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Georgina Mitchell Virtual Gastric Band Practitioner

Phone: +61 435 923 817


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25.01.2022 Has #stress changed or limited you? Is it keeping you stuck? Damaging your relationships? - Mood Swings - Insomnia/exhaustion - Anxiety - Poor Concentration... - Forgetfulness - inattentiveness - Loss or increase in appetite - Smoking, drinking,eating,gamblng etc - Withdrawal from social gatherings - Lack of confidence -Low self-esteem -Negative self-talk These are just some of the symptoms of stress that may be having a negative impact on your quality of life. Wouldn't it be better to let go of these energy draining responses to stress and learn how to handle stress in a healthier more productive way? At #Hypfocus we use #Hypnotherapy to lower your overall stress levels and connect you to your inner resources so that you can manage and respond to stress more constructively going forward. Life will always have ups and downs and many of them are outside of our control; how we respond to them however can be within our control if we learn the skills required. Our Hypfocus #Stressmanagement programs utilises #Hypnosis to address any skill gap you may have in dealing with stress by building and strengthening your #ego #resilience and #lifeskills If you'd like to find out more call Georgina on 0435 923 817 or visit #Mentone #Melbourne See more

24.01.2022 Read our 5 easy and affordable tips to #relax over #Easter. #blog #tips #hacks #calm #mindfulnesss #stress #de-stress

24.01.2022 If you could change anything in the way you live your life what would it be? Whats keeping you stuck? #habits #choices #wellbeing #health #weightloss #anxiety #depression #quitsmoking #confidence #selfesteem #relationship #focus #melbourne #hypfocus #stuck

24.01.2022 What do you think is the most important lesson you've learned from the mistakes of others? #wisdom #learning #experience #resilience #humour #fridayfunnies #hypnotherapy #mindfulness #hypnosis #therapy

24.01.2022 Feeling stuck? Suffering #Anxiety, #weight issues or want to #StopSmoking? It's time to try #Hypnotherapy - read our latest blog here #depression #mentalhealth #hypnosis #hypfocus #mindfulness #change #diet #health #live #success

23.01.2022 We're not born on a level playing field. Some are born into privilege and/or some are born in to loving supporting familes. Others, through no fault of their own experience a different story. The effects of a hard childhood can stretch through an entire life unless steps are taken to repair the damage caused. Resilience is a skill that needs to be fostered. Read our latest Hypfocus Therapies #blog #melbourne #healing #innerchild #hypfocus #anxiety #hypnotherapy

22.01.2022 Feeling stuck? Suffering #Anxiety, #weight issues or want to #StopSmoking? Its time to try #Hypnotherapy - read our latest blog here #depression #mentalhealth #hypnosis #hypfocus #mindfulness #change #diet #health #live #success

22.01.2022 #VCE and end of semester #exams are about to get underway. #Stress can make it difficult to #focus and #recall. Improve your ability to #study effectively with some relaxation techniques. 1. Visualise the outcome that you want as if you've already achieved it successfully, get a sense of how that feels in the body, get a sense of what you did to achieve it and how it was absoultely worth it - the brain loves having a big picture to work towards actualising. 2. Breath and deepy in through the nose and out through the mouth for a few minutes - focusing on the breath. 3. Stretch the body gently. 4 take regular breaks - about every 50 minutes or so. 5. Stay hydrated 6. Use a restrictor App to shut down social media Apps during your planned study time - let people know not to distract you during your study time. 7. Get plenty of sleep - no devices for at least a hour before bed. 8. Notice your study style so that you can replicate it in an exam situation when you want to recall what you studied e.g. your posture and breathing pattern, going back into this will help trigger your memory. 9. If you're feeling tired/depleted consider taking vitamins. 10. Try to get some sunshine every day, 15 minutes minumum. #calm #clear #success See more

21.01.2022 As we become increasingly aware that the over prescription of opioids (particularly in the US ) has created a crisis with little success in long term pain management, it's time to explore better alternatives. The brain controls how we experience pain and this experience can be adjusted through Hypnosis and Therapy. The techniques used can be taught to client to enable self management after just a few sessions with a therapist. It's cost effective and safe. Read our Latest blog at the link below to find out more. #Hypnotherapy for #PainManagement #ChronicPain #Hypnosisforpain Read our latest #blog

