Genius Childcare Clyde North in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Childcare service
Genius Childcare Clyde North
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 1300 955 540
Address: 1/800 Berwick-Cranbourne Rd 3978 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Likes: 597
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25.01.2022 The aftermath of 10 little fingers and 10 little toes.. Well actually whole body painting happened in the toddler room today! What a fun experience the Glacier children had today investigating different colours and the textures with paint on the floor! #MessyPlay... #IndoorFun #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay See more
24.01.2022 Our fathers day packages have arrived to the children houses and they where super excited to receive a package under their names!
24.01.2022 Can't go to the cinemas so we bought the cinemas to us! The children have been learning about dinosaurs so we thought a fun way to extend on their learning was watching "Dino Time" and discussing the different types of dinosaurs they saw during the movie. The children's knowledge on dinosaurs is rapidly increasing as they know a lot of the different names.... #DinoTime #PopcornMaker #MovieTime
23.01.2022 NAIDOC Week continues throughout our service. Today the Aspen children explored through their senses. They were able to choose natural materials to add to their playdough. #NaidocWeek #SensoryPlay #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
23.01.2022 Happy fathers day to all dads, step dads, uncles, dad mums and grandfathers! Heres some extra dad jokes just incase you run out... Because remember its all about you today!!!
23.01.2022 Everyone meet Miss Thani! Thani is a casual educator who will float in and out of the rooms doing lunch relief. This give her the opportunity to meet all your children. Thani is currently studying her Diploma in Early Childhood. Fun fact: Thani is 22 weeks pregnant with her second child. Her son also attends Genius in our babies room!... #WeAreGrowingFast #NewEducators #WelcomeToTheFamily
22.01.2022 Parents trivia night planning is in full swing! No cost to be involved Free grazing boxes provided to all families who attend.... $500 worth of prizes up for grabs! RSVP: FRIDAY 18th to secure your grazing box. #ParentsNight #TriviaNight #FindYourInnerGenius
22.01.2022 Happy Educators Day
22.01.2022 Free CBD Parking From 1st December to 3rd January 2021. Download and print this voucher from the following link and display in your vehicle for free parking within the City of Melbourne from 1st December 2020 to 3rd January 2021.
22.01.2022 Everyone meet Miss Lynda! Lynda is our Kindergarten Assistant Educator. Lynda works Monday to Friday and has lots of experience with children. Lynda has come from a before and after school program and is so excited to be working alongside our 3 year old kinder teacher.... Fun Fact: Lynda is completing her Diploma in Early Childhood. #NewEducators #SayHi #WelcomeToTheFamily
22.01.2022 Cant go to the cinemas so we bought the cinemas to us! The children have been learning about dinosaurs so we thought a fun way to extend on their learning was watching "Dino Time" and discussing the different types of dinosaurs they saw during the movie. The childrens knowledge on dinosaurs is rapidly increasing as they know a lot of the different names.... #DinoTime #PopcornMaker #MovieTime
20.01.2022 Just a friendly reminder to start packing your children's hats as the weather is warming up and the UV is creeping up to 3! We follow the sun smart guidelines and hats + sunscreen are a must when the UV is 3 and over. #SunSmart... #AlreadyHatWeather #HatsAndSunscreen See more
20.01.2022 Clyde North meets Clifton Beach tomorrow at 10:00am for a zoom class. How exciting! Both Genius centres have designed a program where the two centres will work together with the kinder children in inquiry based projects. The first few classes will be for the children and educators to get to know each other. These classes will be held once a week on a Friday! We are so excited to meet our fellow Genius family in the sunny town of Clifton Beach!... #OnlineLearning #WorkingTogether #alittlegeniusgoesALONGway Genius Childcare
19.01.2022 Clyde North and Clifton Beach meet again today for their weekly zoom class. We sang some songs and read a story about a superhero. Clifton Beach has something special coming in the mail for us and the children are so excited! Today at Clyde North we will creating cards to send via the post for the children at Clifton Beach.... #CommunityLinks #GeniusFamily #ZoomClasses
19.01.2022 From all of us at Genius stay safe, stay healthy and stay at home this weekend! Not long to go... Lets stick to it and keep our little ones safe! Please note children do not need to wear masks and children under the age of 2 should never have a mask on their face.... But our 2 little helpers have shown a intrest and asked if they can try one too. All part of learning in a safe manner . #thumbsup #dontforgetyourmask #haveagoodweekend
