Get Busy Training in Perth, Western Australia | Gym/Physical fitness centre
Get Busy Training
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Address: 4/567 Newcastle Street 6007 Perth, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 Could not agree more with Pablo. Can't wait to get back into the gym tomorrow. Who's pumped for a big week?
23.01.2022 Strength has a greater purpose. Be @strongfirst.
23.01.2022 Just some random stuff. Playing with the bent press - it’s been a while. The bent press is old school strongman feat of strength to get a ridiculous amount of weight overhead; most notable Arthur Saxon who Bent press 168kg. This is me with 32kg.... watch out Arthur... I’m comin’ for ya!
23.01.2022 Been 1 full & frustrating year since I’ve snatched a 32. 12 months ago we got back from holidays. My hips were as tight as fuck from all the flights. Absolutely itching to get back in to training, I wanted to do some snatching so I thought I would work up to 32 but keep it low reps and then boom felt my back go. Massively irritating an old disc issue. It’s been an up and down road since but I’m hoping this is the start of a new beginning.
23.01.2022 Swingathon for Telethon. Come and put your swing endurance to the test and raise some money for the kids.
22.01.2022 What does mobility do for YOU? Does a lack of mobility affect life, work, training? - if not, I envy you. Personally when I downscale my mobility work for something else in my training, I notice it pretty quickly.For me, losing movement is as frustrating as losing strength. There’s no chance of me becoming a competitive powerlifter any time soon so that extra tension in my body just doesn’t serve me, it just aggravates my injuries and slows down my training. So for me it’s e...ssential to be doing something at all times. We can also flip the question to.. What does excess stiffness & tension in your body do for you, how does it make you body feel. See more
22.01.2022 The staggered-stance deadlift has been the most beneficial deadlift variation for me over the last few months. Disc bulges don’t give a shit that you want to resume your normal training, so it’s easy to take 2 steps forward one step back. My experience has been that by being dominant on the front leg, you get some of the perks of uni-lateral training but having the stability of the back foot you get the perks of being in more control - it’s allowed me to add more weight without more risk of flare ups so I feel like I’m getting stronger again. My physiological knowledge can’t tell you why it doesn’t aggravate the disc, it just doesn’t so it seems to be working. Even when the bad side (left: where pain presents) is loaded and the left hamstring is under tension, which would usually causes aggravation - is pain free.
21.01.2022 We should never take for granted the impact we can have on the people around us. You never know what ripple effect it may produce.
21.01.2022 Hands up if you’re ready to take on the week.
21.01.2022 Bench accessories, playing with some slides after some singles on BP. These archer push ups weren’t to bad on the slides, definitely harder in the rings.
19.01.2022 If you’ve just bought yourself some Covid Kettlebells. Do yourself a favour and do the StrongFirst 1 day user course. You’ll be getting expert coaching on how to use kettlebells safely but more to the point effectively. - Greater Strength & Conditioning with far less equipment than you think you need. Plus you’ll get a look inside the StrongFirst community and how you could become a StrongFirst Instructor.... As a coach, it was the best decision I ever made (wish I had found StrongFirst earlier) See more
19.01.2022 You can’t give it away and you can’t get it back. But you can invest it wisely, you can do something today that your future self will thank you for.
17.01.2022 Learning to juggle between sets. - who’s got some tips for me.
16.01.2022 When while in Australia.
16.01.2022 Claire breaking in the ‘HULK’ bell this morning and making it looks easy.
15.01.2022 A SPIN ON AEROBIC TRAINING. Up your cardio game by training the respiratory system more directly. I’ve always struggled with breathing, which sounds ridiculous right, we do it about 10 times a minute, 600 times an hour, about 14-15,000 times a day. You’d think we’d all be superstars at it with all the practice but nothing could be further from the truth. I was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 2 but thankfully grew out of it as they say in my mid-20’s. But Ive always stru...ggled to breathe through my nose, dispute the size of mine, it’s pretty fuckin useless. It wasn’t till I discovered @strongfirst and the SFG Kettlebell Certification that I was taught about the importance of breathing. Senior Team Leader @hardstyle_method introduced to me to the practice of training with a mouth full of water. For me, it’s forcing the respiratory muscles to work harder, but more efficiently- reducing chest breathing and encouraging better diaphragmatic breathing under stress. Today’s practice: 10 Rounds: 2 minutes of Airbike @60rpm - in through nose, out through mouth 30 seconds recovery 1 minute of Farmers Carry - mouth full of water, nasal breathing only 30 second recovery
14.01.2022 ALIGNMENT. How much flexibility/ mobility is enough. The answer is simple: just enough. - just enough to avoid compensation at another articulation further up or down the chain. Nourish joints and lower risk of injury by making sure you take your joints through full range of motion in a regular basis; working it into gym sessions or have an active recovery mobility day (for those that can’t bare the thought of not training). It’s unlikely to have any negative affects on the average gym-goers strength or ability to build lean muscle.
14.01.2022 In light of a Facebook memory.... This had to be done TAKE ME BACK! Big beers, Big pork knuckles,... Big fun all round... #oktoberfest #prost #beersnatches See more
13.01.2022 Was mostly a nothing too exciting training day with some Bench press and accessory work. Then playing with the bent press got the 40 up. This is the first time for me getting the 40 over head without a push or jerk helping out (not including TGUs) so pretty happy.
