Get fit with Intofitness in Brendale | Sport & recreation
Get fit with Intofitness
Locality: Brendale
Phone: +61 421 737 667
Address: Southpine Sports Centre, 620 Southpine Rd 4500 Brendale, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 It all begins and ends with your mindset. What kind of talk do you have going on in your head? Is it helping you to get towards where you want to be, or is it keeping you stuck where you are? Exercise helps you to clear your head. No disputing that.... And get around our girl gang and we will help you fill it with a positive mindset. Win win winning! There’s only 8 memberships left on offer right now. Step forward if you want one before they all go. See more
25.01.2022 When I asked my ladies how they felt at the end of Time To Thrive, this is what one of them said: "Amazing. So much more energy, happier and look forward to exercising too." It’s probably hard to imagine going from where you are now, to where this lady is in just 6 weeks.... But I can tell you, before she did the program, she wasn't feeling like this. She was coming from a place of not feeling good on the inside, or the outside. She had let some bad habits creep in, out of survival because she didn’t really know there was another way of doing things. She couldn’t imagine fitting any more in to her life and yet she knew without doubt that she had to do something because what she was doing, wasn’t working. She was feeling tired. She was skipping meals. She was overweight. She was relying on snacking and takeaway because she didn’t have a plan. She was hanging out at the biscuit jar in the office way too often. She wasn’t making time for exercise or healthy eating. And as a result, she wasn’t feeling good on the inside, or the outside. She knew something had to change. So when she saw my Time To Thrive Program and learned about what it was and how it was delivered, she jumped at the opportunity. This lady got phenomenal results on my program in just 6 weeks, without starving, without meal replacement shakes, pills, or any other fads. She lost 5.4kg and 23cm in just 6 weeks. And whilst those results are amazing on their own, read about what she loved about the program. "Loved that I could message Amanda anytime for help or guidance. Liked the weekly check ins. Love the meals plans the additional exercises and stretching and loved most of all I could fit it in to our busy lives and even the family did it with me. Water intake was hard initially, but I was just mindful every day about it. Eating regularly was hard initially and I never ate brekkie so that was a big change." If you want to be part of our next group coaching program, comment THRIVE and I'll be in contact about our next launch. See more
25.01.2022 Celebrating Belinda Morley for being the first lady to take Fast Action and sign up to Time To Thrive! Enjoy the bonus freebie Celebrating Belinda Morley for being the first lady to take Fast Action and sign up to Time To Thrive! Enjoy the bonus freebie
22.01.2022 Merry Christmas That’s a wrap on our 2020 group training. And what a fabulous and fun finish to another EPIC year - our 7th and already in to our 8th. I’m so grateful to all of our clients present and past for making this year what is was, to their families for their support and to my amazing Co Trainers, Jacoba and Natalia. What a privilege it is to do this important work of helping people to thrive in the way they deserve to.... Thank you to Aspley Hornets Football Club for use of their fantastic facility again this year. And lastly thank you to my own family for their ongoing support to me as I continue to find the balance between running the business with being a Mum and a wife #mythreepassions For now we are closed and will all be taking a much needed rest and recharge until when we return in the 4th Jan with an even bigger program with some exciting specialist classes launching in the new year. Because the better it gets, the better it just gets! Peace out If you need me, I’ll be floating around in the pool See more
20.01.2022 TERM 4 TIMETABLE IS READY TO GO! With the kids back to school tomorrow, it's time to put some time, energy and focus back on to Project You We are helping our ladies to: lose weight get stronger ... tone up have more energy decrease stress move better and have less aches and pains AND much more that they didn't know they needed! After a big influx of NEW members last term, we are getting close to achieving capacity with just 8 memberships on offer right now. So if you want to go in to Summer feeling fit, healthy, happy and confident, drop me a message below if you're keen to get started with us, or visit us here
20.01.2022 The perfect end to a perfect week. Caloundra you’ve been so good to us. Our cups are full to overflowing and we can’t wait to get back here again soon. Meanwhile it’s back to work for me on Monday to start saving for our next mini break.
