Get Street Fit in Gold Coast, Queensland | Gym/Physical fitness centre
Get Street Fit
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 410 340 179
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22.01.2022 Active birth positions I’ve been moving around in different positions, in particular pelvic tilts, rocks and circles, to keep my pelvis mobile and stable, but also getting the baby into an optimal position for birth. I’m often doing this either sitting on a fitball, laying over a fitball, or over different objects while standing or on my knees. I’m just getting used to what all the different positions feel like so when the big day comes I’ll have a good idea of what I lik...e and what I don’t like. Regardless of how I birth, I know that these movements are doing me some good I often incorporate these movements now into my workouts, and will move on the fitball every night while Guy and I watch TV. Yesterday, I practiced some of these positions leaning over the pool fence after my meditative relaxing float. It was so beautiful with my back to the sun, just being in my own zone, somehow blocking out the noise Guy and the kids playing in the pool behind me #activebirth #birthpreparation
20.01.2022 Can I still do weight training during pregnancy? The answer to this question isn’t straight forward. If you were weight training before you fell pregnant, and know how to activate your deep abdominals correctly, then yes, by all means continue, however you will need to start modifying and deloading over time, especially from about the 20 week mark. For me personally, the above photo represents the equipment I’m currently using in my workouts. I’ve ditched the barb...ells and am using more bands and light weights. This is because I’m listening to what my body has been saying, and I know these are safe for me. I’ve moved to very low resistance and Pilates style exercises. If you’ve been resistance training and would like to continue, it is is recommended that you start reducing the load/weights but increase your reps (say 12-15 for more endurance type training instead of your hypertrophy reps), and increase your hamstring and glute exercises, activating your TVA correctly, as well as adding in some pelvic floor exercises. So, what exercises are safe? This is by no means an exhaustive list, but may give you a couple of ideas (and some@of these shouldn’t be done after about 20 weeks): Pull movements: - Close grip seated row - Close grip lat pull down - Single arm bent over row - Band pulls Push movements: - Seated chest press - Incline push up on knees - Shoulder press (in saggital plane)- although try not to do too much of these Legs: - Squats (mid stance) - Lunges (close stance/ functional stance) - Crab walks- banded or unbanded - Standing cable work- abduction, adduction - Modified deadlift Remember, listen to your body. If you’re feeling any pressure at all through your pelvic floor with any sort of lifts, then STOP and reduce the load or regress this exercise IMMEDIATELY, as you could potentially be doing damage to your pelvic floor. #getstreetfit #activepregnacy #stayhealthy #getactive #pregnancyexercise #safepregnancyexercise
20.01.2022 CAN I STILL DO HIIT TRAINING DURING PREGNANCY? Well, it really depends! Essentially yes, you can continue with your HIIT training, HOWEVER, you will need to modify the exercises to make it suitable for pregnancy. Many HIIT sessions include a lot of plyometric/ jumping type exercises which put A LOT of pressure through the pelvic floor region. So instead of your jump squats or plyometric lunges, you should modify to static squats (without the jump), and static lunges. Keep in... mind that with the relaxin hormone pumping around the body, you do not want to go too deep with these exercises either (especially lunges), therefore past 20 weeks or so keep a short stance and short strides (think like you’re wearing a mini-skirt) and think about really squeezing your glutes to make these exercises as effective as possible. Other exercises to modify could include the push up (do this on your knees and/ or on an incline) as a full push up puts a lot of strain through your abdominals, and much of the population do not perform this exercise with good technique. Keep your row/ pull