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25.01.2022 Learning and fun don't have to be at odds with each other. Thanks to Miss Paige for sharing how she is going to teach today's lesson about spring forces included in our Year 3/4 Discovery unit "Forces in Our World". Do you remember playing with bouncy balls as part of your school work? I sure don't!
25.01.2022 Only about 3% of the energy that goes into an incandescent light bulb actually makes light, the rest makes heat . In our unit, 'Light And Sound', students learn scientific knowledge and skills through hands-on exploration and experimentation with design and technology. . How do you learn about light in your classroom?
24.01.2022 "It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build." - Nelson Mandela . Today, we are honouring Nelson Mandela for Nelson Mandela Day .... The day remembers Mandela's achievements in working towards conflict resolution, democracy, human rights, peace, and reconciliation . Like Mandela, everyone has the ability and the responsibility to change the world for the better! . In MAPPEN's Foundation / Early Stage 1 unit 'Fairness and Friendship' students learn about social justice through the lens of fairness and friendship See more
24.01.2022 How do the seasons change our world? . In the Foundation / Early Stage 1 unit 'The Changing World' students learn how the seasons change, how their community has changed over time and how living things change in order to survive. . Were so glad its Spring bring on the sunshine
23.01.2022 There are over 300,000 species of Beetle in the world. . Beetles are found on land and in fresh water and can adapt to almost any environment because they usually just live where they eat. . In MAPPEN's Foundation / Early Stage 1 unit 'Great & Small' students learn about the different features of animals and how those features help them to live in their environment. They will then use their imagination to invent a fictional animal made up of an assortment of parts.
22.01.2022 Here's a common myth busted: polar bears don't eat penguins! . Since penguins only live in the Southern Hemisphere, and polar bears live in the Arctic, these two amazing creatures never actually come in to contact . We believe that the goal of a great curriculum should be to teach students not only facts, but also how to question, research and develop their own conclusions
21.01.2022 The northern lights are caused by collisions between fast moving electrons from the magnetosphere (the region of space controlled by Earths magnetic field) and oxygen and nitrogen molecules in our upper atmosphere . Electrons transfer some of their energy to these molecules when they collide; this transfer of energy is said to excite them . An excited molecule eventually returns to its non-excited state by releasing photons, or light particles. Large numbers of these c...ollisions create enough light for us to see. . The Years 3 & 4 Discovery unit 'Forces and Functions' helps engage students in the practical application of physics and programming, building a balloon powered car and culminating in the creation of their own application. See more
21.01.2022 Did you know that penguins can live in forests too? . The Tawaki or Fiordland crested penguin breed in scattered colonies, mostly in forests along the rugged coastlines of South Westland, Fiordland, Stewart Island/Rakiura and outlying islands of New Zealand. . This breed is one of the rarest of New Zealand's mainland penguins
21.01.2022 Jellyfish can help us with plastic in our oceans, acting as a filter for microplastic waste. . Jellyfish seem to favour the effects of climate change on our oceans like rising water temperatures, ocean acidity and overfishing . In 'The Blue Marble' learning sequence students learn about living things and how they rely on the environment to survive. This learning culminates in the creation of a conversation campaign which is shared at a school wide Conservation Conference, empowering students to make real changes in the world.
19.01.2022 It's #factfriday! . It turns out the red colour on Mars comes from the presence of Iron Oxide, a mineral found in the dust that covers almost all of Mars . Iron oxide is the element that also gives rust and blood its red colour... . Why did you think Mars was red before you heard this fact? See more
19.01.2022 While the impact has been devastating to humans the Covid-19 pandemic has been helping the Great Barrier Reef (and the planet)! . The halt in tourism in Queensland, while challenging for many people, has helped the worlds biggest coral reef system, the Great Barrier Reef, to heal itself . Mining, ocean pollution and rising water temperatures due to global warming have all caused damage to the Great Barrier Reef in the last 5 years.... . At MAPPEN were passionate about educating students on sustainability and the planet, so we created @thebluemarbleacademy to do just that! See link in bio for more information See more
18.01.2022 So far, there are at least 13,000 different types of daffodils. They differ in size, colour and number of floral leaves. . In 'Our Sustainable World' students learn actions that they can take to help sustain the environment. . How many different types of flowers can your class identify?