20.01.2022 My Perfect Morning Early morning yoga with a bush view is the perfect start to my day. And on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I don’t have an early start with clients, I get to do this I think I’ll keep that time-slot just for me because I know it’s exactly what my hard working body needs. Life is full of choices and it’s up to you what you choose.
17.01.2022 Light bulb moments on my morning run
17.01.2022 I have just uploaded our September Meal Ideas for my clients. It's all part of the offering that I include for our members. We offer so much value for those who really want to invest in their inner and outer health and happiness. It's all there for them. Face to face workouts.... Online workouts. Recipe Guides, Meal Plans. Mindset tools Self Care Strategies And so much more... We are not just a fitness provider. We are more than that. Because we believe there is more to health and happiness than just being fit. Here's what this months Meal Ideas looks like.... a whole lot of deliciousness if you ask me! If you want to know more about how I can support you with healthy eating, healthy recipes or just getting on track with what you really deserve, just reach out. Amanda xo
17.01.2022 I just got back from a 1 week beach holiday and I have to say, for once in my life, I truly felt confident in my swim wear, including that walk down to the water when you feel like everyone's eyes are on you, or worse, when you're coming back to your towel and you're facing everyone! Over the last 20 years or so, I have worked consistently on my fitness and I live a mostly healthy lifestyle. I like to take care of my body, not just for how I look, but mostly how I feel when I... exercise, eat healthy food and generally live a healthy lifestyle. But I certainly don't obsess over this like I used to. I'm all about living life for enjoyment too. If I want to have some chocolate I will. If I want to enjoy fish n chips by the beach I will. If I want to enjoy a gelato or a special cocktail on holidays, I absolutely will and do! And despite my weight remaining and clothing size remaining pretty stable over the last 20 years or so, there have definitely been some changes. Cellulite has made an appearance on my bum and thighs and my skin is not as tight as it used to be. My boobs are now small and saggy, thanks to breastfeeding and declining hormones I have a hernia scar above my belly button But these things are mostly just part of my physical journey after having children and getting older. I used to be embarrassed to be on the beach or poolside in swimwear, especially if I was around people I know, that was always worse for me. I would criticise my body and focus on what I saw as imperfections and flaws, despite having a slim and athletic looking body. But this time was different. I was rocking a different bikini most days on the beach and the swimming pool. Walking down to the water with confidence. Hanging out around friends in my togs. So what's changed for me? My appreciation of my body and in particular my attitude towards how I choose to think about my body. I have chosen a more loving and accepting attitude towards my self. I choose to feel proud of my body and what it can do. I choose to feel proud of my body and how it looks. I choose to feel proud of how I'm ageing.... although some days I find this tough I'm confident to wear a bikini on the beach. I'm not hung up on the things that used to trouble me so much. The things that I used to obsess over are now just given a 'Meh so what'. Is it my age? Maybe. Is it a change in mindset? Definitely. Because ladies, it all begins and ends in your mind. Because if you want to feel confident on the beach, the choice is yours to feel that way. You get to choose how you want to think. You get to choose how you want to feel. You also get to choose how you want to act. And if you don't like how you think, feel and act right now, then you have the power to change it one thought, one feeling and one action at a time. My Time To Thrive 6 Week Transformation Program is coming soon....
15.01.2022 What a brilliant start to the Queens Birthday holiday. #beachdaysarethebestdays #oceantherapy #sand #sun #swimming #beachbbq #thisisthelife
14.01.2022 We absolutely should always take time out to rest, relax and recharge. It’s what Mother Nature knows best and teaches us, reflected in our seasons of change and moon cycles. We are having an amazing week of rest, relaxation and recharge. Sun, sand, surf, swimming and lots of smiles. This is our happy place away from home.... We have seen so many people we know and seen lots of friends for us to play with. This type of holiday is something we must always make time for. Phones are left behind daily, meaning our memories are made only in our minds. But the benefits of unplugging from our usual life and plugging in to this one are immensely beneficial for us all. This is the life. See more
14.01.2022 Ladies stop waiting for the perfect time to start and just hit go! I mean why would you wait to start feeling fitter, healthier and happier. Every week we have new ladies signing up and members returning. We had another lady sign up today who said she loved how welcoming we are here. The previous fitness gym she was with was both intimidating and competitive That’s no how we roll.... It doesn’t matter your age, your size or your fitness level, everyone is welcome and made to feel welcome too. We value every single one of our members and do our best to make sure they feel noticed and valued. And because of this, we are fast reaching capacity and will soon be SOLD OUT! Don’t wait a moment longer. Do it for yourself and let it be the best decision you have made in a long while. See more
14.01.2022 Sunset beats and bubbles It doesn’t get much better than this. I’ll take this life while I have it right here right now.
