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Glen Forrest Primary School in Glen Forrest, Western Australia, Australia | School

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Glen Forrest Primary School

Locality: Glen Forrest, Western Australia, Australia

Phone: +61 8 9298 6200

Address: 34 Tillbrook Street 6071 Glen Forrest, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 The HUB was a hive of activity today as a small group of parents got things ready for the first P&C hosted event for 2021, 'Cinema Under Starlight' THIS SATURDAY (20th February). Food and raffle tickets available for purchase. Free entertainment starts at 6pm followed by The Lego Batman Movie from 8pm. Thanks to the generous sponsors and parents for supporting our P&C with donations and prizes.

23.01.2022 PBS Update: Welcome back, albeit a slightly different start to the year, all staff and students are settling into routine well. Our first focus lesson this week is a review of our whole school expectations and matrix. Teachers are busy discussing with students ideas to come up with a menu of acknowledgements for the class raffles. Each list will be individual choices from student suggestions in that class. Pictured below is Mrs. Sheppard's year 1/2 class brain storming ideas and Mrs. Dunne's year 5 class completed menu. We as a staff are excited to continue to evolve and implement our PBS vision for GFPS in 2021

23.01.2022 School is back tomorrow. A reminder to parents coming onto the school grounds masks must be worn under the state government restriction criteria. Edit: due to these restrictions parents will not be permitted to watch 100's club this week. Thank you.

22.01.2022 WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY - Friday, 14 May 2021! National Walk Safely to School Day campaign encourages all primary school children, and their parents/carers to walk safely and regularly to school. Walking regularly is the best exercise because you can build it into your daily routine. If you need to use the car, try leaving it a distance from the school and walk the rest of the way. Join us on Friday, 14 May!

22.01.2022 Today Miss Ward presented Dymocks book vouchers, kindly sponsored by Earnshaws Real Estate, to the recipients of this week's PBS awards. Class awards went to Sachi, Raven and Annalie along with an Art award which was presented to Djinda.

21.01.2022 HAVE YOU SEEN THE MURAL? A big thank you to Rob McLeod and the O'Leary family, who came in during the holidays to paint this fabulous visual. Our oversized mascots greet us on a daily basis as a constant reminder of our school wide expectations. It's great to see the students standing by admiring it. Once again, much appreciation goes out to Rob and the O'Leary's, it is awesome!!

20.01.2022 Our focus expectation is Caring and Kind with the emphasis on including others. Modelling and teaching of the expectation commenced this week. Is your daughter a gal who is everyone’s pal? Is your son the dude who likes to include? Ask your child; Do you include?’, What does inclusion look like, sound like and feel like? ... At GFPS we are CARING AND KIND & WE INCLUDE OTHERS, the teachers are keeping their eyes peeled for students demonstrating this important expectation.

20.01.2022 Under the big kahuna bucket was traditional way to start the day at Adventure World for the year 6s final primary school excursion!

20.01.2022 What is inclusion? In the playground it can be; asking someone to join in your game or sitting and talking to the student who is sat alone on the buddy bench. In the classroom it can be; when working in groups asking your peer who is not in a group to come join yours. There are many ways to include others and sometimes they don’t get noticed but by spreading kindness at our school we can live by our motto Proud to Belong

18.01.2022 As our focus expectation moves from Striving to do our best to Caring and Kind, we are happy to see the completed mascot colouring in pages popping up around the school. The students have taken great pride in their colouring in and having them displayed in the classroom is a constant reminder to do our best.

14.01.2022 Featured this week is some stunning Van Gogh inspired flowers from the Art Room. We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday and we look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday, 19 April 2021 to start term 2 (hopefully!)

13.01.2022 GREAT NEWS!!! Our Picasso Cow entry into the Australia wide competition has been awarded bronze! Congratulations to Art Specialist Ms Adele Matthews, and the Picasso Cow Art Extension students - Angus, Ginta, Yuki, Annalie, Flynn, Sam, Jaida, Isabel, Akane and Lani on an outstanding effort. They will each be awarded a certificate and the school will receive $1000. We are really very proud of your efforts team. We can't wait to introduce 'Brie' to everyone at the end of year assembly from 9.30am on Wednesday, 9 December 2020.

13.01.2022 EduDance lessons have started today for all pre-primary to year 6 students. Lessons will run every Thursday, this term. The cost for lessons is $36 per student, due by next Thursday. You are welcome to pay by cash, EFT or direct deposit 066-115 account # 00902925

12.01.2022 Salaka Drumming Incursion was held today. The drumming performance included an impromptu dance lesson for staff. Drumming group workshops followed which enabled students to play a variety of instruments and were enthusiastically enjoyed by all. We would like to thank performers from African Beat for visiting us today.

12.01.2022 Talking of inclusion....we wonder who was including who? Was it Mrs. Sheppard or Oscar? Great synergising in the playground yesterday.

11.01.2022 From the GF School Board Last Chance.............. Please help us by filling out the infrastructure survey

10.01.2022 This week the senior teachers delivered the lesson on being caring and kind, embracing and considering differences. Teachers not only talked about external differences but the internal too. The students participated in a fun activity to demonstrate what makes us different makes us interesting: Everyone received a piece of paper; it was divided into three sections. The student drew a head and neck on their original piece, folded it over and passed it to the person beside them. On the folded piece each student drew a torso in the middle section, folded it and passed to the person beside them. On the final section each person drew the legs and feet. They then traded that piece with another student and revealed the completed person. Everyone was different and this is reflected in real life. We are all different and unique!