17.01.2022 Living through a global pandemic, students are learning more than ever how critical science and medicine are to our lives . How do you use experiments to learn about the world around us in your classroom?
16.01.2022 What has been your favourite lesson so far this term? . We'd love to see the projects they are currently working on. Tag us so we can check them out!
16.01.2022 We're so excited to have begun receiving entries for the first ever AMaC slam poetry award, they look amazing! Wonderful performances of powerful writing. Entries closing on the 30th of September, for more details please visit:
16.01.2022 Rice is the main crop grown in Thailand and Indonesia, and in other Southeast Asian countries, because of their tropical climates. . In many places in the world, rice is the staple, or main, food. . Whats your favourite kind of rice?
15.01.2022 Last week was National Science Week. Did you run any fun experiments? . National Science Week is Australias annual celebration of science and technology. . What are you learning about right now?
15.01.2022 It's #factfriday! . Snails can sleep for 3 years!! . Snails like many other animals hibernate, sleeping when the weather becomes excessively cold... . When not sleeping, snails can be found eating plants and other vegetation . What else do you know about snails? Let us know in the comment section See more
15.01.2022 Did you know that all penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere? . Emperor penguins are the largest of all penguins. An average bird stands at about 45 inches tall and can dive up to 1,850 feet. . Can you guess how many species of penguin there are?
15.01.2022 Today we're honored to announce the first ever AMaC Award. The AMaC Award will be given to the grade 5 or 6 student who writes and performs a spoken word poem that best expresses passion and a call to action. In the Social Justice unit, 'Care For The Kids', students learn about problems facing kids around the world such as poor sanitation, malnutrition, illiteracy and poverty.... Students research an aid agency and then write and perform a spoken word poem at the Slamming Social Justice Show. This unit was always one of Amanda Jane McCallum's favourites and is loved by teachers and students alike. Entries close on the 30th of September and we can't wait to see what students come up with! GetMappen will be matching the first $1,000 of donations which will be directed to the winners charity of choice. More announcements about the associated fundraisers and judging will be made shortly. More info here:
14.01.2022 Without bees, plants wouldn't be able to grow our food! . Bees pollinate approximately 130 agricultural crops including fruit, fibre, nut, and vegetables . As the bee travels from flower to flower, it spreads pollen which helping the plants to reproduce... . In our unit, 'Great And Small' students learn how animals are connected with places and how we should care for animals and their environments . When was the last time you spotted a bee? See more
14.01.2022 Australia is home to many unique geological phenomena, but few are as bizarre as our pink-coloured lakes. . This is often caused by the presence of algae that produces carotenoids, such as Dunaliella salina. . In our learning sequence, 'Our Island Home' students will build on their understanding of the geography of Australia. ... . Have you visited one of the pink lakes of Australia before? See more
14.01.2022 With the return of remote learning we're once again going to be providing free access to MAPPEN Home Learning for Victorian schools. Sixteen F-6 integrated learning sequences, designed for students to access from any phone, tablet or laptop and complete at home. Featuring Victorian Curriculum aligned lessons, broken down into simple and easy to understand steps. With all of the resources, prompts and tips to keep your students engaged and learning, no matter where they are.... Register for free via
12.01.2022 Did you know that, in theory, nothing can travel faster than light? . The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792 kilometers per second. . We'd love to see your light experiments! Tag us so we can check them out
11.01.2022 The average annual loss of ice from Greenland and Antarctica in the 2010s was 475 billion tonnes. . In our sustainability sequence 'Tip Toe Through Our World' students learn to reduce their environmental footprint in various ways . We'd love to see your sustainability projects! Tag us so we can check them out.
11.01.2022 In MAPPENs Stimulating Science', Years 1 & 2 students will consider changes that we experience in our lives through the lenses of biology, earth and space, science, chemistry, and physics . What science experiments are happening in your classroom?