14.01.2022 Hands up below if you feel happy about your weight, your shape or your size right now?
13.01.2022 What an EPIC start to Saturday all of these ladies have had thanks to getting out of bed and in to this awesome workout with Coach G! Only 8 memberships left right now ladies! Get after it before they’re gone.
12.01.2022 Are you wanting to move towards a Sugar Free lifestyle? Whether it's to lose weight or improve your health, there are many reasons why reducing our sugar intake is a good thing. But like anything, making a change takes time, energy and patience. I wanted to make it a bit easier for you to move towards a Sugar Free lifestyle with these delicious recipes.... Check out my Sugar Free Recipes In 15 Minutes Or Less inside the IntoFitness Shop and get started on your sugar free lifestyle today! Inside my recipe book you'll get 22 recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts just like this Chocolate Banana Ice-Cream to get you started on your reduced sugar, or sugar free lifestyle today. Shop Here
12.01.2022 School’s out! But we are training all through the holidays to keep our members active, healthy and happy. Only 8 Memberships left!School’s out! But we are training all through the holidays to keep our members active, healthy and happy. Only 8 Memberships left!
11.01.2022 Do you love to eat dessert but want to make healthy choices? Here's a great choice you can make right here. My Decadently Healthy Desserts Recipe Guide includes 20 delicious dessert recipes that use whole food ingredients. So you can satisfy your sweet tooth knowing you're making a healthier choice.... And if you're watching your calorie intake, all of the nutrition information is included with each recipe Visit the IntoFitness Shop to browse my range of off-the-shelf Meal Plans and Recipe Guides right here
11.01.2022 Don’t mind if I do! The perfect cocktail indulgence to finish a perfectly indulgent and abundant week. #whataweek #cocktailsanddreams #espressomartini #thisisthelife #perfectending #caloundra #beachlife #beachholiday #ourhappyplace
09.01.2022 Ladies, I'll tell you this tip for free... You're never going to reach your health and fitness goals in the absence of good nutrition. Whether you're trying to lose weight Maintain weight Or just wanting to fuel your body so that you have consistent energy... You absolutely cannot ignore how you're feeding yourself. And often as Mums we put so much time and emphasis on our children and their eating habits, that we forget about our own. But it all starts with us because we are their closest role model. They watch what we do all the time. They model what we do. And so if you're not being a healthy role model for your children, then how can you expect them to do it? The best tip I have for you as a busy Mum and I'll give you this tip for free too... You have to get organised. Yep, that's the golden ticket ladies. If you're not organised, you don't have a plan and when you don't have a plan, it all turns to takeaway! Getting organised looks like this: - having a meal plan for the week. - shopping for fresh food and healthy ingredients. - filling your fridge and pantry with healthy options so the choice is made easier. Stop making it hard on yourself and start making it easy. If you need some help with Meal Plans or recipe guides, I can help you. If you want to take a look at something straight 'off the shelf' I can help you with that now too. Browse my suite of Meal Plans and Recipe Guides right here Browse, shop, download and just start eating healthier and your body will say Thank You. Enjoy!
09.01.2022 Mother’s Day Giveaway Tag yourself or a lady you know who deserves to have more energy, less stress, greater confidence and more happiness! Enter our draw by Sunday 9th May to be in the running for 2 weeks unlimited group training + a pamper pack to make her feel extra special.