13.01.2022 Today’s respiratory training: 5 Rounds of: 2 min Airdyne @ 60rpm-mouthful of water 30 sec rest-open mouth breathing 2min front crawl- mouthful of water... 30sec rest-open mouth breathing See more
12.01.2022 Folks of West Leederville, join me at Earn The Right PT and begin your pursuit of strength. What I believe is crucial for strength progression: Education Coaching... Support Great results come from: - learning about what works for YOUR body, - having a plan, - unlocking movement restrictions, - practicing the primal movement patterns, - having hands on coaching to create better movement, - an environment that feeds your motivation to get better, If anyone would like some details on this program, please feel free to message me.
11.01.2022 Light session, nothing to exciting. Feeling a bit wound tight so wasn’t feeling a big session was a good idea- trying to practice this wholelisten to your body thing I keep hearing about 5 reps. Alternating hands every 90 seconds- lots of rest. 5 Rounds. Felt surprisingly good.
11.01.2022 Stone fruit season #perthhills
10.01.2022 The goal of the Get-up is to increase the load without losing the integrity of the movement. A 40kg Get-up should look a lot like an 8kg Get up.
10.01.2022 This post could not be any truer (IMHO) If you swear to the heavens, you don’t have a bad diet, and still not getting results in body composition. It’s then probably hard fact (in most but not all cases), you have a bad work ethic in your training.
10.01.2022 Barbell and and Kettlebell variations of the front squat are very similar except the rack positions. In barbell, where the arms are positioned have an effect on being able to balance the bar on the chest and shoulders. Not so much in the kettlebell variation. Consider this; Being a front loaded squat you should be able to sit up nice and tall and pull the bells into your body. By dialling into the lats and locking them in tight you can create heaps of tension through the trun...k making it super strong. I’m not saying flaring the elbows is wrong (in the KB variation), it’s just different. But in my opinion this rack position helps create more tension and enables you to squat heavier bells. Give it a go.
09.01.2022 Anyone due to do their CPR quals.? Wanna come be my friend and hangout??
09.01.2022 There’s a time and a place for maxing out. But there’s a limit before you are guaranteed to hit a point of diminishing returns. Trash reps = your body feeling trashed and bartered. Crushed reps = your body feeling like it could repeat the process and your mind feeling positive AF. Lock your ego in a box and go crush some reps. If you’re not as strong as you want to be, be persistent and don’t give up until you are.
08.01.2022 Saturday morning snatch class with the @earn_the_right team. (Week 1 of many) We 2 points of focus for this session 1. Hip speed: getting the bell to the overhead lock out as fast as possible. 2. Pausing and stabilising the bell in the lockout.... Already looking forward to next week with the guys working towards becoming faster and more athletic using the snatch. See more
06.01.2022 Sayin’ what we’re all thinkin’.
06.01.2022 Who wants to improve their max body weight pull up test? This protocol could dramatically improve your score in just 30 days. I’ve used it before and had some great success, join me in May for another crack at it. Also check out the article in the comments.
06.01.2022 Hey guys, A quick message to anyone living, working or training in pain. Next week the guy that’s helping me put my body back in a state that’s not only strong but healthy too. Come and attend some movement workshops run by Dr. Matt Hamilton from Wild Chiropractic. Attendance is a small donation to charity, details are in the link.
05.01.2022 Playing with Simple & Sinister; without the brutality of the 100 swings. @sam_adaptivestrength 5 Rounds of:- (on the minute) M1: 10 Heavy 2H swings... M2: 5 pull ups M3: TGU - R M4: TGU - L See more
05.01.2022 'REST' is just an abbreviation for RESTORE. Don't undo a week of hard work on your "rest" day.
05.01.2022 So I’m trying to coach a session tonight and I can feel a presence in the corner of my eye. I look over and there’s a new guy in the gym, the new 60kg bell. It pretty much sat there taunting me for 45 minutes. So we had words and we squatted.
04.01.2022 Called in to pick up my 68kg parting gift from the folks at @coachingzoneleederville. A big final thanks to the staff and of course all the members. Best of luck to everyone in the 6 Week Challenge, I’ll be watching
04.01.2022 Nice light complex to compliment a heap of chin-ups at the start of the session. Complexes are a great way to a full body training session in. There’s not much that something like this doesn’t hit, great if you’re strapped for time too.
03.01.2022 Sprint rounds: 6 x 25 reps; as fast as possible. On the 3 minute (needed it all too)
03.01.2022 One of the greatest single exercises for developing power-endurance (IMHO) Tomorrow I’ll be breaking down the hardstyle Kettlebell snatch at Earn The Right. Come and learn some of the StrongFirst methods of kettlebell training. Still some spots available so click the link below to grab a spot...
02.01.2022 Swapped out my heavy Snatching session today for a heavy swing pyramid for some variety. 3 rds: 5-7-9 reps 68-56-44kg 1 bell every 2minutes... -18 minutes total. See more
01.01.2022 Yesterday wrapped up another chapter in my journey. Saying goodbye to all the legends at @coachingzoneleederville. Thank you to the team at Loftus @_jessegodwin @young_oldspice @vargasclint Hellen and of course the top dog of all top togs @andrewvng, and good luck to @typhoonzac3 as he takes the Head Coach reins. I’ll miss the people as you always do when you move on. Thank you to all the members, I’ve had a great experience in my time there, very chuffed by all the parting and best wishes as I give this academic thing a crack. Thoroughly enjoyed going out with a bang doing the 3 sessions yesterday with the crew and I’m feeling it today Look forward to catching up with everyone down the track. And now... On to a new chapter in my little story of life. @ Coaching Zone Leederville See more
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