movements nice and controlled too, think about keeping your shoulders back and down. Think about modifying the core exercises also, so that they’re suitable for your stage in pregnancy too (ie. no crunches!). Stay off your back after 16 weeks, use a fitball to assist you, or move into a prone tabletop position. Make sure your core exercises and SLOW and CONTROLLED, really making sure you’re activating your deep abdominals correctly. Remember, listen to your body. If you’re feeling pressure through your pelvic floor, then stop and regress this exercise IMMEDIATELY, as you could potentially be doing damage. Here’s a little workout I did recently- I wrote the program for one of my groups and modified the exercises to suit my stage of pregnancy (18 weeks). See comments for exercises and timing. So in summary, reduce the intensity and reduce the impact. Happy training! Oh, and check out Cadenshae for the gorgeous maternity activewear that I’m wearing here... #getstreetfit #activepregnacy #stayhealthy #getactive #pregnancyexercise #safepregnancyexercise
19.01.2022 There have been a few changes to the Get Street Fit structure recently, and I’m excited to announce that the new direction for GSF will be towards delivering 1:1 Personal Training and Private small group sessions. So, what are the benefits of PT or private small group training? Well the answer is simple: your training sessions will be SPECIFIC to YOU (and your workout buddy). I can’t promise I won’t give you exercises you hate, especially if you need them , but it means exercises and sessions are tailored to exactly what you and and your body need to reach your health and fitness goals Online personal training will also be available if you don’t reside on the Gold Coast. Contact me for further information So, please do me a favour- if you don’t already do so, head on over to Instagram and give @getstreetfit a follow
18.01.2022 Push-ups during Pregnancy We know that during pregnancy the woman’s body changes immensely, and it is for this reason that as pregnancy progresses, exercises should be modified accordingly. I always knew that some sort of core is engaged during the standard push up, however didn't realize until I started showing in my pregnancy, just how much the core is engaged, even when regressing the exercise! The reason this is so important because during pregnancy the abdominals sta...rt to separate to give baby more space. If we start to see a ‘doming’ of the abdominals during an exercise, usually when the core is not engaged properly, this is putting undue pressure on the rectus abdominus, and can cause more damage, or worsen diastasis recti (ab separation), making it much harder to recover and fix post partum. The further the pregnancy progresses, the harder it can become to engage the core properly. The best way to tell if you need to start modifying is if you’re trying to engage your core and can still see the ‘doming’ of your stomach/ abs. By about 15-20 weeks, I recommend moving to at least an incline push up or even move to the wall. The other option is to stay in prone table top, with knees under hips and hands under shoulders, and lower your shoulders towards the floor. From about 30 weeks, I could even still see doming on myself when not activating my core properly on a wall push up! It’s a reminder to stop, reset, and go again. If there is still doming, modify and regress the exercise further. Remember, the goal of exercising during pregnancy isn’t to make gains, but to keep our bodies moving and active to help prepare for childbirth and post partum. I highly recommend seeking a trainer who is QUALIFIED in pre/post natal exercise to help you. Personal Trainers who have not done the extra qualification should NOT be training pregnant women- so make sure you ask! I would also recommend working with a women’s health physiotherapist throughout your pregnancy to make sure you’re on track pelvic floor wise #activepregnancy #pregnancyexercise #safepregnancyexercise
18.01.2022 With so many public holidays coming up, plus me taking a few sneaky days off to recharge, I thought I’d better post upcoming session times for the next couple of weeks. Please make sure you remember to book into your sessions via the app or website. Happy Easter all!