20.01.2022 The average Australian has 14 teaspoons of free sugars a day.

20.01.2022 Listen to our latest Podcast in which I discuss Nutrition and the link between Stress and Depression and weight gain. This episode includes a Progressive Muscle Relaxation exercise which commences at about the 10 minute mark and runs for 12 minutes approx. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on your preferred platform it's called Hypfocus Hypnosis Melbourne

20.01.2022 What is your ideal self? If you removed all the old expectations (both your own and the expectations of other) and began as if with a blank canvas, how would you like to be? Sometimes beliefs, habits and the perceived need to meet expectations (however unreasonable) can set us up for feelings of overwhelm, loss of control and defeat which then keep us stuck.... How would you like to shed all that and reset your mindset so that you can start anew and create the you that you want to be? When you are in alignment with your self, you feel the love that makes taking good care of yourself a natural choice not a chore. Imagine easily looking after your physical self by eating the right foods, avoiding excess and unhealthy habits as well as looking after your emotional self by establishing healthy boundaries, and learning to work with your emotions rather than suppressing them (often with food, shopping, drinking, gambling, social media, sex etc.). If you'd like my help call me on 0435 923 817, I've created my success by helping my clients create theirs. #weightloss #success #anxiety #depression #change #lifecoach #hypnotherapy #hyposis #melbourne #mentone #vgb #hypfocus

18.01.2022 Adaptability and flexible psychology are the keys to living a resilient life. #resilience #adapt #thrive #bloom #blossom #anxietyhelp #depressionhelp #chronicpainhelp #hypfocus #weightloss #diet #quitsmoking #change

17.01.2022 Did you know that Hypnosis can help prepare you for dental and medical procedures by reducing stress and eliminating fears and phobias? What's more it can reduce the amount of anaesthetic required during surgery. Not only that, Hypnosis speeds the recovery process. Hypnosis creates a sense of deep calm and focused absorption; this focused absorption occupies the mind so that the patient is not negatively affected by procedures being performed and their perception of pain is... maintained at a level that's comfortable and manageable for them. Read our latest #blog about #Hypnosis for #health #wellbeing and #recovery from #illness and #chronicpain If you'd like to contact me call 0435 923 817 or visit my website at I'm located in #Mentone, South East #Melbourne #hypfocus #anxiety #phobia #depression #addiction #hypnotherapy

16.01.2022 How many times in life have you wished in retrospect that you had paused to think before you spoke (blurted!). A regular practice of mindfulness gives us that moment of pause,so that we can assess and think about our desired outcome. #bemindful #hypfocus #melbourne #hypnosis

16.01.2022 These are for you :) Have a wonderful Sunday. #forgetmenot #flowers #nature #grateful #appreciate #beauty #hypfocus #melbourne #mentone #hypnotherapy

15.01.2022 Do you ever stop and think about who inspires you? We create a little more of ourselves everyday. Drawing inspiration from others for our evolving self helps us grow #mindfully and #purposefuly. #personalgrowth #mindfulness #inspire #hypnosis #resilience #melbourne #hypfocus

14.01.2022 Something to aspire to. Practicing mindfulness has so many benefits including stress reduction, clarity of thinking, inceased will power, improved memory, increased capacity for experiencing joy! For just a 10 minute daily investment you can reap these rewards :) #bemindful

13.01.2022 As the great Frederick Douglass said "It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men". Building strong children requires thoughtful consideration and consistency and there are no guarantees about the outcome. However taking the time to invest in building resilience in our children will pay huge dividends as they grow up. Introducing practices and skills such as #mindfulness , #activelistening #beingpresent as well as modelling #healthyeating #exercise #he...althyrelationships #confidence #assertiveness and #respect will help to set them up for life. Your children are still your children long past their childhood, so cutting corners when they're young may mean that instead of having strong independent adults in future years that you are left the much harder task of teaching life skills to a more close minded adult already set in their ways. This may require professional help and their cooperation and commitment to turn around. #hypnotherapy #melbourne #mentone #hypnosis #counselling #anxiety #confidence #weightloss #quitsmoking #depression #ibs #chronicpain #schoolrefusal #change #breakhabits See more

13.01.2022 If you could change anything in the way you live your life what would it be? What's keeping you stuck? #habits #choices #wellbeing #health #weightloss #anxiety #depression #quitsmoking #confidence #selfesteem #relationship #focus #melbourne #hypfocus #stuck