08.01.2022 Did you know Art competitions were held as part of the 1948 Summer Olympics in London, Great Britain? . Medals were awarded in five categories : architecture, literature, music, painting, and sculpture . Works were inspired by sport-related themes ... . What sport would you paint? See more
08.01.2022 Happy Malala Day! . Malala Day is celebrated annually on July 12 each year to honour women and children's rights around the world . July 12 is the birthday of Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist whose life was threatened for publicly advocating for the education of girls... . She is now the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. See more
07.01.2022 Food waste in landfill's produce methane, which is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas . In our learning sequence 'Tip Toe Through Our World', students learn how long things take to decompose . By learning how to reduce, reuse and recycle they consider the importance of sustainability so that it is preserved for future generations... . Have you tried composting in your classroom? See more
07.01.2022 3,500,000,000,000 . 3.5 trillion. That's the newest estimation of how many fish are currently living in the world's oceans . Can you imagine what 3.5 trillion fish looks like?
07.01.2022 Your skeleton is made of more than 200 bones, but did you know that babies have more bones than adults? . Adults have 206 bones in their bodies, but the same is not true for infants . The skeleton of a newborn baby has approximately 300 different components, which are a mixture of bones and cartilage... . The cartilage eventually solidifies into bone in a process called ossification for example, the kneecaps of newborns start off as cartilage and become bone in a few years. . What other facts can you share about the skeleton? See more
06.01.2022 Melbourne, we've got you. We are offering free access to our Home Learning sequences to schools in Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire who register as a whole school. During Term 2, 305 new schools used Home Learning and more than 330,000 activities were assigned and completed by students remotely. We received wonderful feedback about the levels of student engagement, the time saving for teachers and the ease of use.... Find out more and set yourself up with free access via
05.01.2022 In MAPPEN's unit 'Celebrating Differences' students learn all about the food, games, music and traditions of different cultures . They explore the meaning of traditions and discuss the benefits of being part of a multi-cultural society!
04.01.2022 One quarter of your body's bones are in your feet! . Each normal foot has 33 joints, 26 bones, 19 muscles, and 107 ligaments
03.01.2022 It's #factfriday! . Have you heard of "sleeping with one eye open"? That's how dolphins catch their Zzzs! . One side of the dolphin's brain stays awake when they are sleeping, helping the dolphin avoid drowning in the water. Yes! dolphins also need to breathe like us... . Dolphins slumber by resting in the water, either vertically or horizontally, or while swimming slowly with another dolphin . They also have periods of deep sleep floating at the surface of the water like a log See more
02.01.2022 Sixteen F-6 units designed specifically for home learning are now available on MAPPEN. Confidentially teach science, the humanities, the capabilities, design and technology whether you are in the classroom or remote. Expertly written integrated units... Simple to setup and easy to use Four units to chose from at each level Rich, engaging and student friendly activities Concepts: Discovery, Social Justice, Sustainability & Change For those in Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, it's 100% free if you register as a whole school: For everyone else please get in touch via
02.01.2022 Thanks to the amazing work of our tireless content team we now have 6 additional learning sequences available on MAPPEN Home Learning. That brings the total to 14 integrated learning sequences available for teachers to assign for students remotely! - Sustainability (F, 1&2, 3&4, 5&6)... - Change (F, 1&2, 3&4, 5&6) - Social Justice (3&4*, 5&6*) - Discovery (F, 1&2*, 3&4*, 5&6*) Work is well underway for the F and 1&2 Social Justice learning sequences and will be published as soon as it's ready. * We have published the first batch of activities in these learning sequences so that they are ready to start assigning to students. The remaining activities will be completed over the next few of weeks.
02.01.2022 Venice is sinking on average about 1 to 2 millimeters per year. . Climate change studies suggest that Venice could be underwater by as soon as 2100 . Have you visited Venice?
02.01.2022 Stay strong Victoria! Were with you. MAPPEN online learning is now available FREE to all Victorian schools to assist with distance-education! . Providing a seamless education for students is our #1 priority . To find out how easy it is for your school to sign up and access free lesson plans (written by curriculum experts) and support visit
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