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Generation Wellness Global


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23.01.2022 Do you know you? Have you ever wanted to know yourself more? Weird question? ... Let me break it down like this... * Ancestral stress & trauma changes get some of that... * Experiences under age 7 you absorb without filters...(brain running more on theta waves) * Parents often model what they were modelled, not what they would like to model (refer back to point 2) So...what if you could clear some of the interference and know YOURSELF more? How amazing would that be?! I had a client today tell me when we cleared a need to numb from her past she isn't watching her ipad any more... ..such simple behaviours that are changed in a moment when we clear the stress that drives it! We each have a Divine purpose and reason to be here. We each have our own unique gifts to share...time to find out more about YOU and what awesomeness you are here to share! This work really can change your life in the most amazing, exciting way #readytochangeyourlife? #letsbookitin

22.01.2022 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING...ARGHHH!! Who do you know that's really hard to buy for...?? So here's an idea ... ... #somuchmorethanmaterial See more

22.01.2022 ** GRATITUDE ** What is your attitude about gratitude?? I have done a lot of work with Spikenard - The Oil of Gratitude. I can tell you when I first opened that bottle ...BLEH! Yuck! :p That was NOT a smell that made me grateful. ... But the more I have healed, the more I don't mind the smell...weird right? Maybe I'm not resisting gratitude any more. Here's an amazing story that happened to me recently - it was powerful and I hope it really speaks to you. Would love to hear what you are feeling grateful for today <3 (and if you're not, well let's book a session and clear that! ;) )

20.01.2022 Due to ticketing glitch i am going to offer this awesome pre-Christmas event as by-donation ... Come along and if you feel you got something out of it then donate some money to my Christmas fund See you Thursday

20.01.2022 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!! Have you seen the Koala diffuser..?? ... For a limited time only so reach out if (like me) you NEED one of these #everyparentlovescalmkids

17.01.2022 FREE Frankincense... Merry Christmas!! #goodenoughforJesus

14.01.2022 Super simple pampering... How to make a sugar scrub...

12.01.2022 ** Life Happens** I am so grateful for my dTERRA biz - it gives me so much confidence and PEACE. My family have been going through some big changes...and i have so much MORE than just oils for the emotional support i need When life happens I don’t need to stress if I’m getting paid or show up to work. Thanks to a solid foundation created over time I can choose to serve, grieve, heal, support, and be focused on the priorities in the moment and then when I get more room I can return to it and take my biz and team to the next level and expand our reach and influence. Top 5 reasons why YOU want to create a residual income business: 1. Life happens. 2. Life happens. 3. Life happens. 4. Life happens. 5. Life happens. dTERRA is a business of education, support and community - wherever you choose to plant yourself be sure to jump into a team of loving support so you can learn and grow your understanding of these powerful plant medicines. What is your #1 burning question about dTERRA? Part-time, full-time or ...always a great day to begin a residual income stream **original written by the lovely Kelly xx

11.01.2022 Are you near Redcliffe? Need to try some homemade EO chocolates? Join me Saturday afternoons... Pm for details Are you near Redcliffe? Need to try some homemade EO chocolates? Join me Saturday afternoons... Pm for details

11.01.2022 Hellooooooo from me! I am so passionate about emotional healing - it has changed my life! I'd love the honour of helping to change yours <3 Emotional Healing - what can it really achieve? Here are a few things that have been resolved in my practice..... <3 fertility issues <3 bed wetting <3 constipation and chronic bowel issues <3 chronic pain <3 nightmares <3 mother-child relationships <3 trauma <3 persistent coughs and respiratory issues <3 creating peace and calm...(adult and child!) Why? How? We are not just a physical body. Emotions are CHEMISTRY. Emotional traumas and wounds are chemistry that is created and not cleared from the body. Even the smallest of experiences can leave a trace, an imprint... Wounds upon wounds that are not cleared will build up...if they don't get our attention with the emotional struggles we experience, they will eventually manifest physically...let's not let it get to that point <3 #booktoday Discounts for family package - ask me more <3

11.01.2022 Do you have someone in your life who has EEEVERYTHING?? Some people are REEALLY hard to buy for... Well here's a random idea.. :D :D #giftemotionalwellness

08.01.2022 ** SENSORY AND SPECTRUM ** Focus Blend is something you'll come to love if you have kids like my oldest ...needs a little grounding. A little too aware of ALL the energy around her.... Or maybe you have one who is oversensitive to touch or noise...yep, know those feels too... #peaceblendisyourfriend We love the calm that Vetiver brings to the central nervous system I gotta say...... Or maybe you need some calming those anxious feels... You KNOW there's an oil for that right? Oddly people are sceptical about oils and natural products. Here's what I can tell you as someone with a background in science. We go to Nature first, to find a solution. Then someone makes a synthetic version (read side-effects) so they can patent it... Which is why I now cut straight to the purest natural solution I have found #thanksdoterra If you need natural solutions I'd love to chat. If you're not sure where to start, well education is my favourite past-time so just ask <3 Let's help ourselves and our kids to feel amazing, calm, balanced and focussed...naturally <3

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