German Australian Fitcouple | Sport & fitness instruction
German Australian Fitcouple
Phone: +61 410 318 158
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25.01.2022 Dinge die ich nicht bereit bin aufzugeben : 1. In Restaurants essen gehen/ Essen bestellen 2. Desserts 3. Kohlenhydrate ... Und ich bin nicht nur super glucklich mit meiner Ernahrung, sondern auch mit meiner Figur ohne groß daruber nachzudenken. Wenn unsere Bedurfnisse als Menschen nicht gestillt sind, suchen wir woanders nach Befriedigung. Das gilt nicht nicht nur in der Ernahrung , sondern auch in der Karriere, Beziehungen etc. Ich mochte dich daran erinnern, dass es gesund ist Erlebnisse und Essen zu genießen, ohne dich danach schuldig zu fuhlen. Ich wurde niemals eine Ernahrungsweise empfehlen die voller Verbote ist - denn das fuhrt fast immer zu Frustration, Essattacken, einer ungesunden Beziehung mit Essen und jeder Menge Stress! Deswegen scheitern die meisten Diaten auch. Wenn du dir Dessert/Treats wahrend der Woche verbietest, ist es als ob du dir Sex nur am Wochenende mit deinem Partner erlaubst. Ich glaube, um nachhaltig Gewicht zu verlieren, muss man selbst fur sich verstehen, was man braucht um befriedigt zu sein. Deinem Korper und seinen Signalen zu vertrauen. Und sich aufs NAHREN zu fokussieren und nicht aufs Verbieten. Zogere nicht uns zu schreiben wenn du fuhlst wovon ich spreche: [email protected]
21.01.2022 Who are we? We are committed to help others change their lives! What we do is simple: We teach people from around the world about proper nutrition and inspire them to live a healthy and active lifestyle with our online body transformation challenge.... We aim to connect with our members on a personal level and are literally there for support around the clock. We love what we do. It's who we are!! Let's start your transformation!! Our Start! Before Herbalife Patrick was a Personal Trainer working long hours but could not get ahead of the bills every month. Christina just finished University and could not imagine being stuck in an 9 to 5 office job for the rest of her life. Long story short, we got started on the products and got awesome result: Patrick gained lean mass and the energy he desperately needed. Christina struggled with her weight her whole life and finally managed to transform her body and fell in love with an healthy active lifestyle. We found the Herbalife opportunity and went full force with no excuses since day one. Herbalife can be very rewarding monetarily but to us it represents lives changed around the world. We have a solid business, we spend our days together, work together but most importantly we have the time. Health and time, what a combination! Remember, if you don't go after your dreams you'll end up working for someone else who did!
16.01.2022 Donna used to be a serious yo yo dieter. Before every occasion or vacation she would go on a diet. She wasn't sleeping well, she was always tired, drinking 6-8 cups of coffee a day and only eating once a day to try to keep her weight down. She jumped on her nutrition program.... she couldn't believe how much more she could get done during the day.... Her energy was amazing....she stopped drinking coffee and with the amazing nutrition she lowered her weight and started eating during the day. Her body fat percentage is 13% lower and she put on 7kg of muscle! Get the benefits of our program for yourself! Message us now - we would love to help you as well .
16.01.2022 TAKING NEW CLIENTS Lasst uns mal ehrlich sein ! Gym, Workouts, Gewichte, schwitzen.. am Anfang schwierig aber irgendwann wirst du die Herausforderung lieben! Von den Lieblingschips, den Schokocrossaints und der Tafel Schokolade die Finger zu lassen- das ist die wirkliche Challenge !! Ich weiß wovon ich Rede, aus einen Cheat meal wird ein Tag, eine Woche, bis zum Anfang nächsten Monats... 80% des Erfolges macht die Ernährung aus - 20% dein Training Bleib stark und konsistent- 21 Tage braucht der Körper um eine neue Gewohnheit zu erlernen. STARTE JETZT! Es ist egal wie oft du gescheitert bist.. wichtig ist wie oft du stärker warst Persönliches Online Coaching mit uns, Pläne, Ernährungsprodukte die dich unterstützen und jede Menge Motivation gibt es in unserer 30 Tages Challenge! Für jedes Budget und Fitnessziel gibt es ein passendes Programm Schreibe uns eine E-Mail oder PN für mehr Infos [email protected]
13.01.2022 Do you want to make a change just like Marney Smolenaars did this year?? Are you ready to kickstart your 2021? Come and join us in our NEW YEAR NEW YOU CHALLENGE Let’s set some goals together and let’s crush them! Inbox us and let’s chat! ... Marney: I found this picture in my phone today that one of the kids had taken. This was halfway though our first lockdown and although I knew I’d put on a bit of weight, I’m actually shocked seeing that i had gotten that big! But I’m here at the end of 2020, nearly 17kg lighter and I’m so excited for the new year!! [email protected]
12.01.2022 Volume Eating Choosing foods with a bigger volume and less calories is great for weight loss, because it will keep you full for longer. Choosing food with less volume and higher calories (nutbutters, nuts, dry fruit etc) is great for weight gain. Because you can eat more and consume more calories without getting full.
08.01.2022 Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you HAPPINESS. Bad days give you EXPERIENCE. Worse days give you LESSONS and the best days give you MEMORIES.
04.01.2022 Meet Brooke Daly Her transformation is mind blowing she is such a huge inspiration!!! Here is what she says: I’ve always been a bigger person but for me living my Herbalife has brought me so much more than incredible weightloss! For the first time I feel well!! Fueling my body with the right nutrition, supplementing to assist my gut health, energy levels, sleep better and exercising and strengthening not only my body but my mind and soul has brought me more happines...s that I can tell you! I’m living each day and absolutely LOVING IT Can you relate? Want to make a change? Join our 21 Day March madness challenge !!! We would love to get you started inbox us now for more info! Let’s do this
04.01.2022 Best thing I ever did was working on myself and do things that get me out of my comfort zone. You can do that too sis happy Thursday!
04.01.2022 When working from home is so much fun
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