12.01.2022 Im often asked how #Hypnosis can help with these conditions, so I thought I would share the last answer I gave. #Hypnotherapy is very effective in the treatment of #anxiety and #depression because it enables a deep state of focus and absorption through which with the help of the therapists suggestions one can resolve unresolved #emotions and experiences. Often these emotions are consciously or unconsciously keeping one stuck in a state of depression and anxiety. This doe...snt mean having to relive traumatic events but rather being able to view them from a more empowered perspective in order to resolve the feelings associated with them; by doing so, to be able to finally consign them to the past, while holding on to any useful lessons that can be drawn from them. All the tools employed during counselling and psychotherapy may be utilised during hypnotherapy however in hypnotherapy the deep state of absorption which bypasses the critical factor enables change to take place at a much faster rate. This focused introspection opens the mind to possibilities that are often filtered out when we are in a state of depression and anxiety. See more

12.01.2022 This is particularly important for parents to note, be mindful of the messages you give your children at bedtime, it's a wonderful time to boost their self-esteem and confidence by reminding them of any little thing they've done well #bemindful #hypfocus #melbourne #hypnosis

11.01.2022 Hypfocus Newsletter - Tips For Health And Well Being -

11.01.2022 Ever feel overwhelmed and out of control? Enjoy our latest blog "8 Tips on how to increase your feeling of control" #hypnotherapy #blogger #hypnosis #melbourne #mentone #hypfocus

11.01.2022 As the great Frederick Douglass said "Its easier to build strong children than to repair broken men". Building strong children requires thoughtful consideration and consistency and there are no guarantees about the outcome. However taking the time to invest in building resilience in our children will pay huge dividends as they grow up. Introducing practices and skills such as #mindfulness , #activelistening #beingpresent as well as modelling #healthyeating #exercise #he...althyrelationships #confidence #assertiveness and #respect will help to set them up for life. Your children are still your children long past their childhood, so cutting corners when theyre young may mean that instead of having strong independent adults in future years that you are left the much harder task of teaching life skills to a more close minded adult already set in their ways. This may require professional help and their cooperation and commitment to turn around. #hypnotherapy #melbourne #mentone #hypnosis #counselling #anxiety #confidence #weightloss #quitsmoking #depression #ibs #chronicpain #schoolrefusal #change #breakhabits See more

10.01.2022 Is your teenager a late night hostage to their smart phone or laptop? Read our latest #blog here #bullying #onlineabuse #teenageinsomnia #schoolrefusal #lordoftheflies #smartphoneaddiciton #hypnosis

10.01.2022 #Connection is vital to #mentalhealth. The great irony of this era of social media and online interaction is how easy it is to become #lonely and #isolated. World renowned addiction expert Gabor Mate says lack of connectionn is the underpinning of #addiction. #bemindful

10.01.2022 While we can certainly learn from the experiences of others however comparing ourselves to others is not helpful; we all have our own paths to follow and we are each unique. A good life is constructed of great memories and experiences it's a process of continuous growth if we allow it to happen. If we learn from our mistakes and capitalise on our successes we will move forward. Sometimes we can become stuck, bogged down by an experience or a skill deficit. This can lead to negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours. If you feel stuck and would like help in moving forward give me a call on 0435 923 817 or visit my webpage to learn more about how I can help you at #anxiety #depression #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #weightloss #health #quitsmoking #addiction #melbourne #mentone

09.01.2022 Think about what you would like to get out of life. Now think about how much time you spend actively working towards that. Have you forgotten to remember what's important to remember? #life #love #takeaction #focus #bemindful #live #goals #success #happiness #hypfocus

08.01.2022 Would you like help achieving your best result? #Hypnotherpay helps boost #memory #motivation #focus #concentration #studysuccess #confidence and overcome #anxiety #examstress . Whatever your goal #Hypnosis can help.Call #Hyfpocus on 0435923817 today & find out how