08.01.2022 What's new for 2021!! As our ongoing commitment to PBS gains momentum we will have some new and exciting visuals popping up around the school ready for the commencement of the 2021 schooling year. Keep an eye out for one in particular that we hope will have maximum impact on everyone who walks through our school - acting as a great reminder of our expectations.

08.01.2022 Have you noticed our new PBS signs around the school? We now have fabulous visuals, unique to our school, representing our 4 expected behaviours. These are there to remind us, on a daily basis, to be...Responsible, Kind and Caring, Respectful and Striving to be our Best. Check them out!

08.01.2022 A big THANK YOU to our hardworking P&C members and for the ongoing support of our wonderful families. The Colour Fun Run was a big hit with our students. What a fantastic fundraising event to end the year! Thanks also to the Glen Forrest VBFB and Hills Fresh in Mundaring. Video courtesy of Em Andrews

07.01.2022 Last Thursday, the weather was perfect for teacher Michael Mathews, Principal Colin Chisholm and EA Liesl Wilding to take our Year 6s on an excursion to Carnac Island. They all enjoyed a catamaran ride to the island and as they arrived at Carnac Island, they were greeted by a pod of dolphins nearby and resident sea lions lazing on the beach. The students were given an educational talk about the history and ecosystems in and around the island. Then in small groups, they had ...the unique opportunity to go snorkelling. The snorkelling was great opportunity for the students to support and encourage one another, as some students had not done it before. The goal of an excursion early in the year is to give students the opportunity to strengthen their current friendships and build new ones in a special and memorable experience such as this. We’d like to thank Justin Harris, Jundamurra Phillips, and Rebecca Wallis for volunteering to help on the day. See more

07.01.2022 A big thank you to the Gayler family for their donation of 'Billie B Brown' books and book ends for the MultiLit program. Your generosity is much appreciated. If anyone has unwated books taking up valuable space, why not check in with Sally Roberts to see if they would be suitable for the program.

06.01.2022 From the GF Library............ It’s stocktake time and library is closed for borrowing for the remainder of the year. Please encourage your children to return their library books to school. They are welcome to drop them into the front office if the library is closed.... Now is also a great time to look for and return any Glen Forrest Primary School library books or reading books, you may find at home (no questions asked!). Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

06.01.2022 From the GF School Board School Uniform 2021.............. All students will be expected to wear the approved school uniform from beginning of Term 1, 2021. Please see attached document that outlines uniforms.... EXEMPTIONS: Year 6 will be exempt from having to wear the approved school uniform. Year 5s will be expected to be wearing the approved school uniform HOWEVER, if there is NO STOCK then an exemption will be granted.

05.01.2022 We would like to send out a special thank you to the lady who dropped off a box of beautifully made library bags to the school to be given to families in need. We didn't get her name (and she didn't want to be in a photo!) but we really appreciate her care and thought.

05.01.2022 Rewind Wednesday is back! At last week's assembly we saw how not to treat people who we perceive as different. Do we exclude someone because they cannot catch a ball or their hairstyle isn't right for us? Do we exclude someone from a group because they do not have neat handwriting? NO! Everyone is unique and therefore different in some way. We all have our strengths as well as our weaknesses. Accept people for their differences and always be inclusive. Be Caring and Kind, embrace and consider everyone for who they are.

05.01.2022 How lucky are we! Our beautiful and thoughtful chaplain gave each one of our female staff a gift to honour us on Mother's day. Thank you Hellen your kind and considerate regard for others is humbling.

04.01.2022 The first 'Tech Club' challenge was to hoist a ping pong ball as high as possible from off the floor using just newspaper and paperclips. Students worked together in teams to meet the challenge. Mr Bosworth and Mr Mathews hold 'Tech Club' every Thursday and Friday lunchtime from 1pm in the Media room. Students who have been attending have so much fun (and Mr Bosworth puts on music from our new sound system).

03.01.2022 The focus during Art Lessons this week was... Endangered species of Chameleons and frogs and the loss of their habitats. Students created some fantastic art work and these are just a few examples.

02.01.2022 Congratulations to Oscar and Charlotte, Vivienne and Dean, this week's PBS award recipients. Today they were each presented with a Dymocks book voucher kindly donated by Earnshaws Real Estate.

02.01.2022 Our student leadership group, along with Mr Mathews and Mrs Richardson, took the train to Fremantle this morning for a fun day of team building. Mr Mathews' team just edged out a win at the Escape Hunt Experience before they headed to The Esplanade Park for some activities then over to the harbour for lunch.

01.01.2022 Dear GPS Families We need your help with feedback in regards to plans the Board is working towards for the future of GFPS's core infrastructure. Thanks in advance, The School Board

01.01.2022 Thanks to all families who participated in our survey, including those who text their preference. Results were close with only 7% difference! This was to be expected as there are valid reasons for each timeslot. Regretfully, we can’t accommodate everyone but we are still expecting to have a great turnout, as the students are very excited and have been working hard to master their routines. As a result of the survey, and conversations with our Edu-Dance Teacher, the concert will be held at 2pm on Thursday, 1 April 2021. This gives plenty of time for each class to perform and parents will be able to take their children straight after the concert if necessary. We are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday afternoon. If you are unable to attend, hopefully you will be able to send someone along to record or take photos for you.

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