18.01.2022 Ahoy, Me Hearties! We can't wait to see you all at our zoom class tomorrow morning.
18.01.2022 EDIT: NOT LONG TO GO! Miss Rhiannan is preparing as we speak. Make sure to check your Xplor for meeting link and password! We would love to see everyone there to join in on the roaarrring fun! Another fun filled zoom class tomorrow! We hope to see you all there
18.01.2022 "Take cover!" "Let's use team work!" "Everybody stand back." "Make sure it's stable!" What a fun outdoor experience initiated by the children! The recycled reels made the perfect stacking blocks and the children decided to work together to stack them as high as possible. They realised quickly that they needed to negotiate whose turn it was in order to make the tower balance. #LearningThroughPlay... #RecycledMaterials #LoosePartsPlay See more
18.01.2022 Big thank you to everyone who has donated. We have been able to put together 8 hampers so far. Go team go!!! We still have 1.5 weeks until delivery. #IndigenousCulture... #Hampers #SupportingTheCommunity See more
17.01.2022 We cannot wait for next week's class! Thanks Clifton Beach
16.01.2022 With a great interest of dinosaurs shown by the children lately, we decided to extend upon this by setting up a dinosaur hunt exploration game. Each child was given a small tub with hidden dinosaurs which were covered by Bi-carb soda. Alongside their tubs, they had a communal bowl of vinegar with their own pipette to use. Miss Rhiannan encouraged the children to transfer the vinegar from the bowl into their tubs of bicarbonate soda using their pipettes. Miss Rhiannon didnt t...ell the children what was inside the tub to add to the extra mystery and excitement. Working together, they supported each other to figure out how to use the pipettes. "You squeeze and watch the stuff go in." Julian explained to his peers. "Just like this!" Levi said as he transitioned the vinegar to the bi-carb soda! "Look!" Gabriel exclaimed, pointing at all the bubbles fizzing as the vinegar touched the soda. Slowly, slowly the bicarbonate soda started melting off from the dinosaurs in the bottom of the tub, releasing their legs and heads through the powder substance! "DINOSAURS" they all yelled in excitement! #Dinosaurs #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay #ChildrenInterestsFirst
16.01.2022 The walking colours experiment Our learning from home program is becoming very popular with our families and children. They look forward to our Xplor posts of creative ways to keep their children busy during lock down. #LearningFromHome... #WalkingColours #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay See more
16.01.2022 Hands up if your excited for tomorrow's learning at home zoom class with Miss Stephanie. We sure are! Tomorrow's theme is how to prepare your father's day breakfast!... This class will be at 10:45am! Look forward to seeing you all there
16.01.2022 Video Game Workout Our Glacier and Sunset children loved this "Level Up" activity! They made it through the obstacles to move on to the next level. They were jumping over bananas and running from dinosaurs. The children and the educators had the best afternoon completing physical tasks and following instructions. #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
16.01.2022 Refer a friend program! To enquire about our amazing service please register your interest now through our website or by emailing [email protected]
16.01.2022 Refer a friend ' ' - . '' - ! , , .... #BookATourNow #ComeSayHi #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
15.01.2022 WE ARE HIRING If you are a passionate and dedicated Early childhood educator looking for a change or are new to the area we would love to hear from you. As we are growing quickly we are now in the search for new educators. We currently looking for casuals and permanent staff with all different qualifications. We are a newly open centre, friendly and supportive team and wonderful families we have everything you need to reach your fullest potential.... If this sounds like you please forward all resumes to [email protected] or phone 8637 5045. What are you waiting for? Come and see what we have to offer
15.01.2022 For all you are, and all you do, thank you! Feel free to leave your thanks for our educators for their special day tomorrow! #EducatorsDay... #THANKYOU #EducatorsRock See more
15.01.2022 R U OK day is tomorrow!! Please remember to wear yellow to support this cause and to help raise awareness for children who have brain cancer. #RUOK #WordsMatter #WearYellow
15.01.2022 Our water feature wall was a hit with the Sunset children. They all became super excited when they saw the water rushing down the wall! We explored patterns using the water on the rocks. #NewDiscoveries #WaterPlay #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
14.01.2022 We cannot wait for next weeks class! Thanks Clifton Beach
14.01.2022 From dress ups to treasure hunts to treasure map pizzas and sail boat afternoon tea the children have had a fantastic day exploring what its like to be a pirate. To end the day the children received a certificate from Miss Steph as they can officially talk and dance like pirates!