13.01.2022 Coffee- yummmmmm!! But what’s the safe amount of caffeine you can consume during pregnancy? . Well, it's been just on 16 weeks and I’m just emerging out of the first trimester fog. One aversion that I've had has been to coffee. And those of you who know me well know that I've always been a big coffee lover! My local coffee shop @jekyll_and_hyde_coffee_lab knew something was up with me when I stopped coming in each day for my coffee! (Big shout out to these guys for ha...ving the best coffee and the best staff on the coast ). . So, now that I’m feeling better and feeling like I can drink coffee again, it started me thinking- how much caffeine in pregnancy is safe to consume? How many coffees a day does this equate to? . Well, the answer is never black and white, however generally speaking a conservative recommendation is about 200mg a day, which equates to 1-2 cups of coffee (small coffees), or a cup of coffee and a cup of black tea. As caffeine is passed on to the foetus, and the foetus takes some time to process this caffeine, it is best to not have too much. . I came across a great podcast about this. Although it is American based, it gives some great information as to the how's and why’s of coffee consumption during pregnancy, and what would be considered safe. Check out @pregnancypodcast on Instagram, or visit . You make your own decision here, but for me, I’ll drink a (small) coffee here and there if I feel like it, and then I’m happy with a black tea (which still has caffeine) and some peppermint tea/s (no caffeine) to get me though the day :) (and who knows, I’ll probably start the raspberry leaf tea before long!) ;) . Happy sipping! . PS- there is also a podcast on tea drinking during pregnancy too which is great. . #getstreetfit #activepregnacy #stayhealthy #getactive #pregnancyexercise #pregnancynutrition See more
09.01.2022 Cardio HIIT Monday afternoon gold! So great to have the footy boys and a couple of friends come join me again for a session this afternoon... The focus of this session was heart rate and a full body banger- I think they got more than they bargained for #getstreetfit #HIIT #circuit #cardio #bodybanger #footyboys #oldboys #broadbeachcatsoldboys
08.01.2022 THE PELVIC FLOOR IN PREGNANCY After the 5 day Pelvic Floor Challenge I completed last week, I thought it might be timely to write a quick post on the pelvic floor and the important role that plays. Please note that I am in no way an expert, so if you’re ever in doubt, please see a Women’s Health Physiotherapist who will be able to instruct you and give you feedback on how you’re holding etc. In short, the pelvic floor is a group of muscles that line the floor of the pelv...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Workout at 37 weeks Squat hold plus row. This is where you need to listen to your body and do what works and feels best for you. My goal right now is not to build muscle, but to maintain what I have, keep moving, and help get my body prepared for the (possible) marathon of labour and a newborn. You’ll notice my squat isn’t too deep- this is because this is the time of your pregnancy where you need to listen to your body and move with how it feels best. For me during this... workout, this is what felt best for me (although probably should have tucked my butt in slightly ). You may have noticed I haven’t posted a workout for quite some time, this is because I’ve really struggled with extreme fatigue, especially between 25-32 weeks gestation (I had an iron infusion a few weeks ago) and I really had to listen to my body. I would walk the dog each morning but often lacked the energy to do an extra workout or do too much more. Now the infusion has kicked in, I’m feeling great (despite the general fatigue that comes with this late stage of pregnancy ) . (For those of you who know me, this is my own home studio, so I’m not illegally training anywhere lol! This is my personal set up for the family and I to use, so is safe environment for me to be in). If you’re pregnant and looking for some great workout ideas that are SAFE and APPROPRIATE for your stage in pregnancy, then I recommend you get onto @physiolaura . Laura has also been offering free active birth classes via Insta Live, so definitely check it out for some active labouring positions #activepregnancy #activebirth #activelabour #stayactive #staysafe
07.01.2022 Finally feeling well enough to do some workouts! Today I am 15 weeks along in my pregnancy journey with bub #3, and this little miss has put on quite a show so far! Today I completed 3 rounds of the following exercises (which are all safe to do at my point in the pregnancy), starting with a walk with the dog for a warm up Squat hold and pulses x 1 min Push ups x 12 Suspension trainer row x 12 Glute bridge hold x 1 min ... Glute bridge pulses x 1 min Glute bridge on toes x 1 min Glute bridge with leg extension x 1 min Clam x 12 rep e/s Pelvic floors to finish Thank you @physiolaura for the inspiration for this workout and keeping me on track! #pregnancyworkout #startingtofeelbetter #getstreetfit #activepregnancy See more
05.01.2022 I’ve had a few requests recently to run a couple of sessions at the studio again, so I just thought I’d put it out there to see if anyone was interested in joining in with us? At this stage it will be Tuesdays and Fridays at 930am. Happy for you to bring kids/ babies (but remember they’re you’re responsibility ) This will be for all levels of fitness- I will progress/ regress the exercises for you accordingly. If you’re expecting a baby, or recently had a bub like me, then this will be perfect for you too. Contact me if you’re keen!
