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23.01.2022 We’re pretty proud of this one... Southern Rod & Custom

21.01.2022 Ocean Grind’s new website, great result! Congrats guys

17.01.2022 || WHAT IS WEB DESIGN || Yes... Photos are important too, especially strategically and professional quality photos... BUT... It's more than that... || PART 2 of 4 ||

17.01.2022 In my best 'Barny's voice' from how i met your mother... Haveeeee you met Sonya Noonan?? SONYA NOONAN... Director / Project Manager I am so excited to be joining forces with Chris Rankin this year. To be able to offer strategic and solution focused websites to businesses is something that I have wanted to do for a while. I see there is a great need to help business owners promote their businesses through modern, cost effective websites. My role is to implement our clients plans and strategy so that their ideal website can be built. I can not wait to help you all.

13.01.2022 || WHAT IS WEB DESIGN || Ok... So we now know what web design 'is not'... SO WHAT IS IT??!! First & foremost it is an opportunity... An opportunity to make an impression... You often no longer get the opportunity to 'shake-hands' and assess whether you want to do business with this person... Sadly an impression has already happened after a few key word searches on google and/or social media...... If they don't like what they see, they move on to the next business (don't be fooled, your product/service is highly unlikely to be unique in the globalised world we live in...)!! But what if they do like what they see...?? You have a great opportunity at converting that interest into a 'lead'... And if the website/marketing is done well, potentially a sale there and then... And if done 'really well'... Ongoing sales... Then comes the 'raving fan'... Whereby if your website/marketing/product/service/ after sales support is done so well you capture a customer for life and they become walking sales reps that sign-up everyone they know for you! ...Of course even for those occasions, you must provide a simply way for these new free-flowing 'prospects' to see what you offer, make an impression and ultimately make it easy for them to 'buy' and join the experience

13.01.2022 || WHAT TO DO NOW || Timelines!! The objective is set, the functionality completely worked out, the budget is sorted... So, when will it be finished?!!... Ahhhh... The 2nd elephant in the room is revealed... As much as we would love it to be true, it's not as simple to go 'snap, crackle, pop' and BAM! You have a website... Unless you want something that looks incomplete OR something that belongs in the early 90s?!!... Thought not... There are a few factors to consider: 1. Content... Google loves content, google and other search engines alike are in the business of providing 'GREAT RESULTS' to their customers (whilst we don't have access to the 'secret source/sauce' we can surmise based on what the search engine tells us developers and based off experience). Let's make this clear, Google sees your website as good if customers stay on your site, look around and go back often... You will be rewarded handsomely for this (#1 ranking). Given the emphasis on content, it needs to be good... And good content takes time, if not provided by yourself, a copy writer must be engaged and given time to write good copy specific to your business. Oh... Did we mention the most common reason for a website not being completed on time or at all is... Drum-roll please... The client says they will do it/provide it... But never do... Regardless of the amount of follow-up from the developer (often many hours spent). 2. Complexity of the site... So you've got grand plans and are ready to invest!! Fantastic... Except... the more complex the site (more pages, more SEO, more functionality, more INPUTTTT... Sorry, Johnny #5 reference...) the longer it takes to complete. 3. Workload... We understand all customers are important and all will be treated as VIPs however i have to break it to you... Nobody is paying a skilled employee wages for them to sit and await your call... Unless you are prepared to pay 10x everyone else's quote... Even then, we wouldn't keep the staff member as they'd get bored... This being the case, there's a good chance you'll be scheduled by the project manager when the resources are available! This may be 4 weeks+ out before a start can be made... Some developers prefer to production line the process and can have parts completed as their staff become available, it still may take 4 weeks or more but it will be built in stages... Other developers will start a project and keep going until it is complete, meaning you could wait 4 weeks for it to begin but the site is done in a week or 2... Hopefully this provides some insight into the 'workings' of the mysterious 'web design' process!

11.01.2022 || WHAT IS WEB DESIGN || Getting back to this series... It does not become your entire marketing efforts... No matter how good your website is, you need a comprehensive Marketing Plan and website should complement this plan, potentially being a key ingredient, but never the only ingredient...... It would be like trying to bake a cake and just adding 'flour'... Then wondering why 'nothing is happening' when you put it in the oven... ...Actually i'm fairly sure it would just go brown and yuck or blow-around everywhere in the oven, maybe even catch fire... **excuse me whilst i test this theory

11.01.2022 || WHAT IS WEB DESIGN || So everyone and their dog seems to be a 'web designer' these days... So what is web design? || PART 1 of 4 ||

11.01.2022 It all started with a coffee & lunch whilst working at Timboon Railway Shed Distillery ...Just a few samples of the fun project we’ve been working on for Will & the crew at Leishman Lager, with plenty more to come... website, logo, packaging designs, point of sale: posters, coasters and bar runners... shout-out to Reece from Nacho Station for the beautiful designs and hardwork #websitedesign #marketing #beer #leishmanlager #logo #packagingdesign