14.01.2022 Hands up if your excited for tomorrows learning at home zoom class with Miss Stephanie. We sure are! Tomorrows theme is how to prepare your fathers day breakfast!... This class will be at 10:45am! Look forward to seeing you all there
14.01.2022 NAIDOC, Diwali and Remembrance Day celebrations! Each room has set up an Indigenous inspired area for the children to explore our First Peoples culture for NAIDOC week. Remembrance day: As a centre we paused for a minute of silence to honour the lives lost. Each room partipated in art experiences to further their understanding of this special day. Diwali celebrations: The Glacier, Windmill and Sunset room children had the opportunity to experience Henna!... What a busy day exploring, investigating and discovering new traditions and cultures. #BeingInclusive #LearningThroughPlay #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
13.01.2022 Ahoy, Me Hearties! We cant wait to see you all at our zoom class tomorrow morning.
13.01.2022 - Our Life Skills program leads Genius children through a series of important building blocks. These skills that they learn through this program will be relevant throughout their lives. Our ultimate goal is to provide children with resources necessary for a life of academic and creative fulfilment, as well as mental and physical wellbeing.... The following life skills are intended to form a strong foundation for lifelong learning and help children to become positive citizens in our society: Garden Guru Program Sports Program Wellness Program Music and Movement Nutritional Ninja Library Program #LifeSkillsProgramInAction #BookATourNow #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
12.01.2022 Genius Clyde and Seaford are running a parents trivia night next Friday at 730pm. Prizes valued at $500!!! No cost to enter... Grazing box to all families who attend First timers are welcomed.. Its all about the laughs and coming together for a fun night. RSVP : ASAP to confirm your grazing boxes. #CommunityEvent #FindYourInnerGenius #ParentsNight
12.01.2022 Just a friendly reminder to start packing your childrens hats as the weather is warming up and the UV is creeping up to 3! We follow the sun smart guidelines and hats + sunscreen are a must when the UV is 3 and over. #SunSmart... #AlreadyHatWeather #HatsAndSunscreen See more
12.01.2022 The children at home recieved a package about a week ago and have been secretly making their fathers day gifts for this special day. We hope their dads love them! #HappyFathersDay #HappySpecialPersonsDay
11.01.2022 We are excited to welcome back our families and children on the 28th of September. Also a warm welcome to our new families who will be starting in the next couple of weeks. Our Genius family is growing and becoming busier each week. We are so excited!! We are super proud of what we have to offer and would love to share all of this with you.... Tours can be booked fast and easily online through our website. #BookATourNow #ReferAFriend #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
11.01.2022 Tomorrow is Daffodil Day!! Show your support by wearing YELLOW! The daffodil is recognised internationally as the symbol of hope for all people affected by cancer. #itsgenius #earlylearning... #daffodilday #community #wearyellow See more
10.01.2022 This Wednesday, 2nd September, is Early Childhood Educators Day ... Early Childhood Educators Day is a day to acknowledge the valuable work of the early years educators in educating and caring for tomorrows leaders. Please help celebrating this with us, share your gratitude with all your childs educators and help spread the love around! Thank you to all our families who have already emailed through their heartfelt thanks and kind words for me to share with our amazing team of professional Early Childhood Educators.
08.01.2022 Pirate day is in full swing here at Genius! #PirateDay #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
08.01.2022 "Nature is a tool to get the children to experience not just the wider world, but themselves."
