if they are currently politicians, they get out and don’t seek pre-selection,
05.01.2022 This year our forum, Under the Radar will be happening online. Were bringing together practitioners, researches, advocates and policy makers to talk about how we can promote gender equity across Victoria. 2020 has presented many unique challenges to gender equity advocates. We know how important it is to talk, reflect and share with each other. Join us on August 6 to listen to some incredible speakers and advocates discuss what social justice and gender equity advocacy needs in 2020. We will be talking online safety, anti-racism during COVID-19 and sexism in the legal industry. Tickets are FREE to GEN VIC Members, but everyone is welcome. Register here:
05.01.2022 Little under an hour before we’re in conversation with these amazing women about #feministgovernance Join us
04.01.2022 Our latest edition of Gender, Disaster and Resilience is out now. The economic impact of a COVID-19 recession are hitting women hardest across the globe. Read more here:
04.01.2022 During COVID-19, in one month the womens mental health clinic at the Alfred Hospital received 2400% more calls than usual. Womens mental health during COVID-19 must be taken seriously. Read more about COVID-19 and its gendered impact here:
04.01.2022 Over 50 organisations committed to gender equity have made a joint statement calling for State and Federal Governments to recognise the gendered impacts of COVID-19. The Statement says: The Coronavirus pandemic is exceptionally difficult for everyone and is having a huge impact on all our lives. So far, a gender analysis of the impact of pandemic has been largely invisible in public debate and planning. Many women are on the frontline, delivering essential services in nursin...Continue reading
03.01.2022 The Feds may have delivered a blue blokey budget but Victoria can build back better from #COVID19 GenVic’s Pre-Budget 20/21 Statement outlines the how, why and where investments are needed to ensure a gender equal road to recovery. We can’t create a fast track for men and a slow lane for women.... Promising signs with free Kinder, afterschool care and recovery workforce’s. But there is so much more to do. And one budget cycle won’t be enough.
02.01.2022 Want to know how COVID-19 is impacting women? Our fact sheets set out exactly how COVID-19 has affected equality, economic security, mental health, sexual and reproductive health and family violence for women. The picture is not great. We need a strong response to make sure that women arent set back due to COVID-19.
02.01.2022 Our 14th edition of Gender, Disaster and Resilience is out now. This week Multicultural Centre for Womens Health and Womens Health West talk to us about the impact of hard lockdown on migrant and refugee communities. We re-iterate that we must be anti-racist in our COVID-19 response.
01.01.2022 Our latest edition of Gender, Disaster and Resilience concerns one of the hardest hit industries: the Arts. With the help of Queen Victoria Womens Centre we call for better research and analysis of the ways women and non-binary artists have been impacted by COVID-19.
01.01.2022 Front page of The Age today. After Australian Bureau of Statistics payroll data this week revealed Victorian women lost jobs at more than four times the rate of men in July, the states gender equality agency has called for an independent economic panel to advise government on job creation for women. Experts are warning of a generational financial catastrophe for young women and of severe hardship for women intending to return to work in their 40s after time out for child r...earing. They say the federal stimulus focus on "shovel-ready" jobs in industries that employ few women, and the fact childcare workers were the first and only group to have JobKeeper removed early mean women are being left behind in the recovery. Tanja Kovac, the CEO of the states peak body for gender equity, GenVic, said state and federal treasuries lacked "gender-economic muscle" to design budgets that would stem womens economic decline due to the pandemic, and more risked falling into poverty. "Weve got job losses at nearly five times the rate of men, and those women are not going to be able to return to work easily," said Ms Kovac, former chief of staff to the late minister for women, Fiona Richardson. Weve got job losses at nearly five times the rate of men, and those women are not going to be able to return to work easily. "In Victoria, the latest ABS data shows womens full-time unemployment rate is 8.7 per cent, far higher than mens at 6.1 per cent. What stunned us in the first round of stimulus is why so many measures were directed at trade and bricks-and-mortar construction when its clear the industries that have laid off significant numbers are in gender-based, womens industries." "We will have a two-lane road to recovery, a fast track for men and a slow lane to nowhere for women," she said. GenVic dubbed the current economic crisis a gender disaster.
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