05.01.2022 Come join us on our mats tomorrow morning for a whole body stretch, strengthen and release with @amber_theyogalady. We look forward to seeing you there for some ‘you’ time Suitable for all levels of fitness. 9.30am Tuesday, at the studio #yoga #getstreetfit #mindbodyconnection #bonoginyoga
05.01.2022 It’s been a while since my last post, and a lot has been going on in my world. However, I’m happy to say that this week was the first week in a couple of months that I managed to train... and 3 days in a row, plus a light run! Morning sickness has a lot to answer for, however I knew it was much more important for me to take care of myself and listen to my body, than pushing myself to the point of exhaustion, putting me and potentially my little baby at risk. So, that being s...aid, yes, I’m expecting baby #3 in April, and this time a little girl! I’m slowly coming out of the first trimester fog, starting to feel better, although I need to be careful not to overdo it. I’m hoping to keep active and healthy this pregnancy, so watch this space!
04.01.2022 IS IT SAFE TO START EXERCISING DURING PREGNANCY? ABSOLUTELY!! There is a higher risk of NOT exercising at all during pregnancy, than the risk of starting exercise. If you’ve not exercised much before you fell pregnant, then it is completely safe to start exercising, however keep in mind the frequency, duration, and intensity of the sessions you are doing. ACOG (2009) guidelines suggest mild- moderate intensity, low impact aerobic/resistance/ pilates exercise for 20-...40 minutes, at least 3-4 times a week. So a combination of both aerobic and resistance exercise is recommended in healthy women who don’t have any pregnancy complications. Exercise requirements will also change during each trimester, so please keep this in mind. A god way of looking at exercise during pregnancy, is MOVEMENT FOR HEALTH, rather than movement for fitness. First trimester- essentially do all that you’re able to do. Second trimester- start modifying the exercises, especially from about 16-20 weeks. Third trimester- do what you’re able to physically do, listen to your body. Exercise during and after pregnancy generally has 3 main aims; Protecting the skeleton (of the mother), protecting the abdominals and protecting the pelvic floor. As not all exercises are safe during pregnancy, it is important that you see a trainer/ provider who has a sound understanding of safe exercise prescription during and after pregnancy. A great place to start is to see a women’s health physiotherapist who can assist you. There are amazing online programs too, such as Physio Laura who offer great resources, workouts and tips on pregnancy safe exercises, or see your local pre/post natal QUALIFIED trainer who can assist to put you in the right direction. Not all personal trainers are qualified to train pregnant women (very few trainers are actually qualified to do so). So in summary, START EXERCISING, but be smart about what you do and how you do it, and listen to your body! #getstreetfit #activepregnacy #stayhealthy #getactive #pregnancyexercise #safepregnancyexercise
04.01.2022 Thank you Physio Laura and Lenny Rose Active for teaming up to gift the the most wonderful prize from last months Pelvic Floor Challenge! I love the amazing Ultimate Nursing Bra from Lenny Rose Active, and so much so I ordered me a gorgeous tank top too! The Ultimate Nursing Bra is so supportive (even with me being so tiny!), and will be incredible once bubs arrives to feed her. I searched high and low for nice functional maternity/ nursing activewear when I had my tw...o boys 7&6 years ago, but nothing existed. So glad to have found this! The Racerback Tank top is so amazingly soft and comfortable to wear- perfect for during pregnancy and can also be used post partum for nursing. Lenny Rose Active is designed by a Physiotherapist Mumma and their products are supportive in all the right places! Go check them out #thankful #lennyroseactive #activepregnancy #26weekspregnant @ Gold Coast, Queensland
03.01.2022 Challenge yourself, and you will be rewarded! Results don’t come easy, it takes hard work and dedication, however that sense of achievement you get when you reach your goals is the best feeling in the world! YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS! 1:1 Personal training and private group sessions are now available. Contact me for more information.
02.01.2022 WHO’S IN? . Challenge starts this Monday 13 July. . Contact Sherryn for more info.
01.01.2022 Come join us on our mats for a morning of whole body, toe to crown, whole body stretch strengthen and release with Amber Rebecca Ryan, The Yoga Lady. See you there for some ‘you’ time and sharing beautiful energies 9.30, Tuesday at the studio, $10.
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