07.01.2022 Happy birthday Sloane Birthdays are such a special celebration at our service. The money raised for birthday cakes goes to a charity that has been picked by our families. 100% of the profit goes to the Royal childrens hospital at the end of each year. We are very proud to be invovled with this wonderful cause. ... @rchmelbourne #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay #ChildrenSupportingChildren #LeadingAHelpingHand
07.01.2022 Today we checked in with our families and did a learning at home class. We watched a short clip on spoons and created our own spoons for our very own spoonville! #LearningFromHome #SpoonvilleComingToClyde... #GeniusSpoonville See more
07.01.2022 Every couple of days we post on Xplor an activity or experiment for our children to do whilst at home during this lock down period. We love hearing that the children enjoyed doing these experiences.... Magic milk is so easy and fun to do at home. If you would like to do it at home heres what you will need: Put a few drops of food coloring in a shallow bowl of milk, and theyll stay that way - as self-contained blobs. But add a little dish soap to a toothpick or a Q-tip and touch the food coloring, and the colors will swirl around on their own like magic. It all has to do with surface tension: At first, the food coloring stays on the surface, but the soap causes a chemical reaction that breaks the surface tension. #LearningFromHome #StayingConnected #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
06.01.2022 We would like to give everyone the opportunity to promote their businesses through our Facebook page. We are lending a hand through these difficult times and showing support where we can! These posts will continue on the 1st of every month. Please post below your business cards or Facebook pages for others to see :)... #lendingahand #communitysupport #workingtogether
06.01.2022 This morning we had little helpers during our zoom class. Everyone was so excited to see each other! The children just wanted to chat about what they have been doing. One child even said "oh I miss you J." Keeping these connections with the children at home and the children who are still attending is so important. They are definitely missing their friends and the strong bonds with their educators. Thank you Miss Kylie for jumping on whilst at home at the moment. The children loved seeing you and meeting your little one!
06.01.2022 Sometimes all you need is a big squishy cuddle from your bestie #Socialinteractions #Friends #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
06.01.2022 Happy fathers day to all dads, step dads, uncles, dad mums and grandfathers! Here's some extra dad jokes just incase you run out... Because remember it's all about you today!!!
05.01.2022 Refer a friend - . - ! , , .... #BookATourNow #ComeSayHi #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
05.01.2022 Early Childhood Educators Day is on Wednesday 2nd September, and what a year weve had!! I am so proud of our Genius Team every day, but I am super proud of the way they have taken on the challenges of 2020, and continue to dedicate their lives to Early Childhood Education and your little ones. Early Childhood Educators Day gives YOU the opportunity to say THANK YOU... #EducatorsDay #ThankYouForEverything #GeniusClydeNorth
05.01.2022 Early Childhood Educators Day is on Wednesday 2nd September, and what a year we've had!! I am so proud of our Genius Team every day, but I am super proud of the way they have taken on the challenges of 2020, and continue to dedicate their lives to Early Childhood Education and your little ones. Early Childhood Educators Day gives YOU the opportunity to say THANK YOU... #EducatorsDay #ThankYouForEverything #GeniusClydeNorth
04.01.2022 Enjoy your weekend everyone
04.01.2022 FREE WEBINAR To help parents and carers build family resilience in these difficult times, the Department of Education is presenting a free webinar by renowned child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. This webinar will give families some practical skills, knowledge and strategies for managing the lockdown period and remote learning. This webinar will be taking place online on the evening of September 15th. You will be sent a link on the day of the event to watch it, via the address you supply. Please note that this event will be delivered live only and wont be recorded.
04.01.2022 Our zoom class about dinosaurs this morning was so much fun! Miss Steph, Miss Maddy and Miss Kylie joined in on the fun from home! Here is the link of the beautiful story called Windows. ... See more
03.01.2022 After waiting a couple of months one of our Hermit crabs has finally made it to the surface. When we did our zoom class with @crabcentralstation we learnt that they can hide in the sand until they feel comfortable, which could take up to 3 months. The children are so excited to see Pinky moving around and climbing up the wooden log! #Investigation #HermitCrabs... #GeniusPets See more
02.01.2022 ***XPLOR UPDATE*** Home App 1.1.6 has been released to app stores containing a highly-requested parent feature: Media Downloads! Parents can now easily download photos & videos attached to observations or moments. There are two ways they can do so: Navigate to an observation/moment and tap the download button in the top right to download all media attached; Or they can tap a single image in the gallery to open it, then tap and hold on screen to show the download single media menu.
02.01.2022 Follow on with Miss Rhiannan and Leo the Lion!!
02.01.2022 Little People, Big Feelings Free Webinar Do you want to lean how to manage meltdowns, tame tantrums and raise an emotionally intelligent child? Join Dr Justin Coulsons for his free live webinar Little People, Big Feelings on Monday 7th September at 8pm to hear and learn his powerful guide to teaching children to understand and regulate their emotional world....
01.01.2022 Loose parts Loose parts play is a type ofplaythat supports invention, divergent thinking, problem solving and offers a sense of wonder to children. They are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways. #ALittleGeniusGoesALongWay
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