08.01.2022 Hurry!! $20 Early Bird rates end on Thursday the 10th of October! Full ticket price $45. (Still great value, 3 speakers and a packed goodie bag valued at over... $150!!!) Come along to meet us and hear the latest on nutrition, exercise and stress management in relation to fertility, preconception, pregnancy and more! Tickets at Eventbrite: We look forward to seeing you there! #foducation #myfoducation#getfoducated #lowfodmap#fodmapdiet #ibs #ibsdiet#lowfodmapdiet #fodmapfriendly#fodmapapproved #tummytroubles#ibs #ibsdiet #fgid #foodintolerance#lowfodmapfoods #fodmapfriendly#dietitianapproved#nutritionistapproved #fodmapexperts#ibsawareness #guthealth#guthealthmatters #digestivehealth @ Hypfocus Therapies Hypnotherapy

08.01.2022 The greatest block to our success is in our mind; whether its a limiting belief, a blinkered perspective, fear of failure,lack of confidence in our ability, or the desire to avoid criticism and judgement by others, mindset can keep us stuck. As Napoleon Hill said "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. A good Hypnotherapist works with you to help you see and believe the possibilities & opportunities for change that are obscured by mental blocks.

08.01.2022 In spite of the fact that life is safer and more abundant for more people than ever , stress is on the increase. Here's some tips on# stressmanagement. Hypnotherapy is a wonderful fast effective therapy for stress reduction. #reducestress #melbourne #mentone #hypfocus

07.01.2022 Ready for change? Like to feel lighter physically & emotionally? When we shed emotional baggage excess physical weight is easier to shed. Diets don't work, a healthy balanced mind/body lifestyle is the way.. #hypnotherapy #Virtualgastricband #hypfocus #weightloss #melbourne

07.01.2022 It’s R U OK day in Australia. A day to encourage us to connect with each other, offer support and reduce social isolation. This year it’s more important than ever. #mentalhealth #ruok #wellbeing #support

07.01.2022 I'm often asked how #Hypnosis can help with these conditions, so I thought I would share the last answer I gave. #Hypnotherapy is very effective in the treatment of #anxiety and #depression because it enables a deep state of focus and absorption through which with the help of the therapists suggestions one can resolve unresolved #emotions and experiences. Often these emotions are consciously or unconsciously keeping one stuck in a state of depression and anxiety. This't mean having to relive traumatic events but rather being able to view them from a more empowered perspective in order to resolve the feelings associated with them; by doing so, to be able to finally consign them to the past, while holding on to any useful lessons that can be drawn from them. All the tools employed during counselling and psychotherapy may be utilised during hypnotherapy however in hypnotherapy the deep state of absorption which bypasses the critical factor enables change to take place at a much faster rate. This focused introspection opens the mind to possibilities that are often filtered out when we are in a state of depression and anxiety. See more

06.01.2022 Enjoy our latest #blog In' Praise of #Millennials' #blogger #millennials #hopeforthefuture #hypfocus

05.01.2022 Were not born on a level playing field. Some are born into privilege and/or some are born in to loving supporting familes. Others, through no fault of their own experience a different story. The effects of a hard childhood can stretch through an entire life unless steps are taken to repair the damage caused. Resilience is a skill that needs to be fostered. Read our latest Hypfocus Therapies #blog #melbourne #healing #innerchild #hypfocus #anxiety #hypnotherapy

05.01.2022 What do you think is the most important lesson youve learned from the mistakes of others? #wisdom #learning #experience #resilience #humour #fridayfunnies #hypnotherapy #mindfulness #hypnosis #therapy

04.01.2022 #Hypnotherapy for #Insomnia - What you need to know. Read our latest #blog here #blogger #sleepissues #sleepdeprivation #cantsleep #awake #melbourne #hypnotherapist #hypfocus #therapy #sleeptherapy #mentone #bayside #cityofkingston

03.01.2022 Enjoy our latest #blog In Praise of #Millennials #blogger #millennials #hopeforthefuture #hypfocus

03.01.2022 Hypfocus Newsletter - May News and Tips -

03.01.2022 Smoking E-Cigarettes also know as Vaping is not harmless! Read our latest blog #quitsmoking #stopsmoking #smoking #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #blog #blogger #melbourne #hypnotherapymelbourne

01.01.2022 The greatest block to our success is in our mind; whether it's a limiting belief, a blinkered perspective, fear of failure,lack of confidence in our ability, or the desire to avoid criticism and judgement by others, mindset can keep us stuck. As Napoleon Hill said "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. A good Hypnotherapist works with you to help you see and believe the possibilities & opportunities for change that are obscured by mental blocks.

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