Gevi the wombat | Local business
Gevi the wombat
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23.01.2022 Dear friends, it is with deep sadness that I write to let you know that yesterday, our precious Gervais lost his three year battle to Adrenocortical cancer. Gervais would always bring up Gevi the Wombat. You must all know that what you each did, meant so much to him. And he was so grateful. Gervais would get excited about the future of Gevi as he felt this wombat had special powers and could help many more people. He'd think up ideas with me of what else Gevi could do, he'd... say, "there's work to do here Katarina" and then he'd tell me about "Wombank" - a coin bank for kids, or which slant he wants "Gevi's Veggies" (recipe book for kids) to take. Typical of Gervais' spirit & attitude which inspired all of us around him to focus on the good, wholesome things in life. Your prayers for his beautiful wife & kids are much appreciated. RIP champ.
22.01.2022 The North Face 100... WE MADE IT!!!
11.01.2022 All still standing!
08.01.2022 Well hello hello! Gevi the brave Wombat here! Many ask about Gervais (the face behind the name.. & the fur). You can view his video & all that he's up to on: ... Will keep you all posted with the latest news! Watch this space!
02.01.2022 Dear friends, Some of you have been inquiring how to get copies of Gevi the Wombat. Here's how: 1) Like this post and comment with your name & the number of books you'd like to purchase. We will get in touch with you to obtain the postal address to which we'll send the books... 2) Payments to be made to Adrenocortical Cancer Foundation Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000 Account no: 144 246 212 The books will be mailed within 24 hours of receipt of payment. Thank you all.