08.01.2022 Check out our Tuesday night Girl Gang. Wanna join us? There’s only 8 spots left in our crew right now so hurry before you miss out!
08.01.2022 A HUGE crew for our SWEATurday workout today with Coach G at Southpine Sports Complex. Happy Saturday team! We are so proud of you all.
05.01.2022 When I asked my ladies at the end of Time To Thrive how they felt, this is what one of them said: Amazing. So much more energy, happier and look forward to exercising too. It’s probably hard to imagine going from where you are now, to where this lady is in just 6 weeks.... But I can tell you, before she did the program, she wasn't feeling like this. She was coming from a place of not feeling good on the inside, or the outside. She had let some bad habits creep in, out of survival because she didn’t really know there was another way of doing things. She couldn’t imagine fitting any more in to her life and yet she knew without doubt that she had to do something because what she was doing, wasn’t working. She was feeling tired. She was skipping meals. She was overweight. She was relying on snacking and takeaway because she didn’t have a plan. She was hanging out at the biscuit jar in the office way too often. She wasn’t making time for exercise or healthy eating. And as a result, she wasn’t feeling good on the inside, or the outside. She knew something had to change. So when she saw my Time To Thrive Program and learned about what it was and how it was delivered, she jumped at the opportunity. This lady got phenomenal results on my program in just 6 weeks, without starving, without meal replacement shakes, pills, or any other fads. She lost 5.4kg and 23cm in just 6 weeks. And whilst those results are amazing on their own, read about what she loved about the program. Loved that I could message Amanda anytime for help or guidance. Liked the weekly check ins. Love the meals plans the additional exercises and stretching and loved most of all I could fit it in to our busy lives and even the family did it with me. Water intake was hard initially, but I was just mindful every day about it. Eating regularly was hard initially and I never ate brekkie so that was a big change. And when I asked her what she learnt about herself during this program, this is what she shared: I can do anything. Just plan and have the right mindset and off you go. And when I asked her if she would do this program again or recommend it to others, she said: Hell yes. So good to fix where you’re going wrong. Acknowledge what is working and do more of that. I’m really proud of this program for its simplicity and its effectiveness. Its tested and proven to work for busy women who want to find a solution to fit it all in. Work Family Exercise Healthy Eating Self Care Time To Thrive delivers on this in a simple, fuss free and empowering way. If you want to be part of our next group coaching program, comment THRIVE below and I'll be in contact with the details.
05.01.2022 Small group or large we bring the energy to the party! #intofitness #healthyhappywomen #eatonshill #personaltrainer #grouptraining #southpinesportscomplex #hornetsfbc #fitnessforwomen #workoutsforwomen #nutritionforwomen #healthymindsetforwomen #itstimetothrive
04.01.2022 Most women who come to me for help with their health and fitness aren't doing any exercise right now and in fact, they haven't done anything in a very long time. They know they should be doing something because it's going to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing immensely. But it's just so hard to motivate yourself.... They know they should be making their health and fitness a priority, but everything else seems to take priority first. They know they could get out of bed a bit earlier and go for that walk, but it's so easy to switch off the alarm and say "I'll start next week I promise." But next week never comes. And suddenly the months go by, the years go by and you're still stuck exactly where you are. Putting it off. Putting everything and everyone else first. And still feeling tired, out of shape, a bit lost and very unhappy. It doesn't have to be hard ladies. In fact I want it to be very easy for you. You just need to decide that enough is enough. That you are worth it. And that your health, your happiness and your mental sanity should sit high on your list of daily priorities. And when you do, we are here for you. To surround you with a big warm hug, a welcoming smile and a place where you can show yourself just how important you really are. We are looking for women just like you. And we are waiting with open arms. Join us
03.01.2022 I'm looking for 10 ladies who want to lose 3-6kg before Summertime. Comment below if you would like to know the details of my upcoming transformation program and I'll be in contact with the details.
03.01.2022 What’s the one thing you wish you could tell your younger self that would empower her to achieve her full potential in an easier and more effortless way?
03.01.2022 This will do just perfectly thank you very much.
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