10.01.2022 Well... We sure have been busy in the GO studio of late... Here's a sneak peek of a few of the projects we've completed recently

09.01.2022 || WHAT TO DO NOW || So now you know what you want your website to achieve, you can measure this objective and you even know what functionality is required in order to achieve your goals... Now what??!!... Budget time... That's right... We're onto the 1st of 2 elephants that stand in the room... The 'dirty word' budget... Better known as 'what you need to invest'... There's no use expecting a Ferrari if you can only afford a Honda... Time and time again we hear people say "just copy that page..." OR "we want it to look like XYZ company..." Often their competitor or supplier, often a website that was built by a 'team of designers/developers' with a budget the size of your organisations 'annual turnover' or 3... All of this is fine... As long as you are aware and prepared for the investment to match the build required! Be clear on what you have to spend from the start, if $5k is your limit, let the web designer know a ball-park figure (even if you say, between $3-5k is your max, depending on what the site will do for your business). To give you a 'rough' estimate (yes, we have people come to us expecting this to cost $500...); a business that requires an app developed, a website, a shopping cart implemented, a login portal component, SEO, Content copy, Flexible CMS, Imagery, Social Media setup & links, etc... You're looking at easily very little change from $20k ex GST... A template website with hosting & domain registration for 12 months with 5 pages, you provide all the content will be all you get for $500 ex GST (if you're lucky...) This is why it is important to be clear on your objective, have the ability to measure it and know what functionality you will need to achieve it in order to avoid disappointment and/or become confused on the investment required P.s. Expect a deposit to be required before commencement for websites over $1,000... And probably full payment upfront for websites under $1,000... Would you be happy to take the risk of getting $5,000+ into a project only to have the client pull the pin with no way to recoup the wages you've already paid (there's no 'physical' item to take back and resell remember...)??

08.01.2022 || WHAT IS WEB DESIGN || You definitely must share what you have to offer and why you do what you do but please... This is not an autobiography (unless it is a website about you or your autobiography )... Word smith is key! || PART 3 of 4 ||

08.01.2022 CHRIS RANKIN It is with great pleasure to bring aboard the skill set of a very diligent and progressive business person, in Sonya Noonan, to take over the rains of GO since its launch, with rapid growth there has been an opportunity to focus on sales and share the strategy and solutions with a business entrepreneur veteran! The collaboration between Ask The Bookkeeper & Get Online is now set in stone for many years to come, exciting times! In charge of sales and previously solutions at Get Online. My role in sales is to discuss plans and strategy with clients directly in order to develop their ideal website.

06.01.2022 We’re pretty proud of this website build... Thanks to Shane & Wendy and the @southern_rod_custom crew for the opportunity, glad you guys are happy! Special shout-out to Ben @nightowlproductions_ outstanding work on the vids mate, the result wouldn’t be the same without them... Here’s a few snaps of the mobile-friendly view #webdesign #getonline #websitelaunch

06.01.2022 || WHAT TO DO NOW || So you've got a solid objective in place! You now know you want to sell items online and exactly how many sales you want your website to achieve... GREAT!! But it doesn't stop there... Now it is important to discuss 'what functionality' you want it to have, does it need a shopping cart? Well if you want to sell products via your website then the answer here is a 'definitive' YES... But what does your shopping cart need? Will you want to offer discounts? W...ill you want your customers to setup accounts? Will it be beneficial to have your store on Facebook too? What about the analytics to check sales? What about shipping, what will it cost? As you can see from just a single 'functionality' - shopping cart, your website needs in order to sell products, there's a lot to consider!

02.01.2022 Hot off the press! +responsive +blog capability +simple +easy to use CMS (Content Management System) so the owner can easily update/control their entire website... Ask us how you too can 'Get Online' and in front of your customers! Intro price $499 ex GST, only for the month of September 2015! *Terms & Conditions apply

02.01.2022 Just a sneak peek... Coming Soon... #recentprojects #smartdevicefriendly #easycontentmanagement #customcoding

01.01.2022 || WHAT TO DO NOW || So now you know what web design is... "what do you do now?!!"... Don't bother with a website (or any type of marketing activity for that matter) without setting a solid objective... You are effectively setting a goal for what you want it to achieve, because you've set this goal, you're able to test and measure the outcome as well hold the business developing your website accountable to that goal. Without testing and measuring you may be throwing 'good money' after bad... Make it clear, if you want it to generate leads, how many? Per year? Per month? Per week? Be specific!

01.01.2022 Ooooooo... Aaaaaaa... Another new 'shiny' site being built Featuring; _simple design _shopping cart... _video HOW TOs _financial calculators _responsive (Smart Phone/Tablet friendly) _simple CMS (easy for the client to maintain themselves) #watchthisspace

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